Tuesday, 30 June 2020

what percentage of people typically seek love outside marriage ?

Marco Stolarz: Cheaters don't look for "love" they look for the elusive thrill of the chase, control, self gratification and of course the narcisstic exercise of imagining that they are the irrestible center of everyone's attention. Cheating is a self centered, dysfunctional behavior that requires the ability to lie to people who trust you and who you have vowed to be honest to for as long as they live. It requires that the cheater act to relieve their own selfish desires even though they know that invariably the one they have vowed to truly love will eventually find out and be horribly hurt. So it means that they care not about hurting others; that another's hurt means less to them than satisfying their own needs.Very rarely to relationships that developed outside of marriage ever turn into constructive happy marriages themselves. Almost all cheating relationships that end a marriage and then turn into marriage themselves end up falling through -- it goes without sayin! g that a marriage built on people who knowingly lie to others they pretended to "love" is a bad foundation for developing a long trusting relationship. The question assumes things about "love" that are not true. healthy, long lasting love of marriage is not selfish and thus cannot be sought on the back of hurting others....Show more

Beau Starcevic: It's not unusual, but more people seek sex outside of marriage than love.

Kaley Lappas: It seems like 50% seek love outside of marriage. The divorce rate is terribly high. I don't judge cheaters because I don't know all the details and circumstances of why what reason they cheated. That's people need to watch what they say because someone cheating is not necessarily selfish. If you have a husband who beats your *** everyday, would you wanna have sex with him? Hell no. So naturally that woman is gonna seek passion somewhere else.

Clinton Quant: Before i would say higher than 50 percent but now im with my girlfrie! nd. She drives me insane but seriously i would not cheat on he! r. Can't see myself with another woman but its only been 5 months. But in other relationships i could see myself with other women. Except when i was married. I never cheated on my wife or even thought about it. My wife and I had sex all the time sometimes 2wice a day or 3 times a day.

Sonya Volcko: As humans, we all inheritently pursue love and fulfillment. Some of us are directed by our morals; others are sucked down into the pit of abandoned satisfaction. Everyone wants to experience Love.

Comment nettoyer un volant en cuir

Comment nettoyer un volant en cuir

p>Un volant en cuir est régulièrement exposé aux germes, à la saleté et aux huiles naturelles puisque vous le touchez chaque fois que vous utilisez votre voiture. Avec le temps, cette accumulation de résidus peut rendre votre volant trop brillant et le rendre plus difficile à saisir. Heureusement, les volants en cuir sont également faciles à nettoyer. Que vous fassiez un entretien régulier ou un nettoyage en profondeur, vous n’avez besoin que de quelques produits simples pour redonner à votre volant en cuir un aspect neuf !

Essuyez doucement le chiffon sur le volant en cuir. Commencez par essuyer toute la roue dans un virage à 360 degrés. Ensuite, placez le tissu sur la roue, saisissez la roue à travers le tissu et torsadez doucement dans un mouvement de va-et-vient.

Retirez le nettoyant pour cuir avec un chiffon humide. Rincez un chiffon à l’eau t! iède jusqu’à ce qu’il soit humide mais non imbibé, puis essuyez le volant pour enlever tout excès de nettoyant pour cuir. Séchez la roue avec une serviette douce.

Utilisez un nettoyant pour cuir avec un tampon à récurer pour enlever la saleté. En cas d’accumulation importante de saleté sur les volants qui ont été nettoyés très rarement auparavant, vaporiser du nettoyant pour cuir sur un tampon à récurer intérieur et essuyer la roue avec des mouvements courts. Avant que le nettoyant ne sèche, essuyez-le avec une serviette en microfibre.

Brossez la saleté tous les jours avec un chiffon sec. Gardez un chiffon propre dans votre boîte à gants. La façon la plus simple de prévenir l’accumulation de saleté sur votre volant est d’effectuer un entretien régulier. Chaque fois que vous utilisez votre voiture, prenez un moment pour essuyer le volant avec le chiffon sec. Cela élimine la saleté et l’empêche de s’accumuler sur la roue.

Appliquez une goutte de revitalisant pour cuir sur le vol! ant avec les mains. Pour maintenir la souplesse du cuir de votre volant, pressez une quantité de revitalisant de la taille d’un dixième de dollar dans votre paume et frottez-le doucement dans le volant avec vos mains nues dans un mouvement de massage. Laissez sécher le revitalisant pendant 30 minutes, puis utilisez une serviette propre pour enlever l’excédent. Vous pouvez le faire une fois par semaine environ plutôt que tous les jours.

Frotter la roue avec un dégraissant pour cuir pour enlever les taches d’huile et de graisse. Le dégraissant, qui se présente sous forme d’aérosol, aspire l’huile et la graisse et les transforme en poudre sèche. Vaporiser le dégraissant sur une serviette en microfibre jusqu’à ce qu’il soit saturé mais non égoutté et le frotter sur toute la roue. Attendez qu’il sèche en poudre. Une fois que la poudre est complètement sèche, vous pouvez l’essuyer avec une serviette ou une brosse propre.

Utilisez un! e machine à vapeur pour désinfecter votre volant. Si vous en avez accès, une machine à vapeur est un excellent moyen d’éliminer les bactéries du cuir. Choisissez une machine à vapeur avec buse monotrou. Remplissez-le d’eau distillée et mettez-le en position moyenne, puis vaporisez le volant. Faites le tour de la roue en essuyant immédiatement l’humidité avec une serviette en microfibre.

Frotter la roue avec un nettoyant pour cuir et une brosse douce pour un nettoyage plus profond. Si vous n’avez pas fait d’entretien régulier de votre volant, optez pour une brosse plutôt qu’une serviette en microfibre. Vaporisez le nettoyant pour cuir directement sur la brosse, en prenant soin de ne pas vaporiser le tableau de bord, et frottez doucement le volant pour créer une mousse.

Vaporiser le nettoyant pour cuir sur une serviette en microfibre. Si votre aspirateur n’est pas déjà livré dans un vaporisateur, transférez-le dans un vaporisateur. V! aporiser la serviette jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit saturée mais non tr! empée.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Arranged marriage vs Love marriage?

Mahalia Brindle: tricky aspect. lookup onto yahoo or google. it could help!

Ulysses Failey: both marriages are good..both have good and bad effect, my frnd listen if you are going to marry someone..it is upto you..because try to understand your partners good and bad..eeeeeeeggooooo..this is the main problem..be mutal understand both of u...leave your life happily...my frnd in every life we have happiness, sadness, fightnings...everything,,,past is past...you are in present..so marriage is not in your family or frinds hands..its upon to you..goahead with chear my frnd :)...Show more

Mark Villifana: During a Love-Marriage there doesn't seem to be nothing left for marriage if the couple already interacted with eachother before marriage and did things.In an Arrange Marriage you get to "learn" to love your partner, grow into loving them, knowing that you're marriage you give it your best shot without any major distractions...At least then you can say you tried.Also! in an love-marriage one of the couples (mainly Guys) tend to get bored and move on, hence of why so many affairs and divorces & adultery within a so-called Love-Marriage!.. Stats show overr 89% of love-marriages don't last...Over 67.% of Arrange Marriages last the distance...This is because like I said the couple give it their best shot, get to know each-other properly, put their energy and effort in knowing their Wife/Husband...But during love-marriage the couple can't really focus so much on each-other as they already tried and did things before marriage but did it in a way which they made hasty decisions and jumped into something without truly knowing eachother..Also during Love-Marriage the couple realize later some home truths and their partner's true colours,. at least in an Arrange marriage they can be honest from the start, they feel no matter what their past is or whatever happened they can reveal in confidence knowing they're marriage & getting to know eachother.! ..In a love-marriage the couple will not say things which migh! t effect their relationship, and they might do or not do things which might effect their partner...So yeah I actually agree and endorse Arranged-Marriage!....Show more

Vernon Martorana: http://www.thetableinmykitchen.com/arranged-marria...

Giovanni Malool: i prefer a love marriage one with a person you have known your whole life (literally) and makes you laugh someone you can tell anything to and they wont get mad mad someone who listens and care someone you actually love

Iris Shawcroft: If you are shy, then an arranged marriage might be better for you. Because shy people often aren't good at dating and making friends. And they often end up alone as a result.But if you are bold and outgoing, then a love marriage might be better. Because you have many partners to choose from, and you might end up with a better partner than you would in an arranged marriage....Show more

Rana Rudell: First point to clarify is that what defines marriage is the partie! s taking each other to be husband and wife. It's the exchange of commitments, not actually love itself. Just because a marriage is arranged, doesn't mean the couple don't love or like each other. Arranged marriages are common in countries where the young couple do not have freedom to mix socially with the opposite sex. With an arranged marriage, usually the parents help to find a match for their son or daughter. The parents might ask their contacts. Then they introduce the couple and give them time together. If the couple like or love each other, they agree, and if not, they say no, and the parents keep looking. It would be rare for the parents to insist on a marriage that they know will make their son or daughter unhappy and probably end in divorce. I don't think the rate of divorce from arranged marriage is any greater, in fact it's probably less, than from love marriages. The natural history of romantic love is that it's an emotional state that lasts for about 4 years.! When it wears off, the couple will either split up, or the love will c! ontinue growing and changing. When a couple have been married for decades, their love becomes a more companionable, less anxious, comfortable kind of love. But the point is that what makes a love marriage or an arranged marriage successful is the same. The parties have to exchange commitments, and then carry them out in good faith, to look after each other, and be considerate, and help, and care, and so on. If you like someone, and live with them, and make love, and perform little services for them, and vice versa, it is normal and natural to become loving, whether the marriage was arranged by one's parents or by oneself. So it's not that arranged marriages don't involve love, or that love marriages aren't arranged. It's that "arranged" marriages are arranged by one's parents, and "love" marriages are arranged by oneself; and both, to be successful, involve love....Show more

Raul Lushbaugh: Love marriages rarely happen but at least you know the personArranged Marraige! you either will be marrying a best friend or some stranger. Either way most time marraige = fail. Don't do it unless you have to.

Donte Liversedge: Love marriage = you fall in love, but you might fall out of love. Take a chance, and see what you get.Arranged marriage = you get what you get, live with it!

Tillie Wynott: well the only people that are going to know anythin about arranged marriages are the people that come from a culture that have them, so asking here may get you some biased results.but generally arranged marriages and "love" marriages all boil down to the same thing, commitment. because you can learn to love the person you were arranged to be with. love is a choice.and if you marry for love, youre just marrying on infatuation anyway, and that fades away with time. so either way, you are left with the same choice to love someone or not to. no matte who we pick, there will always be problems and love will always be a choice we make. loving some! one isnt a feeling, its a verb....Show more

Comment faire du goudron de Guam dans RuneScape

Comment faire du goudron de Guam dans RuneScape

Atteindre le niveau 19 en herboristerie.

