Friday, 31 July 2020

Do you ever bike to work or to run errands?

Piedad Bassiti: All of the aboveBike to work almost every day, errands occasionally. Sport/recreation on weekends

Robt Betker: Yep, all the time. Ride to and from work every day. Ride as much as I can, everything from a trip to the store and bumming around town to all-day rides. Biking is a great thing.

Simona Bulwinkle: I think so.

Michelle Sohre: riding is a super good way of getting about! quick, clean efficient!

Emery Blando: I ride my bike everywhere. sometimes i work jobs that are 12 miles away, and i bike there. and i wouldnt have it any other way. cars are horrible and expensive

Len Bormes: No car. What do you think?

Arnette Dominici: EVERYWHEREwle

Thursday, 30 July 2020

colonial time recreation?

Noah Deni: Recreation, what are the most common forms?

Autumn Vacio: Colonial folks worked hard, but got plenty of opportunity to relax and participate in recreational activities. Not only was recreation an outlet for unwinding after a long day's work, but also the opportunity to socialize with friends, and maybe even to meet a special person to marry. Recreation in colonial times was not all that different from what adults like to do today, but definitely on a much lower key, as far as gambling goes. Even colonial men and women needed a way to entertain themselves. Recreation in colonial times consisted of many of the factors that make it what it is today. Considered to be leisure activities, the people of colonial times had both individual and team sports, board games, gambling, card games, and so much more. Whatever was fun at the time was what the people did. Recreation then was considered to be entertainment, and to take them away from the hard work that they d! id all day long. The ability to unwind and enjoy some of life's pleasures made it easier for folks to get along, and really get to develop friendships with those in the same area. The one difference in recreation in colonial times as compared to today was that it was mostly for men. Women did have a few opportunities to participate, but for the most part, it was the men who got to have fun while the women either worked or tended to the children. This was also due to the fact that many of these events took place in clubs, bars or taverns in which women were most certainly not allowed. When women did get to participate in such things like card games, it was done in a private home where the involvement consisted of meeting people of the opposite sex in a controlled environment. Recreation for men involved many of the spectator sports of the time such as baiting, boxing, and cockfighting. Dangerous games were also a huge part of the times, such as knife and tomahawk throwing, r! unning, and shooting. One activity that both men and women cou! ld be involved in, and which was extremely popular as a form of recreation, was drinking and gambling. But people of colonial times were also interested in healthy activities as well, such as walking, swimming, and horse racing. In fact, outdoor activities were considered something that had to be done both for the adults and the children. As there was no Internet, video games, or anything that could keep them in the house, much of the day was spent simply playing outside. Card games hit a new resurgence in the colonial times as well. The three most popular games that people played when they wanted to unwind were Piquet, Euchre, and Whist, which is similar to what we now know as Bridge. Both Piquet and Euchre were introduced by the French and brought over to early colonial times where it was picked up immediately. Going back to the extremely popular activity of gambling, card games were often times to get together and bet on things like who would win the game, who would roll! the highest score when playing dice, and who would win the board game. There are some subtle differences in the recreation of colonial times and recreation of our modern days. First and foremost, people did not compete necessarily as we do now. It was all done for fun and to escape the day to day drudgeries of cleaning, cooking, and farming. Recreation was not done to stay healthy or to stay thin. It was done purely for enjoyment. The social aspects of recreation were much more important than what you were actually doing. Whether they got together for a drink or a weekly Euchre game, it was about enjoying the time spent together as friends or family, which is what recreation really meant to colonial folks....Show more

My dad is verbally abusive and becoming physically abusive.?  

My dad is verbally abusive and becoming physically abusive.?  

