Saturday, 1 August 2020

I'm leaving Medicine, any ideas of an alternative career?!!?

Janean Guz: Hi,Gosh you are over many of the hurdles required to get into the field of medicine. Its tough to slog it through the rest of the program but I can tell you that almost all who finish up find the field of medicine fruitful and satisfying.If residency programs are scaring you just finish up the MD or DO and then take some time off to rejuvenate and volunteer. There are many specialties where the demands on you are not as stressful as in other residency programs. Psych is an area where one does a 1 year of grunt general residency and then you start a 5 to 7 year of specialization process which is not as stressful and grinding as general medicine and surgery etc.The residency programs of old were worse than those of today, but I can see how the ones of today are still grinding and draining. The many specializations in medicine allow one to choose a field that satisfies your needs and goals while leveraging your skill set (learned in med and those in your personal! ity).If it totally freaks you then you could go into administrative side of med or perhaps the research side. Finally you could also consider alternative medicine as a career path given all the knowledge of the standard processes.As mentioned by the respondent above teaching is also a great profession, again the choice is yours and should leverage your personality, work ethic, skill set and ingrained abilities. Some one who communicates well and can compartmentalize things would make a great psychiatrist, whereas some one who is very good with children and genuinely cares for them and can handle the nuances of treating them would make a great pediatrician. One could also combine the two and become a child psychiatrist....Show more

Salvador Prchlik: It's really difficult to get other people to change. Pretending not to hear her is kinda passive-aggressive. If she doesn't take the hint after one time, it's not gonna happen. I would suggest coming to the resolution that ! it's really her issue. If you truly find it intolerable, dust ! off your resume and start looking elsewhere.

Monica Voltin: I'm so sorry you're leaving medicine, you're a resident or an intern? It's hard at first in any job , especially when you're just starting out . However if you're not happy perhaps it is better you get out now.There are lots of science related fields you can get into , research, being a journalist and writing about medicine and science. Teaching science at hs or college levelWorking in government helping to define policy around medicine Those are a few things I can think of you might want to pursue.Whatever you decide to do, good luck....Show more

Wally Perrien: You and your boss obviously have different views of your performance. Have a meeting with him, and explain all the things that you think you have done right. Not just showing up on time, but times when you have gone above and beyond the call to get the job done or to help out another employee. Ask for concrete reasons why he thinks you are no! t performing well. You both might just not be seeing what the other expects--- he might expect you to be meeting certain goals that you're not even aware of, and you might not really understand what your boss expects of you. If you can't get on the same page, then it's time to move on.

Elvin Weichbrodt: i might say bald because of the fact if he's affected by hair loss he has a minimum of time-honored it and went bald. an incredibly straight away forward suggestions-set. i haven't had any undesirable stories with bald adult men now that i think of approximately it lol.

Antone Youla: on the flip side a businees proffessor at a community college said if you work hardyou will get respect from people.People are friendly in the corporate world.What abunch of Bull

Ricardo Rozelle: Im wondering if any of you guys could gimme a rough estimate of what a technical author/writer or editor with 5-6 yrs experience makes in London working in a IT company.

Leann Vi! llalta: Next time she yells "Hey," to you then you should pretend not t! o hear it. Then when she ask why you didn't respond you could say, "I am sorry, but I didn't hear my name being called."She might be the boss but that does not give her the right to disrespect anyone. She wouldn't want someone getting her attention by yelling "HEY!"And that goes for any boss. She will find out one day when she has no employees....Show more

Romana Stiman: Sounds like your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Run real fast to another job before you get permanently sick. People like him are poison and will never change. Life is too short. You spend 40 hours a week at your job, that's a lot of hours to be unhappy. Good luck!nicholas

Whitley Leopold: Nicholas is right:"Sounds like your damned if you do and damned if you don't. Run real fast to another job before you get permanently sick. People like him are poison and will never change. Life is too short. You spend 40 hours a week at your job, that's a lot of hours to be unhappy. Good luck!! "Believe it, your boss is harrassing you. You are going to lose your job no matter what you do. I know from personal experience. I went through 1 year working in the county government job. I had been working for two years until my boss retired. Then the new boss came in and decided to harrass me for a year. The result, I almost had a heart attack. Three different times throughout the year my heart stopped, literally. My doctors told me to quit or else I'll loose my health. I quit with no money aside but with a peace of mind and I have my health back.

Tobie Oshea: excellent question -- as far as I am concerned. because it did apply to me in the "old days" -- now years over and I still have the scar. and who knows where the boss is?...you are perfectly right -- there are such bosses around and unfortunately you can not do much since the problem is not "you", but "them". and in most cases they need to be treated "in a clinic, better make it psychiatry". No boss,! worthy of the name boss, if he/she is sure of herself will make his em! ployee/s feel inferior and treat them below decent dignity. the way you describe your case -- either the boss -- has to be transferred far away -- so that you will not see him/her again -- or you find yourself a decent environment to make a living. I regret now, not having followed this wise advice for myself. and you and I will suffer, later in life. we do not and did not deserve that situation but...noblesse oblige we stuck because of "monetary and family obligations" and circumstances dictated it. any one person who takes advantage of the weak spot of his employee...does not have my sympathy but my pity. voila. hope you got the message. and hope our two bosses read this along with you.

Clare Hoard: The next time she shouts "hey" at you, you could try whinnying (hay is for horses, right?) - but if you want to keep your job, you should probably just shut up and put up with it.

Alden Soldano: Yes!Earn Money Online!http://paidforwritedown.blogspot.comNO Investmen! t! NO Loss!Complete FREE Guide.Or,Affiliate Online Marketing Job.http://affiliatestag.blogspot.comComeplete FREE Guide....Show more

Teodoro Lamond: this a reliable question and an extremely perplexing one to respond to. i experince de ja vu , yet whilst i had to describe to you presently what it ability then i could be writing for an extremely very long term.