Recueillir les ingrédients.

Utilisez le goudron de marais sur un guam propre. Cela vous donnera 15 guam tar.

Ayez un pilon et un mortier dans votre inventaire. Vous pouvez le ranger indéfiniment dans votre ceinture à outils.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

We are your family... WE are your family...WE ARE YOUR FAMILY!!!?

Hyo Hardell: We say we are doing something, "as a family", meaning we are not going to invite any friends to whatever we are doing.We refer to the family in an, "it's us against the world" sort of way.We joke around about how we are the weirdest family we know, and isn't it great that we are all weird together, as a family. So, yeah, it's sort of normal for my family, and we don't have any adopted members....Show more

Ignacio Imbier: Lots of families do that - even those who are biologically related. Its just a personal style, the same as some people feel the need to say they love you every time you hang up the phone. You're probably noticing it more with your daughters family because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Rodolfo Merel: Maybe she tells them they aren't family. Here's a thought. ASK THEM.

An Trebil: There are some people who think that being related by blood will be much important than anything else. Because of this, some adoptive families hav! e insecurities.

Glynda Darrin: It is normal for an adoptive family to say it precisely because they lack that biological bond (not that that is much and quite often nothing at all).

Marvella Benward: I can't answer as an adoptive parent so can only think of reasons why they may do. My son always knew he was adopted. On one hand it wasn't something that was constantly talked about but on the other hand it wasn't a secret. All the adoptive parents I personally know are similar as it's not a secret but it's something that isn't constantly said. A couple of them have adopted older children and is said more as a reassuring thing so the child feels they belong to the family rather than a temporary thing. It is intended as a good / permanent situation....Show more

Kaley Lappas: My family all talks like that...we are all bio family. So i down played it with my adopted kids, until one mentioned he felt left out. Now we always say stuff like that. We have 6 ado! pted family members now, they gang up on the none adopted & pi! ck out the fun family traits they got to skip over. It's pretty hilarious.

Cómo crear tarjetas con foto

Cómo crear tarjetas con foto

Doble la tarjeta por la mitad.

Reúna suministros. Vea las cosas que necesitará.

Coloque la foto en la tarjeta. Primero, asegúrese de que esté centrado y no inclinado.

Asegúrate de que tu foto tenga el tamaño adecuado!


Añade un poco de pegamento a la tarjeta. Asegúrate de que no pongas demasiado, ya que de lo contrario se verá descuidado. Si pones muy poco, la imagen se caerá!

Escriba un mensaje personalizado dentro de la tarjeta. Esto le mostrará al receptor que usted se preocupó.

Decorar! Escribe un mensaje sencillo en el anverso, como «Feliz Cumpleaños», y si sabes dibujar, dibuja algunos dibujos.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Disney cruise line ships negatively effect the environment?

Roxane Leathers: You mean "affect", I think.Disney cruise line ships don't negatively affect the environment any more than the ships from any other line. Maybe the DON'T in fact negatively affect the environment in three ways.If you're doing a project, then that means YOU need to do some research. I'd guess you can find info on this topic by doing a search on the topic....Show more

My dog has two metal bowls. Yet she seems to have trouble eating.?  

My dog has two metal bowls. Yet she seems to have trouble eating.?  

answers 0:I always thought she was just picky about her food. I even got her a few different kinds to see if that helped. Lately I tried a different tatic and I put her food on a paper plate and she's been wolfing it down! I'm already looking into a different type of bowl for her, but does anyone know why she would have this aversion? I also wonder if this is why she is so thirsty and tries to drink water from the house and everything else.answers 1:One additional thought. If your dog wears a collar with dangling tags, the tags could bang the metal bowl and make a noise that scares her. It can happen. My dogs eat from metal bowls without problems, but I know some rescues that were skittish and would not eat from metal, or grab a mouthful and put the food on the floor to eat.answers 2:Dogs don't like the taste of metal. Buy a ceramic or glass bowl! answers 3:Could be that she had to compete with another more dominant dog for the food in a metal bowl, and behaviourally learned to leave that alone. Get her different bowls.answers 4:You've already figured it out yourself. It's the rattling/moving of the bowl. Stick a few felt pads on the bottom so it won't make a noise/move.answers 5:"My dog has two metal bowls. Yet she seems to have trouble eating.?" Okay... and we need to know this statement why?Healthy dogs are not "picky about her food". Their owners often make them that way by failing to feed them properly ie; " I even got her a few different kinds to see if that helped." Perhaps you meant tactic not "tatic. Water should be made accessible to her 24/7.If you're concerned about her health/well being and this is a recent behavioral change, then it warrants taking her to a vet to rule out any medical issues, including a dental exam.Once medically cleared provide routine dental hygiene as well as feed her properly,! on a set schedule, twice daily, am/pm, no free feeding, no di! et changes unless vet recommended/prescribed due to medical issues, all diets changes should be done gradually over a period of ten days to two weeks unless a vet advises otherwise, as well as according to body condition/exercise. Frequent diet changes often cause intestinal upset....answers 6:Some animals dislike the reflective surfaces of metal bowls.answers 7:Metal bowls can make a nasty noise when scraped along the ground (unless they have rubber on the bottom) when the dog is licking up the last remnants of food and also they are usually reflective which may put some dogs off using them.They "may" even have metallic smell to them which is only noticeable to the dog.Plastic bowls are a lot quieter and non-reflective.Also some dogs prefer their food served off the ground.Never revert to trying different foods when a dog appears to be picky as this will make them even more picky.If your dog is drinking excessive water it may be time to get her checked out at the vets fo! r kidney problems, or some other disease, especially if she is getting on a bit....answers 8:*hose not house

Friday, 26 June 2020

Problem with My Green Card?

Len Bormes: A green card is for living in the US not Korea ..if you have been out of the US for over a year your green card is voidyou can only renew your green card when in the US

Myron Leftwich: If you attended school in Korea as a Korean resident, you terminated your legal permanent residency in the US. If you have been out of the US for a year or more, your green card has been deemed abandoned and revoked. If you attempt to return to US on a green card which has been terminated, revoked, deemed abandoned, that's immigration fraud, which can get you permanently barred from the US.So, did you attend school as a non-resident of Korea and pay non-resident tuition to attend school, or claim you were Korean resident for school? Have you been out of the US for a year or more? If your GC is already invalid (regardless of expiration date on the card), do not attempt to return to the US. You're done. If your GC is still valid, no violations of immigration laws or gr! een card regulations, you need to return to US before the card expires, and immediately apply to renew GC. Costs $450. Can take about 6 months to receive your replacement card. You are legally required to have a currently valid GC on your person at all times, or you are subject to penalties including fines, etc.And you are NOT going to university in Korea! If you want legal permanent residency in the US, then you live, work, go to school, make your life in the US! Otherwise, if you want to live, study, etc, in Korea, you stay in Korea and no green card....Show more

Justin Casten: I hope you did not go to school in Korea as a resident of Korea as that would have invalidated your Green Card. A permanent resident of the United States cannot also be a resident of Korea. I hope you understand that. You are supposed to live in the United States now. Yes, you need a valid Green Card all the time. You also need to carry it with you all the time. It's the law.

Luke ! Kosch: You have to preserve the passport on your native countr! y even after you get a inexperienced card. I am somewhat stressed in regards to the identify but if you haven't sent within the utility for a inexperienced card yet, while you do you should incorporate a letter explaining why the names are unique. It is nonetheless a just right notion to satisfy with a lawyer before sending in the software. Immigration law will also be complicated and it is best to have an proficient make sure that the bureaucracy is correct. Just right success....Show more

Cómo dar un monólogo sin estar nervioso

Cómo dar un monólogo sin estar nervioso

Escriba una conclusión en la que recapitule lo que ha dicho.

Realice un ejercicio de relajación antes de comenzar. Por ejemplo, respirar profundamente, tensar los puños y luego relajar las manos, etc.

Practique su discurso una y otra vez, preferiblemente frente a un espejo.

Lleve consigo las tarjetas o notas, aunque haya aprendido el monólogo a fondo.

Dirija su discurso a los miembros individuales de la audiencia. Cambie su mirada de una a otra mientras habla.

Prepare una serie de encabezados y escriba un párrafo corto para cada uno. Use tarjetas separadas o una hoja de papel.

Escribe una introducción en la que expliques de qué vas a hablar.

Investiga tu tema a fondo y averigua lo que te propones decir.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Wiccans- a question about green living/ eco friendly?

Scot Rotruck: Well You could join an Amish Community, but that would clash with your Wiccan beliefs, but they are certainly for the most part Green, They do eat meat but would see no reason why they would shun anyone who is a vegitarian

Hal Palowoda: LOL...eco friendly way. Boy are you gullible. Stop with all the nonsense. You are finding it hard to buy food that allegedly is better in some way and are finding it is expensive as hell. Why? Because the stores know that there are gullible idiots with too much money out there who are willing to pay through the nose for "better food"...what a crock. Do sensible things that don't cost you anything. Throw away items into the trash can and don't litter. Plastic can be recycled you know. Stop driving yourself nuts over this stupid stuff....Show more

Jude Kennelly: If you committed to eating meat only once a week or less, you would be doing a huge amount to save the planet. A head of beef will feed 100 people, wherea! s the grain and other food stuff to feed that one steer would feed 1000 people. Raising meat is a waste of resources.Furthermore, you have to think of the slaughter. Animals are herded into a chute -- they can smell the death ahead of them and hear the screams of their brethren -- the stress supposedly makes the meat tastier -- and when it's their turn, a stun gun is placed against their skull which stuns them but not kills them, their throats are slit and before they're dead,they are swung up by their hind legs to exsanguinate until dead. Now answer this question -- as a Wiccan, is this the kind of karma you want in your food?Eating vegetarian is actually less expensive unless you are opting for hot dogs (the crap scraped off the slaughterhouse floor). Each little thing you do to honor the earth is felt by the force that keeps earth alive. That you have a mental focus on respecting the earth and environment goes a long, long way in making a shift. You cannot do it al! one -- your voice, your actions, your commitment will join tho! se of others, and that's what makes the difference.Here's a site that you may find helpful. If nothing else, do a search on "kitchen cupboard beauty," which will turn up a ton of natural recipes of beauty/hair/skin care that is environmentally-friendly. But don't stop there, they have lots of ideas and tips on being Green. http://www.care2.com/find/site#q=kitchen+cupboard+......Show more

Tyree Allenbrand: Going green does not mean starving your self, surviving is a part of nature, and we return the debt of mother Earth when we die and return our body to Earth.

