Leisa Brodnex: 1992: Wayne's World
Bo Perham: Young Frankenstein - my favorite movie
Armanda Hertel: 1995: Se7enBQ1996 - Fargo1997 - Goodwill Hunting1998 - Saving Private Ryan1999 - Fight Club2000 - Memento(technically)2001 - Training Day2002 - Insomnia2003 - Mystic River2004 - Million Dollar Baby2005 - Batman Begins2006 - The Departed2007 - No Country For Old Men2008 - The Dark Knight2009 - Inglorious Basterds2010 - The Town...Show more
Voncile Slaubaugh: 1986 and so many from that year but Flight of the Navigator and Ferris Bueller's Day Off top 2
Faustino Mellerson: Yessh. All the kid movies xD haha like Shrek, Nemo, Cinderella, even stupid Barbie movies! :P Anything made for family and little kiddos. It makes me think of my innocent childhood when I was so naiive about everything. :,D
Anibal Katayama: Not that great of a movie year(96) but I guess a 101 Dalmatians
Claudio Drullard: V for Vendetta
Dewey Heersink: Yesthe big ! lebowski and meet the parents
Sharolyn Claybourn: Finding Nemo or Pinnochio
Joie Libutti: The Matrix
Coleman Petropoulos: BQ: Do you think that Speed Racer is seriously underrated or you didnât like it?BQ2: If you were sitting in front of Morpheus with his pills right now, which pill would you choose? You take the blue pill â" and you still believe that youâre in control of your life, able to make decisions that change your lifeâs direction and free to make your own choices.You take the red pill â" and you realize that you are a fly in the giant web, unable to do anything to change a single thing in your life, all choices and all decisions have been made for you and you just another battery for this system....Show more
Ellis Cellar: 500 Days of Summer. Well actually its really sad. But I felt happy at the end. Little Miss Sunshine is good too.
Denna Prudente: You can watch the idea at no cost employing: http://is.gd/movienet
Logan! Bero: BQ: If you feel like it, make a list of movies...one mo! vie for each year since you were born.Example: For me it would be...1990:1991:1992: Etc etc....Show more
Shon Almquist: So what exactly is a Movie Screening???
Wilfred Santacruce: You can view it totally free applying: http://is.gd/movienet
Julee Lanham: Not In any Particular Order: Talladega Nights Across The Universe All Monty Python Movies All Pirates of The Carribean Pride and Prejudice(with Keira Knightly) Alice in Wonderland The Lion King V For Vendetta The Shining The Exorcist Three Extra: Anchorman Knocked Up 40-Year Old Virgin
Lupe Sancen: As weird as this may sound I'm always happy & excited when i watch the original Star Wars Movies.
Nikki Sypult: 14th most popular question in the history of this sectionhttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=An1_A...Pulp Fiction- 1994BQ-95- Casino96- Fargo97- Good Will Hunting98- American History X99- Fight Club00- Gladiator01- Training Day02- Gangs of New York03- Big Fish04- Million Dollar Bab! y05- Batman Begins06- The Departed07- No Country for Old Men08- The Wrestler09- Inglourious Basterds10- 127 Hours...Show more
Colby Millberg: Any Disney movie, particularly autos or Meet the Robinsons! Ever After is amazingly good, nicely any love tale, different than The pc, extraordinarily depressing movie in case you haven't any longer already seen it (unhappy in a great way i think, bittersweet, specific thats it).
Marna Liddie: Playing a movie. It's pretty much like playing a movie at an event or in tv
Booker Warlick: Elf. I watch it every christmas and it never gets old
Gaylord Barragan: V for Vendetta or Matrix.BQ: It was okay. I don't REALLY like it, but I don't hate it. I like Emilie Hirsch. BQ2: Lol, blue, always blue. I would throw the red pill at Morpheus, then go and find Neo and give him a hug.
Jed Porada: 1983A Christmas StoryReturn of the JediTerms of EndearmentMr. Mom
Nikita Schroepfer: Alrighty, people, I believe you do ! know that V for Vendetta was not directed by them...but okay, the scrip! ts also count :)))
Cody Petrulis: The Departed
Isaias Badgley: True Grit....Jeff Bridges version.
Angelyn Ducas: stuart little. it has such a loving family message that you cannot help but smile, laugh and cry (in a good way), plus the cat is hilarious too which helps.
Cody Shimko: 1986: Ferris Bueller's Day Off BQ: 1987:Evil Dead 21988: Rain Man1989:National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation1990: Goodfellas1991: T-21992:Home Alone 21993:Jurassic Park1994: Pulp Fiction1995:Casino1996:The Cable Guy1997: Jackie Brown1998: Saving Private Ryan1999: American Beauty2000: Meet the parents2001: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring2002: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers2003: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King2004: The Aviator2005: Sin City2006: The Departed2007: No Country for old men2008: The Dark Knight2009: The Hangover2010: Kick a**Man that took forever lol...Show more
Tawny Grosskreutz: Oh "The Silence of the Lambs" was in 19! 91, The year i was born :)BQ:Okay1991:The Silence of the Lambs1992:Scent of a Woman1993:Scindler's List1994:The Shawshank Redemption1995:Dead Man walking1996:Secrets and Lies1997:Titanic and Princess Monokoe1998:Saving Private Ryan1999:American Beauty2000:Chocolat and Pollock2001:A Beautiful Mind2002:Spirited away2003:House of Sand and Fog, Mystic River and Cold Mountain2004:Million Dollar Baby2005: Crash (Obviously)2006:Letters from Iwo Jima and Babel2007:La Vie En Rose2008:The Curious Case of Benjamin button2009:Precious, Coraline, The Hurt Locker and An Education2010:Toy Story 3...Show more
Pasty Cobbett: 1993: The Sandlot1994: Forrest Gump1995: Billy Madison1996: Fargo1997: LA Confidential + Good Burger1998: What Dreams May Come1999: Fight Club 2000: O Brother, Where Art Thou?2001: Zoolander2002: Bend It Like Beckham2003: Old School2004: Garden State + Collateral2005: In Her Shoes2006: Children of Men2007: Hot Fuzz2008: Vicky Cristina Barcelona2009: Taken + Inglou! rious Basterds2010: Despicable MeThat took such a long time, but it hel! ped with my procrastination....Show more
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