answers 0:Okay, so about 20 minutes ago, my dad physically hit my mom... Hard. I have a video of him doing so. Now, my question is, should I submit this to the police? Or go to my school's counselor and discuss the next plan of action? As of now, I view my dad as an outlaw to my family. He is a inconsiderate, egocentric son of a *****. I have dealt with his crap for far too long and no longer care for him. Do not call me selfish, because I've given my dad more than one chance to redeem himself... I'm a 15 year old boy that needs help. My life is going the wrong way, my mom's life is going the wrong way, and my brother is receiving negative factors towards his life that will affect him in the long run. Please, help me....Show moreanswers 1:First of all I want to say that I am so sorry that you have had to witness your mom being abused by your dad. My heart ! goes out to you,I was raised watching my mom being abused. Now im in a Domestic violence shelter. It is a very good place with lots of support. Look on line for a national domestic violence hot line.call them and maybe they can help you and your family take the steps needed to get help, healing and strength.answers 2:Bring the video to your school counselor. What a brave boy you are. I'm so sorry you're going through this. You should be worrying about school and friends, not this crap.answers 3:Okay this is what has to be done. By law you boys are being in danger. Your mother can be put in jail if you boys are still in the house, cuz your father is a threat. You are NOT selfish at all, you are wanting change. My father did the same thing and to this day is a complete ***. I never did anything about it. IF you tell the police they would arrest him and you guys will be questioned. If you report it to your school consular they will report it to CPS . So I would do the CPS. The! police will be more cruel. The teachers will know you the bes! t and give you comfort. You can get your father away from your brother and mother. If you want to talk just email me : [email protected] I can help you out. Or you can tell your mother about it. She might be too scared to do anything about, this could hurt your relationship with her. But just take it step by step. When our parents fail to act like parents it hurts us and pretty much my life has been F*** cuz my father didn't not want to step to the plate. Its hard to grow up without a father. So do yourself a favor and go with your gut or what I stated above. Also email me, for the last 16 years of my life i still live with the memories of my father. But we reported it and its fine now. My mother got tried of it and it was a long emotionally route but its for the better. You will find yourself in the end with hatred. Then you will forgive him one day... I have somewhat done that, but i still have scars that have big hurtful wounds....answers 4:Have you tried talking to you! r mother and telling her that you need her to help you remedy the situation. I personally think that you really need to report this incident. It sounds like your father is not being a positive factor in your life and his abuse towards your family is escalating. The only way to get him to stop is to report him, and you have it on tape so the police have solid evidence. In my state (Florida) if the police are called out on a domestic violence call the police have to make an arrest, so your dad would definitely go to jail, you don't have to be afraid of him not going and being angry with you. Not sure what the specifics are in other states, but I am sure they must be somewhat similar. If you report this to a teacher or counselor at school they are bound by law to report this to authorities, so talking to them would also accomplish getting someone else involved. Good luck....answers 5:CALL THE POLICE! and let them see the video....you're not selfish, you are brave and you! are doing the right thing by not tolerating it any longer...call the p! olice so that they remove your father from the home and tell your mother that you cant tolerate what he is doing any longer and that the two of you together can stop him from doing it again. She will be proud of you in her heart, but she may be scared and she might say things out of fear to deter you...but dont buy it, she needs help. Start by getting the abuser out of the house and the legal system will make him pay as well as protecive services...mom needs a restraining order and a divorce attorney pronto!...answers 6:Oh honey we grew up like that. Go to the police. Get help. Don't let this go on anymore. If you Mom is not gonna do it then you have to do it. Tell someone at school too.answers 7:next plan would be to talk to your mom to see how she feels about it if you dont like her answer then go to the counselor at your school to help that way you will have some to talk to about it afterwards but yes you need to do something about it it only gets worse trust me on ! tht one my ex step dad use to hit my mom i called the cops right then while it was going on its hard to be brave but your doing the right thing good luck hope this helpsanswers 8:Soon as possible, no later than tomorrow, take mom and brothers to cops and show detective the Video and ask for him, dad, to be arrested and jailed on assault and battery and harassment. Also, Get police to help you all get a criminal order of protection against dad so he cannot return home or come within anyone you closer than 500 yards. Also get a court order for dad to have to pay all house bills, for health insurance and copyists for all of you, dental, prescription drugs with, child support and maintenance (alimony) for mom. Dad is disturbed. If mom won't go to cops, you go alone and ask FOR the same. Ask brothers quietly if they'd go with you and swear out a warrant for dad's arrest, etc. If IT is Only you, still get a criminal order of protection against dad, so he can't come home....!

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

where to find free, safe online games?

