Tuesday, 25 August 2020

My Partner makes it hard for me to clean, tidy or garden?

Lionel Tanen: Move out and get your own place. Sounds like she has her life the way she wants it and you are getting in the way.

Rebbecca Sorkin: Move in the trailer park now, least you'll be happy.

Roosevelt Pendill: Well, maybe stop complaining? It's common for children to receive a home instead of the second spouse, and I'm sure you knew before you married.You say you don't like mess, but maybe you're compulsive about it and you encroach on her desire to keep her things as she pleases. That's how it sounds to me.Perhaps you could discuss things you want to do with her before you do them and ask how she'd like it done.When you say you got in trouble you sound pitiful and like you want our sympathy. You are an adult, and you need to figure out how to get along with the woman you've married.If you were the working man and she were the retired woman, no one would find it amiss that she did everything. Why should it be wrong as it is in your situation.Try to be ! happy in your life instead of complaining about everything....Show more

Zelma Casebier: Get a part time job yourself so you aren't there all the time to be the whipping boy. Or take steps to find a place of your own.If this is her house which will go to her kids, I don't think you will have any rights - what you sell to move into the trailer park will be your own items - the house will be the kids'. All your efforts over the years? Unless that includes repayments or contributions towards maintenance, you won't have accumulated any rights there either. If you were married to her, then you would have the protection of the state for a spouse. It sounds like you two are not married.If you are not happy living in these circumstances, then you need to make other arrangements. You deserve to live in peace without mess. If she wants to live in squalor, let her. And let the inheriting kids do the cleanup. You are not their slave.Good luck !!...Show more

Lady ! Laflin: Is she providing the roof over your head for free? If! so, you need to respect her wishes for her home. If you prefer to live in a clean home and she is the opposite, it boils down to how much you are willing to compromise. Chances are she is not going to change. Are you going to? If not, you might as well start hunting for a different place to live. Did you know she was giving the house to her kids when you got together, or at least before you had made all of your efforts over the years to make her home an enjoyable clean living space? If you already knew this, you really have no reason to be upset about it. Either live the life you want to live and deal with constant turmoil in the relationship, or abide by her wishes, be a little uncomfortable, and at least get along with each other....Show more

Donella Vasta: Choose between the weeds and the partner. It's her house, you knew the terms.

Hunter Osterberger: Hmm, complicated one, although i think of you somewhat underestimate how complicated the situation ! of 'housewife' definitely is. that's be ok if your considerable different replaced into basically a 'housewife' yet there is each and all the little ones to look after too, and with 2 below 3s she'll by no potential supply up! My chum basically has 2 little ones, a million and four, yet she unearths it very complicated to in good shape each little thing in and keep the homestead how she'd like it. my own mum and dad basically have us grown up little ones and that they nonetheless argue with regard to the state of the homestead, how tidy that's (that's my mum getting at my dad on the two counts) and stuff like that. My mum does the ironing yet my dad irons all his very own paintings shirts as they take in up a good number of time. i think of you merely could compromise basically somewhat. in keeping with danger you should do your shirts just to ease issues somewhat, yet i think of your considerable different needs to compromise too. inspite of the little ones there are a num! ber of hours interior the day to get issues finished-and my firend with! the two little ones does cope with whether exhausted. i think of that's some thing you tie your self into whilst having little ones. existence isn't a similar back (properly, in keeping with danger no longer til they have all left homestead!) and issues merely could be worked out. I understand that's advisable have very demanding lives, even even though it may paintings and can be extra advantageous-and arguments are basically a organic area of a healthful relationship. I do think of the assumption of a baby unfastened meal is somewhat stable. How a lot time do you get to spend jointly, on my own? communicate it via, make plans and notice what happens. communique is top....Show more

Sharie Sommerville: Is this a sudden change or something that you just noticed since retirement?I think you just need to sit and tell her that if you're going to be responsible for the cleaning and gardening, then she's not going to have a say in what happens. If she does want to give in! put, then she can help out in the garden too. I think taking the clippings off the fridge was mean. Even I can tell that she had them up there because she thought they were funny or something. I can see why she thinks you're insensitive. Thing is, it has to be a compromise. You sound bitter for not having any equity in the home. Do you really deserve it or do you just think you do? Be honest with yourself and change your circumstance if you ultimately aren't happy....Show more

Comment savoir si quelqu’un vous utilise

Comment savoir si quelqu’un vous utilise

p>Cela fait mal si vous êtes utilisé par un être cher ou un proche, mais il y a des signes et des drapeaux rouges qui peuvent vous alerter. Si la relation semble unilatérale, essayez de ne pas l’ignorer ou de ne pas la régler. Il suffit d’être prêt à voir ce qui ne va pas dans votre relation avant de pouvoir y remédier.

Notez quand vous ne passez pas de temps ensemble. Inversement, faites attention quand vous n’êtes pas ensemble. Par exemple, êtes-vous rarement invité à des dîners chez votre prétendu ami ? Est-ce qu’une femme au travail s’arrête religieusement à votre bureau après les réunions de bureau pour faire des copies de vos notes mais ne vous inclut pas tous les jours pour déjeuner avec « les filles » ? Quand on a besoin de quelque chose, on ne peut jamais retrouver l’autre personn! e ? Bien que des oublis occasionnels se produisent, le fait de vous éviter ou de ne pas vous inclure à plusieurs reprises indique que la relation n’est peut-être pas ce que vous pensiez ou ce que vous vouliez.

Essayez de vous assurer que ce qui est emprunté est retourné. Le loyer est dû dans trois jours, mais votre amie n’a toujours pas rendu les 300 $ que vous lui avez prêtés il y a trois semaines. Un collègue « emprunte » une idée, puis se réjouit de la gloire quand d’autres se vantent de son génie. Si quelqu’un vous emprunte constamment mais ne vous rend pas (ou ne crédite pas) ce que vous avez emprunté, cette personne vous vole essentiellement juste sous votre nez. Vous voler et vous utiliser sont du même côté de la médaille, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour vous.

Discutez de vos sentiments de ressentiment. Lorsque vous reconnaissez le déséquilibre dans la relation et que vous n’êtes plus en mesure de le corriger, vous commen! cez souvent à éprouver du ressentiment. Cela peut entraîner! un sentiment d’irritation avec l’autre personne. Selon votre personnalité, cette irritation peut se manifester de diverses façons, dont certaines peuvent entraîner des conséquences que vous ne voudrez peut-être pas payer, qui pourraient vous faire vous sentir mal dans votre peau ou vous faire vivre avec regret.

Arrête de venir à leur secours si souvent. Maintenant, comptez le nombre d’urgences graves, comme le besoin d’un camion pour déplacer des meubles, que vous seul pouvez aider, et le nombre de besoins de dernière minute mais critiques, comme la garde d’animaux pendant que l’autre personne est en vacances, que vous seul pouvez gérer. Ajoutez à cela la fréquence à laquelle l’autre est au milieu d’une sorte de drame et a besoin de vous, tout de suite. Soustrayez la fréquence à laquelle il ou elle est là pour vous lorsque vous avez besoin de quelqu’un à qui parler ou que vous avez besoin d’aide (en particulier d’une aide série! use), et le résultat sera fortement corrélé avec le fait que vous êtes utilisé ou non.

Rejeter toutes les paroles et aucun comportement d’action. Quand quelqu’un dit qu’il va faire une chose mais qu’il ne va pas jusqu’au bout, cela peut devenir aggravant, surtout si cela devient une habitude. En fin de compte, cela vous amène à ne pas faire confiance à la personne ou à la relation. Dans de nombreux cas, l’engagement a été pris tout en demandant quelque chose à l’autre personne. Alors, faites attention à ce qu’on vous demande (ou ce qu’on attend de vous) lorsqu’un engagement ou un plan est pris, mais qu’il est abandonné.

Observez quand vous passez du temps ensemble. Il serait sage de s’interroger sur les motivations d’une autre personne si vous trouvez a) que vous passez habituellement du temps ensemble lorsque l’autre personne s’ennuie ou veut ou a besoin de quelque chose (comme quelqu’un pour écouter votre belle-mÃ! ¨re dire qu’elle voit peu votre mari), b) que le temps est générale! ment passé seule (comme tard le soir), ou c) que le temps est consacré à combler un poste (comme une date pour un événement ou comme partenaire pour le bowling de dernière minute).

Considérez votre propre rôle dans la situation. Quelqu’un ne peut vous utiliser que si vous le permettez, alors demandez-vous si cela pourrait être le cas pour vous. Si vous avez une faible estime de soi, il est probable que vous serez trop gentil avec les gens et que vous accepterez facilement ce qu’ils veulent. Cela peut vous donner l’impression d’être utilisé.

Demandez des précisions sur le statut de la relation. Parfois, dans les relations amoureuses, il se peut que vous vous sentiez incertain de la situation réelle parce que l’autre personne est réticente à étiqueter la relation ou ne fait pas toujours la différence entre ses sentiments pour vous et ceux des autres. Cela peut se produire lorsqu’un homme ou une femme hésite à appeler l’autre sa «Â!  petite amie » ou son « petit ami » â€" aux autres, devant les autres et à l’autre. Dans de tels cas, il y a de fortes chances que vous soyez utilisé. Cela peut également se produire lorsque, par exemple, votre « meilleur ami » appelle plusieurs autres personnes son « meilleur ami », ce qui vous amène à vous demander quelle est la véritable nature de votre amitié.

Examinez à quel point ils vous écoutent peu. Faites attention à ce que l’autre personne sait de vous. Est-ce que ton « petit ami » sait pourquoi tu détestais grandir à Buffalo ? Trouvez-vous que votre voisin, qui est toujours à court de quelque chose, se précipite vers la porte dès que vous soulevez quelque chose qui vous inquiète au sujet du travail ou de vos enfants ? C’est à cause des quatre mots â€" tout tourne autour d’eux. Si une personne n’a aucun intérêt à apprendre à vous connaître ou à connaître votre vie, elle a un autre intérêt pour vous qui n! ’est généralement pas à votre avantage.

