Travis Colomb: I googled it and a found a forum where someone said that Pepcid AC taken before drinking helped prevent his asian flush.
Kaylee Schmittou: if you drink them very fast 4 glasses but if slowly and if you eat sth meanwhile 6-7,,, and it depends what you ate and when you ate?
Kimberlee Bowdish: 4
Alonso Crehan: ive never tried red wine beofr and am just 5, 1 and weigh 105 pounds.
Piedad Bassiti: NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!! Are you kidding me?
Ileen Oshell: Considering branding a beverage name. I want a modern appeal with memorable... which one do you like?KAILA or KAINA
Jorge Detlefs: I believe 4 glasses of wine equal one beer so maybe 5 glasses
Janeen Perona: No, all domestic beers taste the same, and if you only drink Lagers, of course they're all going to taste the same. Try different varieties, such as porters, stouts, and wheat ales, and go for craft-beers not major brewing companies that water down their p! roduct. Going to Miller or Bud for a beer instead of drinking craftbrew is like getting a cheeseburger at Mcdonald's instead getting a steak at your local steakhouse. Most major breweries (Bud, Miller, Labaat, Natural Light) will taste similar and in my opinion, boring. Try Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, Bell's Oberon, or Sierra Nevada's Pale. It's an excellent starting point....Show more
Merlin Fleischhacker: Considering your height and weight, and that you are female, only 12 ozs will get you pretty toasted (unless you drink a lot of other types of liquor). That's 2 smallish glasses.
Gregory Dilg: Whoa, whoa, WHOA.FOUR ounces of wine equals TWELVE ounces of beer equals ONE ounce of liquor.With your weight and inexperience, start with one hefty glass (8 to 10 oz.) and make sure you drink it within thirty minutes to an hour. DO NOT drink five glasses of wine. There are six servings in a bottle and you will be beyond hammered; you will be ill, if not have alcohol poi! soning. Also, because you clearly don't drink wine a lot, it ! will have a different and more acute effect on you than if you were drinking alcohol which you consume often. Start slow; be safe. Trust me, 10 oz. will do the job.
Giovanni Malool: I don't like either - it is not obvious how to say them, and people get embarrassed if they can't say the name right.Maybe you could try Keena?
Lou Ravelo: im half asian half european, ive heard of asian flush, whenever i drink my face gets red and i get hot. how can i stop this?
Janita Tetlow: like stated above they are all the same kind of beergo to the store ask the people that work there for a better beer they will ask you questions about what you like and make a choice form there
Abraham Ladick: I don't think it has anything to do with your race, you may have rosacia (not sure how to spell it).I know that's not too helpful but its something.
Ha Wolski: Michael Lee and Roger Roberts posted the same question. You should see the answers side by side.
Cuc G! ire: Nope, just most of the kinds you mentioned. I like Budweiser myself, but it seems like you're not a lager kind of person. You didn't tell us what you didn't like about them, were they too bitter, sour, etc. Some info like that would help us help you.
Heidy Fujikake: the second one i think is the best, if your a dude you should go with that one, hard strong name... if your a chick you should go with the first one though cause it looks elegant and smooth...just saying:)
Travis Colomb: Nope!They all taste like ***The reason you drink them ice cold is because the cold deadens your taste buds. And guess what? The beer deadens your brain!!
Estrella Northway: for people who like and respect wine, to be drunk is a failure -Amen
Seema Hosfeld: there are more types like lagers, Guinness, or even mikes hard lemonade. there are alot out there to choose from so dont get pissed off about it.
Alma Twomey: 2
Marya Fehn: Quit drinking light beer. Buy! some porter or Guiness Stout and try that. If you like coffee this wil! l be the beer for you. These have undertones of roasted coffee, though it is actually roasted barley malt.
Rosella Figliola: KAINA is a better option..
Bryant Chaudhry: Don't drink quite that much!
Floyd Labuda: slow down on your alcohol intake, flushing is a sing of dehydration, stick to mixed fruity juice drinks and if you drink beer, go for full bodied beer and not lights, the water in ligth beer makes you drink more. Also helps if you drink plenty of water before drinking and avoiding salty bar snacks.
Justin Casten: Every single beer you listed is an American Light macrolager. You haven't even tried any of the regular macrolagers yet. Try something with a bit more flavor and you might like it. Hell, even regular Budweiser is better than anything you listed above. Give Sam Adams a try or even some of the lesser-known Anheuser-Busch or Coors products. If you think they taste better, there's a whole world of craft brewers out there to try. Beer is ! a diverse group of drinks full of delicious flavors and wonderful variety. Not liking it after trying some of the crappiest examples is not fair to the medium....Show more
Adelle Weight: depends on how much you've had to eat, how fast you drink it, whether you eat and drink at the same time, how big the glass is, what your tolerance to alcohol is (you've never drunk red wine but what about other alcohol?) how strong the wine is. wine can range anywhere from 10-25% alcohol. compare that to beer which is normally 3-7%.also, whether it is bubbly or not (bubbly=drunk faster), whether it has a high sugar content (higher sugar=drunk faster)its impossible to make a well reasoned answer! drink slow, if you feel light headed, stop. its that easy!
Moises Rupinski: I rarely drink. If I do drink beer, there is only one that I like. Carta Blanca (made in mexico)...COLD with a piece of lime.I don't like any other beer, except maybe Grant's Perfect Porter. Porter will tas! te kind of chocolatey and velvety.
Autumn Vacio: Either would wor! k if the beverage you are branding is Hawaiian...otherwise, I agree with the other guy...maybe Kayla ( I know a pretty girl with that name so I'd give it a try)...
Bernadette Roel: i'm a light weight (in drinks) but a bigger girl than you are. i get wobbly on 2 glasses, whether i am eating or not. another glass or two and i'm gone and you can't make me stop talking. so, stick to 4 or less, in my opinion.
Maurice Breuning: Depends on if you've eaten before you drink the wine
Misty Vagle: oops..srry..i made lots of spelling
Lorine Helwick: You're getting flushed because alcohol dehydrates you and makes you feel warmer. Try drinking water before and while you are drinking. Make sure you don't drink too fast-- that definitely increases flushing. Also, avoid salty foods while you're drinking, as they obviously increase your dehydration.
Heidi Creselious: not much, if you have never had it. Use common sense and know your limits.
Brittanie Zakutney: NOOO! beers range. light beers, while similar, are still slightly different in taste. try all types of beers and youll probably find your favorite. also beer is an aquired taste. you gotta drink them alot to start liking it
Terresa Tsasie: Zantac or Pepcid AC.It is called alcohol flush reaction. and alcohol are a dangerous combination. Please, don't ever mix the two....Show more
Lauri Ohl: All the beers you've tried are in just one style. There are many many styles of beer with all different flavor profiles.
Sheree Hipwell: Which one do you like and why?
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