Saturday, 14 March 2020

Most longest NHL careers ever? Superstar's short career ever?

Alise Rutgers: Most Longest.I think the most bestest player to ever play a most shortest time ever would be the most greatests player for Pittsburgh, Michael Briere.

Byron Fortmann: I would say the most famous with the shortest career would be Manon Rheaume. First female player. Career of one pre-season game.

Roni Kurz: howe had the longestshortest superstar career i might have to go with orr (only played till he was in his early thirties due to knees i think) or bossy(played [i think] 9 seasons and retired due to [again i think] back problems)

Chris Wilczewski: Michel Briere of the Penguins only played 1 season in the NHL. He played awesome throughout his junior time and was considered to become a superstar in the NHL until a car accident ended his life. Currently his number 21 is the only number retired besides Marios.

Oscar Wieland: Yeah, it is Gordie Howe. http://thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongest...I'll look for the short ones.Pe! lle Lindbergh was a great goalie who played in the NHL for 5 seasons. One season, he was 40-17....Show more

Carolin Southers: Gordie Howe definatly had the longest he played in his fifties also chris chellios and ron francisas for a superstar with a short careerpavel bureand PELLE LINDBERGH probobly the best to have his career cut short by a fatal car crash...Show more

Nicolas Cooley: Howe definitely had the longest! I don't know who had the shortest but found this wikipedia page that might help about players that passed awayhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ice_hockey_pl...

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