Jude Kennelly: gamedmoz.org

Vida Miss: You mean browser based games?http://www.shockwave.com/home.jsphttp://www.freebrowsergamer.com/www.wooglie.com

Ardelia Liptow: Savage: The Battle for Newerth (XR)Savage combines the computer game genres FPS, RTS and minor aspects of RPG into an online only multiplayer game. As the commander in RTS mode, you will tackle resource management, develop a tech tree, plan tactical and strategic assault and lead a team of up to 64 human players into battle. As a unit in action mode, you will master melee combat, many unique weapons, powerful units, and siege vehicles to fight a fast paced battle. Aim of the game is to destroy the opponents head quarter.Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/HurlyBurly3027Download (Freeware, no reg. required, 280 MB): http://www.newerth.com/...Show more

Donny Bankson: It's tough to recommend a specific MMO game, because everyone likes something different. A game I love you may not. Check out http:/! /mmohut.com for a huge list of these free mmorpg / mmo games. I personally use that site to find new games to play. Every few days I try a new game :) - It's a lot of fun because I try everything. They have like every single MMORPG categorized nicely with reviews, screenshots, videos and more. Heck they even list the game's system requirements!. Best part is all the games are free, which rocks.http://mmohut.com/browser-gamesThey have a huge section for "no download" browser MMORPGs too! All with screenshots and reviews!Enjoy!...Show more

Comment connecter un Apple Mac Mini à un téléviseur HD

Comment connecter un Apple Mac Mini à un téléviseur HD

Procurez-vous un câble HDMI. Tous les nouveaux téléviseurs HD possèdent un port HDMI. Les Mac Minis fabriqués en 2010 ou plus tard ont un port HDMI.

Allumez votre téléviseur

Branchez le câble HDMI. Veillez à le connecter aux deux ports !

Sélectionnez l’entrée vers HDMI. Si vous avez plusieurs HDMI, sélectionnez l’option correspondant au port sur lequel vous avez branché le câble.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

will video game overtake hollywood?

Warren Kotter: You're asking about two completely different things. Like if I asked if newspapers will ever overtake books. You read both of them, but they're two completely different things.

Spencer Heidtbrink: They will only get bigger. Still won't replace movies

Kirk Coolbeth: nope

Riley Migl: No.. Video games require at least some level of skills to proceed.Movies are delivered right straight into your head, no action needed--and that what coach potato majority desires.

Comment désactiver les sons environnementaux dans la Médaille d’honneur

Comment désactiver les sons environnementaux dans la Médaille d’honneur

Assurez-vous que « console » est activé. Allez dans Options

Monday, 27 July 2020

How many toys does your dog have?

Cliff Tyre: My dog loved tennis balls and socks tied in knots.

Efren Clankscales: My dog has tons of toys about 15 now....he chews and rips them to shreds so I'm almost constantly buying more. These include outside set up toys..like his tire rope...and mini agility ring. So yeah he has a bunch, ropes, tugs, chews, pulls, Frisbees, balls...ect

Idell Mulliniks: I have no clue how many toys my dog has, he is constantly losing his, and taking my stuff and turning it into one. =(I'd say they need a couple stuffies, a rope, a tennis ball and a rubber toy like a kong or something.my dog also drags a little blanket around the house when hes cold until someone takes it and lays it on top of him.aww...Show more

Walter Scordino: Specifically....94 lol

Warren Kotter: LOL...my dogs have their own toy box. I do rotate them as they get bored with them after awhile.

Robt Betker: We give our dogs little old stuffed animals we used when we were younger. So th! ey have millions of toys. No they dont need that many.

Annabell Bevier: My dog has about 8 toys, but they are rotated daily. One toy per day.

Malcom Bourek: my dogs have 2 egg boxes full.and they only play with a few of their favorite old toys.i used to buy 2 to 3 new toys a week for them but finally said enough is enough.

Ruby Martis: i dont have a dog anymore he ran away

Jon Bergmeier: the reason for toys is to teach them to chew this instead of stuff you have. they love toys if they are born into it and i have one dog here tht loves his stuff. mainly he tries to tear them up if they do they are gone but he has about 5 items and heloved them we play fetch all thet ime in the house hes small.

Serena Doak: my dog has like 10

Erin Arron: She's got 3 or 4 permanent toys, like Kongs and 3 or 4 edibles. We rotate so she doesn't get bored. What I've found is that my dog LOVES some of her toys and they don't fall apart, and the rest she ignore! d, so now we only keep what she likes and can't destroy.They n! eed enough toys to keep them busy and that they will actually use. So there's no hard and fast answer on how many a particular dog needs....Show more

Danyell Rowback: dogs do not need a lot of toys. onetoy replaced annually is enough to keep him/her happy for the time being. that is what i do for my dog and she is perfectly content.