Foster Koopmann: Seriously, you missed the whole point. Converting the 8 word Rede into a two word commandment skews everything that Wicca stands for. The Rede is not a commandment and that's a very very good thing because everything we do harms something. Please refrain from buying into the ridiculous assertion that Wicca teaches "Harm None". It doesn't now and it never has. The Wiccan path requires u! s to live life in balance with responsibility. Responsibility doesn't mean that we have to be guilt ridden for swatting mosquitoes nor that we have to individually shoulder a personal crusade against plastic trash. Living life in balance is the preeminent goal. It's the reason why we pay attention to our place in the universe as well as our place in our human and deity relationships. Your life obviously isn't balanced if you're constantly obsessing about plastic trash....Show more

Dorethea Beaston: I see where you are and where you are going. In your journey, you are headed toward facing your fears and walking through them. At that point, you will be in a serious moral AND ethical dilemma. Then you can choose without a guilty conscience.Make sure that your powers are up to snuf. You don't want to go through that valley of the shadow of death without faith in how powerful you are. Practice manifesting daily. When the dollar collapses (as it will), you will be on! e of the teachers building a new world - if you make the right choice..! ..Show more

Carmelina Enoch: The world we live in is what it is. Do what you can do, try to be responsible when you can, but don't go totally overboard. Frankly I'm of the belief that we're never going to be able to set back the clock and undo the damage that's done; best option at this point is to move forward and support realistic efforts that will make for a better future through technology and conservation efforts. You'd be better off donating to those kinds of causes than you would spending an extra few bucks for shampoo with a couple oz of palm oil. Keep your eyes open in the news for legislation revolving around environmental issues and help promote awareness. The solutions to are problems are going to require massive long-term changes. You can be of much more help if you focus on contributing to those....Show more

Forgive me, Anybody having dental problems even though you see your dentist?  

Forgive me, Anybody having dental problems even though you see your dentist?  

answers 0:faithfully?answers 1:yeah, of course they suck!!!answers 2:Every time I get my teeth cleaned, my teeth hurt like hell for a month. I've seen a dentist every six months my entire life, yet I've spent a small fortune on dental work. Some people have problems no matter what they do. Don't worry, you're not alone on this.answers 3:I agree! If you experience pain with your teeth - go see your dentist.I used to be absolutely frightened of the dentist - but now having braces for the past 13 months - it's like a piece of cake.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

greenhouse effect and global warming link?

Long Woltjer: Well CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Which... let me help explain this easily for me and you.The sun emits ultraviolet light. There are a few things that reflect this energy such as clouds, but some ultravilet light enters the atmosphere and reflects off of the earths surface. When it reflects off the Earths surface it degenerates into a much lower frequency, lik a radio wave going to a lower frequency and it is then absorbed by greenhouse gasses like CO2. Normally they wouldn't absorb UV light, but since it degenerates into lower frequencies it turns into Infradred energy and the greenhouse gasses then re-radiate this energy, no only into space, but also back to the Earth's surface.But CO2 isn't the only cause. The most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water wapor, good ol' H2O, of course it isn't as effective as CO2. The most effective greenhouse gas is something like trichloflorocarbon-something or other. But of course there aren't many trichloroflor! e things in the atmosphere. CFC's are also pretty bad.

Norine Lomonte: There are chemicals in the air that help absorb heat so that earth will be able to support life. There are those who think humans are creating more of these chemicals, thus causing the atmosphere to absorb more heat.

Clifford Riggleman: Here is a simple explanation:http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/clima...In the most basic form, some of the energy from the sun that normally would bounce back out into space collides with greenhouse gases (e.g. CO2) and that causes additional heat to remain near the surface of the planet. The more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the more "collisions" that will occur and the more heat that is trapped....Show more

Libby Berkovitch: Green House effect is an phenomenon in which earth's atmosphere traps the heat from the sun & prevents it from escaping. The phenomenon is so named because earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse made of glass ! in which sunlight enters through transparent glass, but the he! at released by plants in the form of infrared radiations is not allowed to escape. As a result of this , the temp. increasses inside the greenhouse.In a similar manner, sunlight enters earth's atmosphere and heats the surface of the earth. But certain gases present in the atmosphere trap the heat emitted by earth's surface & do not allow it to escape. This causes an increase in temp. of earth's atmosphere. This is known as Global Warming.The gases causing green house effect are called greenhouse gases. Carbon Dioxide, methane, ozone, and CFCs are the green house gases present in the atmosphere which are responsible for global warming.

Marti Declue: It's one of the great mysteries. Only Al Gore knows.

Dexter Gold:

Russell Mckinzie: @ Othol48 -->> Nature goes in cycles, and will always do so.What cycle? What are its frequency and period?You cannot answer those questions because you do not know what you are talking about.Why don't you restrict your opinions ! to those areas that do not require scientific knowledge or much education?...Show more

Raymon Fiene: do your own homework!

Ervin Overbee: Green house gases keep the earth warm enough for us humans to live on it. But if the greenhouse effect becomes any stronger, it could make the Earth warmer than usual. Even a little extra warming may cause problems for humans, plants, and animals. Therefore it’s important to keep green house effect in check. One of the results of GW is its affect on water availability. It is becoming a scarce resource and therefore important for all to use it wisely. You will find some simple and easy to follow tips on water conservation at http://www.bewaterwise.com/tips01.html...Show more

Frederick Mccoach: The Sun is hotter than Earth, so it gives out more light of a higher frequency. Greenhouse gases absorb light of a lower frequency, but not of a higher frequency. So heat gets through from the Sun, is absorbed by Earth, and then r! e-transmitted at a lower frequency because Earth is cooler. Look up Bla! ckbody/Greybody radiation.Greenhouse gases absorb the lower frequency light, slowing down its escape and therefore increasing the amount of energy in the atmosphere and planet. This leads to warming.Any absorption in this manner will lead to warming, regardless of how fast the gas dumps the heat afterwards (unless its heat dumping exceeds the speed of light, which it would need to for James E's theory to be correct)James E's 'it's only humidity' argument fails to explain climate changes caused by greenhouse gases in history (Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum, Azolla Event, Snow/Slushball Earth episodes, Faint Young Sun Paradox...), and it fails to explain the observed greenhouse effects on Mars and Uranus. It also runs contrary to the entire understanding of physics we've built up so far.JcL link 1: 'cooling'? 2009 is warmer than 2008.http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/temperature/hadc...GISTemp (NASA) also reported that June 2009 was the warmest oceans on record and the seco! nd warmest June on record.This is probably because of an El Nino. We have recently emerged from cooling La Nina conditions, and the ENSO cycle can affect temperatures by as much as 0.3-0.4C in the space of 2 years (see 1996-1998). Far bigger than the miniscule changes in the solar cycle or the 0.1-0.3C/decade warming from greenhouse gases. You need longer term records than that.2000-2009 is 0.17C warmer than 1990-1999.Link 2: 'it's the Sun'. It says solar cycle changes cause temperature changes of 0.1-0.15C, then tries to argue that this explains the 0.8C warming observed from 1900-04 to 2005-09. There is other evidence against solar dominated warming:- the amount of sunlight reaching the surface of Earth fell until 1990 because of air pollution, yet net warming occurred[1].- the stratosphere is cooling, consistent with ozone depletion/increased greenhouse effect, but not with solar warming.- changes in solar output in the last 30 years have been about zero.http://media.pho! tobucket.com/image/damon%20%252526...http://tamino.files.wordpress.com/! 2007/07/lockwood......Show more

Filiberto Ranalli: War, Poor or uncaring Governments, Mismanagement of Soil, Lack of water, pestilence, and etc.....

Freddy Shutler: global warming is bogus.

Cierra Gadbaw: Global warming is a scam created by the government to provoke panic and to control societies.Leave carbon dioxide to the devil.My 2 cents.

Raymundo Kyser: Gases such as carbon ioxide are emitted into the atmsophere at the level of the troposphere. They both absord and emit infrared radiation and heat from the sun. In this way, they can retain enough heat to keep the earth at a desirable temperature. Increased levels of these gases, most notably carbon dioxide, accumulate as a consequence of human activity. As a result, too much heat may retained at the level of the earth's atmosphere and excessive warming of the earth may occur.In an actual greenhouse, the heat is retained by the enclosure....Show more

Zulema Baccam: Jack Bakerson said:"it! destroys ozone (three oxygen particle) which protects our earth from the sun's radiation (not heat) which then causes the warming of the earth. (the warming doesnt happen until the radiation hit the earth first)"It is funny how many people actually think that this is how AGW works. Though it is overly simplistic, try reading ken's link above for a more accurate look at the GHE and how CO2 might should warming.

Monroe Rainey: Since there is no such thing, why worry? Nature goes in cycles, and will always do so.

Alden Sabio: Apart from Ken know one here seems to have even high school science knowledge, or maybe they just weren't listening at the time There is easy proof that the greenhouse effect works, because without Co2 (and the other gases) the Earths average temperature would be around -20c.'Jack Bakerson'http://www.epa.gov/sunwise/kids/kids_ozone.htmlthis is aimed at kids and explains ozone depletion and the cause, no mention of Co2 in relation to ozone.


Carolynn Testani: Have a look at this (hi-def) video, called "HOME"......It is about our planet, global warming and what me might do for the future..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU

Geraldo Mccalla: Global warming is beating global dimming. As time goes on, it will dominate it.If I put a CO2 molecule in the atmosphere, there's a good chance that in a hundred years, the atmosphere will be a CO2 molecule richer.If I put an aerosol particle in the atmosphere, it will probably rain out within weeks.This means that CO2 adds up whilst aerosols rely on being constantly refilled. Last weeks' aerosols are trying to cancel out all the warming from the last hundred years of carbon dioxide.Back in the '60s and '70s they could do this, we pumped out aerosols so quickly that they could cancel out the CO2 from the 1800s to then. But since then we've pumped out CO2 at a much ! faster rate and aerosol emissions haven't kept up. So aerosols are continuing to cool us, but the proportion of warming they prevent will shrink....Show more

Robt Betker: Majority of credible scientists agree global warming is man made.A small fringe group believe otherwise.

