Carolin Southers: I believe the computer is much more significant than the television. The television will always be a go to for easy family entertainment, however, the programming is determined by worldly values that may or may not benefit the family. Watching television is not usually very beneficial even if the programming is structured to educate. The chemical reaction the brain has to television leads to less stimulation of the thought process. The only benefit of television is to distract and entertain.The computer is not limited to just enteratinment and broadcast. Depending on the programming of the computer, it can be used to surf the web, monitor a natal heart beat, find a stolen car, and countless other tasks thathumans have relegated computers to do. The computer can be programmed to do tasks that would take a human hours or even years to do. The television is limited to broadcasting.The computer is not limited except for the abilities of the computer pr! ogrammers determining what they want the computer to do....Show more
Jimmie Doerfler: No, I think it is the other way around.TV despite it's potential, is a lot of wasted time and space. Full of junk, and mind numbing one sided poorly presented information. Yet there is some talent for information out there and if you look you can find it. The computer (via the internet) is knowledge at your fingertips. Even the computer without the internet, is a useable tool to do many things, from writting, artwork, to whatever you can make the machine do for you....Show more
Stevie Kizziar: Internet,the powerhouse of equality.. in a way...for example,when you buy stuff from the local neighborhood, it may cost an arm and a leg, but however on the internet (buyer's beware of cost) you can find the same item cheaper or newer have more chance of getting news and info without censorship...or you may be able to study news about another country.. i like to bbc! website to learn of the other countries! have more chance of interacting with someone far abroad for information...Education:many online tutorials ex Dr. Math, propof to learn math, language and other computer skills.. and online classes..of course yahoo answers..entertainment, mp3's gaming and onof course the bad:child sexual predator, scam artist, virus and so, real time news going on... 9/11, kennedy assistantion, moon landing, the va tech shooting kept us watching every sec of the day.. family movies and show to have the family together..hope this helps...Show more
Jill Thomer: no, everything on tv worth seeing can be seen on computer, most not worth seeing. computer shows you what you want to see, tv shows you what tv wants you to see. benefit of tv is making you think you are doing something while you are not. benefit of computer is doing something for you when you are doing something.
Kara Tabian: well computers are better because u have more sources.
Lou Rought: Television had the greatest impact by far. People are products of their enviroments, and television changed the 'enviroment' of the average person from their home town, to the world. Nothing has been remotely the same ever since.
Emery Blando: Azam, TV is a one way proposition. You either watch what's on or you watch nothing. With a computer you have everything that was ever on TV, whenever you want it. Now THAT's significant.
Rick Duchane: Yes I do.It is "on" and invading the homes. PC needs special talents.
Mercedez Trabue: I think television is real good for younger kids because...their aren't much buttons where you actually delete stuff, if that makes sence. Anywho, I think the computer is so much more useful. You can do so many projects on it, you can even watch tv on the computer. You can communicate with people. Basically the internet can be your life if you just want to write it out instead of actually doing it. You can also get alo! t of info from it, while on tv you have to wait until it actually comes! on....Show more
Scot Sepulbeda: I actually dont put one over the other because I think that the television or the computer can be an effective way to learn and do other things as long as you dont just use them for entertainment. WHICH I AM TOTALLY GUILTY OF!!!!!!!!!hope this answers your question
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