Thurman Buege: A lot of physicians try pharmaceutical rep jobs...or laboratory.Also, consider that you may just need to find your niche...I don't know what you do now...but maybe just changing places...are you an office doctor? How about becoming an ER doctor? Do you love babies, how about ob/gyn?You know...find where your heart is at...you apparently love medicine or you'd have not made it through school.But, I think you're just in a slump, and I just advise you to hang on and not do anything rash....Show more

Shawn Lelis: The answer by the book would be: When he mentions a problem ask him for a sp! ecific goal for you to aim for, discuss that goal to make sure it is me! asureable and attainable and put a time frame on it. Then if he finds fault with your performance you can show that you met his goal to the letter and on time. If he complains about something else, go through the same process. Soon he should see that setting goals is better than chewing out.But the realist in me wants to say: It's time to move on. Pick up a new skill to add to your resume and move on to another company that doesn't promote people like him....Show more

Renato Abatiell: "Hey" as a conversation starter is an indication of a very casual, informal environment. This is a case of be careful what you wish for.By not addressing her employees as Mr. or Mrs, she's wanting to encourage a friendly, cooperative work environment. You already realize she doesn't do it to be offensive. Are there other parts of her speech that annoy you? Want to change the way she dresses? While observant, I think you need to ease off the accelerator just alittle and be more flexi! ble. Not everyone has good people skills all the time. Always be professional, polite and productive. Good luck.....Show more

Devon Kalberer: I am now retired but my last job was in London as Tech'Author, Instrumentation!Why do you mention IT what has that got to do with anything??I was and have been for years self employed working on contracts, never out of work, Tech' Authors are like rocking horse sh*t very rare!!My last job was based in London, (4 years ago) at about £35 per hour, dont forget that was contract work, not 'salary' I never worked for 'salary' the 'company men would get about £25k a year give or take a few quid, so why be a company man??If you want to make money go self employed! It means travelling around the UK and sometimes overseas but look into it!I still have job offers coming in even now and the contract money has shot up, but if for some reason you want to be a company man then its not for you!!If you want to contact me please feel free t! o do so, maybe I could give you a few leads, (not for company jobs, I w! ouldnt touch them with a barge pole), I mean for proper contract work!!Good luck in your search!!...Show more

Sammy Tabatt: ugh my boss does this sometimes and it really gets on my nerves. Bosses have bad days like everyone else so they get on their little power trip ego's like 'Im the boss and if im having a bad day everyone else will too.' It seems like you are just a victim of wrong place wrong time. i really think that if this continues you should mention this to him/her. Just say something like 'maybe it's just me but lately you seem to be getting irritated with me over alot of things. Is there something that I need to do differently" that is a nice way to say listen i really dont want to take your crap so what gives. if that doesnt work go in next week and say 'im sorry to bother you but it seems like you have been rather harsh with me for a while now and I want to know whats going on. is there a reason you're doing this?"if it still persists after then give you! r notice and start job hunting. good pay or not its not worth it to go through that mistreatment. I'm going to town to fill out a bunch of job applications tomorrow and when i get hired im working my off days to see if i think it will work out better for a week or two then im giving my notice with the other boss.good luck!

Davis Zou: i work for a lady boss. she is the owner of the company and i am one of the senior managers who works for her, the problem is i find her very rude at times because she never addressses people properly.whenever she wants your attention, she will go like "Hey,,," instead of addressing you as Mr or Ms. she harbours no ill intention, just tht it's her habit.how can i put it to her subtly to change and respect others? subtly??...Show more

Bryant Chaudhry: Your boss is trying to get you to Quit , Two possible reasons. Either he see's you as a threat to his position. Or he has someone he wants to move into your job and you quiting makes ! it easier. Be careful what you tell your supervisor about your talents ! and experience. Never let him feel you have the talent to take his job even if you do.

Marco Stolarz: talk to your boss An example may be: "I would like to speak with you for a minute. My reviews that you have given are not very positive. I feel that I do a good job and would like to resolve this if possible. Can you be direct with me and tell me where I am not meeting the mark. How can I improve your opinion about my performance on the job Can we talk about what I need to change.? Make your boss feel you respect him.addressing him like this will most likely encourage him to do the same in return.Knowing what the problem is in advance will provide you with time to formulate solutions on how you would better react in situations like the previous example. By going to your boss with solutions instead of problems, you become part of affecting change. Your boss will appreciate this, and see you as a concerned and valuable employee. IF this does not turn out to your benefi! t. Get another job asap. TELL HIM TO KISS YOUR A--.. If he has a personal hang up about you there is no changing it.but at least try before bailing.

Tom Romer: Wake up and smell the coffee. You're in an abusive situation. This is how an abused wife feels. Haul his a** into HR and start filing reports of harassment against him. His attitude is counter-productive. If the company encourages such behavior, then find another job!!

Sheree Hipwell: What do you do when your supervisor always is on yourcase to do better no matter how hard you are trying,younever miss work,your never late,you do not abuse sick days.He tells you at reviews your work is unsatisfactory.He chews you out everyday,if it is not one thing he findsanother thing to chew you out about.You play by the rules.Is the problem him or me?What can you do to resolve the problem?...Show more

Jeff Frizzell: Is she very familiar with the people she works with? I know I am a manager and have just star! ted a job at a new department and sometimes I've had to yell out 'hey',! however, I always back it up with an 'excuse me but I can't recall your name' simply because its hard to get to know 40 new people quickly. Perhaps if you tell your employees to respond with a "Hey! My name is ..." and perhaps she'll get the hint to call them by name, or either will learn their names if she hadn't already known them....Show more

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