Monday, 29 June 2020

Arranged marriage vs Love marriage?

Mahalia Brindle: tricky aspect. lookup onto yahoo or google. it could help!

Ulysses Failey: both marriages are good..both have good and bad effect, my frnd listen if you are going to marry someone..it is upto you..because try to understand your partners good and bad..eeeeeeeggooooo..this is the main problem..be mutal understand both of u...leave your life happily...my frnd in every life we have happiness, sadness, fightnings...everything,,,past is past...you are in present..so marriage is not in your family or frinds hands..its upon to you..goahead with chear my frnd :)...Show more

Mark Villifana: During a Love-Marriage there doesn't seem to be nothing left for marriage if the couple already interacted with eachother before marriage and did things.In an Arrange Marriage you get to "learn" to love your partner, grow into loving them, knowing that you're marriage you give it your best shot without any major distractions...At least then you can say you tried.Also! in an love-marriage one of the couples (mainly Guys) tend to get bored and move on, hence of why so many affairs and divorces & adultery within a so-called Love-Marriage!.. Stats show overr 89% of love-marriages don't last...Over 67.% of Arrange Marriages last the distance...This is because like I said the couple give it their best shot, get to know each-other properly, put their energy and effort in knowing their Wife/Husband...But during love-marriage the couple can't really focus so much on each-other as they already tried and did things before marriage but did it in a way which they made hasty decisions and jumped into something without truly knowing eachother..Also during Love-Marriage the couple realize later some home truths and their partner's true colours,. at least in an Arrange marriage they can be honest from the start, they feel no matter what their past is or whatever happened they can reveal in confidence knowing they're marriage & getting to know eachother.! ..In a love-marriage the couple will not say things which migh! t effect their relationship, and they might do or not do things which might effect their partner...So yeah I actually agree and endorse Arranged-Marriage!....Show more

Vernon Martorana: http://www.thetableinmykitchen.com/arranged-marria...

Giovanni Malool: i prefer a love marriage one with a person you have known your whole life (literally) and makes you laugh someone you can tell anything to and they wont get mad mad someone who listens and care someone you actually love

Iris Shawcroft: If you are shy, then an arranged marriage might be better for you. Because shy people often aren't good at dating and making friends. And they often end up alone as a result.But if you are bold and outgoing, then a love marriage might be better. Because you have many partners to choose from, and you might end up with a better partner than you would in an arranged marriage....Show more

Rana Rudell: First point to clarify is that what defines marriage is the partie! s taking each other to be husband and wife. It's the exchange of commitments, not actually love itself. Just because a marriage is arranged, doesn't mean the couple don't love or like each other. Arranged marriages are common in countries where the young couple do not have freedom to mix socially with the opposite sex. With an arranged marriage, usually the parents help to find a match for their son or daughter. The parents might ask their contacts. Then they introduce the couple and give them time together. If the couple like or love each other, they agree, and if not, they say no, and the parents keep looking. It would be rare for the parents to insist on a marriage that they know will make their son or daughter unhappy and probably end in divorce. I don't think the rate of divorce from arranged marriage is any greater, in fact it's probably less, than from love marriages. The natural history of romantic love is that it's an emotional state that lasts for about 4 years.! When it wears off, the couple will either split up, or the love will c! ontinue growing and changing. When a couple have been married for decades, their love becomes a more companionable, less anxious, comfortable kind of love. But the point is that what makes a love marriage or an arranged marriage successful is the same. The parties have to exchange commitments, and then carry them out in good faith, to look after each other, and be considerate, and help, and care, and so on. If you like someone, and live with them, and make love, and perform little services for them, and vice versa, it is normal and natural to become loving, whether the marriage was arranged by one's parents or by oneself. So it's not that arranged marriages don't involve love, or that love marriages aren't arranged. It's that "arranged" marriages are arranged by one's parents, and "love" marriages are arranged by oneself; and both, to be successful, involve love....Show more

Raul Lushbaugh: Love marriages rarely happen but at least you know the personArranged Marraige! you either will be marrying a best friend or some stranger. Either way most time marraige = fail. Don't do it unless you have to.

Donte Liversedge: Love marriage = you fall in love, but you might fall out of love. Take a chance, and see what you get.Arranged marriage = you get what you get, live with it!

Tillie Wynott: well the only people that are going to know anythin about arranged marriages are the people that come from a culture that have them, so asking here may get you some biased results.but generally arranged marriages and "love" marriages all boil down to the same thing, commitment. because you can learn to love the person you were arranged to be with. love is a choice.and if you marry for love, youre just marrying on infatuation anyway, and that fades away with time. so either way, you are left with the same choice to love someone or not to. no matte who we pick, there will always be problems and love will always be a choice we make. loving some! one isnt a feeling, its a verb....Show more

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