Thursday, 18 June 2020

does veneers cause receding gum?  

does veneers cause receding gum?  

answers 0:I have always had problems with my gum , receding gum leaving spaces between my teeth , so now I'm thinking about the veneers , only for two of my teeth (not all of them) , my concern is if the veneer gets broken or fall for any reason how would the tooth look like ? my dentist said that it would look almost like what it is now , is that true ? and how does the veneer affect the gum ? the dentist told me that the gum needs the real tooth to attach itself to , so if I'm having the veneer would that cause more of receding gum ? coz if so then I'm just treating a problem with another! he recommended the veneers to me and he knows about my gum issue , but I'm still not sure so I need to hear it from someone else than the dentist ! Im worried the spaces really bothered me for along long time but I dont want to do anything and regret it! later coz those teeth are in the front and Im so scared to deal with it , please help...Show moreanswers 1:Your gums will get really sensitive with the guard whitening if they are receeding, and laser whitening makes teeth extremely sensitive even without recession. I whitened mine up four shades and had no problem and love my teeth now. Do you go to a private dentist? Thats really expensive for two veneers. But best to bleach your teeth before you change your veneers for best colour match, dont want to look daft after spending so much money. xanswers 2:Overcome Fear Of Dentist : http://DentalBook.uzaev.com/?Tbfxanswers 3:Individuals who are extremely concerned with dental health and the appearance of their teeth are sometimes prone to brush their teeth too harshly. While this does an excellent job of keeping the teeth clean and cavity free, it can have an adverse affect on the gums. The gums, when they are exposed to harsh brushing, have been known to recede from the teet! h themselves, leaving a person's sensitive lower tooth exposed! to potential harm from food and other agents. Unfortunately, once the gums recede, they are unlikely to go back to their original location. All is not lost though as there are ways to prevent damage to the teeth caused by receding gum lines.The main way to prevent the teeth from being hurt is by applying some sort of veneer or other artificial cover to the exposed area. This seals off the teeth from the outside elements and does not damage the gums in the process. The traditional way of protecting the teeth from the dangers of receding gum lines has been to drill a hole into the tooth. After this is done, an enamel of some sort is applied to the tooth and given time to dry. The biggest concern with applying a veneer or enamel straight to the surface of the tooth is that it will chip away. For this reason, the holes are drilled, giving the covering a foothold inside of the tooth.A newer method, which has not yet gained full American Dental Association, or ADA, approval, inv! olves basically roughing up the surface of the tooth. After the surface is no longer smooth, an adhesive is applied to the surface of the tooth. This is then covered in whatever coating is being applied to limit the tooth's exposure to the elements. Once the final coat is applied, the entire tooth is hit with a blue light to dry and set everything in place.The problem with applying items straight to the surface of the tooth is that the teeth are very smooth and do not give any sort of adhesive a lot to grip onto in order to stay in place. Because of this, things applied directly to the front of the tooth come off. While it may sound like a bad design, the tooth is designed to prevent food and other items from sticking to it in order to lessen the risk of cavities.It may seem like a lot of hassle to fix a receding gum line but if the tooth is not protected, and the damaging behavior stopped, an individual could have serious problems with his or her teeth. The exposed portion! is not as hard as the rest of the tooth and so is more likely to be da! maged by food and bacteria....answers 4:Your dentist has given you correct information. A well fitting veneer will no cause any gum recession. Good luck with yours.answers 5:No, poor dental hygiene causes receding gums. No brushing, no flossing, or brushing too hard can cause it too.

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