Cliff Jacoby: well my dog gets bored rly fast so he has his own toy basket to choose from lol

Lucien Hellerman: My dogs have about 15-20 toys...usually only 3 are out.And I always keep a ball out cuz my dogs will fetch all day long.When I open the cupboard and give them a different toy they get very excited...I think dogs need toys and they need variety but they don't need a lot at once.Plus when you switch the toys its like something new.Kinda like when you were a kid and rediscovered how much fun you had with a particular toy after not playing with it for awhile.

Leif Andreason: My guys have one very large rope knot toy! . It has 4 rope ends with one huge knot in the middle.We hand out the occasional rawhide treat and keep tennis balls by the bucket full. As for cute little stuffed toys, they are destroyed within a matter of seconds (especially if they have a squeeker) so I deem them a waste of money.

Seema Hosfeld: i only buy least 4 different toys for my smallest dogs because they odnt reallyplay toys much.

Lu Tiner: too many...

Mohamed Szollosi: lol... mine has none... and she is cool...but she has 3 cats to play with... so i guess all in all... she has 3 toys :)

Rona Ising: My dog only has 7 or 8 but I've only had her for about a month and a half. I'm pretty sure in a few months the numbers will accumulate greatly!

Ardell Luy: I have one of those "dog litterboxes" full of dog toys.. I dont count them LOL

Francis Stickle: My dog has many toys, but he is too scared to play with them. He barks and runs away from tennis balls. He only plays with two t! oys mainly though. (:

Comment faire tomber un joueur amoureux

Comment faire tomber un joueur amoureux

p>Certains gars ont une réputation de joueur, quelqu’un qui ne s’installera jamais, et qui ne veut que jouer sur le terrain. Bien que vous ne puissiez pas changer le comportement de quelqu’un, vous pouvez donner à quelqu’un une raison de vouloir rester dans le coin. La meilleure chose que vous puissiez faire si vous voulez qu’un joueur tombe amoureux de vous est de vous respecter et de refuser de jouer à ses jeux. Faites qu’il vous apprécie en vous fixant des normes. Utilisez le renforcement positif pour lui faire voir ce que vous valez.

Amusez-vous bien. Plutôt que de se concentrer sur les moyens d’amener un joueur à s’installer, concentrez-vous sur la création d’expériences nouvelles et positives. Faire des choses ensemble. Aller à des spectacles, jouer à des jeux et faire des gaffes. Ne rends pas les! choses sérieuses. Montrez-lui ce que c’est que d’être dans une relation épanouissante, et peut-être qu’il voudra rester.

Envoyez-lui un verre. Que vous soyez dans un café ou un bar, essayez d’envoyer un verre à sa table. Assure-toi qu’il sache que tu lui as envoyé le verre. L’idée est de l’amener à t’approcher.

Qu’il t’invite à sortir. Si vous n’êtes tout simplement pas à la hauteur de la tâche de l’inviter à sortir, donnez-lui quelques indices pour lui faire savoir que vous aimeriez passer plus de temps ensemble. Mentionnez un film que vous avez toujours voulu voir ou un club où vous avez toujours voulu aller.

Établir des normes. Si vous voulez qu’un joueur pense que vous avez de la valeur, alors vous devez croire que vous en avez. Respecte-toi et fais-lui savoir que tu en vaux la peine.

Ne lui mets pas la pression. Certains gars, surtout ceux qui sont étiquetés comme joueurs, ne veulent pas se sentir obl! igés de s’engager. N’essayez pas de convaincre votre gars! de passer à la vitesse supérieure.

Soyez sur vos gardes. Si vous êtes tombé amoureux d’un joueur, il est probable qu’il vous a déjà parlé et qu’il vous a fait vous sentir spécial. C’est ce que font les joueurs, et il y a de fortes chances que vous ne soyez pas la seule fille à qui il parle.

Rappelle-lui ce que tu vaux. Si tu veux que ton gars s’installe avec toi, il doit vouloir s’installer avec toi. Il devrait vraiment aimer passer du temps avec vous et vouloir être près de vous. Et tu devrais faire ce que tu peux pour qu’il se sente comme ça.

Soyez direct. Plutôt que de poser des questions, parlez en phrases. Dis-lui ce que tu dois faire. Ne lui demandez pas s’il veut se joindre à vous, dites-lui ce que vous devriez faire ensemble.

Ne parle pas de la relation. Parler du statut de la relation peut en fait la ruiner. Au lieu de se demander s’il s’engagera envers vous, concentrez-vous à vous amuser ensemble.