Ne dépensez pas plu! s que ce que vous pouvez vous permettre pour l’autre. Sortez vos calculatrices et additionnez le montant que la personne vous coûte. Votre partenaire vit-il avec vous gratuitement ou ne paie-t-il que les factures des services publics, par exemple ? Vous vous retrouvez toujours à payer la facture du restaurant lorsque vous sortez avec votre famille ? Si votre calcul final révèle un chiffre élevé, au minimum, votre relation n’est pas équilibrée (peut-être même avec votre chéquier). Tout au plus, on se sert de vous, financièrement et émotionnellement. Décidez maintenant ce que vous pouvez vous permettre, ou si vous voulez continuer à aider l’autre personne.

Expliquez que votre opinion compte. La personne en question tient-elle compte de vos besoins et de vos pensées avant de prendre des décisions ? Ou avant de prendre des décisions pour vous ? Par exemple, votre colocataire suppose-t-il que vous serez celui qui conduira partout, même si vous avez! aussi des besoins, comme économiser de l’argent sur l’essence et ne pas ajouter des kilomètres à votre voiture ? Si vos désirs, vos besoins et vos opinions ne sont pas pris en compte dans la relation, c’est que vous n’êtes pas à la hauteur.

Affrontez l’évasion. Vous posez des questions, mais vous n’obtenez pas de réponses. Ou vous n’obtenez pas de réponses claires. Pendant tout ce temps, dans n’importe quelle situation, vous êtes mal à l’aise d’essayer de comprendre exactement ce qui se passe et où les choses vont. Il est temps d’être direct. Demandez à votre partenaire romantique pourquoi il a toujours une raison pour laquelle vous n’êtes jamais invité au dîner du vendredi soir et aux boissons qu’il prend chaque semaine avec son cercle d’amis et leurs proches. Invitez votre partenaire d’affaires à déjeuner et discutez de vos préoccupations au sujet du projet qui ne se concrétise pas parce qu’il ne répond pas à c! ertains courriels.

Réfléchissez aux messages contradictoires. D! éterminez si ce qui vous est dit est différent de ce qui est dit à votre sujet. Est-ce que ta sÅ"ur te lave d’affection et te dit à quel point tu es importante, puis se plaint à ta mère que tu n’es jamais là quand elle a besoin de toi ? Un collègue vous a-t-il félicité d’avoir fait un excellent travail sur un projet pour lequel vous l’avez aidé, mais vous l’avez ensuite grincé devant d’autres collègues en disant que vous étiez tellement analphabète en informatique qu’il aurait aussi bien pu faire le travail lui-même ?

Éloignez les conversations de l’autre personne. Quatre mots : Tout tourne autour d’eux. Ils parlent de leur famille, de leur travail, de leurs problèmes, de leurs triomphes, de ce qu’ils veulent et de ce dont ils pensent avoir besoin, généralement de vous. Souvent, ils se soucient peu d’imposer votre temps ou ce que vous pourriez faire pour qu’ils puissent parler d’eux-mêmes sans cesse.

Faites attentio! n à la trahison. La véritable amitié, dans laquelle chacun de vous a à cÅ"ur les meilleurs intérêts de l’autre, dépend de la confiance. « Ce qu’on dit ici, reste ici » est ou n’est pas dans le vocabulaire de l’autre. Si vous ne pouvez pas vous confier en toute confiance à quelqu’un, soyez prudent. Si vous ne pouvez pas vous confier en toute confiance à quelqu’un sans craindre d’être jugé, ne le révélez pas en premier lieu. Malheureusement, vous devez généralement apprendre cette leçon à la dure â€" en vous faisant trahir votre confiance.

N’acceptez pas de promesses non tenues. Les utilisateurs rompent perpétuellement leurs promesses et, ce faisant, choisissent perpétuellement de mettre quelque chose ou quelqu’un d’autre avant vous. Souvent, c’est cette personne. C’est aussi un bon signe qu’il n’est peut-être pas très sérieux à votre égard, que vous n’êtes pas particulièrement important ou que vous êtes perç! u comme une personne qui vous pousse à bout et qui ne causera pas de p! roblèmes même si on en profite.

Contre-comparaisons et surenchère d’un point de vue technique. Certaines personnes ne sont pas sûres d’elles et cherchent à dominer les autres dans le but de se sentir mieux dans leur peau et dans leur vie. Ils ont toujours une version, une marque, une méthode, une expérience, etc. bien meilleures. Ces types sont souvent « avec » vous romantiquement ou passent du temps avec vous platoniquement (pour vous enseigner la bonne façon de plier les vêtements et le linge, par exemple) pour renforcer leur estime de soi ; ils utilisent les autres pour des avantages émotionnels et des gains.

Résistez à l’envie d’essayer plus fort. Parce que vous ressentez le besoin d’être dans la relation, vous pourriez vous retrouver à travailler plus fort pour la faire fonctionner, malgré le fait d’être et de vous sentir utilisé. Souvent, vous en faites tellement que vous ne prenez pas soin de vos propres besoins. Parfois, ! vous vous convainquez que cela ne vous dérange pas parce que vous aimez la personne ou que vous sentez qu’elle a besoin de vous. Pourtant, ce sentiment est généralement fugace parce que les relations saines exigent un compromis. D’autres fois, vous vous sentez coincé parce que c’est une relation que vous ne pouvez pas facilement éviter, comme celles au travail ou même celles avec certains membres de votre famille.

Faites pression pour une communication cohérente. Une personne qui utilise fréquemment quelqu’un d’autre ne répondra pas aux appels téléphoniques, aux messages texte et aux courriels à moins qu’elle ne le veuille. Lorsque votre communication a lieu à des moments choisis par l’autre, vous donnant l’impression d’être le plan B, c’est le signe que vous êtes vraiment le plan B. Soit cela, soit on a besoin de vous pour quelque chose, comme être le conducteur désigné pour l’enterrement de vie de garçon d’un semi-copain, p! ar exemple.

Réduisez le montant de votre aide. Faites-vous beauc! oup de courses pour votre patron qui ne sont pas dans votre description de travail, gardez-vous constamment les enfants de votre cousin, sauvez votre fils des ennuis chaque fois que vous vous retournez, faites le travail de votre partenaire « d’étude » juste pour que vous puissiez le faire ? Annulez-vous vos plans parce que l’autre personne a eu une journée difficile et a besoin de parler ? Si vous faites ce genre de choses pour quelqu’un sur une base régulière â€" gratuitement â€" considérez que vous en profitez, malheureusement.

Monday, 24 August 2020

In gardening, what is the opposite of organic?

Monty Sieloff: Organic gardening uses organic and natural soil amendments containing organic matter that are lower nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, (NPK) ratio then synthetic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are made up from decomposed animal or vegetable remains or mineral rocks. The insoluble organic matter is broken down by the soils microbes (bio-degraders) for use by plants.The opposite method of gardening might be called synthetic or inorganic gardening. This type of gardening, like production gardening, uses petroleum based fertilizers to provide the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium needs of the plants. It also uses many inorganic chemical pesticides and herbicides to control insects, weeds, and fungus....Show more

Minh Lefrancois: In the term of food.It's opposite is Inorganic food such as Cabbage, Cauliflower etc. For more details visit on:http://gmdiethelp.com

Teodoro Lamond: For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/av1jgN! on-Organic! As pure, natural and healthy as one is able to make it in this day and age! (Just in case you are talking about mulch etc. then it would be IN-Organic. Stones, rubber mulch stuff I heard about etc. Non plant material in other words.) The NON use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones - even the so called 'selective breeding' (like with chooks that cannot support their own breast weight by age of 12 weeks!!!!! ) etc. etc. etc. Chemicals and hormones used to create bigger and better and more cost efficient financial production of meat and fruits/veg etc. To control weeds, bugs, make bigger and fatter meat animals/poultry/fish etc. products (if you want to call living, thinking, feeling creatures that share most of our human emotions except for greed, hatred etc. 'meat and 'products') in the least amount of time. No I am not a vegan or vegarian .....whatever. I do, unfortunately, eat meat. Cannot change a diet of almost 60 years overnight!! I do, however have a few chooks that run around my acreage. E! ggs haven't tasted this good since I was a little girl and my family had backyard chooks in suburbia! My veggies aren't as big and pretty as those from the supermarket - and it is a serious pain in the backside keeping up with the weeds - but damn! They taste good!!!!! I am getting old, so my body has a few pains......but my wallet is not hurting as much as it would be otherwise!...Show more

Jannie Ariola: Miracle grow lol I refuse to put it in my garden plant steroids.

Jannie Ariola: non-organic.Grown with the use of pesticides.

Kara Tabian: Conventional Agriculture where synthetics are allowed, there is no soil fertility plan (the most important aspect of any Organic gardening/farming), GMO's are allowed along with sewage sludge.Inorganic is a chemistry term and has nothing to do with farming/gardening. Non-Organic is not an official term (Conventional farms would never, ever use that term)...Show more

Lolita Deschamp: Opposite Of Organic

Mar! co Stolarz: Inorganic, meaning you can use artificial fertilizers and judicially, sprays to keep your plants free of pests. However, please do remember that plants in flower are visited by bees which of course we do not want to kill. One of the main plant pests is the aphid also known as green fly and black fly. Many people use sprays to get rid but these can also affect bees! So what do I do? - I make a fairly strong solution of soft soap and spray that on the aphids in the evening which soon gets rid of them but does not affect bees....Show more

Comment fabriquer votre propre papier d’emballage

Comment fabriquer votre propre papier d’emballage

p>Fabriquer votre propre papier d’emballage est une excellente façon de rendre un cadeau plus spécial. Le processus est simple, et la plupart du temps, il faut appliquer de la peinture sur une feuille de papier assez grande pour envelopper votre cadeau. Si la peinture n’est pas votre point fort, alors il y a beaucoup d’autres options aussi, comme les autocollants ou les marqueurs. Une fois que vous connaissez les techniques de base, vous pouvez créer toutes sortes de dessins uniques !

Utilisez des pochoirs pour des motifs uniques si vous ne voulez pas les dessiner. Placez un pochoir sur votre papier, puis collez les bords. Versez votre peinture dans un petit plat, puis trempez-y un pinceau en mousse ou  » pouncer « . Taper légèrement le pinceau contre le pochoir pour le remplir. Soulevez le! pochoir, déplacez-le vers une autre section du papier et répétez l’opération.