Danette Slotnick: oh didn't you know it was cows, cars,over weight people, etc etc,,im not a beliver in global what ever , i do however belive if someone doesn't put a stop to the madness we will be the ones depleting off this earth and living strictly how the government sees it fit

Warren Kotter: From the UK Met Office:1.1 What is the difference between global warming and climate change? The Earth is warming faster than it has in the past thousand years, hence the term global warming. But climate change is a better description than global warming, as some areas may, in fact, cool. It also describes other effects like rising sea levels and more extreme weather. 1.2 Is the ‘greenhou! se effect’ the same as global warming? No: The ‘greenhouse effectâ€! ™ is the way the atmosphere traps some of the energy we receive from the Sun (infrared radiation or heat, ultraviolet and visible light) and stops it being transmitted back out into space. This makes the Earth warm enough for life. The problem is that scientists believe we are adding dangerously to the natural greenhouse effect with the gases from industry and agriculture (chiefly carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide). This traps more solar energy and increases the temperature. 1.3 Has climate changed in the past?There is little doubt, from the evidence so far, that there have been enormous changes in climate in the past. These ranged from a complete absence of ice over the Poles to ice sheets extending across much of Europe, Asia and North America. The last major extension of polar ice retreated only 10,000 years ago. Since then, the climate has sometimes been warmer and sometimes cooler than it is now. 1.4 Has the climate changed recently?Natural sources, such as tr! ee rings and glaciers, as well as human records, show that climate has changed significantly over the past few hundred years. There was a relatively warm period in Europe during the 14th century, followed by a quite sudden change to cooler conditions in the 15th century. This extended into the Little Ice Age of the 17th and 18th centuries, followed by a warming trend that has recently accelerated. The evidence for this recent warming comes largely from direct measurements of temperature.In the more temperate northern latitudes, winters are less severe than 30 years ago, with cold snaps generally being short-lived. 1.5 As natural emissions of carbon dioxide are very much greater than those from human activities, surely the effect of man is insignificant?The exchange of ‘man-made’ carbon dioxide between man-made emissions, atmosphere, ocean and land, is about 7 GtC/year (billion tons of carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, per year), which also shows much larger natural! exchanges between atmosphere and ocean (about 90 GtC/yr) and atmospher! e and land (about 60 GtC/yr). However, these natural exchanges have been in balance for many thousands of years, leading to the pre-industrial concentration of CO2 remaining steady at about 280 ppm. 1.6 If we’re meant to have global warming, why is the weather so miserable a lot of the time? This is the fundemental difference between weather and climate. Even in a warming climate we will still get individual weather systems which will bring ‘miserable’ weather. There is indisputable evidence that the climate is changing. The average global surface temperature has risen by 0.6 °C in the past 140 years. Globally, nine out of the ten hottest years ever recorded have occurred since 1990. Here in the UK, four out of five of the hottest years ever recorded over a 330-year period have occurred since then. 1.7 Is lots of rain a sign of climate change?A research project, carried out by Met Office and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, looked at extreme flooding in October ! and November 2000. It concluded that, though the events were extreme, they could not in themselves be attributed to climate change. However, heavy rainfall and peak river flows of similar duration have been increasing in frequency and magnitude over the past 50 years. This pattern is consistent with model predictions of how human-induced climate change affects rainfall. 1.8 Will climate change mean that we will see more severe weather events? Experts predict that fierce storms and floods, such as those that brought chaos to parts of the UK in October 2000, are likely to become more frequent in the future. Over the past 100 years, warming has been accompanied by a reduction in the frequency of frosts and an increase in the number of heatwaves in many parts of the world. The amount of rainfall is getting heavier in some countries in terms of volume per downpour.1.9 Weather forecasts aren’t always accurate a few days ahead, so how can you possibly predict what climate over t! he next 100 years? Although they are made by the same sort of mathemati! cal model, weather forecasts and climate predictions are really quite different. A weather forecast tells us what the weather (for example, temperature or rainfall) is going to be at a certain place and time over the next few days.A climate prediction tells us about changes in the average climate, its variability and extremes. So, it might say that Somerset, in 40â€"60 years time, wil...Show more

Elvin Mannheimer: Green house effect is simply sun's heat reflecting off the methane gas in the atmosphere back to the earth. This heats up earth.Global warming is the earth getting hotter than it maybe should be, yet studies have proved there is no possible way that man is doing this. We know that Russia and Alaska were once connected by a solid block of ice not long ago. The solar activity of the sun has cycles which are to date unpredictable. Sunspots come and go, nobody knows why. One connection is the galactic axis where a stream of particles invisible to us effects the ! sun and earth. If you think you want to worry about global warming; I must first suggest looking into the 2012/2013 earth spin axis shift of 120 degrees....Show more

Toney Flaten:

Kip Ockenfels: It appears to be home work assignment!

Wilmer Skidmore: Increasing the strength of the greenhouse effect is believed by scientists to be the main cause of the current global warming. http://dels.nas.edu/dels/rpt_briefs/climate_change...http://www.nasa.gov/worldbook/global_warming_world...

Randolph Lozoya: http://www.articlesbase.com/environment-articles/g... http://www.articlesbase.com/environment-articlesThe sun is heating up the planet due to increased activity!the sun is much stronger than it was 20 years ago, just go stand in the sun during mid afternoon....Show more

Nicolasa Henke: Greenhouse gases effectively absorb thermal infrared radiation, emitted by the Earth’s surface, by the atmosphere itself due to the same gases, and by clouds. Atmosp! heric radiation is emitted to all sides, including downward to the Eart! h’s surface. Thus greenhouse gases trap heat within the surface-troposphere system. This is called the greenhouse effect.

Shaun Rapkowicz: The only documented link that has ever been tested through the scientific method is that the sun evaporates water vapor from oceans, lakes, rovers and ponds. This is known as humidity and the world always has between 1% and 4% of this water vapor in the air. This the only greenhouse gas retains the days heat from the sun to keep the nights from cooling down through clouds or just the humidity itself.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HumidityBecause humidity and clouds keep nights from cooling off as they would if these factors were not there it can contribute to compounded warming from day to day as the heat index builds until a cold front cools the air enough below the dew point for the moisture to condense and rain out of the air. This is how the greenhouse effect and the water cycle it is based on function scientifically.http://en.! wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_cycleThere are also some political pogroms such as AGW that distort truth and science for political advantage however and if your teacher is a left wing radical environmentalist the scientific explanation will get you an F instead of the A you would get from a teacher who uses the scientific method. So understanding your teachers political views can be central to good grades!....Show more

Wilbert Shellgren: it destroys ozone (three oxygen particle) which protects our earth from the sun's radiation (not heat) which then causes the warming of the earth. (the warming doesnt happen until the radiation hit the earth first)

Freeman Rutkin: You have to dabble with external and internal forcing. There's not a clear cut definition of which offsets the other. But for the most part anything including (short term) anthropogenic forcing has a role. But it's nothing that can be annotated with proof, just modeling.

Fermin Tara: To get an accurate! answer for your homework assignments, I'd recommend asking over at www! .ecohuddle.org instead (Although this time Dawei has the right answer). Too many people here are out to tell the world their conspiracy theories. Don't listen to them. Global warming is most almost certainly real, man-made and a threat to us.If you were ill would you trust a fellow blogger, a wingnut on the internet or someone who studied medicine for many years? If one maverick doctor disagrees with the consensus would you trust your life to them or the majority opinion? Global warming is highly complex, and it takes a while to fully understand what it is, why it's happening and why it's a threat. This is a potential minefield to anyone who's not an expert on the subject. To illustrate the point try this: Google geocentric theory (the idea that the sun goes round the earth) and you'll find arguments that you won't be able to counter without resorting to some form of "But everyone knows most scientists say otherwise!"It's understandable that people want to come to their own! conclusions, but by far the best way to start doing that is to look not so much at what's being said, but at WHO is saying it. These are just some of the most significant people warning us of the global warming threat:First, the scientists:The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2500+ scientific expert reviewers, 800+ contributing authors and 450+ lead authors from 130+ counties, working more than 6 years to review thousands of peer-reviewed papers. They published their first report on climate change in 1990 and have published an updated one every 5 years since thenThe National Scientific Academies of the following countries issued this statement in support of the IPCC:"The work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) represents the consensus of the international scientific community on climate change science. We recognise IPCC as the world's most reliable source of information on climate change and its causes, and we endorse its method of ach! ieving this consensus. Despite increasing consensus on the science unde! rpinning predictions of global climate change, doubts have been expressed recently about the need to mitigate the risks posed by global climate change. We do not consider such doubts justified."The National Academy of Sciences (US), (founded in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln, 1 in 10 of its members is a nobel prize winner!)American Association for the Advancement of Science (around since before the US Civil War. It's the largest scientific society in the world, with 144,000 members!)Royal Society (United Kingdom),Chinese Academy of Sciences,Science Council of Japan,Russian Academy of Sciences,Academia Brasiliera de Ciências (Brazil),Royal Society of Canada,Académie des Sciences (France),Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina (Germany),Indian National Science Academy,Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy),Australian Academy of Sciences,Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts,Caribbean Academy of Sciences,Indonesian Academy of Sciences,Royal Irish Academ! y,Academy of Sciences Malaysia,Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand,Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.See the full statement here: http://royalsociety.org/displaypagedoc.asp?id=1361...Government sources:In 2008 (i.e. still during the George W. Bush era), all 16 US intelligence agencies (who aren't normally known for being green), including the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency jointly produced a report known as the National Intelligence Assessment. The report warned of a wide of a wide range of national security threats if global warming isn't properly addressed.The Pentagon, in 2003 (i.e. also in the George W. Bush era) released a study which warned: "There is substantial evidence to indicate that significant global warming will occur during the 21st century. ...With inadequate preparation, the result could be a significant drop in the human carrying capacity of the Earth’s environment" http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2004/feb/22/...Governments f! rom all around the world are meeting in Copenhagen to discuss what acti! on to take against climate change.John McCain promised to take action against climate change http://www.nrdc.org/onearth/04spr/mccain1.asp?r=n (again, this would suggest that it's NOT in fact a liberal plot)Also in Britain where I live, all the major political parties, including the conservative party agree that global warming is man-made and a threat.China has declared that it will take action on climate change http://climateprogress.org/2009/08/13/china-signal... and has recently closed coal power plants with a total of 7,467 generating units.The president of the Maldives made the following remarkable short speech: http://vimeo.com/3661273Corporations:One would have thought that big corporations would be the last people to accept that global warming is real, given that many of them, particularly oil companies, may stand to lose out of consumption of their products is necessarily reduced:Exxonmobil is an oil giant, and the largest company in the world. For a long time they! have funded those who deny global warming http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/campaigns/global-war... However, in 2007 they finally stated that global warming is a serious risk and must be addressed by governments.80 global corporations including Shell, BP, Duke Energy, Michelin and British Airways wrote a document to G8 leaders calling for stronger action against climate change.Wanna see even more sources? The list just goes on and on! Click the following link:http://logicalscience.com/consensus/consensus.htm#...____________________So who are the skeptics?At this date, there is only 1 professional scientific organization which does not concur that the science clearly points to man-made global warming being a serious threat. That's the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, who state that the globe is warming but that their membership is divided on the degree of human influence. However, this is not all that surprising when you consider that they may feel that their jobs! will be threated by action taken against to prevent global warming.The! Oregon Petition/petition project etc:An online petition which anyone can sign. The number of signers is now up to 31,000, although you may hear it quoted as a lower number if someone isn't up to date. To sign you're supposed to hold a science degree, although it can be in ANY area of science, the names are not disclosed and nobody actually checks to see if the signers really do have degrees. http://www.petitionproject.orgA compiled list of 400 scientists against global warming:Amazingly, some people on this list are counted multiple times, and many are not scientists but engineers, inventors, economists etc.A few think tanks and advocacy organizations (i.e. people with agendas to push, NOT scientists!):e.g. The Heartland Institute, The Marshall Institute, The Competitive Enterprise Institute...A small number of oft-quoted individual scientists.Robert M. Carter, Richard Lindzen, S. Fred Singer, Roy Spencer etc.Most of these skeptics are qualified in fields other than CLIMAT! E science, which is the relevant field.A slew of journalists, writers, bloggers and documentary makers who present different versions of events, where global warming is portrayed as shambles/conspiricy/liberal plot. They are pretty successful at convincing people, because your average member of the public doesn't know any better.__________________It's easy to think that you've found a serious hole in the global warming argument, when in fact you simply haven't properly understood it. In particular, if you go searching for holes in the argument you will surely think you've found some. However, look deeper and there are solid answers to every single one of those holes. To assume instead that ALL these scientists are lying or incompetant is paranoid to say the least! If you're curious about how certain parts of the picture add up, this website does a good job of answering the most popular skeptical concerns:http://www.skepticalscience.com/argument.php...Show more

Leif An! dreason: Global warming is still a threat. Global dimming may be slowi! ng GW slightly, but not enough to counteract ever-increasing levels of CO2.

