Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Martial arts or marital arts?

Marcia Cheathan: Martial arts! I have not reached the merital arts status yet! Someday!

Sammy Tabatt: Marital arts.I have a very un-Yahoo friendly phrase in my mind now that relates to the advertising line "Nothin' says lovin' like Pillsbury in your oven".

Vickie Clampett: ooo, it's a hard one....i don't know i can't choose

Ronnie Sardi: martial artslove sweaty men in man panties

Vernon Martorana: I'd try either if it was with Jackie Chan.

Felipa Nosis: martial

Weldon Totaro: Anything to do with arts can't be a bad thing. Does it matter? I would like to try Yoga myself for chronic pain.

Conrad Puleio: The correct spelling is "Martial arts".

Renato Abatiell: Red Sky: You have no idea what "marital arts" are? Pity...

Shandi Wedge: I enjoy the marital arts!

Sherita Gallati: Either is fine.

Bruce Calise: Sometimes they are the same thing, right?

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