Créez un tampon de pommes de terre pour une activité plus pratique. Couper une pomme de terre en deux, puis y presser un emporte-pièce. Couper la pomme de terre de l’extérieur de l’emporte-pièce à l’aide d’un couteau ; ne pas couper plus de ⁄4 à ⁄2 pouces (0,64 à 1,27 cm) de profondeur. Retirez l’emporte-pièce et séchez la pomme de terre en la tapotant. Versez un peu de peinture sur une palette, trempez la pomme de terre dans la peinture, puis tamponnez-la contre une feuille de papier selon un motif répétitif.

Dessinez des dessins sur du papier de couleur avec des stylos métalliques ou en gel. Va chercher du papier journal ou du papier de boucher brun. Dessinez des croquis à l’aide de stylos si désiré. Les stylos dorés ou argentés donneront à vos stylos une allure plus chic et raffinée, mais vous pouvez aussi utiliser des stylos gel dans des c! ouleurs néons, pastel, métalliques ou scintillantes.

V! otre design à main levée pour un emballage cadeau vraiment unique. Choisissez de la peinture, trempez-y votre pinceau, puis commencez à peindre votre papier. Essayez différents motifs, tels que des gribouillis, des wisps ou des spirales. Si vous voulez utiliser une autre couleur, assurez-vous de laver votre pinceau d’abord.

Choisissez un papier de grammage moyen, puis collez-le sur une surface plane. Le papier plus épais, comme le papier à croquis ou le papier de boucherie, sera le meilleur choix pour ce projet. Si le papier est trop mince, il risque de se déformer à cause de la peinture. Comme la plupart des peintures sont opaques, vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quelle couleur de papier pour cela.

Décorez le papier avec des autocollants pour un design rapide. C’est une excellente façon de rendre une feuille de papier ordinaire intéressante. La plupart des autocollants sont livrés avec des bordures blanches, ils seront donc plus beaux sur du pa! pier blanc. Si vous voulez décorer du papier de couleur, recherchez des autocollants avec des bordures claires ou sans bordures du tout. Si vous utilisez des autocollants avec des bordures blanches sur du papier de couleur, cela paraîtra évident.

Passez la brosse horizontalement sur la page pour créer un motif en forme de grille. Utilisez un pinceau à poils grossiers pour peindre d’abord les bandes verticales de haut en bas de votre page. Laissez sécher la peinture, puis répétez le processus, mais cette fois-ci, peignez des traits horizontaux sur toute la page. Commencez en haut de la page et descendez jusqu’en bas.

Utilisez des tampons en caoutchouc traditionnels pour une activité rapide. Vous pouvez utiliser des tampons en caoutchouc avec des tampons encreurs ou de la peinture. Si vous décidez d’utiliser de la peinture, vous devez l’appliquer sur le tampon avec un pinceau. Appuyez le tampon contre le papier selon un motif répétitif. Si vous! voulez utiliser plus de couleurs, lavez d’abord le tampon. Si vous v! oulez créer un motif en couches, laissez d’abord sécher l’encre ou la peinture.

Choisissez un papier de grammage moyen, puis collez-le sur votre surface de travail. Choisissez un papier plus épais, comme du papier à croquis ou du papier de boucherie. Étendez-le sur une surface plane, puis collez les coins avec du ruban adhésif. Le papier doit être assez grand pour emballer votre cadeau. Vous pouvez aussi peindre une plus grande feuille et l’utiliser pour emballer plusieurs cadeaux.

Réutilisez les cartes, les journaux, les pages de magazines ou les partitions. Si vous n’avez pas le temps de faire du papier d’emballage, pensez à utiliser quelque chose qui est déjà coloré ou qui a un motif intéressant. Le type de papier que vous utilisez dépend de la taille du cadeau que vous offrez ainsi que du thème général que vous choisissez. Par exemple :

Imprimez une page de livre à colorier Zen, puis coloriez-la avec des marqueurs. Recherche! z sur Internet des pages de livres à colorier zen. Trouvez un dessin avec un motif répétitif et imprimez-le sur du papier blanc pour imprimante. Colorez le dessin à l’aide de marqueurs.

Utilisez un site Web avec un service d’impression pour concevoir et imprimer votre papier. Il existe des sites Web, comme Spoonflower, qui vous permettent d’entrer vos propres dessins, puis de les imprimer sur divers matériaux, y compris le papier d’emballage. Après avoir payé un petit montant, vous recevrez votre propre rouleau de papier d’emballage !

Faites pivoter une brosse à poils grossiers pour créer un point en spirale. Choisissez une brosse à poils grossiers dont la largeur correspond à la moitié de la largeur que vous voulez donner à vos points. Tremper le pinceau dans un peu de peinture, puis le toucher légèrement contre votre papier. Faites tourner le manche de la brosse entre vos doigts ; les poils formeront une forme circulaire. Une fois que ! vous avez terminé un cercle complet, soulevez la brosse.

Utilise! z une brosse à poils grossiers pour créer de fines rayures. Procurez-vous une brosse à poils grossiers d’au moins 2 pouces (5,1 cm) de largeur à partir de la quincaillerie ; les extrémités doivent être dentelées et avoir des espaces entre elles. Trempez le pinceau dans un peu de peinture, puis passez-le légèrement sur votre page, de haut en bas. Continuez à travailler en rangées d’un côté à l’autre de la page.

Utilisez des cotons-tiges pour faire un motif à pois. Procurez-vous de la peinture acrylique artisanale, de la peinture à affiche ou de la peinture à détrempe. Versez-le dans un petit plat ou sur une palette pour en faciliter l’utilisation. Trempez un coton-tige dans la peinture, puis appuyez-le contre votre papier.

Utilisez un pinceau pointu « rond » pour faire de longues lignes fines. Choisissez un pinceau pointu « rond » et trempez-le dans de la peinture. Passez la brosse le long de votre page de haut en bas. Le pincea! u va créer une ligne légèrement ondulée, qui peut paraître unique. Traversez la page d’un côté à l’autre.

Couper un citron en deux, puis l’utiliser comme tampon pour un motif brillant. Couper un citron en deux à l’aide d’un couteau tranchant. Choisissez l’une des moitiés à utiliser, puis choisissez les graines. Versez un peu de peinture sur une palette, puis trempez le citron dedans. Appuyez le citron contre votre papier selon un motif répétitif. Tremper à nouveau le citron dans la peinture au besoin. Jetez le citron lorsque vous avez terminé.

Découpez une éponge de cuisine, trempez-la dans la peinture, puis utilisez-la comme tampon ! Procurez-vous une éponge de cuisine simple et propre. Utilisez un emporte-pièce et un marqueur pour tracer votre dessin, puis découpez-le avec des ciseaux. Versez un peu de peinture sur une palette puis trempez l’éponge dans la peinture. Tenez l’éponge par les bords en la tapotant contre le pap! ier.

Utilisez un pinceau large pour faire des traits diagonaux co! urts. Ce dessin sera plus intéressant si vous utilisez une brosse à poils grossiers, mais vous pouvez aussi en utiliser d’autres types. Choisissez une brosse plate d’au moins 2 pouces (5,1 cm) de largeur. Plongez-le dans un peu de peinture, puis utilisez-le pour faire des traits diagonaux courts sur votre page. Travaillez d’un côté à l’autre, en commençant par le haut de la page et en finissant par le bas.

Enrouler du papier bulle autour d’un rouleau à pâtisserie comme alternative. Coupez du papier bulle sur la même circonférence que votre rouleau à pâtisserie. Enroulez-le autour du rouleau à pâtisserie, côté bulle vers l’extérieur, puis fixez la couture avec un morceau de ruban adhésif. Appliquez de la peinture sur le papier bulle à l’aide d’un pinceau mousse, puis enroulez l’épingle sur votre papier.

Utilisez des emporte-pièces pour créer un motif délicat. Versez de la peinture acrylique artisanale, de la peinture à af! fiche ou de la peinture à détrempe sur une palette. Trouvez un emporte-pièce et trempez-le dans la peinture. Soulevez l’emporte-pièce, puis appuyez-le contre votre papier à plusieurs reprises pour créer un motif unique.

Utilisez une brosse à dents et de la peinture pour créer un dessin en aérosol. Tremper une vieille brosse à dents dans de la peinture acrylique artisanale. Tenir le pinceau sur une feuille de papier, soies vers le bas. Passez votre doigt fermement sur les poils pour les plier. Lorsque vous passez votre doigt dessus, la peinture éclaboussera sur le papier et créera un motif semblable à celui d’un vaporisateur.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Lasagna garden recipe for Southern California?

Travis Sherrock: I've heard of it and here is a series of books on the subject.http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_14?url=se...But I would highly recommend Square foot gardening myself. http://www.amazon.com/Square-Foot-Gardening-Second...Just as good but less intensive. In any case the book has much good information in it even if you don't do the Sq Ft thing....Show more

Theresia Fashaw: In order to grow lasagna you have to start with pasta seeds. Of course you will also need cottage cheese seeds and tomato sauce seeds. After the first year you collect all the seeds from the plants and mix them together and plant them, now you may get some lasagna. Do not try to jump the first year by buying the seeds and mixing them the first year that will not work.

Comment planter le genévrier

Comment planter le genévrier

p>Les Bécasseaux Juniper sont des conifères aux feuilles vertes en forme d’aiguilles. Il existe de nombreux cultivars de genévrier différents et chacun peut avoir ses propres besoins. Cependant, quelques exigences en matière de plantation et d’entretien sont uniformes dans l’ensemble de l’espèce.

Desserrer la masse racinaire. Utilisez vos mains ou un couteau émoussé pour séparer les racines individuelles de la masse compactée. Desserrez autant de racines que possible sans trop les endommager.

Achetez un petit arbuste établi. Si vous voulez ajouter du genévrier à votre jardin, vous devriez acheter de jeunes plants de genévrier dans une jardinerie locale.

Appliquez de l’engrais deux fois par an. L’engrais devrait être mélangé au sol autour des genévriers une fois au début du p! rintemps. Appliquez à nouveau de l’engrais à la fin de l’été.

Creusez un grand trou. A l’aide d’une pelle ou d’une bêche, creusez un trou deux fois plus large et au moins aussi profond que le contenant dans lequel se trouve actuellement le genévrier.

