Thursday, 26 March 2020

Starting a small business..please help?

Barton Slisz: I live in MS as well. Visit SBA.gov and there is all sorts of information on loans that the SBA will back. I suggest finding your local chapter and visiting them about information regarding a loan. Since you already do all this, it will certainly help. What you have to start with is a complete business plan. SBA holds free classes on how to write one so don't buy into those expensive softwares because they are useless. Anywhere you look for funding, a comprehensive business plan is necessary so go ahead and get started on that. Visit SCORE.org and visit with those people. Again, it's free. They will offer one on one counseling and even look over your business plan for you. Good luck...Show more

Tyree Allenbrand: make trading business, easier and safer for a beginning.im a trustable supplierhttp://www.dhgate.com/productlistsearchtypesidpage...

Filiberto Ranalli: No lender will talk to you unless you provide them with a valid business plan. Go to ! http://www.sba.gov , http://www.score.org or http://www.bplan.com for sample business plans and instructions on how to write a business plan.Then, go to http://www.score.org/ and in the upper left hand corner, enter your zip code. On the next screen, you will get information on the nearest SCORE chapter. Call them and arrange for a free meeting with a SCORE counselor to review your business plan and discuss various loan options available to you.SCORE is a nonprofit association dedicated to entrepreneur education and the formation, growth and success of small business nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).SCORE has 389 chapters in locations throughout the United States and its territories, with 10,500 volunteers nationwide. Both working and retired executives and business owners donate time and expertise as business counselors....Show more

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