Friday, 1 May 2020

Cellphone Camera?

Alise Rutgers: No, the phone company only controls your calling. It's pretty much like putting life in a human, and when you take it out, it's just a shell.The "shell", or phone, should still work properly, but she can't really call anyone without paying loads of money.

Thomas Riner: the camera still works. i have an LG camera phone for sprint and also a samsung camera phone. neither are in service but the cameras both work! :]

Minh Lefrancois: The features like the camera or anything previously downloaded should be fine. Calling except to 911 will not be poss. Honestly, it would be better to pay the cancelation fee and be done than the money she is gonna be charged (and turned into collections.. and put on her credit report. So what exactly are they in the wrong for that she is willing to go through all that crap

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