Méfiez-vous des insectes nuisibles courants. Les genévriers peuvent développer des problèmes avec les insectes, y compris les vers en sac, les tétranyques, les mineuses des feuilles, les pyrales et les pucerons.

Remplissez le reste du trou. Tenez l’arbuste bien droit pendant que vous remplissez le trou autour de lui avec une partie de la terre que vous avez enlevée en creusant le trou.

Méfiez-vous des maladies courantes. Les genévriers plantés dans des conditions idéales ont rarement des problèmes de maladie, mais certaines maladies peuvent survenir, surtout pendant les saisons particulièrement pluvieuses ou ombragées.

Arrosez le genévrier dans son récipient. Arrose! z bien le genévrier dans son récipient, en trempant le sol e! t en le rendant plus compact.

Arroser abondamment jusqu’à l’établissement. Donnez beaucoup d’eau à la plante immédiatement après l’avoir plantée. Cela aidera la plante à s’établir tout en compactant davantage le sol.

Placer la motte dans le trou. Placez la motte de racines au centre du trou que vous avez creusé. Le sommet de la motte doit être au niveau de la surface du sol autour du trou.

Choisissez la meilleure variété. Il existe de nombreux cultivars de genévrier différents, chacun ayant une apparence et une taille différentes, vous devrez donc en choisir un qui convient à vos goûts et à votre espace.

Éviter de trop arroser. Les plants de genévrier établis n’ont besoin d’être arrosés que pendant les périodes de sécheresse sévère.

Tailler légèrement. Il suffit de tailler le vieux feuillage mort qui s’accumule sous les variétés de genévrier rampant. L’élimination du bois mort améliore la circ! ulation de l’air, ce qui permet à la plante d’être en meilleure santé.

Laissez beaucoup d’espace entre les plantes. Lorsque les genévriers sont plantés trop près les uns des autres, une épaisse couche de feuillage peut se former et causer des problèmes de circulation d’air. Par conséquent, les plantes sont plus susceptibles d’être confrontées à des problèmes de ravageurs et de maladies.

Recherchez un endroit ensoleillé. Les genévriers préfèrent le plein soleil, mais ils peuvent aussi bien survivre à l’ombre partielle.

Examiner et amender le sol. La plupart des variétés de genévrier tolèrent un large éventail de conditions de sol, mais le sol doit être bien drainant. Si ce n’est pas le cas, vous devriez amender le sol pour améliorer ses capacités de drainage avant de planter votre genévrier.

Incorporer un engrais équilibré. Mélanger 2 c. à thé (10 ml) d’un engrais équilibré 10-10-10-10 dans le sol pour! chaque 1 gallon (4 L) de plante.

Retirer la plante du contenant.! Si la plante est dans un contenant de plastique jetable, inclinez soigneusement le contenant sur le côté et pressez autour de l’extérieur pour ameublir la terre et la masse racinaire à l’intérieur. Vous devriez être en mesure de faire glisser avec précaution toute la masse de terre hors du contenant avec vos mains ou votre pelle.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

What is a good base for landscaping stones?

Emile Okafor: Sand would work fine but no matter what you use you need to put landscape cloth down first. It keeps weeds from growing and still lets water through. It will also keep the sand from mixing with the dirt underneath. You might put a second layer between the sand and rocks to keep them from sinking into the sand. Good luck.

Pamela Meno: The stones are 2 1/2 inches thick and 11 1/2 inch square.

Ervin Overbee: 3/4 inch or smaller stone

Comment jouer à des jeux d

Comment jouer à des jeux d

p>Le Play Store offre un certain nombre de jeux amusants pour les appareils Android.

Apprenez les commandes.

Sauvegardez le jeu.

Quitte le jeu.

Jouez le jeu.

Obtenir des ROMs de jeu.

Lancez l’émulateur.

Lancer un jeu.

Télécharger un émulateur.

Recherchez le BIOS.

Obtenir un BIOS d’émulateur.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Cómo reducir el punto blanco en un iPhone

Cómo reducir el punto blanco en un iPhone

Este wikiCómo te enseña a disminuir el brillo de los blancos (y otros colores claros) en tu iPhone.

2. Toque Mostrar alojamientos.

Deslice el interruptor «Reducir punto blanco» a la posición de encendido.

Toque Accesibilidad. Está en la tercera sección.

Arrastre el control deslizante hacia la izquierda. A medida que arrastra, los blancos y los grises más claros de la pantalla se atenúan, y el porcentaje de la derecha disminuye. Deje de arrastrar cuando llegue a un nivel cómodo.

Abre la configuración de tu iPhone. Es una aplicación en una de tus pantallas de inicio representada por un engranaje gris. Busque en la carpeta Utilidades si no la ve.

2. Pulse General. Está en la tercera sección.

need supporting under-counter brackets for overhang countertop that give a contemporary look. Suggestions?

Oren Eskelsen: Here are some websites I use when looking for the same thing:http://shopping.msn.com/results/shp/?bCatId=9482,a...http://www.improvementscatalog.com/home/diy/adjust...http://www.bizrate.co.uk/homehardware/products__ke...http://www.farreys.com/bath/creations_by_alno/coll...http://www.bizrate.co.uk/homehardware/products__ke...http://www.bizrate.co.uk/curtain_blindshardware/pr...http://www.phillipsmetalworks.com/drapery%20hardwa...http://shopping.msn.com/results/shp/?bCatId=9482,a...http://shopping.yahoo.com/s:Garden%20&%20Patio:416...http://www.thehardwarehut.com/railing_floorbracket...http://www.thehardwarehut.com/search-product-resul...http://www.carlson-store-fixtures.com/catalog/defa...http://beta.shopping.msn.com/results/shp/?bCatId=9...http://www.plushpod.com/item_428.phphttp://www.carlson-store-fixtures.com/catalog/prod...http://www.shopzilla.com/8B--Home_Hardware_-_cat_i...Sure hope this helps you find what you're looking for... unfortunatealy, there ! doesn't seem to be much inspiration for home hardware......Show more

Faustino Mellerson: Hidden Countertop Brackets

Shelley Stevens: http://www.madeofmetalbrackets.com">Made of Metal offers custom sized brackets in custom finishes. The stainless steel finish is a modern finish. You could also use a hidden bracket and have them not show at all.

Shan Lanen: Find out here

Randa Hessell: hav u tried usin sausages? did the trick for me!

Roosevelt Pendill: Yes, you can go to any home improvement store and pick up some curtain rod holders, they come in some very unusual shapes. I like the ones that look like L-brackets and have carvings on them. I think they are called corbels.


Jayson Brod: Do you know what Mystera is? How about Richlite? How about Caesarstone? Corian is an older product. Its look is dated. As for the brackets, have the fabricator make some out of the counter material. It looks nice.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Any advice for a leaky mama?

Hilton Paiva: That's awesome that you have so much milk! I'm sorry you're having trouble with leakage. Maybe if you can stand it try a tighter bra, like a sports bra, with the lilypadz and or towels. Or try to find a moisture wicking sports bra, then put that on first, then something absorbant over that. Can't be less comfortable than an ace bandage!

Antwan Schrum: I absolutely loved Medela brand nursing pads.. those things can hold a river.. LOLHow old is your son? It may take a week or so for your supply to adjust to the lessened demand at night. And just when that happens, he'll hit a growth spurt and wake to feed again.. LOL

Vernita Robberson: Maybe you're not using the right brand of nursing pads. I too leaked everywhere but I found that when I used the Lansinoh brand pads - those things are amazing. There are 2 different types though, one didn't work well but the other did. Esentially they are not just padded cloth, they have the substance inside of ! them just like a diaper does. So...when you get exceptionally leaky they just feel like a diaper (when you can pinch it and feel the gel), but they don't leak.

Tomeka Hameen: are u sleeping with a good fitted bra? and u should pump before bed as well...

Melvin Nakama: Home and Garden, eh? Maybe you and me (the Leaky Girls) can get together and just wet the lawn down at night!I just put some receiving blankets down under where I sleep, wear a nice cotton t-shirt or go topless and 'let it go'. When the dampness wakes me up, I put a new receiving blanket down.Between my leaking and my little guys drooling (he usually makes it in for a snuggle with me by at 4 a.m.), we change those receiving blankets and the sheets pretty often!I'd love to hear what the other mommies do!P.S. I tried nursing pads to and they didn't do the trick; I don't pump because I don't get anything!...Show more

Deangelo Marchak: i do pump just before bed... and i'm running out of room in t! he freezer. lol

Kara Tabian: I dealt with this problem a! s well. Lol, hand towels in the bra, I stuffed my sports bra with those as well, I woke up a sopping mess. Anyway, your body will begin to adjust, so heres what you can do, either wait until your milk adjusts or.....and this is what I did.I woke up at 3 in the morning and went and pumped for a good 20 minutes and took the pressure off the top. Yes, it sucks that when your baby is finally sleeping through the night you still have to get up, but it beat changing my sheets each morning and being soaked, and it also keep my supply going strong. The really nice thing was sometimes my husband would get up in the morning and feed my son the pumped milk before he went to work so I could sleep in a little. When I didn't use the expressed milk, I would freeze it. The frozen milk was great when my milked started drying up when my son started refusing the breast, I was still able to give him breast milk for 3 extra weeks with my stored milk!...Show more

Eleni Mccier: i take! advantage of introduction and that they leak from time to time. If I shake it and it leaks, I open the bottle and turn the conceal a sprint then tighten it back. it consistently fixes the undertaking. you ought to easily change yet bottles are high priced so making an investment in an entire new set while your infant is already conscious of a definite form may be stressful on the two certainly one of you. many times mom and father wean their infant off a bottle between 12 months and 24 months. solid luck!...Show more

Jammie Taddei: I know how you are feeling!! I always put down a regular towel (folded) underneath me on the bed and use the Gerber Extra Absorbant nursing pads, they work great. I also put handtowels in my shirt, it can get pretty uncomfortable. Other than those things, all I can say is that it will get better. Try pumping before you go to bed also.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

What can 50K get you in remodeling a home?

Marylee Lucks: depends on location and present value of house.50k remodel on 100k house does not equal 50k remodel on 1000k house.

Susan Rambo: Kitchen remodel, And your bathrooms remodeled. Painting, And some floor coverings. Should about cover it if it is being done by a contractor.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

What are some cake decorating ideas?

