Morris Olexy: first your gonna wanna upgrade your radio too atleast a pioneer 6200 pretty cheap and okay features.then a 4 channel amplifier that is 300wattsx4 atleast.the MTX subwoofer package comes with a amplifier but that amplifier is small but it will do.then you will need a 1000watt amplifier kit.then a upgrade stock battery anything more than 800CA an 950+CCAthen wire it all up.but seems too me you dont know much so what ill do first is go to a professional and watch them do the work stay there and ask questions just dont get in the way.this is how i found out how to do alot of work became cool with the people go in buy stuff and basically they will offer info and not really mind helping you out.because we could tell you what to get but what are you gonna do then if you dont know what your doing you might mess up the go ahead buy what i told you and just shop around on what people charge for install for everything.but your looking at around 150-200bucks for ! a complete install depending on the place.249 sub an amp package100 4 channel amp150 radio150 install120 battery=769. this will be around the area you will pay for everythingbut 770 bucks is pretty good for a complete system.most big boys pay 700 for just an amplifier...Show more
Adelle Weight: you should search yahoo: " how to match subwoofers and amplifiers" or "beginners guide to car audio". start here:
Floy Fague: hell naw ima stop u right mtx's..there ok but the wattage on them are like ****....if ur car is small u need to stick to sum 10's or 12's...but make sure u have a lil trunk space so the subz can breath...try seen sum gud deals up there n it wuld save u alot of time frm serching all these other websites....try sum alpine,u can get sum kickers but i think there over rated,jl audio,plante audio,and audiopipe....these will get ue ride jumping n turn heaads,,,get ya self a 1000! watt crunch amp if u gonna get sum 12's.....Show more
S! ammy Tabatt: i could roll w/ the 12w6v2s or tc sounds epic 12s... or epic 10s and in line with risk ya can squeeze em below the back bench.. even the tc sounds 8".. only 8s and 10s dont get bass outta the journey like 12s and 15s. so its all in what ya opt to do...
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