Scot Sepulbeda: Great question for awareness. It is a fact that global warming would be far worse if it were not for global dimming, but pollution is not a good trade off. It also seems that we may be entering a period of cooling off for the next 20 or 30 years, but the way I look at it, God is giving us 20 to 30 years to do something about it. Wind and solar power are not the answer. The wind doesn't always blow, and the sun doesn't always shine. We must have enough power for peak demands on these days. Nuclear power is the only answer.Democrats, environmentalists, and liberals have blocked all new nuclear power plants over the last 30 years. Jimmy Carter created the Department of Energy which instead of making us energy independent they have actually destroyed our ability to be energy independent. Excellent article on the DOE at this site....Show more

Jacques Vaquera: something like la! wn mowers or something else funny just dont say drought or other thing like that, that are that serious

Mitzie Clough: All 4 agencies that track the earth's temp say the earth is cooling.(2009)http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197...NASA says earth warming due to Sun.(2009)http://www.dailytech.com/NASA+Study+Acknowledges+S...

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

what is a conclusion about global warming?

Jonie Lauria: not two experts can agree on the reasons, out come, beginning or end of it.

Alexis Reyer: The statistics used to "prove" global warming are questionable.The observable facts regarding the environment and climate change do not support global warming.The scientists that are trying to spread the fear of global warming have been caught lying, covering the truth, and attempting to deceive the public.Conclusion- Global warming is false. It's nothing more than propaganda used to promote a political agenda....Show more

Cómo lidiar con un mentiroso compulsivo

Cómo lidiar con un mentiroso compulsivo

Ignóralos. Cuando el mentiroso compulsivo en tu vida comienza con una versión de la vida real de dos verdades y una mentira, ignórala. Si sabes que es una locura, no le prestes atención. Cuando tu respuesta a «Una vez crié hurones para la Reina de Inglaterra» es «Oh,» no sólo probablemente entenderán la indirecta, sino que tú también podrás divertirte con ella.

Estén en guardia y prepárense. Dése suficiente preparación mental para aceptar que no puede confiar en esta persona y tome lo que se dice como no confiable. Espere un resultado potencialmente diferente al que de otra manera se anticiparía o se prometería. En otras palabras? Recuerda con quién estás tratando.

Saber no confiar en el comportamiento en el calor del momento. Si se presenta una gran mentira, puedes ver al mentiroso diciendo la verdad! . Huzzah, ¿verdad? No tan rápido. Ellos pueden ver esto como una cosa de una sola vez que te sacó de sus espaldas. Te despistaron de su rastro. Así que en vez de celebrar, espera a estar seguro de que no es casualidad.

No sientas la necesidad de llamarlos por todo. Cuando las mentiras van desde «Recargué el papel higiénico, sí» hasta «Una vez afeité la cabeza de Britney Spears por ella», está claro que vas a tener que escoger tus batallas. Deja ir a los pequeños (tal vez puedas ignorarlos) y confronta a los grandes â€" ¡si no estás demasiado cansado!

Mantenga registros. No es exactamente lo más divertido que se puede hacer en una relación, pero puede resultar muy útil. Si necesitas asegurarte de que no eres el loco o de que no eres el que está exagerando las cosas, es aconsejable que mantengas un cuaderno con los incidentes. O si estás en una situación en la que empiezas la terapia de pareja, puedes ofrecerla como documentación del problem! a.

Entiende por qué mienten. Para la mayoría, acostars! e es cómodo. Es la verdad la que da miedo. Si en realidad son un mentiroso patológico, es sólo el síntoma de un problema mayor. Las posibles razones de su comportamiento son:

Cuídate mucho. Sobre todo, cuídese primero a sí mismo. Usted puede estar en una relación muy seria con esta persona, pero eso no le da rienda suelta a sus emociones y a su felicidad. Si necesitas irte, vete. Ellos no te merecen. No pueden hacerte feliz. Así son las cosas. No los estás abandonando; te estás protegiendo.

Deshágase del hábito una y otra vez. Es la primera vez que va a ser la más incómoda. Después de eso, todo es cuesta abajo. Cuando los agarres mintiendo, hazles saber que lo que se dijo es «no exacto» o «no válido», pero no actúes como si fueras el juez y el jurado. Basta con ser directo y mantener la calma, la calma y la claridad.

Saben que pueden odiar lo que realmente son. Muchos mentirosos patológicos tienen una seria falta de autoestima y es p! or eso que empezaron a mentir en primer lugar. Consiguieron presentar al mundo una imagen de la que estaban realmente orgullosos, en lugar de la que se llevaban a casa por la noche y de la que despreciaban en secreto. Aunque el mentiroso no merece tu compasión, es útil entender la raíz del problema.

Conocer la diferencia entre un mentiroso patológico y un cabrón. Si estás saliendo con alguien y descubres que no ganan seis cifras y te han estado engañando y no, no hablan francés con fluidez, lo más probable es que tu ex sea sólo una triste excusa para un ser humano. Las personas que mienten para hacer que suenen bien o para salirse con la suya con un comportamiento determinado son sólo imbéciles de mente cerrada, desconsiderados, que no valen la pena. No son mentirosos patológicos.

Sugiero terapia. Otro pateador que es delicado. Si su relación es lo suficientemente cercana y se siente cómodo siendo real con su amigo, familiar o pareja, sugiera tera! pia. Los psiquiatras son para cualquiera que quiera mejorar. Si usted h! a estado en terapia o está cerca de alguien que lo ha hecho, úselo como ejemplo. Muchas personas ven el ir a terapia como una debilidad cuando en realidad es algo positivo y que reafirma la vida.

Aludir a sus patrones de mentiras. Este es un territorio desordenado. Tienes que hacerles saber que estás en su acto sin decir: «Estoy en tu acto». Eres un maestro del jiujitsu social con tacto, ¿verdad? Así que la próxima vez que tu amigo diga: «Sí, desarmé bombas para la CIA en 2009», puedes decir: «¿Es tan cierto como la historia que contaste sobre la introducción de hurones en jaulas para ganarse la vida?». Y mientras te aseguran que es mucho más cierto que esa historia del hurón, mantén la calma, sonríe y cuéntales que su historia de falsedades habla por sí misma.

Sea paciente. Si decide seguir siendo amigos, compañeros de trabajo o conocidos del lugar de trabajo, necesita que haya un poco de espacio de maniobra por su parte. Esta persona tie! ne un problema que no es fácil de ayudar. Haga todo lo posible para ser paciente con ellos. Todos estamos peleando batallas â€" la suya resulta ser bastante irritante para todos los demás.

Ofrezca una salida antes de abordar la mentira. Cuando has visto una mentira del tamaño de un elefante, no es prudente que todos digan: «¡Tú, mentiroso, desperdicio del espacio! Eso obviamente no es verdad.» La conversación tomará un giro que usted no desea tomar. En su lugar, forme la primera etapa de su «acusación» de manera más agradable, donde el acusado tiene la oportunidad de corregir su error.

Mantenga el enfoque en la relación. En lugar de estar constantemente en su retaguardia por ser un mentiroso furioso, mantenga la atención en la calidad de su relación. Sus mentiras están deteriorando la confianza entre ustedes dos. Todavía te preocupas por ellos, pero su comportamiento hace que sea difícil ser feliz con ellos. No se trata del mentiroso, se trata! de las mentiras y de ustedes dos.

Monday, 22 June 2020

What is meant by conservation?

Gaylord Barragan: To conserve something means to protect it and keep it in a healthy condition. Today, conservation means to ensure a high quality of life for humans by the wise use and good management of our resources and the natural environment. This definition is very broad and includes:> The protection of nature i.e. wildlife and forests to enrich our lives> The controlled production of useful materials from the living environment such as crop fields and fisheries.> The controlled use of fossil fuels and minerals.> The control or elimination of environmental pollutionThere must be conversation of two types, for both renewable and non-renewable resources.Merry Christmas!...Show more

Monica Voltin: What Is Meant By Conservation

Leisa Brodnex: the word conservation means to save or protect.one can conserve natural resouces by using them in a judicious way.basically conservation is done to preseve resources for future generation

Adam Momaya: preventing c! rimes from happening in the first place, and working to make communities safer and more peaceful

Letitia Bigelow: Conservation usually refers to not wasting natural resources. So a sample sentence would be "turning off the lights is a good form of conservation."

Ollie Desalvo: The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of natural environments and the ecological communities that inhabit them. Conservation is generally held to include the management of human use of natural resources for current public benefit and sustainable social and economic utilization. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/conservatio......Show more

Eleni Mccier: Conservation is 'proper and limited' usage of non renwable resources lik tree,electricity etc.

Lyndon Mattas: to conserve (the root word) is to protect, to keepIn terms of the environment or a specific aspect of it it can be used like this:"Conservation of our natural resources and endangered species is vit! al to a healthy planet"It can also be used for many other thin! gs, but the environment is the most common subject...Show more

Comment copier des cassettes sur le disque dur de l’ordinateur

Comment copier des cassettes sur le disque dur de l’ordinateur

Installez un logiciel d’enregistrement et d’édition sur votre PC. Le « Sound Recorder » standard de Microsoft ne fonctionnera pas très bien. Essayez Audacity qui est gratuit et facile à utiliser.

Procurez-vous un lecteur de cassettes avec une sorte de « Line Out ». Il peut s’agir de câbles RCA, ou même d’une prise casque, comme sur un Walkman.

Assurez-vous d’avoir une « Line In » quelque part sur votre ordinateur, et voyez de quel type de prise il s’agit. S’il s’agit d’un petit trou, comme une prise casque, il sera de 3,5 mm (1/8 po). S’il y a deux vérins, avec le rouge et le blanc autour, ce sont des vérins RCA.