L! aisse-le faire ce qu’il veut. Cela peut sembler dangereux, étant donné la réputation des joueurs, mais c’est nécessaire. Vous pourriez avoir l’impression d’avoir besoin de vérifier fréquemment un joueur pour vous assurer qu’il n’agit pas derrière votre dos. Ignorez cette envie.

Demandez à rencontrer ses amis. Si tu n’as pas rencontré ses amis, tu dois le faire. Organisez une fête et demandez à votre joueur d’inviter ses amis. Si ses amis se pointent, respecte-les. S’ils ne se présentent pas, votre joueur ne pense probablement pas à établir une relation à long terme avec vous.

Reculez un peu. Si vous avez passé quelques nuits d’affilée ensemble, faites une pause. Vous ne le voudrez peut-être pas. Vous aurez peut-être l’impression que les choses vont s’arranger pour le mieux si vous continuez à passer du temps ensemble. C’est rarement le cas. Tu veux qu’il te manque quand tu n’es pas là.

Ne fais pas de lui u! ne priorité. Quand un joueur appelle pour faire des projets, ne laisse! z pas tomber tout ce que vous faites juste pour lui. Si vous avez des projets, ne les annulez pas.

L’attirer en utilisant un billet supplémentaire. Achetez deux billets pour un concert ou un film, et mentionnez-le quand vous lui parlez. Dis quelque chose du genre : « J’étais censé aller voir ce groupe samedi avec mon amie, mais elle ne peut plus y aller. Ça vous intéresse ? »

Faites-le attendre. Un joueur voudra vous emmener à la chambre à coucher le plus tôt possible. Pour lui, interagir avec les femmes, c’est une chose, et une seule chose. Ne lui donne pas ce qu’il veut si tu veux qu’il reste. Faites-le travailler pour lui.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Where is a good sight for crafts for toddlers?

Emile Okafor: Anyone?!?!?!?!?!

Adam Momaya: they used to have great craft ideas on the nick junior and disney junior websites. i rec commend you check those out to see what they have now

Douglass Sarley: Here are a bunch of crafts, specifically designed for children - http://www.craft-kits.net/other-childrens-crafts.h...They include directions and recipes!

Working at Aeropostale?  

Working at Aeropostale?  

answers 0:I am interested in working at Aeropostale and I was wondering if someone who has worked there or does work there could answer some questions for me :)1) How much do you get paid?2) How many hours do you work per day and per week for a part time job?3) Any benefits?4) How do you like working there? Pros and cons?...Show moreanswers 1:Aeropostale Employee Benefitsanswers 2:1) It would depend what job position you applied to.Here is a payscale of each job positions at Aeropostale on this link. http://www.payscale.com/research/US/Employer=Aerop...2) Hours worked per day varies by employer, and location. It can range anywhere from 4 hours per day which is usually the minimum labor hours which employers must pay. Also they can make you work up to 8 hours per day. Anything over that is considered overtime, and they must pay time and a half or double time.3) Benefits includes Some of the! se benefits include:a) Comprehensive medical, dental and vision insurance*b) Realistic bonus potential*c) Paid vacation and personal days*d) Tuition Reimbursement*e) 401(k) investment savings plan*f) Training and career developmentg) Generous merchandise discounth) Casual work environmenti) Rewarding AccomplishmentAéropostale believes that extraordinary performance should be recognized.For more info, click below see how they recognize top achievers in organization.4) Working there could be either easy or hard depending on attitude.Pros: Great benefits, and store discounts.Cons: Customers maybe hard, and tiring....answers 3:i think you have to be at least 16. you can apply for aeropostale but the only way you'll get a job at hollister or abercrombie and fitch is if you're pretty and skinny. and you don't apply there...if they want you to work there they'll ask.

Saturday, 25 July 2020

What kind of craft should i make?

Berry Gilmore: Idk what the heck you are talking about

Sharri Scalley: Have a google for 'simple craft tutorial' or 'beginners craft tutorial'. Is there a specific direction you'd like to take it in? Making for yourself, your home, or gifts maybe?