Merna Fauset: I'm not a cake baker any longer, but there are sites that can give yo lots of ideas fro decorating. I list a few belowCake decorating terms that you find in recipes are clearly explained, as well as ... Cake Decorating is not an impossible art to learn, but it does take practice and ...www.baking911.com/decorating/cakes101...Show more

Sherita Gallati: Cover the cake with chocolate frosting.Decorate it with unsalted whole nuts.Use pine nuts to spell out words because its small.You could even add color with frozen berries.I sure its easy and looks cute....Show more

Sharolyn Claybourn: put some chocolate/white chocolate shavings on itsprinklesyou could make it plaid with ur fav colorsand put different candy on it

Aubrey Tirri: Try getting different colour sprinkles and maybe making a rainbow on your cake . Top with white and dark chocolate shavings , with some cherries for a black forest cake . Get some store bought icing ( different colours )! , than put in a zip lock bag , cut the tip off of the end of the bag , so the icing can come out , and you can write your favourite words , your favourite lyrics in one corner , your nick name + happy birthday , maybe inspirational words , or your favourite quote's , and you can write them diagonally all across the cake in your favourite colours .Happy Birthday if its a birthday cake :P and happy decorating :)...Show more

Cody Petrulis: i have done a pirate ship cakei have done a NASCAR cakea grave stone cakenascar flags (checkard and green)I am an amature cake decorator....Show more

Monday, 17 August 2020

Is it ok to use just a tiny bit of hand soap mixed with my laundry detergent?

Jude Kennelly: i think of there became right into a Brady Bunch episode while between the youngsters did this and suds got here flowing out of the gadget. i recognize that's in straightforward terms a T.V. instruct yet dish cleansing soap makes a good number of suds and laundry detergent does not.

Marhta Teahan: spray

Oda Mauson: No it won't harm your clothes but it won't wash them either unless you were doing them in a hand wash .

Elli Esaw: Hand soap will be fine as long as it doesn't have a whitener like bleach in it. Soap isn't as strong as detergent. Detergent can cut grease while soap can't.Dish detergent could work just as well as laundry detergent.BTW The so called recommended amount of detergent for washing is probably more than you really need. They are trying to get you to muse more so you have to buy more. Try 1/2 to 3/4 unless the clothes are extremely dirty looking....Show more

Virgil Menefee: The only downside to using hand soap is! that it lathers up more. Had you used a lot of it, it would take several rinsings to get it all out. It will get your clothes just as clean as laundry soap. The most important thing about your laundry is using clean water. In some countries they don't even use soap. They just scrub the clothes against a rock.

Miguel Densley: Good thinking, It won't harm your clothes, and it will clean some of your clothes, as soap does lift the dirt off, but depending on how dirty your clothes are, you may need a second wash, you never know, you may have invented a new laundry soap bar!

Does anyone have any information or recommendations for dental implants in Mexico?  

Does anyone have any information or recommendations for dental implants in Mexico?  

answers 0:I have a Ca. periodontist that wants about $4500/tooth....and I unfortunately need about 6 - 7answers 1:you MUST try dental Maya in CancunI saved a lot of money there, had a great time. They are very professional and english spoken. Dont go to tijuana, Juarez etc.. kinda dangerous.GL

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Laundry duty?

Toya Braskett: Throw it in the hamper it magicly ends up in the dresser. easy

Marco Stolarz: Usually every day, do not like to let it pile up it means that there is something in there that someone needs to wear.

Robin Tommie: I don't do laundry just for fun. When, I see a dirty piece of clothes on the carpet or living room. I pick it up and put in the hamper. I wait until the hamper is full or when, I noticed that I don't see my dress doors full. I don't need maid to do my wash my clothes besides you never know where that person hands where....Show more

Toshia Metzker: It depends on whose stuff is in there and how quickly they will need it again. Otherwise, I keep a check on the "Piles" when I go into the basement to clean out the Kitty's Litter box.That is, unless my daughter and the 1 & 3 yr old boys are staying over. Then it's going every day...................

Dawn Saha: Depends. Find something better to do...wait. Have extra time wash.

Demetrius Coaster: i wait until my laundry basket is full and then i wash..but there are times when hubby tells me he needs a shirt or pair of jeans washed urgently, so then i do 1 full load, with whatever it was he needed and some of the clothes in the basket.. i dont like wasting to much water..and make the most of the electricity being used. we save a lot of money this way....Show more

Myriam Hetjonk: nope i just hire a made to wash it for me

Sook Hershkowitz: I do laundry every day.I enjoy doing laundry besides using the dishwasher itis the easiest chore to do around the house.I enjoy the smell of laundry detergent and of clean laundry.

Leann Villalta: laundry everyday, no.pile up, no.we don't wear clothing.

help naming my commercial cleaning business!?!?

Hong Hunkin: how about 'cleanit and meanit'maybe that would be a slogan not a nametop notch cleanerstop of the line cleaningbest cleaningno, these arent original you need something to stand out.good luck! i am not good at this!...Show more

Alexandria Popik: I think you need a name that someone hears once and will always remember. Something catchy like Go DusterSparkle cleaningAll GlowVIP cleaningFresh clean5 Star cleaning servicesStardust professional cleaningA1 business cleaningI hope these help, Good luck!...Show more

Tyler Burkman: What about;1. Clean City2. Your name, like John doe Cleaning Services3. Quality Cleaning Services4. 24 Hour Cleaning Services

Jasper Mangel: The Clean Machine Kwik-n-neat Maid-Clean Flash Mop Squeaky Clean

Saturday, 15 August 2020

health care 5 points?

Babette Deloe: Promoting a “broad view of health” is an important objective of the healthy cities movement, including recognition of the powerful role that social relations and living conditions play in the health of community members.Good luck!

Comment cuisiner une dinde pour l’Action de grâces

Comment cuisiner une dinde pour l’Action de grâces

La Turquie est une tradition nord-américaine de Thanksgiving depuis des centaines d’années. Savoir comment cuisiner une dinde est essentiel pour quiconque veut organiser un festin de l’Action de grâce ou de Noël pour les amis et la famille, mais si vous n’en avez jamais cuisiné un auparavant, cela peut être une tâche ardue. Pour la plupart des gens, le secret d’une délicieuse dinde est une peau croustillante et une viande tendre et juteuse, et il y a plusieurs façons de le faire.

Badigeonner la dinde de beurre aux herbes. On frottera la peau de la dinde pour la rendre croustillante, savoureuse et dorée. Dans un robot culinaire, fouetter ensemble le beurre, les herbes, le sel et le poivre.

Faire saumurer la dinde. Le but du saumurage est de rendre la viande plus juteuse ! et la peau plus croustillante. La veille du jour où vous prévoyez faire cuire la dinde, retirez le cou et les abats de la cavité de la dinde et placez la dinde dans une grande marmite.

Utilisez un thermomètre pour vérifier la température. La règle des 13 minutes par livre est une bonne ligne directrice, mais le temps de cuisson réel varie selon que vous avez farci, ficelé ou saumuré la dinde. Utilisez toujours un thermomètre pour déterminer quand la dinde est cuite.

Retirer la dinde de la saumure avant la cuisson. Jeter la saumure et rincer la dinde à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur. Déplacer la dinde sur une grille à rôtir et l’assécher.

Placez les aromates dans la cavité. Placer l’oignon, la pomme et le bâtonnet de cannelle égouttés et refroidis dans la grande cavité de l’oiseau. Vous pouvez également remplir la cavité avec d’autres ingrédients ou des ingrédients supplémentaires, tels que :

Faire rôtir la din! de. Placez la poitrine de dinde sur la grille et placez-la dan! s la rôtissoire. Versez le bouillon dans le fond de la poêle, mais ne le versez pas sur la dinde elle-même.


Décongeler la dinde. Les dindons congelés doivent être conservés congelés jusqu’à ce que vous soyez prêt à les utiliser. Quelques jours avant la cuisson de votre repas, vous pouvez commencer à décongeler la dinde en utilisant une méthode sans danger pour les volailles qui empêchera la croissance et la propagation des bactéries. Vous ne pouvez pas décongeler la dinde à la température de la pièce pendant plus de deux heures.

Positionnez la grille du four. Pour une dinde de moins de 20 livres, utilisez la grille du milieu. Pour une dinde qui pèse plus de 20 livres, déplacez la grille au niveau inférieur. De cette façon, l’oiseau cuisinera uniformément sans trop cuire ni prendre trop de temps.

Réduire la température. Après 20 minutes, réduire la température du four à 350 F (177 C). N’ouvrez pas la porte, c! ar cela dégagerait trop de chaleur.

Préparez de la sauce à partir des égouttures. Verser le liquide dans la rôtissoire dans une grande casserole, ajouter 1 tasse (240 ml) de bouillon ou de bouillon aux égouttures et chauffer à feu moyen.

Préparer la saumure. Pour donner à la saumure la meilleure saveur, préparez-la trois jours avant la cuisson de la dinde. Conservez-le ensuite au réfrigérateur jusqu’à ce que vous soyez prêt à saumurer la dinde la veille de la cuisson.

Laisser reposer la viande avant de la découper et de la servir. Lorsque la dinde est cuite, la sortir du four et la laisser reposer, à découvert, pendant environ 20 minutes.

Retirer le cou et les abats. Si vous n’avez pas saumuré la dinde et n’avez pas vidé la cavité du cou, faites-le maintenant. Vous pouvez soit jeter les abats, soit les conserver pour en faire du bouillon ou de la sauce.

Préparez les aromates pour la cavité. Mettre l’oignon, la pom! me et le bâtonnet de cannelle dans une petite casserole, couvrir d’e! au et porter à ébullition à feu moyen. Une fois mijoté, laisser bouillir pendant cinq minutes. Retirer du feu, filtrer l’eau et laisser refroidir suffisamment pour manipuler.

Préchauffer le four. Régler le four à 475 F (246 C). Pendant qu’il chauffe, rassemblez vos provisions. Vous en aurez besoin :

Friday, 14 August 2020

How much do you think jealousy of men fueled the feminist movement?

