Saturday, 18 July 2020

Do you drink to...?

Rosio Pasculli: A.unfortunately

Olin Hallin: I like to drink But I can't stand a drunk I like to drink, have funny conversations with my Husband or Friends, also drinking really motivates me and I can clean the house and have fun! So I guess my answer is B.

Angelyn Ducas: C. The first 1-3 drinks take stress off. AND, I like a moderate to mild buzz.

Shaquita Wernicki: B. Binging is just stupid. That's how guys end up in photos with something nasty in their mouths!

Charissa Riley: C

Coleman Coscia: Definitely C. Alcohol can be fun in moderation, but it's also the best legal way to get wasted, if that's what you want to do. Not for everyone, and yes it can cause problems, but I agree with Benjamin Franklin when he said the beer was God's way of showing that he loves us.

Kristina Brockwell: I would say B. I don't like to drink to get drunk and s*** faced! I love just chillin with a beer every now and then or at dinner at a restaurant ! getting a specialty drink.

Barrett Felicia: c...I hate being drunk, but I really enjoy my beer, and having a little buzzPlus, it makes housework much more enjoyable to throw a few back while cleaning.

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