Ty Kirton: You should definitely check out all the different crafts at Craftster.org.The site covers a *huge* range of different crafts from simple to more complex, and most of the members are teens and young women. (Joining the site is free too if you want to be able to ask questions or make comments as well as just reading and looking at pics/lessons/etc).....You can see a few examples from each board (in alphabetical order) here to get a general idea of all the kinds of stuff they have at the whole site:http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?action=be.......But *all* their main craft forums will be listed down on the right on this page:http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php (be sure and click on each board the! re to see all the sub-boards under it as well)You may also be interested in Cut Out and Keep projects, as well as the crafts shown at Pinterest many of which will include lessons or links to the original sites for lessons:http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects (click on the type of project you want from the red bar near top)http://pinterest.com/all/diy_crafts (or select a particular craft by entering that craft into the Search window at top)....Show more

Jannie Ariola: you could learn how to make friendship bracelets, or bead projects, theres a ton of craft and diy ideas on youtube. go check em out!

Comment ouvrir un stand de cireur de chaussures

Comment ouvrir un stand de cireur de chaussures

Remerciez vos clients et informez-les de toute vente future ou de vacances. Dites-leur que vous avez hâte de les revoir.

Apprendre le métier.

Commercialisez votre stand de cireur de chaussures. Incluez les renseignements suivants : le nom de votre entreprise, son emplacement, la date d’ouverture, les heures d’ouverture, les tarifs et les spéciaux.

Engagez vos clients et soyez toujours courtois.

Négocier un accord. Le loyer peut coûter cher. Si vous ne faites que commencer, il se peut que vous ne puissiez pas vous permettre de payer un loyer si vous n’avez pas une source de revenu régulière.

Recherchez un bon emplacement. Lors de l’ouverture d’une nouvelle entreprise, l’emplacement est essentiel à son succès.

Ouvrez votre stand de cirage à chaussures.

Investi! ssez dans l’équipement nécessaire pour votre stand de cirage.

Friday, 24 July 2020

looking for a new hobby?

Lillie Yarde: Some kind of Motorsport... ah I love the outdoors.

Antonia Boomershine: turn into an exhibitionist.

August Hubbard: Mosaics. They can get messy if you do them inside.

Mandy Mustaro: Collect rocks

Branden Roddick: I can't guarantee that any of these are outdoor or indoor hobbies as there are too many for me to look for the outdoor ones. One thing about it is that you can look at the list if you pick one and it did not work out you could look for something else. I'm not sure if you are a student but hang onto the list as you may want to find something for the cold days that you would want to do something inside.EDIT I did it again. Sorry here is the listshttp://www.notsoboringlife.com/list-of-h…http://www.altiusdirectory.com/Arts/list…...Show more

Danyell Rowback: Knitting! Its so simple and you can make blankets you use for a long time! I thought it'd be so boring at first, but I actually got into it. It was cold out! side and I needed something to do so I picked this up.

Janita Tetlow: model airplanes!!!!

Kenneth Thuesen: try insect finding and collecting

Cómo entrenar a un Pokémon con EV en X

Cómo entrenar a un Pokémon con EV en X

¿Alguna vez has querido entrenar con EV a un Pokémon, pero te has sentido intimidado por el número de personas que han participado en la creación de un Pokémon competitivo? Afortunadamente, en Pokémon X e Y, puedes entrenar Pokémon con EV incluso si los has utilizado antes en la batalla, así como a los Pokémon bebés, ¡así que es un mejor momento que nunca para aprender a hacerlo! Este tutorial no incluye entrenamiento intravenoso, y asume que ya has ganado el juego.

Encuentra los mejores Pokémon. Después de conseguir los objetos que necesitas, querrás un Pokémon de nivel 50-100 que tenga un movimiento que pueda atacar a varios Pokémon como Earthquake. También necesitarás un Pokémon con la enfermedad Pokerus, que puede ser recibido por Wonder Trade o en estado salvaje. No es absolutamente necesario, pero al igual que los elementos de Poder, hacen que el ! proceso vaya mucho más rápido.

Obtenga los suministros adecuados. Antes de empezar a entrenar, necesitas algunos elementos si quieres entrenar lo más rápido posible en el menor tiempo posible. En primer lugar, usted desea obtener 10 vitaminas para todas las estadísticas (o sólo las estadísticas que necesita, si ya ha elegido su propagación).

Después de terminar la primera estadística, haga lo mismo con su siguiente estadística. Alimenta a tu Pokémon con las vitaminas específicas, ve al lugar donde está el Pokémon que da los EVs y usa Sweet Scent para forzar los encuentros con la horda, mientras que los Pokémon del frente luchan contra el ataque que golpea a varios Pokémon a la vez. Asegúrate de cambiar los elementos de energía para la siguiente estadística! Huye de cualquier cosa que no sea el Pokémon específico. Después de unos 4-5 encuentros o menos, deberías haber agotado tu Estadística.

