Sunday, 9 February 2020

does anyone have any good books to suggest?

answers1:this isnt about vampires or anything, but im reading angels &
demons right now. its not very challenging and t explains all of the
scientific stuff so even i could understand it. it has plenty of plot
twists and all of the evil cults of a good vampire read.
answers2:Well I'm just getting back into reading and I picked up the
new Stephanie Meyer bookThe Host.I'm on page 62 and thus far it is
interesting. It is about an invasion of sorts-souls are applied to
humans (the souls eventually took over Earth)You should check it out.
I bought mine at Walmart...Oh yeah-this is her first book written for
adults. ANd No I'm not a Twilight Fanatic. I just like
reading......Show more
answers3:Well, if you like vampires you probably have already heard of
Twilight. If not, you should read that. It's really interesting.
You'll like it. Try out my Q please?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200906......Show more
answers4:I like the Southern Vampire books by Charleen Harris.
answers5:all of chuck palahniuk books.no, theyre not vampire books,
but theyre kinda twisted, entertaining books.try invisible monsters,
choke, haunted, or rant
answers6:Try Beach Blondes and Tan lines by Katherine Applegate. and
South Beach series by Aimee Friedman. Also Evermore by Alyson Noel. (:
answers7:Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn but you probebly
already read those lol :P

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