Rodolfo Merel: Anyway, in the book she then said she really appreciated being a woman and was so glad to go back to being a woman because she actually went in to some depression after realizing how hard it was to be a guy. Of course, that's all relative - perhaps SHE couldn't handle it. But the fact is, she said women are privileged in ways men aren't. I suggest you read the book so it can enlighten you: more
Galen Gowers: TheGnome: And also, Sarah Palin was ridiculed not because she's a woman, but because she's an idiot. By both men & women. It was Katie Couric that exposed her & cornered Palin on her idiocy, not a male journalist.
Hope Lundmark: TheGnome: "I would admit it, but I simply don't agree. And if I'm arguing, then you sure aren't discussing."You don't agree, because you want to maintain the "victim" role for women. You realize that playing the victim gives one the moral highground and allo! ws for more power & manipulation. For you to admit that men face discrimination and unfairness in society would mean you can't maintain a victim monopoly for women - and that counters your entire sexist, feminist premise."While Indiana was busy cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, viagra is covered by insurance whilst most birth control is not. "Sorry, we're not talking about viagra or birth control. But actual life-threatening diseases. Breast cancer effects as many women as testicular cancer effects men. Yet, breast cancer gets far more attention and funding.I only remember Palin's looks being complimented. Personally, I never found her to be attractive, but apparently the media did. You act like men's appearances are ne...Show more
Lita Thammorongsa: Well, I guess they're still trying to get the respect of real men. They got the pus sies, the douche bags, the MTV suckers, and nice guys (see pus sies above), but real men still just see a place to deposit sperm un! fortunately.
Alexander Villas: clearly when its much be! tter to be hair free
Robt Betker: I live in Canada where the Liberal government under Mean Jean Chretien asked the universities to achieve gender equality among faculty. In my field which is 10% female, that meant hiring only women faculty to achieve the desired 50% level. I did not vote Liberal and we have a Conservative government now.I started a high tech business and will earn significantly more than the newly minted female professors. I suppose the Liberals will want to take my business next in the name of equality. I have hired about 50 research assistants over 7 years on the basis of ability only. Over 60% overall happened to be female, but only 5/13 this year. I believe in equal opportunity but not equal outcomes enforced with quotas....Show more
Irving Jordahl: TheGnome: Another question - you're saying that women wouldn't go to clubs and other night events if they didn't get in free? Because you suggest that if otherwise, it would be a "sausage fe! st" of just guys? What does that suggest about women, if you're saying that women only go because it's free?
Charline Granes: I shave my head, not my body, I did it once for a woman, not again, I wouldn't ask a woman to shave anywhere on their bodies at all, that doesn't change their beauty
Maynard Reevers: As long as the emotions shown are reasonable, yes its ok. Anyone who cries for 3 months straight over a fish dying for example, male of female, has emotional issues...
Randal Deyarmond: If i wanted to be a man i'd just stop shaving and scratch my a*s.
Von Houskeeper: I have to add that, it isn't only men who are treating us women less favorably, it's also other woman. It's not so easy to point a finger.
Jonathan Schlussel: Not at all....
Amada Greising: Feminists in britain were complaining about inequality at a time when millions of men were living in trenches and getting killed and injured. Why would they be jealous of that. femini! sm isn't about equality,its about women picking and choosing what they ! think is good and leaving the bad things for men.
Roxane Leathers: I only remember Palin's looks being complimented. Personally, I never found her to be attractive, but apparently the media did. You act like men's appearances are never critiqued. Obama's ears and skin color. Trump's hair. Chris Christie's weight. And so on.I'm in my 20's and I'm always expected by women I date to pay for everything. Even if she makes the same as me, or more than me. Women put these sexist pressures on men - stop acting like sexism is a one-way street."It says they follow the rules of economics and take more of something they want if it's cheaper."You suggested that women wouldn't go to clubs at all if they had to pay. As if only men like clubbing. Is that what you really believe?...Show more
Antwan Schrum: I can't think of any. It is not such a big issue here. We still haven't changed our laws to legalese abortion which is an embarrassment. However, women can travel to get one a! nd there is lots of advise on how to go about it.This is not an example of women being treated less favorably because men can't have abortions either. lolWomen get 12 months maternity leave and men get 3 days.I was in a Police station to get a form recently, the only domestic violence material on the wall was about female on male violence, I asked why and I was told that f on m domestic violence is more of a problem and that these days a call out for male on female DV was rare.Two sisters murdered and cut up their mothers boyfriend recently and they did not get any sort of bias treatment from what I can tell. The same goes for the woman who was exposed plotting to have her husband and step son murdered. I think that this country has a pretty good take on things. We are not divided along the lines of gender in the same way people seem to be in America and Australia, for example.I know I'm rambling on rather than answering the more
Alphonso Brake: ! Well personally I think it's fine. I see it more as a strength really, ! although I think both genders should sometimes refrain from anger, moderate is fine, but no explosions from anyone unless truly deserved. I wouldn't want to be around some cold, emotionless robot, I see the incapability of emotion in either gender and unfortunate weakness, what are we without love and laughter and compassion?
