Tuesday, 26 May 2020

How has special education in schools changed in the last 20 years?

Garrett Detone: More budget cuts and the grades that they are allowed to a limited trust me our schools are limited with special education in the school I went to they cut it to third grade and ur kid had to stay in normal school or find a school for kids with special needs it was kinda harsh and in middle school there are no exeptions really it sucks for some of the kids in my class

Christopher Calcano: Well, like most political things it swings like a pendulum. First they want to separate all the special education students. Then they decide they need to be included in regular classes. Now with budget cuts, they are getting rid of most specially trained special education teachers and making regular teachers have special education students in their classes even though they are often not trained in how to properly educate them.What is lacking is looking at each student as an individual. Some students with special needs can function well in regular classes, so! me may not have the academic knowledge but will do well in extracurricular classes like pe, art, music, etc. for the socialization skills, some students need severe attention and cannot function even in a limited capacity with regular students. One should look at each case individually to see not only what is best for that student, but how that student's placement in regular or special education will affect the other's in the same placement....Show more

Marjory Stromme: More retards.

Bruce Calise: I'm not an educator but I was in special ed prior to graduating high school in '88 and the teachers never wanted to be bothered with me to teach me. I was a thorn in their sides and they made it very apparent. Mental health counselors in schools did not exist. If we had a problem, we had to keep it to ourselves because our guidance counselors never wanted to be bothered. In general, guidance counselors did their best to discourage us or at mine did anyway. Tests, espe! cially in our weakest subjects (my was in English), was brutal! because we seldom learned the material. If you had a weak bladder and required frequent bath breaks, you either wore a diaper and hope no one found out or you just went to bathroom all over yourself because bathroom breaks were not allowed. While special ed still has a long way to go, if the student has an I.E.P. the teacher is required to accommodate the student in way the I.E.P. mandates. If the student's I.E.P. states that he/she requires bathroom breaks the teacher has to grant it, or if the student requires extra time to complete a test the teacher has to grant it....Show more

Geraldo Mccalla: Im not an educator, in fact I was a student put into a special education program in school. I just graduated high school a few days ago and looking back at school, I have to say it was the worst thing ever. I don't belong in special education and now many students who don't belong in it are being placed there. Everything important I had to learn on my own, they system is ! messed up and needs to be changed. Not to mention no one ever wanted to talk with me since I was "that kid" in "those classes". They make it almost impossible to switch into mainstream classes. It messed up my whole high school experience socially and academical. For the student who actually do need it, the program works for them and help them develop basic skills....Show more

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