Exporter chaque chanson en mp3. N’oubliez pas d’ajouter des étiquettes d’identification !

Après l’enregistrement des deux côtés, vous pouvez commencer à diviser le long fi! chier audio en fichiers mp3 séparés. Lisez la documentation de votre programme pour plus d’informations sur la façon de le faire avec votre programme spécifique.

Faites un voyage à votre magasin d’électronique préféré et prenez le câble dont vous avez besoin pour connecter votre lecteur de cassette à votre ordinateur. Assurez-vous de spécifier que vous voulez un câble stéréo. Il aura besoin d’avoir les prises RCA rouges et blanches (droite / gauche) à une extrémité et la prise 1/8″ pour entrer dans votre connexion Line-In sur votre PC. Pour être sûr que c’est un câble stéréo : Il y aura deux petites rainures autour de la partie enfichable de la fiche. S’il n’y en a qu’un, il s’agit d’un câble mono qui ne transfère pas votre enregistrement en stéréo.

Écoutez ce que vous venez d’enregistrer et décidez si la qualité du son est bonne. C’est trop fort ? Trop mou ? Réglez le volume de l’entrée ligne de l’ordi! nateur jusqu’à ce qu’il soit correct. Il devrait juste at! teindre le sommet (juste là où il commence à rougir) où la chanson est la plus forte, mais il ne devrait pas être en train de se répéter tout le temps.

Jouez votre cassette pendant l’enregistrement. Si votre lecteur de cassette lit automatiquement l’autre côté de la bande, vous pouvez laisser l’ordinateur à ses propres appareils pendant un certain temps. Sinon, retournez la bande et enregistrez ce côté.

Connectez votre lecteur de cassette à votre ordinateur, ouvrez votre logiciel d’enregistrement et essayez d’enregistrer un peu d’audio.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

fuel types?

Lou Ravelo: Unleaded Petrol (ULP) Unleaded Petrol is the most common fuel type in Australia for passenger vehicles. ULP has a Research Octane Number (RON) of between 91 and 93. RON is a measure of a fuel's compression performance and the RON rating given translates into the amount of engine power. RON requirements vary according to engine type. Regular unleaded petrol was introduced in 1985 in anticipation of new Australian Design Rules initiated by the Federal Government to reduce Australia's air pollution. Central to the new design rules was the requirement for all vehicles to be fitted with a catalytic converter. ULP was produced to allow the new vehicles to operate with the device. Lead Replacement Petrol (LRP) The demand for LRP has diminished to the point that it is becoming increasingly unviable for fuel suppliers to produce, store and distribute the fuel, and for petrol stations to sell it.LRP has been slowly phased out and its availability is limited.LRP was int! roduced as an environmental alternative for cars that used Leaded petrol. LRP was refined to contain no lead, along with lower concentrations of benzene and sulphur, respectively identified as health hazards and pollutants. Premium Unleaded Petrol (PULP) PULP is a special blend of petrol designed to bring high octane, and hence high engine power, as well as knock- free performance to unleaded cars with a high-octane requirement. PULP has a Research Octane Number (RON) of 95. RON is a measure of a fuel's compression performance and the RON rating translates into the amount of engine power. RON requirements vary according to engine type.Diesel Diesel is used to power diesel engines. They are usually very efficient engines, offering better fuel economy in comparison to equivalent petrol models. Ultra low sulphur diesel is already available from a limited number of service stations in WA. Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) LPG, most commonly a blend of propane and butane, is an envi! ronmentally cleaner fuel compared to petrol and diesel. It is ! the most widely accepted alternative fuel for the automotive sector. Despite LPG cars having lower fuel economy compared to petrol-powered vehicles, fuel costs will usually be lower, as retail LPG prices tend to be lower than other fuel products. 98 RON 98 RON is a high-octane unleaded fuel that maximizes engine power and performance, as well as producing less pollution. Biodiesel and Biodiesel Blends (B20 diesel)In 2006, biodiesel blended fuel (made up of regular diesel mixed with biodiesel) became available at some Western Australian service stations.Biodiesel is made from natural renewable sources and can be blended with petroleum based diesel. For more information about biodiesel, visit the WA Department of Agriculture and Food's biofuels website at www.agric.wa.gov.au/biofuels.Biodiesel is the pure 100% biodiesel fuel. It is referred to as B100 or “neat biodiesel”. Biodiesel can be blended in almost any ratio with petroleum based diesel. Biodiesel blends are of! ten known by the proportion of biodiesel to regular diesel ie. B20 means 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum based diesel. The most common blends available internationally are B5 (a mix of 5% biodiesel and 95% petroleum based diesel) and B20 (a mix of 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum based diesel). A B20 biodiesel blend is available in Western Australia. This product is labeled as B20 diesel under the price search facility on this website.Alternative Fuel TypesThese days, you can drive a variety of cars and trucks off the dealer showroom floor that use something besides gasoline or diesel fuel for a power source. The pages linked to the list below discuss some of the alternative fuels that are available today. There are no commercially-available hydrogen-powered vehicles (yet!), but vehicles that use all of the other fuels are available in at least part of the United States.Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG, commonly known as propane) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Liquefied Natural ! Gas (LNG) Methanol (M85) Ethanol (E85) Biodiesel (B20) Electricity Hydr! ogen...Show more

Jinny Dronen: Use what the car recommends. If you run cheaper gas it will likely not run as well and you will see reduced gas mileage, however it will not likely damage the engine on a newer car, it will just retard the timing, making it produce less power and be less efficient.

Jose Bouliouris: moonshine, or corn wiskey works very well for fuel, my family has been makeing it for years.

What kind of x-rays did you have as a kid?  

What kind of x-rays did you have as a kid?  

answers 0:What kind and how many xrays did you have when you where a childanswers 1:4 when i broke my arm2 when i broke my elbow1 when i sprained my wrist2 when i cracked my toe and im expecting more on my toeand some i can't remember...answers 2:Only dental. Never had another one till I was in labor with my first baby.answers 3:I've had a few. Chest and head only though, because I've had pneumonia and I've fainted and hit my head.answers 4:My right wrist, my right knee, ribs, and my collar bone.answers 5:I had my teeth x-rayed when I was young.answers 6:head x-rays because I had lots of headaches

Saturday, 20 June 2020

How do I get into the Entertainment Industry?

Roni Kurz: I disagree with the assumption that you HAVE to move to L.A. Or NYC to get into the entertainment industry. Where do you live now? If there's a large metropolitan city nearby, check the yellow pages there for marketing or advertising companies and send your resume directly to the human resource department. Better still, make an appointment and go see them face-to-face. Everybody thinks that you have to go to New York or California but you don't. Besides, the competition there is murder. Good Luck!...Show more

Elvie Drumgoole: The best way to get a resume into an office is by personal delivery. Try to find out who the contact person is and bring it to their office.The best way to get into any industry is through experience. Catch 22 "How do you get a job to get experience if you have no experience? " The answer : volunteer. There should be any amateur or community groups in your area producing things like plays, musical evenings, charitable concert! s, etc. Find out who and where they are. Offer your services as a marketer - help them prepare their advertising - learn where and how to submit their material and do it. You gain experience and contacts. Keep copies of the advertising and marketing you prepare and soon you have a portfolio,Good Luck and most important enjoy yourself !...Show more

Pearlie Medora: First, if you don't live in LA or New York, then move there. A lot of "big" companies use employment agencies and only advertise for job openings because its "prodecure" or have to by law to give everyone an equal opportunity. Find an employment agency, you can actually use several of them at once. I think that will be your best "in" to the industry.

Rosella Figliola: Move to L.A. or New York. You need to be in the area where the entertainment is.

Scot Sepulbeda: thank you for being an sensible guy or woman with motivation, expertise, and a few inkling of an concept of ways the marketplace wo! rks. i won't enable you comprehend techniques many- How do I e! xchange into widespread? questions there are in this internet site. you have have been given a great initiate. lots of excellent suggestion interior the previous answer, i'm going to easily upload Do as many indie/ pupil initiatives as you may. you will no longer gets a commission, besides the fact that it will provide you adventure, resume factors and get your face obtainable. The auditions for those are marketed interior the main eldritch of places- verify the newspaper, type, eve craigslist for a initiate- watch out for scams and creeps. celebration a good appearing reel on DVD, hit upon a chum whose a beginning up filmmaker to do it for unfastened. good success...Show more

Comment faire le bord d’une pelouse sans coupe-bordures

Comment faire le bord d’une pelouse sans coupe-bordures

p>La bordure de votre pelouse est un excellent moyen de nettoyer les côtés des plates-bandes ou des allées, et donnera à votre pelouse un aspect soigné et bien entretenu. Bien qu’il existe des outils de taillage mécaniques et manuels, vous pouvez également tailler votre pelouse à l’aide d’une pelle ou d’une tondeuse à gazon. Peu importe la méthode que vous choisissez, tailler votre pelouse sans coupe-bordures est un jeu d’enfant, pourvu que vous preniez votre temps et que vous suiviez les bonnes étapes.

Tirez sur le cordon de la tondeuse pour démarrer la machine. Sur certains modèles, il se peut qu’il y ait un bouton que vous appuyiez sur le coupe-gazon avant qu’il ne démarre. Basculez le starter en position marche et tirez sur le cordon de démarrage jusqu’à! ce que le moteur démarre.

Porter une protection oculaire et un masque facial. Des lunettes de sécurité protègeront vos yeux contre les roches et les cailloux errants et un masque facial vous empêchera d’inhaler des débris. Ceci est particulièrement important parce que vous inverserez la position naturelle de la tondeuse à gazon ou du désherbeur. Vous pouvez aussi porter des bouchons d’oreilles parce que certains tondeurs à gazon sont bruyants et pourraient endommager vos oreilles.

Appuyez sur le dessus de la pelle avec votre pied. Poussez la pelle de 2 pouces (5,1 cm) dans le gazon. Une fois que la pelle est dans le sol, appuyez sur la poignée supérieure pour pousser la terre vers le haut et libérer l’herbe.

Balayer la zone à l’aide d’un balai. Balayez autour du bord que vous avez créé pour enlever l’excès de saleté et d’herbe que vous avez arraché en creusant. Si vous voulez un look encore plus propre, vous pouvez utilise! r une tondeuse à gazon pour nettoyer davantage le bord.

Utilisez de la peinture en aérosol pour créer la ligne de bord au lieu d’utiliser de la ficelle. Si le bord est incurvé, comme c’est le cas avec un parterre de fleurs, il est préférable d’utiliser de la peinture en aérosol pour pelouse plutôt que d’utiliser plusieurs bâtons et cordes. Secouez la bombe de peinture en aérosol et faites un bord à 1-2 pouces (2,5-5,1 cm) du bord de votre parterre de fleurs ou de votre allée. Essayez de rester aussi parallèle au bord de la pelouse que possible avec la peinture.

