Sunday, 24 May 2020

Here's my question? Our government is spending billions of dollars a day on The War On Terror. ?

Craig Virani: Safety is pretty important in my book. You can throw billions at education, but if there aren't quality teachers and accountability, then the students are not going to achieve. Education is more of a local issue.

Roland Stampley: Currently the military loses more money than is spent on human services in the US. Fixing the schools in this country aren't a monetary peoblem however; The Netherland spends less than 2/3 per student than the U.S. and has some of the highest Ed scores in the world. In fact the U.S. spends more per student than any country. So we should ask the obvious question, is the government getting what it wants out of your childs education? Perhaps the government prefers an ignorant population. This may also explain why the U.S. is 44th in the world ranking of freedom of the press. Agian does the U.S. government prefer ignorant un informed citizens? Sure makes it easier to steal your taxes and give it to: Enron, Haliburton, Exxon, T! he Carlisle Group (co owned by the Bin Laden family) and every other politically connected firm in the country while the national debt tops $10 TRILLION....Show more

Efren Clankscales: we spend trillions of dollars on education, and look what we get. are you saying we should not worry about terrorism?

German Thal: I guess the easy answer would be that fighting terrorists is more important because the terrorist would kill students and teachers alike with their vicious attacks if we were not fighting them....Should we be spending a billion dollars a day at doing that?? Depends on who you ask. I say freedom and the safety of our American citizens is priceless. However, I also believe the social programs in our country are nothing but a joke and do nothing to actually help any of the intended "needy". How many people were ever helped by No Child Left Behind? Education is important and I truly believe every American citizen should have the access to as much as the! y want. However I do not think the government should pay for ! it. Right now one Presidential candidate thinks there is 57 states (Obama) and the other doesn not know the difference between Suni and Shiites (McCain). Yet, some people want them to control things like health care and education. I say leave that up to the private sector. Allow the people who specialize in handling those things all day everyday take care of it, and have the government support those people not those programs. Let the government help pay phenomenal teachers that would otherwise not work in an inner city school because they could not afford them, but allow the school, students, and parents make the decision of what teacher that should be.Anytime the government has historically stepped in to make things "better" or to "help" it has always ended up with less favorable results. Just look at Social Security....Show more

Gabriel Realmuto: I think you've got your answer in your question. Education is funded by the government in billions of dollars ever! y year. Each year the funding is increased and yet it seems that kids still don't learn. I'm in my 60's and I have never seen a cut in funding for education in my entire life. Just the opposite. Now the democrats will tell you that the budget gets cut every time a republican gets in the White House but when there is a cut in the budget for education it is not in the overall budget. It is always a cut in the increase in the budget from the previous year. Example: say this year's budget is 400 million and the budget for next year calls for an increase to 420 million. When the budget is cut, the only thing cut is the additional 20 million for the next year and it may or may not be the entire increase. The 400 million still goes out the next year to pay for education. Spending millions of dollars for education and continuing to spend more and more each year has not educated our kids very well. It never will as long as the federal government is involved in education. ! Additionally, all that money comes from every person that is employed ! and pays taxes in the United States including your parents. The government does not make money, it only takes money from it's citizens to pay for programs. When you go to work, how much are you willing to pay for poor results in education?...Show more

Raye Tredennick: Killing, on a global scale, is much more fun than education, don't you think?Incidentally, more people die from recreational watersports each year, than from terrorism-related incidents.Perhaps we should spend $10 billion a month in the "war on swimming"?Your commute to work is 390 times more likely to take your life, than a visit from Osama Bin Laden.Wow! Our nations highway safety could improve, quite a bit, if we spent 120 billion more dollars a year on transportation infrastructure, improved driver training, and automobile crashworthiness. That's a tad boring though, isn't it?...Show more

Burt Stoecklin: We are already spending trillions on education.The problem with public education system! is not funding, it abusive spending and corrupt teachers unions. In California the "education coalition" is a group of public employee unions that run this state and buy off corrupt politicians. Over half of the state budget is spent on education with poor results.

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