Wednesday, 27 May 2020

How is studying abroad beneficial?

Vickie Clampett: What is your home country?

Elaina Adolfson: It depends on what you want to study, and the certification you'd receive

Jackelyn Archut: If you're talking about something like a medical or law degree, it's a bad idea to study abroad. You'd need to pass licensing exams in your home country, and you wouldn't get the right preparation abroad. Why study American law if you want to practice in India or China? Why learn English-language terms in medicine or American tax issues in, say, accounting, when you need to know the right medical terms in your language or the tax issues in your own country to be an accountant there?Many other disciplines, though, wouldn't involve any problems. You'll need to check on which ones would require country-specific study and which wouldn't....Show more

Alonso Crehan: It depends but mostly studying abroad has its own benefits and they are a big deal to build your career. You should research more about what you! want to study and then decide according to the job opportunities that if it is worth all the time money and effort of you studying abroad.

Coleman Coscia: If you need specific certification to work in a particular occupation in your country, then you must study in your country to obtain that certification. There are lots of things best studied in one's own country, and some things you MUST study in your own country in order to qualify to work in that field. What don't you comprehend about that? Get a grip.

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