Gaylord Barragan: masturbate
Glynda Darrin: watch X-Men first class
Clifford Gombos: Go outside and play with your friends.
Myesha Zerbe: You can download an app to your phone called stumble upon. It's pretty nifty. You select categories of things that interest you like photography, games, movies, drugs, anything and it gives you random websites that pertain to those interests. Or you can always go outside.
Alise Rutgers: meditate
Elmo Tervo: Oh you poor abused individual, how can anyone stay entertained with nothing more than an android, and an xbox with several hit games? My heart bleeds for you. Maybe it'll be entertaining if you give me the xbox and the games and you watch me be bored with them.
Rena Pepe: Well here are some suggestions:-Bake (cookies, fudge or any other thing. Get arecipe online)-Read a book (sounds lame, but hey, once youget into it readings never boring)-Call over some friends-Prank Call-Play a video game (even j! sut for ten minutes)-Watch a movie-Have a movie marathon - all your fav's atonce :)-Have a tv-show marathon with for examplean entire season of your fav show-Make a music video of your favorite songever!-Watch Tv-Photoshoot? (put on your favourite outfit, andtake some pictures! by urself or with friends)-play photographer! Take pictures and maybeedit them? is a very good site toedit and photovisi is excelent at makingcollages!-Draw or fill in black and white drawings! Justsearch the web and print out some cool ones-ReDecorate your room (move furniturearound)-If you can't redecorate you can alwaysredecorate surfaces - like your desk, bedsidetable, dresser etc. But not move furniturearound.-Dance , (play some music and just have fun,this you can do by yourself or invite friends orwith your siblings (if you have any))-Make a smoothie! Recipies are online-Start a Journal (sounds lame as well, but writeabout ur day and stuff, great to look back atlater.) Or you could ! start/continue writing inyour/a diary!-Give your pet a bath if! you have one-play with your pet if you have one-Have your very own spa (Bubble bath, facialmasks.) Invite friends if you can/want to-Text your whole contact list...that'll sure keepyou busy!!! Or just text (a) friend(s)-Facebook! Find a facebook game for exmapleand play play play!-Picnik or photoshop some pictures that youalready have! Or make a collage (using picturesyou alredy have)-Go to on google Maps, Street view, find yourhouse for example!-go on Skype, Msn, Facebook and chat withyour friends! ( lets you chat withstrangers (for free) you just go on the site andclick chat and it lets you talk to a randomstranger!) It's a lot of fun if you make it a prankchat! Say you own a unicorn or is about to die,have fun! + its completly safe. No info aboutyou is asked to be given up!!-Answer questions here on yahoo answersand help people!-Make a pizza!-Eat it.. Or eat anything else-Take time to try out some new hairstyles-make a to do list for today (or ! tomorrow)-play a board game, or play over the internet! has some game options-Play sims if you have that...Show more
Lawanna Livsey: You poor Baby, Do you have a deck of cards, play Solitare:)
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