Tuesday, 7 July 2020

which beer is the best beer ?

Ricky Frazer: my basement its kind of old but i need a way to decorate it cool, such as blacklights posters and christmas lights i like anything like that. I also think decorating with liqour bottles is nice too if you have any ideas please tell me

Janean Guz: the best beer is HINEKEN

Luis Farlow: I like German and Mexican beers, it is hard to make a choice because I certianly have not experienced the best beer ever made and likely will never.

Jammie Taddei: Why? Who looks at the decorations? I've heard "only dead fish swin with the river". Just do what you want

Claudio Drullard: Free.

Stevie Goldey: I'd tell you that the best beer is my own home-brew but I am way too modest to do that. However, if you root for the Jets and Pats and drink Corona, you would never be able to appreciate the nuances of fine beer that doesn't have to be iced to kill the taste. ;-)

Maynard Phoubandith: Hi, best answer by the way is 10 points.

Armanda He! rtel: Top Ten Beer Brands1) Budweiser2) Corona Extra3) Heineken4) Guinness5) Coors Light6) San Miguel Pale Pilsen7) Miller Lite9) Sam Adams10) Sarajevsko Pivo...Show more

Vickie Sterbenz: With normal proof vodka use 4 cups to one of pucker. If that comes up too dry for you add a bit more pucker till the taste is right. Remember don't make too much at a time; keep it cold as possible (vodka in the freezer and pucker in the fridge). If you must use ice make a brick sized berg by freezing your water in an old ice-cream container; that way it melts much more slowly and doesn't dilute that lovely alcohol.Have a good one!...Show more

Vida Miss: just use equal amounts. if you like it stronger then use 2 parts vodka to one part pucker. whatever you like.

Soraya Coodey: well i would dim the lights or use some flouresence lights and have some glow sticks.....some band posters and baloons wont hurt...

Russel Gajate: HELLO HOT LUCY,MY BEER OF CHOICE IS THE KI! NG OF BEERS BUDWEISER.However whomever watches football with y! ou would be happy to drink what you like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caterina Yeargan: Probably Kokanee which is a beer we get here in Canada.

Pearlie Medora: Ikea my friend. It will answer the question for you..

Ricky Frazer: I prefer Pacifico or Negra Modelo among Mexican beers I can get in the US, and am actually a Redskins fan.

Collin Barter: For a highschool party just get a good stereo and lots of beer!

Bud Espenshade: I looking for measurements. Like how many cups Vodka and Pucker so it will be even and taste good.

Dallas Bartolini: I hear they are bad for you because the alcohol is a depressant and the red bull is an upper, but I've had plenty in one night and had no problems.

Rosio Pasculli: and if so why dont people have heart attacks from drinks such as sparks tilt etc.

Brock Anwar: bud light wheat

Doreatha Kjellsen: Guinness is my top StoutThen I love HarpNewcastle BrownDouble Diamondand worst cas! e bc the places suck here and don't serve decent beer I'll have a Stella...Show more

Alonso Crehan: New Castle has a really good taste...GO Chargers!!!

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