Fritz Hawkey: I am in America and you know what I am tired of being equal to a man...I am expected to work 40+ hours a care of kids...I for the life of me cannot understand why some women want to be equal to a man. Now before you get your panties in a bunch..I am a woman in my 40's
Cliff Tyre: Most women will have limits as to how much attraction they can maintain with a guy going through a drawn-out hard time. Women don't like to admit it, but they're very specific about the kinds of emotions they actually want a man to show.
Brice Greczkowski: the question is poppycock sweetiejust as the fact that the! gay rights movement has succeeded in toppling the idiotic political and cultural imbalances of yesteryear it does not therefore follow that anyone wanted to *be like you* as you ridiculously assertpffftshoogo away...Show more
Jamika Gregorio: You didn't choose to be male, so why do you think you should get special treatment for it?We don't want to be like men; we want the same rights as men.Also, please list some of these so-called female privileges.Edit: Of course, the whole ladies' night argument. You realize they're basically giving women incentive to show up, just to lure more males? It sure as hell is sexism...Because straight men aren't going to show up to drink and laugh and dance with other men. In other words, women are used to stop it turning into a sausage fest. That's not a privilege. You decide whether or not to pay for someone's food and drinks...You are in no way obligated.-Men are usually the victims of violence. They are also usually the perpetrators! of violence. "Not getting hurt" is not a privilege, it's a right. -Tre! ated 'better'? If she gets married to an older man, she's a golddigger. If she works and wants no children, she's cold and unnatural. If she has kids and works, she's selfish and a bad mother. If she dresses in a certain way or dares to enjoy sex, she's a whore. If she is raped and/or assaulted, people will speculate as to what she did to bring it on to herself.In households were both partners work full-time, women still end up doing more of the housework.-Women are absolutely ridiculed for engaging in "male" careers. They're told they're unfeminine, ugly, dykes and that they want to be like men. Oh, and men who go into female-dominated fields? It's usually not women who are ridiculing them. - Women are expected to be nice. Be assertive and outspoken? Chances are she'll be labelled a *****. Media coverage of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin focused a lot more on their appearances than their political views. - So...Men outearn women in all other age groups? That's not a privi! lege, either. It's patronizing to assume that I "didn't know". I know full well what you deem privileges, and I can tell you if that's what they are, I can do without them. It's not a privilege to be assigned a bunch of traits that I absolutely must possess or else there's something wrong with me. Xav: If only the world were fair and biased and people totally did not have unconscious prejudices...Affirmative action, as has been discussed on GS before, is in place to combat those ingrained beliefs. Oh, remember the Rihanna and Chris Brown domestic abuse? Mel Gibson and Oksana? There was a good deal of blaming them for the assaults, like they did something to deserve it.EDIT:"Instead of admitting that women have certain privileges that men don't have, you deny it and claim everything we say is false."I would admit it, but I simply don't agree. And if I'm arguing, then you sure aren't discussing."Women's health issues also get more attention & funding than men's."While Indiana! was busy cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, viagra is covered by i! nsurance whilst most birth control is not. No denying that Sarah Palin isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you're kidding yourself if you think there was no discussion of her appearance."Women in their 20's out-earn men in their 20's, yet men in their 20's are still expected by women in their 20's to pay for everything."No, they're not. "What does that suggest about women, if you're saying that women only go because it's free?"It says they follow the rules of economics and take more of something they want if it's cheaper....Show more
Raul Tllo: None.Its the case that white middleclass males don't get special privileges anymore. Get over it.
Terrell Voltz: Jealousy was never an issue and still isn't with the feminist movement. Feminism is about equal rights and keeping the equal rights that women already have. It sounds like you already have an opinion though.
Charissa Bichsel: they used to just want equality.