Rodolfo Merel: Anyway, in the book she then said she really appreciated being a woman and was so glad to go back to being a woman because she actually went in to some depression after realizing how hard it was to be a guy. Of course, that's all relative - perhaps SHE couldn't handle it. But the fact is, she said women are privileged in ways men aren't. I suggest you read the book so it can enlighten you:http://www.amazon.com/Self-Made-Man-Womans-Journey......Show more

Galen Gowers: TheGnome: And also, Sarah Palin was ridiculed not because she's a woman, but because she's an idiot. By both men & women. It was Katie Couric that exposed her & cornered Palin on her idiocy, not a male journalist.

Hope Lundmark: TheGnome: "I would admit it, but I simply don't agree. And if I'm arguing, then you sure aren't discussing."You don't agree, because you want to maintain the "victim" role for women. You realize that playing the victim gives one the moral highground and allo! ws for more power & manipulation. For you to admit that men face discrimination and unfairness in society would mean you can't maintain a victim monopoly for women - and that counters your entire sexist, feminist premise."While Indiana was busy cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, viagra is covered by insurance whilst most birth control is not. "Sorry, we're not talking about viagra or birth control. But actual life-threatening diseases. Breast cancer effects as many women as testicular cancer effects men. Yet, breast cancer gets far more attention and funding.I only remember Palin's looks being complimented. Personally, I never found her to be attractive, but apparently the media did. You act like men's appearances are ne...Show more

Lita Thammorongsa: Well, I guess they're still trying to get the respect of real men. They got the pus sies, the douche bags, the MTV suckers, and nice guys (see pus sies above), but real men still just see a place to deposit sperm un! fortunately.

Alexander Villas: clearly when its much be! tter to be hair free

Robt Betker: I live in Canada where the Liberal government under Mean Jean Chretien asked the universities to achieve gender equality among faculty. In my field which is 10% female, that meant hiring only women faculty to achieve the desired 50% level. I did not vote Liberal and we have a Conservative government now.I started a high tech business and will earn significantly more than the newly minted female professors. I suppose the Liberals will want to take my business next in the name of equality. I have hired about 50 research assistants over 7 years on the basis of ability only. Over 60% overall happened to be female, but only 5/13 this year. I believe in equal opportunity but not equal outcomes enforced with quotas....Show more

Irving Jordahl: TheGnome: Another question - you're saying that women wouldn't go to clubs and other night events if they didn't get in free? Because you suggest that if otherwise, it would be a "sausage fe! st" of just guys? What does that suggest about women, if you're saying that women only go because it's free?

Charline Granes: I shave my head, not my body, I did it once for a woman, not again, I wouldn't ask a woman to shave anywhere on their bodies at all, that doesn't change their beauty

Maynard Reevers: As long as the emotions shown are reasonable, yes its ok. Anyone who cries for 3 months straight over a fish dying for example, male of female, has emotional issues...

Randal Deyarmond: If i wanted to be a man i'd just stop shaving and scratch my a*s.

Von Houskeeper: I have to add that, it isn't only men who are treating us women less favorably, it's also other woman. It's not so easy to point a finger.

Jonathan Schlussel: Not at all....

Amada Greising: Feminists in britain were complaining about inequality at a time when millions of men were living in trenches and getting killed and injured. Why would they be jealous of that. femini! sm isn't about equality,its about women picking and choosing what they ! think is good and leaving the bad things for men.

Roxane Leathers: I only remember Palin's looks being complimented. Personally, I never found her to be attractive, but apparently the media did. You act like men's appearances are never critiqued. Obama's ears and skin color. Trump's hair. Chris Christie's weight. And so on.I'm in my 20's and I'm always expected by women I date to pay for everything. Even if she makes the same as me, or more than me. Women put these sexist pressures on men - stop acting like sexism is a one-way street."It says they follow the rules of economics and take more of something they want if it's cheaper."You suggested that women wouldn't go to clubs at all if they had to pay. As if only men like clubbing. Is that what you really believe?...Show more

Antwan Schrum: I can't think of any. It is not such a big issue here. We still haven't changed our laws to legalese abortion which is an embarrassment. However, women can travel to get one a! nd there is lots of advise on how to go about it.This is not an example of women being treated less favorably because men can't have abortions either. lolWomen get 12 months maternity leave and men get 3 days.I was in a Police station to get a form recently, the only domestic violence material on the wall was about female on male violence, I asked why and I was told that f on m domestic violence is more of a problem and that these days a call out for male on female DV was rare.Two sisters murdered and cut up their mothers boyfriend recently and they did not get any sort of bias treatment from what I can tell. The same goes for the woman who was exposed plotting to have her husband and step son murdered. I think that this country has a pretty good take on things. We are not divided along the lines of gender in the same way people seem to be in America and Australia, for example.I know I'm rambling on rather than answering the question...lol...Show more

Alphonso Brake: ! Well personally I think it's fine. I see it more as a strength really, ! although I think both genders should sometimes refrain from anger, moderate is fine, but no explosions from anyone unless truly deserved. I wouldn't want to be around some cold, emotionless robot, I see the incapability of emotion in either gender and unfortunate weakness, what are we without love and laughter and compassion?

Fritz Hawkey: I am in America and you know what I am tired of being equal to a man...I am expected to work 40+ hours a week...cook..clean..shop..take care of kids...I for the life of me cannot understand why some women want to be equal to a man. Now before you get your panties in a bunch..I am a woman in my 40's

Cliff Tyre: Most women will have limits as to how much attraction they can maintain with a guy going through a drawn-out hard time. Women don't like to admit it, but they're very specific about the kinds of emotions they actually want a man to show.

Brice Greczkowski: the question is poppycock sweetiejust as the fact that the! gay rights movement has succeeded in toppling the idiotic political and cultural imbalances of yesteryear it does not therefore follow that anyone wanted to *be like you* as you ridiculously assertpffftshoogo away...Show more

Jamika Gregorio: You didn't choose to be male, so why do you think you should get special treatment for it?We don't want to be like men; we want the same rights as men.Also, please list some of these so-called female privileges.Edit: Of course, the whole ladies' night argument. You realize they're basically giving women incentive to show up, just to lure more males? It sure as hell is sexism...Because straight men aren't going to show up to drink and laugh and dance with other men. In other words, women are used to stop it turning into a sausage fest. That's not a privilege. You decide whether or not to pay for someone's food and drinks...You are in no way obligated.-Men are usually the victims of violence. They are also usually the perpetrators! of violence. "Not getting hurt" is not a privilege, it's a right. -Tre! ated 'better'? If she gets married to an older man, she's a golddigger. If she works and wants no children, she's cold and unnatural. If she has kids and works, she's selfish and a bad mother. If she dresses in a certain way or dares to enjoy sex, she's a whore. If she is raped and/or assaulted, people will speculate as to what she did to bring it on to herself.In households were both partners work full-time, women still end up doing more of the housework.-Women are absolutely ridiculed for engaging in "male" careers. They're told they're unfeminine, ugly, dykes and that they want to be like men. Oh, and men who go into female-dominated fields? It's usually not women who are ridiculing them. - Women are expected to be nice. Be assertive and outspoken? Chances are she'll be labelled a *****. Media coverage of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin focused a lot more on their appearances than their political views. - So...Men outearn women in all other age groups? That's not a privi! lege, either. It's patronizing to assume that I "didn't know". I know full well what you deem privileges, and I can tell you if that's what they are, I can do without them. It's not a privilege to be assigned a bunch of traits that I absolutely must possess or else there's something wrong with me. Xav: If only the world were fair and biased and people totally did not have unconscious prejudices...Affirmative action, as has been discussed on GS before, is in place to combat those ingrained beliefs. Oh, remember the Rihanna and Chris Brown domestic abuse? Mel Gibson and Oksana? There was a good deal of blaming them for the assaults, like they did something to deserve it.EDIT:"Instead of admitting that women have certain privileges that men don't have, you deny it and claim everything we say is false."I would admit it, but I simply don't agree. And if I'm arguing, then you sure aren't discussing."Women's health issues also get more attention & funding than men's."While Indiana! was busy cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, viagra is covered by i! nsurance whilst most birth control is not. No denying that Sarah Palin isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you're kidding yourself if you think there was no discussion of her appearance."Women in their 20's out-earn men in their 20's, yet men in their 20's are still expected by women in their 20's to pay for everything."No, they're not. "What does that suggest about women, if you're saying that women only go because it's free?"It says they follow the rules of economics and take more of something they want if it's cheaper....Show more

Raul Tllo: None.Its the case that white middleclass males don't get special privileges anymore. Get over it.

Terrell Voltz: Jealousy was never an issue and still isn't with the feminist movement. Feminism is about equal rights and keeping the equal rights that women already have. It sounds like you already have an opinion though.

Charissa Bichsel: they used to just want equality.

Dexter Dicostanzo: It depends on ! how those emotions are manifested and what the situation is. If the guy is just a bag of water because he can't get over himself and feels that all times are hard times, yes, I think that's weak and that goes for women too.

Lynn Melbourne: Examples of how women are treated less favourably than men today, in your country, would be great.

Carter Edstrom: Women must be treated equally by law in the USA. Some businesses and organizations do still discriminate against women but they are getting fewer and fewer because if they get caught it's heavy fines and restitution to the woman or women involved.