Placez la lame d’une pelle à bout plat le long de la ligne. Placez la pelle selon un angle de 90 degrés le long du bord que vous avez tracé. Assurez-vous que la pelle est alignée avec la ligne que vous avez créée avant de pousser vers le bas.

Coupez l’herbe le long de la ligne, puis enlevez-la. Descendez le long de la ligne avec la pelle, en continuant à creuser 2 pouces (5,1 cm) dans le gazon. Lorsque vous arrivez au bout de la! ligne, utilisez votre pelle pour déterrer l’herbe libérée et l’enlever de la zone. Vous devriez maintenant avoir une ligne droite parallèle à votre allée ou à votre parterre de fleurs.

Faire une ligne droite avec 2 bâtons de bois et une ficelle. Placez 2 bâtons de bois dans le sol à 1-2 pouces (2,5-5,1 cm) du bord de votre parterre de fleurs ou de votre allée. Ensuite, attachez un morceau de ficelle à chaque bâton pour former une ligne droite qui deviendra le bord.

Utilisez un balai pour balayer la zone une fois que vous avez terminé. Une fois que vous avez terminé de délimiter l’allée ou le parterre de fleurs, utilisez un balai pour balayer l’herbe et la saleté arrachées. Vous devriez maintenant avoir un joli bord fin le long de votre pelouse.

Retournez la tondeuse à gazon. Vous voulez que la tondeuse coupe le gazon à un angle de 90 degrés. En retournant la tondeuse, vous pourrez la positionner de façon à ce que les lames ! coupent directement dans le sol.

Tenez la tondeuse à côté du b! ord et coupez l’herbe et la terre. Tenez la tondeuse à côté de la ligne, à 3-4 pouces (7,6-10,2 cm) du sol. Au fur et à mesure que la ligne tourne, elle coupe à travers l’herbe et la saleté. Descendez le long de la ligne et continuez à couper le bord vers le bas jusqu’à ce que vous atteigniez l’extrémité.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Vietnamese Entertainment?

Derrick Smsith: Traditional entertainment in Vietnam is hanging out at the coffee shop in the neighborhood. Even here in the states, every Vietnamese mall has to have couple coffee shops with music and mostly men hanging out just to check out women walking by. We, Vietnamese people do love music. Depends on the region, the music may be different but we all listen to music. Movies is another form of entertainment....Show more

Alden Soldano: there's a lot of bars in vietnam now so that's basicly it for adults.but for kids its like everything from sports to movies.everywhere u go there's kids playing soccer and tag n things like that.

Nadia Crauswell: Watching dramas, movies or gig. Tennis and karaoke. Drinking beer and chatting. Bowling and playing pool or just walking around shopping.

Kaylee Schmittou: party....lol..

Jene Licausi: Karaoke is pretty much everywhere. (I was walking around in a quiet neighborhood yesterday afternoon and went by a house! where a woman was practicing her singing with her karaoke machine. Several friends and acquaintances have such machines in their homes.) Sitting and drinking tea or beer with friends (mainly men). Or meeting at cafes, ice cream parlors and coffee shops with friends. Concerts and clubs are popular. Movies are very popular. I was surprised when a friend invited me to join her and her friends for ball room dancing - this is a small town in central VN. And the place was packed!!! If you go to a mid-range to pricy restaurant, most of the clients are Vietnamese. Going to the beach for a summer holiday. Going to important pagodas / temples on important holidays.Doris has it right re kids and sports, but adults also participate in volley ball, badminton, etc. Exercise - every morning if you go out early you will see Vietnamese exercising. I have friends in Phan Rang who go swimming for exercise every morning at 6AM, and the beaches are crowded with swimmers. Go to Hoan Kiem Lake, ! or actually anywhere in the morning and people are out exercis! ing - either as groups doing martial arts, stretching, etc....Show more

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Do you think that television is much more significant than the computer?

Carolin Southers: I believe the computer is much more significant than the television. The television will always be a go to for easy family entertainment, however, the programming is determined by worldly values that may or may not benefit the family. Watching television is not usually very beneficial even if the programming is structured to educate. The chemical reaction the brain has to television leads to less stimulation of the thought process. The only benefit of television is to distract and entertain.The computer is not limited to just enteratinment and broadcast. Depending on the programming of the computer, it can be used to surf the web, monitor a natal heart beat, find a stolen car, and countless other tasks thathumans have relegated computers to do. The computer can be programmed to do tasks that would take a human hours or even years to do. The television is limited to broadcasting.The computer is not limited except for the abilities of the computer pr! ogrammers determining what they want the computer to do....Show more

Jimmie Doerfler: No, I think it is the other way around.TV despite it's potential, is a lot of wasted time and space. Full of junk, and mind numbing one sided poorly presented information. Yet there is some talent for information out there and if you look you can find it. The computer (via the internet) is knowledge at your fingertips. Even the computer without the internet, is a useable tool to do many things, from writting, artwork, to whatever you can make the machine do for you....Show more

Stevie Kizziar: Internet,the powerhouse of equality.. in a way...for example,when you buy stuff from the local neighborhood, it may cost an arm and a leg, but however on the internet (buyer's beware of cost) you can find the same item cheaper or newer mode...research..you have more chance of getting news and info without censorship...or you may be able to study news about another country.. i like to bbc! website to learn of the other countries news.interaction..you! have more chance of interacting with someone far abroad for information...Education:many online tutorials ex Dr. Math, propof to learn math, language and other computer skills.. and online classes..of course yahoo answers..entertainment, mp3's gaming and onof course the bad:child sexual predator, scam artist, virus and so on...Televisionentertainment..news, real time news going on... 9/11, kennedy assistantion, moon landing, the va tech shooting kept us watching every sec of the day.. family movies and show to have the family together..hope this helps...Show more

Jill Thomer: no, everything on tv worth seeing can be seen on computer, most not worth seeing. computer shows you what you want to see, tv shows you what tv wants you to see. benefit of tv is making you think you are doing something while you are not. benefit of computer is doing something for you when you are doing something.

Kara Tabian: well computers are better because u have more sources.

Lou Rought: Television had the greatest impact by far. People are products of their enviroments, and television changed the 'enviroment' of the average person from their home town, to the world. Nothing has been remotely the same ever since.

Emery Blando: Azam, TV is a one way proposition. You either watch what's on or you watch nothing. With a computer you have everything that was ever on TV, whenever you want it. Now THAT's significant.

Rick Duchane: Yes I do.It is "on" and invading the homes. PC needs special talents.

Mercedez Trabue: I think television is real good for younger kids because...their aren't much buttons where you actually delete stuff, if that makes sence. Anywho, I think the computer is so much more useful. You can do so many projects on it, you can even watch tv on the computer. You can communicate with people. Basically the internet can be your life if you just want to write it out instead of actually doing it. You can also get alo! t of info from it, while on tv you have to wait until it actually comes! on....Show more

Scot Sepulbeda: I actually dont put one over the other because I think that the television or the computer can be an effective way to learn and do other things as long as you dont just use them for entertainment. WHICH I AM TOTALLY GUILTY OF!!!!!!!!!hope this answers your question

does veneers cause receding gum?  

does veneers cause receding gum?  

answers 0:I have always had problems with my gum , receding gum leaving spaces between my teeth , so now I'm thinking about the veneers , only for two of my teeth (not all of them) , my concern is if the veneer gets broken or fall for any reason how would the tooth look like ? my dentist said that it would look almost like what it is now , is that true ? and how does the veneer affect the gum ? the dentist told me that the gum needs the real tooth to attach itself to , so if I'm having the veneer would that cause more of receding gum ? coz if so then I'm just treating a problem with another! he recommended the veneers to me and he knows about my gum issue , but I'm still not sure so I need to hear it from someone else than the dentist ! Im worried the spaces really bothered me for along long time but I dont want to do anything and regret it! later coz those teeth are in the front and Im so scared to deal with it , please help...Show moreanswers 1:Your gums will get really sensitive with the guard whitening if they are receeding, and laser whitening makes teeth extremely sensitive even without recession. I whitened mine up four shades and had no problem and love my teeth now. Do you go to a private dentist? Thats really expensive for two veneers. But best to bleach your teeth before you change your veneers for best colour match, dont want to look daft after spending so much money. xanswers 2:Overcome Fear Of Dentist : http://DentalBook.uzaev.com/?Tbfxanswers 3:Individuals who are extremely concerned with dental health and the appearance of their teeth are sometimes prone to brush their teeth too harshly. While this does an excellent job of keeping the teeth clean and cavity free, it can have an adverse affect on the gums. The gums, when they are exposed to harsh brushing, have been known to recede from the teet! h themselves, leaving a person's sensitive lower tooth exposed! to potential harm from food and other agents. Unfortunately, once the gums recede, they are unlikely to go back to their original location. All is not lost though as there are ways to prevent damage to the teeth caused by receding gum lines.The main way to prevent the teeth from being hurt is by applying some sort of veneer or other artificial cover to the exposed area. This seals off the teeth from the outside elements and does not damage the gums in the process. The traditional way of protecting the teeth from the dangers of receding gum lines has been to drill a hole into the tooth. After this is done, an enamel of some sort is applied to the tooth and given time to dry. The biggest concern with applying a veneer or enamel straight to the surface of the tooth is that it will chip away. For this reason, the holes are drilled, giving the covering a foothold inside of the tooth.A newer method, which has not yet gained full American Dental Association, or ADA, approval, inv! olves basically roughing up the surface of the tooth. After the surface is no longer smooth, an adhesive is applied to the surface of the tooth. This is then covered in whatever coating is being applied to limit the tooth's exposure to the elements. Once the final coat is applied, the entire tooth is hit with a blue light to dry and set everything in place.The problem with applying items straight to the surface of the tooth is that the teeth are very smooth and do not give any sort of adhesive a lot to grip onto in order to stay in place. Because of this, things applied directly to the front of the tooth come off. While it may sound like a bad design, the tooth is designed to prevent food and other items from sticking to it in order to lessen the risk of cavities.It may seem like a lot of hassle to fix a receding gum line but if the tooth is not protected, and the damaging behavior stopped, an individual could have serious problems with his or her teeth. The exposed portion! is not as hard as the rest of the tooth and so is more likely to be da! maged by food and bacteria....answers 4:Your dentist has given you correct information. A well fitting veneer will no cause any gum recession. Good luck with yours.answers 5:No, poor dental hygiene causes receding gums. No brushing, no flossing, or brushing too hard can cause it too.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

All In 1 Radio Program????

Antonette Shappy: Yes its called Ultimate radio, it has over 200 channels with normal net radio and local radio. http://www.ultimateradio.co.nr

Comment supprimer la barre d’outils MySearchDial

Comment supprimer la barre d’outils MySearchDial

p>La barre d’outils MySearchDial est un type d’extension de navigateur. Si vous préférez utiliser des paramètres de navigateur précédents ou originaux, lisez cet article et suivez les étapes manuelles suivantes pour supprimer la barre d’outils MySearchDial de vos outils Web.

