Tuesday, 30 June 2020

what percentage of people typically seek love outside marriage ?

Marco Stolarz: Cheaters don't look for "love" they look for the elusive thrill of the chase, control, self gratification and of course the narcisstic exercise of imagining that they are the irrestible center of everyone's attention. Cheating is a self centered, dysfunctional behavior that requires the ability to lie to people who trust you and who you have vowed to be honest to for as long as they live. It requires that the cheater act to relieve their own selfish desires even though they know that invariably the one they have vowed to truly love will eventually find out and be horribly hurt. So it means that they care not about hurting others; that another's hurt means less to them than satisfying their own needs.Very rarely to relationships that developed outside of marriage ever turn into constructive happy marriages themselves. Almost all cheating relationships that end a marriage and then turn into marriage themselves end up falling through -- it goes without sayin! g that a marriage built on people who knowingly lie to others they pretended to "love" is a bad foundation for developing a long trusting relationship. The question assumes things about "love" that are not true. healthy, long lasting love of marriage is not selfish and thus cannot be sought on the back of hurting others....Show more

Beau Starcevic: It's not unusual, but more people seek sex outside of marriage than love.

Kaley Lappas: It seems like 50% seek love outside of marriage. The divorce rate is terribly high. I don't judge cheaters because I don't know all the details and circumstances of why what reason they cheated. That's people need to watch what they say because someone cheating is not necessarily selfish. If you have a husband who beats your *** everyday, would you wanna have sex with him? Hell no. So naturally that woman is gonna seek passion somewhere else.

Clinton Quant: Before i would say higher than 50 percent but now im with my girlfrie! nd. She drives me insane but seriously i would not cheat on he! r. Can't see myself with another woman but its only been 5 months. But in other relationships i could see myself with other women. Except when i was married. I never cheated on my wife or even thought about it. My wife and I had sex all the time sometimes 2wice a day or 3 times a day.

Sonya Volcko: As humans, we all inheritently pursue love and fulfillment. Some of us are directed by our morals; others are sucked down into the pit of abandoned satisfaction. Everyone wants to experience Love.

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