Dexter Dicostanzo: It depends on ! how those emotions are manifested and what the situation is. If the guy is just a bag of water because he can't get over himself and feels that all times are hard times, yes, I think that's weak and that goes for women too.
Lynn Melbourne: Examples of how women are treated less favourably than men today, in your country, would be great.
Carter Edstrom: Women must be treated equally by law in the USA. Some businesses and organizations do still discriminate against women but they are getting fewer and fewer because if they get caught it's heavy fines and restitution to the woman or women involved.
James Langmyer: Let me answer your question with another example of European conquest. I choose to use the example of Native Americans and European Whites in the United States because I know the story better than the example you are asking about, but I believe the truths I will talk about are universal and will equally well answer the question you are asking. And ! so I begin. You could ask the same question about why did the "white" c! ulture in the United States thrive while the Native American (American Indian) culture practically became extinct? If you were to accept the western genre of movies and novels as history, in fact if you were to accept what is generally written in history books as the only truth you would be left wondering why the Native Americans never accomplished anything with all of the same natural resources at their command as were later available to the Europeans that colonized the Eastern USA? However the answer is complex. First off you would have to learn that what most of us are taught about Native Americans is complete crap. They were not "savages" wandering around naked hunting for food when the Europeans showed up. In fact the Native Americans were quite civilized. Take for instance the Cherokees of the Eastern seaboard. They lived in log homes, had stores and government and courts. That did not save them. When the whites came they took their land and forced them to walk to wha! t became Oklahoma. Most died on the way. That is only one story of what happened to one tribe. History tends to tell us that they were "savages" and leave out the part about being civilized. In fact there were tribes in the plains of the United States that hunted buffalo and were nomadic, but even those tribes also farmed and had languages and customs and justice. My point is that just because what ever great civilizations existed in Africa were destroyed and we have been taught that they were "savages" does not mean it is true or that they never existed. I must admit that I do not know African history nearly as well as I know the history of the United States and the tragedy of the Native Americans. But what I do know is that the Native Americans were treated much the same way as the Blacks of Africa. I know that their rich history and long culture has not been recorded by the white historians. I know that it is ignorance that makes you ask the questions you are asking. Ign! orance means not knowing, not that you are stupid. You simply do not kn! ow. I'm glad you are asking. If you continue to ask and to seek answers you will learn. I believe you will learn that Africans have a rich history of which they can be proud. I believe you will learn about lost ancient cultures that thrived long before Europe. You will learn that the term "savage" is mainly a convenient label used by the victors of conquests when they want to take what is not rightly theirs and want to justify their actions as though those they took from were less than human. If you look deep enough into any culture that has been labeled "savage" you will find that "savage" is in the eye of the beholder and the winner always writes the history books....Show more
Kiersten Clayburn: No. When my uncle died, my Dad, who I thought of as the man of steel, cried. Men don't show emotions as easily as women do, but they have feelings.
Charline Granes:
Sharie Sommerville: I'll go out on a limb here and proclaim that 100% of women in 100% of countri! es are treated less favorably than men. Maybe seeing on a recent show that the prostitutes men so love to go to are really sex slaves from poverty countries has made me wonder why their wives and girlfriends allow them to commit sexual slavery.
Porfirio Gartland: Here in the US, the law requires women to be treated equally to men. It does not work in reverse very often. So legally, there isn't hardly anything women can complain about. Socially, there still is the expectation that men are the natural leaders of society. But that expectation is disappearing too. That's really the closest thing I can think of to a "universally" accepted belief. Anything else I can think of is a belief only held by a small portion of society.
Stevie Kizziar: No, in fact if a guy/gal can't open up then it builds up a wall between people in a relationship. No emotional intimacy will lead to the destruction of a relationship.
Armanda Hertel: In the UK I'd say it's equal, ! if anything more in favour of women nowadays.
