answers 0:Hey, i had a big dental injury and now i have a crown with a post on one front tooth, a titanium implant on the other front tooth, and a crown on the adjacent tooth to that. Ive been reading about electroacupuncture and how these metals can affect my health in dramatic and disturbing ways. If anyone has any information or insight at all. The main sites i have been on are: if anyone could comment id really appreciate it thanks...Show moreanswers 1:For the first time in a long time I am on the same page with nebula d. There are many "holistic" dentists out there that will tell you that any metal in your body is bad for you and call silver fillings "mercury" fillings, when they are in f! act more then just mercury. We get traces of mercury in many of the fish that we eat. There has been a great debate going on between the natural tree hugger crowd, and the technology, latest and greatest crowd. I have two implants in my mouth and have had zero trouble. No pain, no rejection, no odd abnormalities. Continue to do research yes, but make sure that you also back up your current research with an opposing view and then make a complete informed decision because you have all of the information, not just a one sided opinion....answers 2:alot of people have metal implant my moms had bolts in her neck for years and trust me theyre he least of her worries ansk your doc about risks and try not to worry to much about itanswers 3:I really would not worry about it, there are alot of pro's and con's to any dental treatment, mercury fillings were no good due to metal exposure, then composite ones were not good because they hold bacterial and problems result down the road! , etc. There are so many conflicting reports out there. I ha! ve had it all when it comes to dental problems, I'm a cancer survivor too so bad teeth comes with the territory. I would not worry about fillings or implants unless you have problems with a reaction to them, there are so many bigger things to worry about healthwise like bad colesterol, high blood pressure, etc, we worry about dying in a plane crash over driving or health when in fact the numbers show more people die in car accidents and health problems like heart related than in plane crashes. Time has a huge article on the cover from last month about worrying....answers 4:I'm a dentist.First and foremost, I'll tell you that these quacks should all have their licenses revoked for peddling that kind of "alternative" nonsense--especially in the face of sound scientific research that completely discredits their claims.Titanium is a biologically inert metal that has been used in surgery for many, many years and in a wide variety of ways.Keep in mind that doctors are businesspe! ople as well as health care providers, and as such, are going to try and sell you something different from the next guy. Obviously these ******* are trying to convince you that the rest of us are wrong and sucker you into seeking their help.Did you happen to see Dr. Wolfe's biography? Yes, he has a legitimate D.D.S. degree, but he also has a degree in "naturopathic medicine."And what is naturopathic medicine? It's absolute bullsh*t.The stupid ****** even opposes the use of fluoride, despite the fact that BOTH mainstream dentistry AND medicine support its use.Don't worry about your metals. They are 99.99999999% safe.(I'm not saying 100% because one important thing I've learned as a doctor is to never say "never")...answers 5:Go to Askadentist.comThat's too important a question to ask non-professionals.answers 6:I'm a nurse. Seems like you have done research already. Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor? I would let him know how you feel. I think things will ! be OK. There are always risks in any procedure. People have also lived ! normal lives after having this done too. Please think really hard about what you feel is best for you, and do it. You are the only one who can truly make that decision. I hope things work out for you.
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