Sunday, 12 April 2020

What is the shift pattern for German cars?

Darrin Hixenbaugh: I have a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle. It is the simple H pattern ,except it's slanted slightly. To get to reverse, you have to push down the knob, bring it a little left, then down.

Sunshine Holets: The shift pattern on most street cars around the world is the same in left or right hand drive. The only real difference might be when shifting into reverse. This is where your friend might have to push down or pull up and move the lever to either side to get it into reverse.

Lino Cawthorne: On you shift pattern question,Pressing down, left and back was for rear engine air cooled VW'sOn maintenance cost,I believe the more cares sold, the less expensive parts are going to be.Also the older car usually has less bells and whistles making it easier to work on....Show more

Armando Somes: The pattern you spoke of is for reverse in most German trans.1st will depend on the car, my 911T had a"901" racing trans where 1st is where 2nd is located on all oth! ers. When you guys ask about insurance , this is a question for the insurance agent. No one online can tell you with the kind of information given. So as for help got to your agent.

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