James Langmyer: Let me answer your question with another example of European conquest. I choose to use the example of Native Americans and European Whites in the United States because I know the story better than the example you are asking about, but I believe the truths I will talk about are universal and will equally well answer the question you are asking. And ! so I begin. You could ask the same question about why did the "white" c! ulture in the United States thrive while the Native American (American Indian) culture practically became extinct? If you were to accept the western genre of movies and novels as history, in fact if you were to accept what is generally written in history books as the only truth you would be left wondering why the Native Americans never accomplished anything with all of the same natural resources at their command as were later available to the Europeans that colonized the Eastern USA? However the answer is complex. First off you would have to learn that what most of us are taught about Native Americans is complete crap. They were not "savages" wandering around naked hunting for food when the Europeans showed up. In fact the Native Americans were quite civilized. Take for instance the Cherokees of the Eastern seaboard. They lived in log homes, had stores and government and courts. That did not save them. When the whites came they took their land and forced them to walk to wha! t became Oklahoma. Most died on the way. That is only one story of what happened to one tribe. History tends to tell us that they were "savages" and leave out the part about being civilized. In fact there were tribes in the plains of the United States that hunted buffalo and were nomadic, but even those tribes also farmed and had languages and customs and justice. My point is that just because what ever great civilizations existed in Africa were destroyed and we have been taught that they were "savages" does not mean it is true or that they never existed. I must admit that I do not know African history nearly as well as I know the history of the United States and the tragedy of the Native Americans. But what I do know is that the Native Americans were treated much the same way as the Blacks of Africa. I know that their rich history and long culture has not been recorded by the white historians. I know that it is ignorance that makes you ask the questions you are asking. Ign! orance means not knowing, not that you are stupid. You simply do not kn! ow. I'm glad you are asking. If you continue to ask and to seek answers you will learn. I believe you will learn that Africans have a rich history of which they can be proud. I believe you will learn about lost ancient cultures that thrived long before Europe. You will learn that the term "savage" is mainly a convenient label used by the victors of conquests when they want to take what is not rightly theirs and want to justify their actions as though those they took from were less than human. If you look deep enough into any culture that has been labeled "savage" you will find that "savage" is in the eye of the beholder and the winner always writes the history books....Show more

Kiersten Clayburn: No. When my uncle died, my Dad, who I thought of as the man of steel, cried. Men don't show emotions as easily as women do, but they have feelings.

Charline Granes:

Sharie Sommerville: I'll go out on a limb here and proclaim that 100% of women in 100% of countri! es are treated less favorably than men. Maybe seeing on a recent show that the prostitutes men so love to go to are really sex slaves from poverty countries has made me wonder why their wives and girlfriends allow them to commit sexual slavery.

Porfirio Gartland: Here in the US, the law requires women to be treated equally to men. It does not work in reverse very often. So legally, there isn't hardly anything women can complain about. Socially, there still is the expectation that men are the natural leaders of society. But that expectation is disappearing too. That's really the closest thing I can think of to a "universally" accepted belief. Anything else I can think of is a belief only held by a small portion of society.

Stevie Kizziar: No, in fact if a guy/gal can't open up then it builds up a wall between people in a relationship. No emotional intimacy will lead to the destruction of a relationship.

Armanda Hertel: In the UK I'd say it's equal, ! if anything more in favour of women nowadays.

Keven Woodington: ! "you never hear feminists complain about those inequalities that are in women's favor"This line nails today's feminism on the head.@TheGnome you want to know some female privileges in developed countries?-Gender quotas and "positive discrimination" force employers to give women priority over better-qualified men.-Women are treated more leniently in court. Same crime less time.-Women who are assualted by their spouse are taken seriously by police. A man would face ridicule if he said his women hit him.-Women's health funding and research receives several times more than men's.-Misogyny is taken seriously. Adverts and TV sitcoms can n longer portray a female character as stupid. Men can lose their jobs for sexist remarks against women. But not the other way round- people laugh and condone misandry....Show more

Idell Mulliniks: My ex certainly did. I won't bore you with details, but if she and her so-called mother are remotely representative of American women, America is! nobbled... If I showed any emotion, aside from positives one for her (i.e. to defend her when she expected it, etc.) were a sign of weakness - that was stated directly so no room for misinterpretation.eta: shelob - you think men are extremely angry? you word it as if anger is our only emotion ... not cool...Show more

Laveta Fathy: It wasn't always considered feminine for men to remove body hair, it's mostly the result of 20th century media brainwashing. The Romans did it, the Greeks did it, and the Victorians did it.

Perry Deshazior: No, not at all. In fact i think not showing your emotions is a sign of weakness, cos a lot of men are too afraid to show emotions.I

Luther Plagmann: TheGnome: Also, refer to Xav's answers to see more.I also suggest you read the book "Self-Made Man" by Norah Vincent. It's about a woman that lived as a man for over a year to see what it was like and to get a better sense of humanity (since human experience is not simply as a wo! man or a man, but as both genders). She realized how men are discrimina! ted against in ways that men aren't. She realized how men have it harder in areas than women. The problem is that these discriminations against men are overlooked by society - and you showcased it by asking about "so-called privileges" that women get, as if it is baffling to even acknowledge that women have it better in many areas. You didn't know, and it's not your fault. You are a product of a society that only looks at hardships women go through yet ignores hardships men deal with.Anyway, in the book she then said she really appreciated being a woman and was so glad to go back to being a woman because she actually went in to some depr...Show more

Joan Stavropoulos: A lot. The entire feminist movement is fueled by its hatred and jealousy of men. Those misandrists obviously have an inferiority complex and p*n!s-envy syndrome. Looking at men's abilities and great accomplishments caused them to feel extremely inadequate and jealous. That's where their hatred of men s! tem from, their own jealousy and insecurity.

Coleman Coscia: Personally, I like a man to show emotion whether it is through hard times or not. I don't think this is weakness I think it is human. To me anyone that stuffs their emotions needs to take a look at how that affects their relationships all around. Not just the one with their significant other. No matter the gender, stuffing your feelings will create problems of resentment and a lot of unresolved anger.. not a good thing.

Marna Liddie: Who says it's better to be hair free? What's wrong with hair

Ginny Trickett: TheGnome: Too easy. Women in their 20's now make more money than men in their 20's in the US. Women outearn men in this age group. Source: http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2010-09-01...Women get bought drinks & free stuff and free entries in to clubs & various other outings. Men have to pay. Even if the man makes equal or less to that of his female counterpart. It's sexism and it isn! 't right.Men are victims of violence more than women in every single ca! tegory except sexual assault.Women are allowed to engage in "male" activities or careers, and are praised for it. Men that engage in "female" dominated activities or careers like nursing, yoga, ballet, etc. - are ridiculed for it. Essentially, women have freedom to do what they want while men have to tiptoe around everything or else be ridiculed by society.Women are unfairly treated better by society than men. Women are assumed to be "nice" even if they are not, and men are assumed to be "mean", even if the...Show more

Everette Rovinsky: TheGnome: You don't want to discuss. You just want to argue. Instead of admitting that women have certain privileges that men don't have, you deny it and claim everything we say is false.Another thing is Father's Rights. I forgot that one. Fathers are discriminated in courts in favor of Mothers. Are you going to deny that one too?Women's health issues also get more attention & funding than men's.I suggest you read that book. But given! your response, you seem like you would just argue with the author and deem everything a lie, instead of expanding your mind and being enlightened & open-minded.Women in their 20's out-earn men in their 20's, yet men in their 20's are still expected by women in their 20's to pay for everything....Show more

Alisa Kaleiwahea: I think it's a sign of weakness not to. Then again, there is a time to and not a time to.

Arnulfo Seegars: In America , women have a great deal more protections , laws , programs and subsidies working for them than men do.Additionally the criminal justice system is very , very lenient on women in the U.S.Any perception that women are treated less favorably here is simply imagined.

Eli Trapeni: It was also driven by the jealousy of other women. While the years haven't been kind to Gloria Steinem she was cute in her youth, even worked undercover in a Playboy Club. And many other feminists HATED her for it. As such, the feminist movement q! uite literally became divided between women who rightly wanted equal pa! y for equal work, access to abortion, etc., and bitter, nasty women who were angry due to their own atrocious appearance....Show more

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Thursday, 13 August 2020

Optical drive and RAM for ASUS Rampage IV?

Reginald Maxi: Yes, very good RAM.Optical drive: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Samsung-Retail-External-Bl...3D Blu Ray is only available as an external drive (so far).

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Camera optical zoom?

Irma Poiter: 3x zoom is not good. For the hobbyist, 10x to 15x is a good range for optical zooms.

Sherrill Botting: Most of the compact point and shoot camera have only 3X optical zoom except for a few good one like the Canon SD 700 IS which has 4X zoom. If you are looking for good zoom digital camera that has higher zoom range, you will be looking at those DSLR-Like camera which have as many as 12X zoom (Canon Power shot S3 IS). Both camera I've mention are good. Of course, someone else will have different opinion on brand.To see sample picture, go to http://www.pbase.com/cameras and pick the model you want to view. These pictures are mostly taken by average consumers. Hope this will help....Show more

Bibi Tyron: You will have to balance the features of the camera with the amount of money you are will/able to spend. The higher the optical zoom, the better. You will also have to decide what kind of picture taking you will be doing. If you will be doing a ! lot of far off photography, you will need the extra optical zoom, but if you will be doing mostly close in type casual photography, you may not need so much optical zoom. Don't even take digital zoom into consideration, it leads to grainy, pixellated pictures.You might start with known camera maker's web sites. Maybe you can start at some of the box retailer's web sites like Best Buy or Circuit City and compare different models. If you need lots of zoom, you'll probably be looking at Digital SLRs....the cameras that look just like 35mm cameras with interchangeable lenses. If you have a 35mm camera now, you may be able to get a modern Digital SLR that accepts many different lenses....I know Sony's new Alpha does.Good luck......Show more

Charlotte Bryar: Although some will recommend a 10-12X zoom, you will find that MOST consumer point and shoot digital cameras have 3-4X optical zoom. This is actually plenty. You can see some samples from a Canon Powershot A620 at thi! s site.http://www.dpreview.com/gallery/canona620_samples/The t! hing is, they will not refer to the power ("X") of the zoom, but the approximate focal length. The A620 zooms from 35mm to 140mm. This is a 4X zoom. (4 x 35 = 140) You will have to do the math. At the top of the page, you will see the focal length for that image. The first one is 35mm, so it's 1X. Click on "next" and you will see that the second one is 83mm, so it would be 2.4X. The next is 41 mm or 1.2X, and so on. (Focal length used divided by 35 yields the "X" power of the zoom.)I am not sure HOW useful these images will be for you, because you have no idea how far away the subject was when the picture was taken, but it's exactly what you asked to see, so enjoy. There ARE several of the same subject and perhaps they were taken from nearly the same distance....Show more

Blythe Noreiga: Be aware, the longer the zoom the harder it is to get a sharp picture Those long zooms magnify camera shake.. One rule of thumb, your shutter speed needs to be about the s! ame as your zoom length. To put it another way, to hand hold a 500mm lens, your shutter speed should be in the neighborhood of 1/500 of a second. Many of the longer zoom digicams have some form of image stabilization, which will give you a stop or two to play with so you can shoot at speeds a little slower.Or you can plan on using a tripod often. (not a bad idea, but sometimes impractical!)...Show more

Comment faire pour récupérer un Sim perdu sur les Sims 2

Comment faire pour récupérer un Sim perdu sur les Sims 2

Lorsque l’autre Sim accepte, faites reculer le Sim perdu en utilisant l’ordinateur ou le journal. Assurez-vous que si vous ne voulez pas que les autres Sims emménagent, vous ne les sélectionnez pas non plus.

