Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Why are western divorce rates so high?

Sammy Hatzenbihler: Well actually they are down to about 48% as of late...So we have a huge population - let's put this in the proper context...The main reasons are fairly obvious and as old as Methusela...Cheating, lying, gambling, drug, porn and alcohol addictions. Then of course there are too many children/no kids, fiscal and religious differences, inlaw problems and my all time favorite - people addicted to media wedding hype and become obsessed with being brides and grooms...not living life together forever.Grace...Show more

Eli Trapeni: Because it's a win win situation for the women. The live off they're husbands while they're married, then when they get pissed about something, they just divorce and take half of everything he owns, plus child support and alimony.

Garrett Detone: It's a different generation. The older generations knew how to stick it out more and work through marriage through thick and thin (in sickness & in health, til death). Although! i'm sure there were exceptions before.This generation places importance alot on individualism and independence. There is a way more occurance of selfishness with this as well.Women's roles changed over time with a woman being able to work and raise children. If for example, a woman were to be unhappy in a marriage, it is easier to leave and financially support herself compared to older generations of women.I also think some people do not realize how much work it takes to keep a marriage going. When the going gets tough (whatever it may be), some tend to escape or not know how to work with their partner. This may show itself in plenty of forms- such as infidelity, distance, lack of communication, etc.- depending on the situation.....Show more

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