Supprimez l’extension et les options MySearchDial de votre navigateur par défaut. Pour des directions spécifiques, voir les options ci-dessous.

Sélectionnez l’option « Utiliser vierge » ou « Utiliser par défaut » pour restaurer la page d’accueil d’Internet Explorer.

Connectez-vous à votre machine à l’aide d’un compte disposant de droits d’utilisateur administrateur.

Retirez-le des éléments de démarrage. Sur la page des paramètres, sous « Au démarrage », vous v! errez un élément coché « Ouvrir une page ou un ensemble de pages spécifique ». Cliquez sur « Définir les pages » à droite. Une nouvelle fenêtre s’ouvrira avec la mention « Pages de démarrage ». Vous verrez une ligne avec MySearchDial dessus. Déplacez le curseur dessus et un x apparaîtra à la fin. Cliquez sur le x et cela le supprimera des éléments de démarrage. Cliquez sur « ok », puis fermez le navigateur et ouvrez à nouveau Google chrome, et votre page d’accueil préférée devrait apparaître.

Ouvrez le menu Paramètres. Naviguez jusqu’à Paramètres et cliquez sur.

Supprimez entièrement le programme, si vous le souhaitez. Ouvrez l’onglet Extensions à gauche du menu Paramètres. Trouvez le MySearchDial. Cliquez sur l’icône de la corbeille dans la rangée pour MySearchDial. Suivez les instructions. Vous devrez probablement redémarrer votre navigateur.

Cliquez à nouveau sur le titre Firefox. Choisissez Options! et restaurez les paramètres de la page d’accueil de cette ! section sur la page d’accueil de votre choix.

Redémarrez Firefox pour que les modifications ci-dessus prennent effet.

Ouvrez la liste des moteurs de recherche de Firefox. Trouvez l’entrée MySearchDial et lancez l’option « Supprimer ». Réinitialisez votre moteur de recherche par défaut/préféré à Google ou à l’un des autres moteurs de la liste. Cliquez sur OK.

Cliquez sur le titre Firefox pour les options du menu. Sélectionnez le Gestionnaire des modules complémentaires, puis Extensions. Trouvez l’option MySearchDial 7.0 et cliquez sur « Supprimer ».

Enregistrez, fermez et rouvrez Internet Explorer pour vérifier que vous avez bien supprimé la barre MySearchDial.

Cliquez sur l’onglet Programmes. Sélectionnez « Gérer les add-ons » et supprimez la liste restante de MySearchDial dans Search Providers.

Ouvrez le menu Chrome. Cliquez sur le menu en haut à droite de la fenêtre Chrome. Il ressemblera à troi! s lignes horizontales juste en dessous du « fermer le programme » x.

Appuyez sur la touche Démarrer/Fenêtres. Allez dans Paramètres et sélectionnez le Panneau de configuration.

Cliquez sur l’icône Équipement et choisissez Options Internet.

Localisez l’élément MySearchDial. Sélectionnez-le et cliquez sur l’option Désinstaller/Modifier (bouton).

Sauvegardez et fermez tous les navigateurs et autres applications en cours d’exécution.

1000 Question Myspace Survey?

Malcom Fenoff: wow you must have alot of time on your hands

Keneth Mailhot: Myspace Survey

Valentine Willinger: This Site Might Help You.RE:1000 Question Myspace Survey?I am looking for that 1000 question survey for myspace. I can't seem to find it anywhere. I have found long surveys, but not the 1000 question one. Can you help me?...Show more

Danica Timperman: Here you go:http://shurvey.wordpress.com/2008/06/24/1000-quest...That's a lot of questions.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Poll: Poll or Survey?

Shaquita Wernicki: It depends... both of them mean the same .. exept polls are just about your own opinions..and surveys are usually to get information .

Galen Gowers: Nothing!!

Galen Gowers: take a Survey to see which would top the Poll - then decide

Lizzette Wendroth: Poll but honestly I don't use either i just say what i have to say and ask in this section.

Particia Thorton: both:))best of luck!!keep smiling:)))))...Show more

Tyrone Disanti: dmx is great

Jannette Kotz: Poll. I took geography for 2 years - Surveys is all we did ):

Monday, 15 June 2020

Viagra POLL++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++?

Simona Bulwinkle: I've never had to take an erection inducing medication, since I can still "get it up".Poll: Up

Hunter Osterberger: I don't know how long it takes...but if it lasts more than 4 hours you should seek medical attention. Never really figured that one out. LolUP!!!...Show more

Vern Serratos: Ask BOOTS he knows...Poll - in a circle.ஜ ♥ Inez/Inescia ♥ ஜ...Show more

Jacques Teri: I guess if your a man whore and you want to work hard all night, it wood be a good idea. Wood lol... Get it?

Rhett Kaines: I've been called the human form of Viagra and I have immediate and long term effects. I last all night.Poll: Lots of up and down (what?)

Curt Broadhead: 15-20 minutes...Just remember if you're "Up" more than 4 hours, call more whores.

Madlyn Fallis: You can ask Ryan Ross, he has all the answers you're looking for

Lavelle Viveiros: Sorry to hear of your impotence... ...but on the bright side, you won't father children!

Why do Americans rabidly attack the idea of providing healthcare to illegals?  

Why do Americans rabidly attack the idea of providing healthcare to illegals?  

answers 0:Yet they don't complain about the military budget? Don't you think you'd have less enemies by playing nice? My mother always said you catch more flies with honey.I mean Canadians don't complain about all the poor Americans that cross the border to steal our healthcare. Why are American priorities killing instead of saving? And PS any nonsense argument about America protecting Canada is not needed. Canada doesn't need a military, Canada has no enemies. And also, Europe and the Commonwealth would also come to it's aid, so no, Canada does not need American protection....Show moreanswers 1:Canada from the onset has enjoyed the unspoken privilege of being protected by the United States.The reason people are up in arms about illegals...Americans believe Government has no business telling it's citizens who they need to support in su! ch a grand manner, but mostly they feel that the Government wants to run health care which would put an end to private health care. The United States has THE best health care in the world, we didn't get that way by stifling innovation, and settling for mediocrity like Canada....answers 2:Premier Obama and the Dems dont like any opposition and they are scared of the truth and honesty. So they demonize the Tea Partyanswers 3:Because they are told by the (un)insurance companies that this is acceptable. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/01/lobbyi... Ignoring the fact that illegals get healthcare in the USA already!It surprises me that so many Americans seem not to be aware about Obama’s healthcare plans [a]. During the election, he campaigned for these changes stating that he felt it was unfair to have a system where insurance companies try to escape paying claims and was elected to bring in changes [b].First of all, too many people do not know that Obama wants to ma! ke insurance more available to all. His system is similar to ! that which works in Holland, Taiwain [c] and Switzerland. It works there and private healthcare companies provide most the insurance to the people there.FACT - the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet [d].FACT â€" insurance companies admit that they push up costs, buy politicians and do not pay out for many claims when they should [e].FACT - the US has higher death rates for kids aged under five than western European countries with universal health coverage [f].That means that a dead American four year old would have had a better chance of life if they were born in Canada, France, the Netherlands, Cuba, Switzerland, Germany, Japan etc, all of which have universal health coverage. And no western European nation with universal healthcare has moved away from it. Remember, I back my facts up with evidence. Those who say they are wrong tend not to. If they are wrong, e-mail me with proof and let me know....answers 4:What part of "Ille! gal" do you not understand? Where does it stop? It will lead to anyone and everyone that steps foot on US soil will be eligible for free health care.Maybe Canada can take a more proactive approach to world affairs instead of waiting to see what the US will do and decide whether or not to support us."Poor Americans that cross the border to steal our healthcare". Time to take your meds or put down the crack pipe. Canadians come here to get MRIs done immediately instead of waiting weeks in Canada. Numerous Canadians come here to get life saving treatments done. Keep paying your high taxes and stay up north where you belong...eh?Do you have a link to back up your claim? Should I automatically believe your claims as true? The last time I was in Canada (unfortunately), one of your fellow citizens told me he paid 50% income tax and that dental wasn't covered in his health care. Was he lying?...answers 5:because illegals do not belong here thats why they already cost billions of d! ollars as it is between education and medical services. CA pays about 1! 1 billion a yeah aloneAs to canadians the ones that come here for medical care PAY for it with their own money they arent given free careanswers 6:The CIA can listen in on my phone calls any time they want, just stay out of my bedroom and my bathroom.THAT is where I draw the line!I'm a republican and think perhaps, they could be of real help with some of my petty problems....answers 7:"Why do Americans rabidly attack the idea of providing healthcare to illegals"?.........What does the word "illegal" mean to you?"Don't you think you'd have less enemies by playing nice"?..........Oh sure, be nice to terrorists and other folks around the world who hate us and want us dead because of our free way of life and they'll just simply start loving us and want to be our friends......How old are you?"I mean Canadians don't complain about all the poor Americans that cross the border to steal our healthcare."..........Yeah, Americans are crossing the border to Canada in droves so they c! an stand in line for 6 months to get a needed operation...lolol."Canada doesn't need a military, Canada has no enemies. And also, Europe and the Commonwealth would also come to it's aid, so no, Canada does not need American protection."..........Canada doesn't need a big army because they have the mighty US right next door. What part of Europe and the Cmmonwealth is going to have time to travel across the Atlantic with their dinky army to save your butts from an attack?I really don't know why I put much effort into your question since I'm sure you can't be more than 12 years old....answers 8:No time to deal with Canadians with inferiority complexes.answers 9:I don't see polls claiming that the majority of the nation are gansters or criminals. There will always be that percentage of losers in a society that want to make a living or get by by taking advantage of those whom can't fight for themselves, by stealing what someone else has worked for.Morality in the sense of relig! ion has never been forced upon anyone, but it has been offered as an op! tion for a better life based on your free decision to follow it....answers 10:It's more the idea that our President lies about doing it.One way or another, we will pay for it.answers 11:The democrats refuse to believe people are being driven out of their party by the leftists who have taken control. I have no intention of voting democrat again, even if it means voting for idiots like McCain.answers 12:No.answers 13:"Those who would trade freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security." - Benjamin Franklin. I strongly support my civil liberties. I also strongly support going after terrorists who are within and outside of our borders. Are the goals mutually exclusive ?P.s. I should also mention that the internet has practically obliterated my privacy. But that's not the government's fault....answers 14:according to canadian tv, canada sure needs american jobs. in fact i belive i recently saw a program that went on and on about how dependant canada is on america for! its economy. now why would anyone goto canada for healthcare? last i remember everyone who goes to a candian hospital dies. you can think what you want, but i know the truth and its the secret dream of every canadian to live in america. theres to many of you here as it is.