Tapez « boolProp testingcheatsenabled true » Shift cliquez sur votre Sim actif et sélectionnez « spawn », sélectionnez ensuite « more », puis sélectionnez « Sim modder ».

Ces deux Sims sont maintenant amoureux, que le Sim qui n’est pas perdu propose d’emménager. Avant de faire cela, créez un Sim au hasard dans le créateur de famille et demandez-leur de déménager dans la maison du Sim perdu. C’est de sorte que lorsque le Sim perdu se déplace dans toutes leurs affaires n’est pas vendu. Si vous devez le faire avant d’entrer chez les Sims, faites-! le.

Vérifiez si votre Sim perdu avait un ami qui vit dans ce quartier (un Sim dans lequel vous pouvez entrer dans cette maison et diriger la vie de ce Sim). Allez dans cette maison et demandez à ce Sim d’inviter votre Sim perdu (si le Sim perdu est occupé, continuez d’essayer).

Un bébé impair apparaîtra près de votre Sim quelque part, cliquez dessus, sélectionnez « relations », cliquez sur « réciproques avec l’autre » puis sélectionnez « amours ».

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

How could starting at a new school affect your mental health?

Pattie Vold: Well it can be pretty stressful. So that would affect mental and emotional health.

Brian Marquina: Make a list of things that someone could go through or feel when starting a new school. Include things that you think could happen to others, not just to yourself. Then choose some of them and base you assignment on those things from your brainstorming list. Could be starting a new school because the family had to move to a smaller place after parent's job loss. New house, no money, new school would cause lots of emotional health.Could be that parent's separated and student moved out and away from abusive father.Could be that new school has a very different social climate than old school and student feels might not fit it. Ex. going from an inner city school to suburbs, or private school back to public school.If just moving across town to an area that is in a different attendance area and therefore a new school, at least the student would still be i! n the same area - same stores, same sports teams, same local TV channels. What if the student had to change to a new state, far away, and everything familiar was changed? Lots of mental and emotional stress there.The scheduling could affect health. What if in the old school the student could get up at 7 and make to class for an 8:00 start because lived really close and could walk. What if in new school, student has to get up super early at 5:45 to catch a 6:45 bus for a 7:30 start? Upsetting the while morning routine can really affect health. Not enough sleep.Could be stressful if the student was in French 3 and Trig in the old school, but the same classes in the school seem more advanced and the student doesn't feel up to that level. There is the obvious one of not knowing anyone or even where to go in the building....Show more

Comment organiser avec succès une collecte de fonds pour une pâte à biscuits

Comment organiser avec succès une collecte de fonds pour une pâte à biscuits

Choisissez une bonne entreprise pour votre collecte de fonds. Assurez-vous qu’il a quelques variétés différentes de saveurs de pâte à biscuits, le prix est acceptable, et le prix pour l’expédition n’est pas trop élevé.

Sachez combien d’argent tous vos bénévoles doivent mettre en marché. Il s’agit d’une division simple : désagrégez le nombre de vendeurs que vous avez par le montant de revenu dont vous avez besoin pour atteindre votre objectif. N’oubliez pas de donner cette information à tous vos bénévoles.

Déterminez quels types de pâte à biscuits vous allez vendre. Voici quelques suggestions :

Vendez de la pâte à biscuits avec vos bénévoles. Vous pouvez vendre à vos amis, à votre famille ou simplement à des étrangers dans différentes maisons.

Renseignez-vous sur le montant to! tal du revenu nécessaire pour les fins auxquelles vous organisez cette activité de financement. Par exemple, si vous teniez cette activité de financement parce que vous avez besoin d’argent pour une excursion scolaire qui coûte 150 $, il vous faudra 150 $ au total.

Trouvez des bénévoles. Une collecte de fonds ne peut être couronnée de succès sans l’aide de bénévoles pour vendre des articles. Il peut s’agir d’enseignants, d’amis, de membres de la famille ou de quiconque veut aider.

Annoncez votre collecte de fonds. Vous pouvez inclure plus d’informations sur la collecte de fonds et l’organisation pour laquelle vous gagnez de l’argent, ainsi qu’un bon de commande pour les clients. La publicité attirera les bénévoles et les clients.

Monday, 10 August 2020

My friend is ashamed he is uncircumcized what do I tell him?

Bud Espenshade: If you (sorry I mean your friend) just get it done then he will comply with religious obligations and there will be nothing to worry about and sex will feel better.http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/surgica...

Aldo Decurtis: Oh how pleasant, converted to Islame has he? Looks like someone is getting his little smokey mutilated. Uncut foreskin is not allowed in Islame. In any other society uncut water works is nothing to be ashamed of.

Cliff Jacoby: your probably not the only one alright, don't beat yourself up.

Derrick Kloke: Lol he actually cried he doesn't know what he should do the gf he had before was blonde american girl he broke up with her they never had sex etc

Everette Rovinsky: You can tell him that it is perfectly normal for him to have a foreskin and that men without a foreskin are missing out on a lot of sexual pleasure and function.

Dwight Siniard: Billie Jean- Michael Jackson i'm not ashamed of it howeve! r i believe my pals would kinda laugh in the event that they heard it or it could be soap Disco- Kara's plants (before they have been maroon 5) its tune from the late ninety's its so funny however i like it

Hilma Pestano: Tell him to be glas that he has a choice. He's an adult and he can be circumcised any time he want's. Anyways, It's ridiculous to be worried about this. Insisting that a man is circumcised it as unfair as insisting that a woman is always shaved.

Elfreda Grossen: Its actually better for the girl if he is uncircumcised, The sex aparently feels better. A circumcised d1hk can cause friction which can hurt the female.

Lawanna Livsey: Tell him he is SO SO lcuky to have all of his natural penis. He will especially appreciate it as he gets older. The nerves are real. The dynamic action of the NATURAL genitals is real. Of course the cutting affects sexual pleasure and function. A study in the International Journal of Men’s Health noted tha! t circumcised men have a 4.5 times greater chance of suffering! from erectile dysfunction. than natural men. Other studies have previously observed that circumcision’s damage results in worsened erectile functioning, inability to maintain an erection, and reducing the glans sensitivity, including an overall penis sensitivity reduction by 75%. There are other studies as well..The knowledge of the this WOUNDING affecting sexual pleasure and function goes back years so there is NO IF as to SEXUAL HARM, it is a matter of HOW BAD IS IT for any particular guy. Maimonides (the Torah scholar) noted that the act that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and diminishes the pleasure. Kellogg declared a ‘war on masturbation’ at the end of the 19th century and advocated circumcision to curb male sexual urges by removing the main male pleasure zonesThe benefits of cutting off penis parts are imaginary, contrived by those that want the next generation to have the sexual dysfunction. In the US and other advanced countries the d! ata clearly shows that cut and natural men have about the same STDs, HPV and HIV. Some studies show that circumcised men pass HIV to partners at a higher rate and acquire STDs at a higher rate. In other words natural will save STD costs:from Puerto Rico"Circumcised men have accumulated larger numbers of STI in their lifetime, have higher rates of previous diagnosis of warts, and were more likely to have HIV infection."The parts of the penis that are cut off are some of the most highly innervated parts of the human. To take this away from another person without their consent is heinous. To do this to a newborn baby is creepy, child abuse and a human rights VIOLATION....Show more

Tijuana Tatsak: "TOO MUCH INFORMATION" and slowly walk away, shocked

Vita Moodie: He has converted to Islam because he wants to marry her btw

Walter Scordino: we know its you

Comment utiliser la musicothérapie au profit des personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson

Comment utiliser la musicothérapie au profit des personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson

Trouvez un programme de musicothérapie dans votre région.

Participez à des programmes de musique de groupe tels qu’une chorale locale ou une danse sociale.

Explorez la musique qui vous détend et utilisez-la lorsque vous n’arrivez pas à vous endormir.

Créez une bibliothèque « mémoire » de votre musique préférée. La musique familière aide à stimuler le souvenir de vieux souvenirs et de moments significatifs dans nos vies.

Créez une bibliothèque musicale de « musique pour vous déplacer » et apportez un CD portable pour pouvoir jouer cette musique pendant que vous marchez. Soyez prudent lorsque vous utilisez un casque d’écoute à l’extérieur, car cela pourrait vous distraire de l’attention que vous por! tez aux autres sons de l’environnement, par exemple, les véhicules à moteur, les cyclistes, etc.

Explorez différents styles de musique, par exemple le latin, le reggae, le rock, les marches, etc. et trouvez les chansons qui vous donnent envie de bouger.

Explorez la musique que vous aimez chanter et utilisez ces enregistrements pour garder votre voix forte.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Can someone give me a bias rundown of the health care reform and any differences along the lines of chanegs?

Leisa Brodnex: the HC bill is trash.

Corrinne Ruozzo: No one knowsIt's nearly 2000 pages long and you need a lawyer to understand it. I certainly don't have the time to read it, or the the education to fully understand it. And how they are shoving it though do you think that congress has the time to read it. Even Obama admitted he hasn't read it. They change it so often and so much by state that it's so hard to know what it will really doOne thing is for sure: the bill is FULL OF WASTED SPENDING!Health care looks good on paper but not so much in practice. Look at the counties that have universal health care. Canada for example, they have people who have to come HERE for Specialist doctors because they don't have any. And Canada's about they best we can get on the road were heading.I would be happy with a health care bill to pass if it was understandable, short, fair, and not full of pork and shadows. I think most of America feels the same way....Show more

Agus! tina Stimmel: The everyday persons life will change forever.The Admin plans to tax us for 4 years BEFORE health care even pays out a benefit.So we will have less money in our pockets BUT we will be able to purchase 'affordable' health insurance.Not sure what you mean by "current health care program"....Show more

Abel Adger: Oh, absolute Paradise, Nobody will ever have to work again, just move somewhere warm, bodies decompose faster.