Keven Woodington: ! "you never hear feminists complain about those inequalities that are in women's favor"This line nails today's feminism on the head.@TheGnome you want to know some female privileges in developed countries?-Gender quotas and "positive discrimination" force employers to give women priority over better-qualified men.-Women are treated more leniently in court. Same crime less time.-Women who are assualted by their spouse are taken seriously by police. A man would face ridicule if he said his women hit him.-Women's health funding and research receives several times more than men's.-Misogyny is taken seriously. Adverts and TV sitcoms can n longer portray a female character as stupid. Men can lose their jobs for sexist remarks against women. But not the other way round- people laugh and condone misandry....Show more
Idell Mulliniks: My ex certainly did. I won't bore you with details, but if she and her so-called mother are remotely representative of American women, America is! nobbled... If I showed any emotion, aside from positives one for her (i.e. to defend her when she expected it, etc.) were a sign of weakness - that was stated directly so no room for misinterpretation.eta: shelob - you think men are extremely angry? you word it as if anger is our only emotion ... not cool...Show more
Laveta Fathy: It wasn't always considered feminine for men to remove body hair, it's mostly the result of 20th century media brainwashing. The Romans did it, the Greeks did it, and the Victorians did it.
Perry Deshazior: No, not at all. In fact i think not showing your emotions is a sign of weakness, cos a lot of men are too afraid to show emotions.I
Luther Plagmann: TheGnome: Also, refer to Xav's answers to see more.I also suggest you read the book "Self-Made Man" by Norah Vincent. It's about a woman that lived as a man for over a year to see what it was like and to get a better sense of humanity (since human experience is not simply as a wo! man or a man, but as both genders). She realized how men are discrimina! ted against in ways that men aren't. She realized how men have it harder in areas than women. The problem is that these discriminations against men are overlooked by society - and you showcased it by asking about "so-called privileges" that women get, as if it is baffling to even acknowledge that women have it better in many areas. You didn't know, and it's not your fault. You are a product of a society that only looks at hardships women go through yet ignores hardships men deal with.Anyway, in the book she then said she really appreciated being a woman and was so glad to go back to being a woman because she actually went in to some depr...Show more
Joan Stavropoulos: A lot. The entire feminist movement is fueled by its hatred and jealousy of men. Those misandrists obviously have an inferiority complex and p*n!s-envy syndrome. Looking at men's abilities and great accomplishments caused them to feel extremely inadequate and jealous. That's where their hatred of men s! tem from, their own jealousy and insecurity.
Coleman Coscia: Personally, I like a man to show emotion whether it is through hard times or not. I don't think this is weakness I think it is human. To me anyone that stuffs their emotions needs to take a look at how that affects their relationships all around. Not just the one with their significant other. No matter the gender, stuffing your feelings will create problems of resentment and a lot of unresolved anger.. not a good thing.
Marna Liddie: Who says it's better to be hair free? What's wrong with hair
Ginny Trickett: TheGnome: Too easy. Women in their 20's now make more money than men in their 20's in the US. Women outearn men in this age group. Source: get bought drinks & free stuff and free entries in to clubs & various other outings. Men have to pay. Even if the man makes equal or less to that of his female counterpart. It's sexism and it isn! 't right.Men are victims of violence more than women in every single ca! tegory except sexual assault.Women are allowed to engage in "male" activities or careers, and are praised for it. Men that engage in "female" dominated activities or careers like nursing, yoga, ballet, etc. - are ridiculed for it. Essentially, women have freedom to do what they want while men have to tiptoe around everything or else be ridiculed by society.Women are unfairly treated better by society than men. Women are assumed to be "nice" even if they are not, and men are assumed to be "mean", even if the...Show more
Everette Rovinsky: TheGnome: You don't want to discuss. You just want to argue. Instead of admitting that women have certain privileges that men don't have, you deny it and claim everything we say is false.Another thing is Father's Rights. I forgot that one. Fathers are discriminated in courts in favor of Mothers. Are you going to deny that one too?Women's health issues also get more attention & funding than men's.I suggest you read that book. But given! your response, you seem like you would just argue with the author and deem everything a lie, instead of expanding your mind and being enlightened & open-minded.Women in their 20's out-earn men in their 20's, yet men in their 20's are still expected by women in their 20's to pay for everything....Show more
Alisa Kaleiwahea: I think it's a sign of weakness not to. Then again, there is a time to and not a time to.
Arnulfo Seegars: In America , women have a great deal more protections , laws , programs and subsidies working for them than men do.Additionally the criminal justice system is very , very lenient on women in the U.S.Any perception that women are treated less favorably here is simply imagined.
Eli Trapeni: It was also driven by the jealousy of other women. While the years haven't been kind to Gloria Steinem she was cute in her youth, even worked undercover in a Playboy Club. And many other feminists HATED her for it. As such, the feminist movement q! uite literally became divided between women who rightly wanted equal pa! y for equal work, access to abortion, etc., and bitter, nasty women who were angry due to their own atrocious appearance....Show more
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