Saturday, 16 May 2020

How long will my Tivo last?

Dick Baumgarten: It depends how well you take care of it.People still are using Series 1s from back in 1999/2000.You should have it in a good UPS/Surge suppressor system, including protecting the phone/network and signal source.The most common failure is the HDD, which can be replaced by some users. It is a little more complicated than a computer drive to replace. The next is the PSU, which is a little more involved to replace. There are 3rd party repair facilities out there.Generally, Tivo will replace an in warranty unit with a reasonable fee, and an out f unit for a bit more that that, but still reasonable fee. If it is a monthly subbed Series 2, they may offer a very reasonable replacement deal....Show more

Rachal Osaki: we have a tivo in my house and it broke once so we returned it and they gave us a new one for free. i think it might have been a 1 year thing or something. since then we've had our tivo for a while and it hasnt given us any problems.

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