Elige tu EV spread si aún no lo has hech! o. Una buena herramienta para los EV spreads de Gens I a V es ! Smogon, pero si estás entrenando a un Pokémon nuevo en X/Y, tendrás que buscar los EV spreads online o utilizar Pokémon Showdown, un simulador de lucha online. Sólo tienes que ir a Teambuilder, hacer clic en Nuevo equipo, elegir el formato OU y hacer clic en Añadir Pokémon.

¿Sabes a qué Pokémon derrotar para ganar EVs, verdad? Cada Pokémon da un número predeterminado de EVs en una estadística. Para encontrar al que quieres entrenar, ve al artículo de Nugget Bridge sobre los puntos críticos de entrenamiento con EV y desplázate hacia abajo hasta Hordes. Dependiendo de las estadísticas en las que te estés entrenando, te indicará qué Pokémon son los mejores para cada estadística y dónde encontrarlos. Después de elegir, diríjase al lugar especificado.

Ahora que puedes empezar a entrenar, ve al lugar donde se encuentra el Pokémon específico. Asegúrate de que el Pokémon con el movimiento que puede golpear a varios Pokémon esté al frente, ! que la Exp. share esté encendida y que tengas el Pokémon con Dulce Aroma así como el que quieres entrenar.

Para la última estadística, sólo usa una vitamina para darle los EVs. Dado que ya has terminado de entrenar a los demás usuarios con EV, está bien sobrecompensar. Con eso, ya has entrenado con éxito a un Pokémon con EV! Si se hace bien, puedes entrenar con EV en menos de 10 minutos.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

How does gambling work in las vagas casinos?

Antonia Boomershine: It depends on the odds of the game. Long story short, the casino figures out the probability for every game, and every bet you can possibly make. After they figure all this out, they will always offer you LESS than what the probability says they should pay you.Here are just 2 examples:Blackjack. You get paid 1 to 1. (You bet $10, and you'd make $10 profit if you win. So you'd end up with $20 total.) The problem is, you only have about a 45% chance to win your bet, so in the long run, you WILL lose money.Roulette. You get paid 35 to 1 if you hit a single number straight up. So if you bet on the number "16" for $10 and it wins, you will get paid $350 profit, plus you get to keep your $10 bet. The problem is, you only have a 1 out of 38 chance to win that bet. So they pay you 35 to 1, but they only give you a 1 out of 38 chance to win.Do you see how in both of these examples it isn't fair? This is how the casinos make their money. Each and ev! ery bet you can make in the casino operates this way. There is no beating the casino. The only SANE reason to gamble is to HAVE FUN. It WILL cost you money if you gamble....Show more

Marco Stolarz: There are a lot of shows to see in the clubs.Most people go to gamble. That's what keeps Vagas alive.

Lucrecia Laurito: The gambling rules aren't the same for every game. There are plenty of different games, and most games have more than one type of bet.There are many bets where if you bet 10 and win, you'll get 20. But also many bets where you will get different amounts.

Norine Lomonte: mmmm it really sees what game are you playing. some games uses only 1 buck and you can gain a thousand. of course remember only maybe a 100000 their is one lucky fellow that gains 1000 bucks. also a casino always wins because you would gamble more after you win. Slot machine works totally different. a computer wired machine mostly work on the tries you do. maybe when the co! mputer "slot machine"reaches 100000 tries it would give out a ! win and you could earn a big jackpot. but still remember the casino still earns because you would need a 100000 tries for maybe a 1000 bucks. So i recommend never ever go to gamble in a casino. ( plus some people would monitor you when you play a game some people are banned for going into the casino )...Show more

Bob Nakamoto: Gambling is gambling and you can never earn money by winning in gambling but you can go there to enjoy the games and other things in Casinos !

Rolanda Merritt: Depends what game you are playing.But most games will have the odds listed..1 to 1 for instance means you get you money back and then 1 x time you money you bet ( ie doubling you moneywere as 35 to 1 means you get you money back + 35 times you orginal bet...Show more

Season Confalone: YOu buy chips and bet with chips.The winning payout depends on the bet made and the game being played.

Comment faire l’amour avec les dindes

Comment faire l’amour avec les dindes

p>Déterminer le sexe d’une dinde devient plus facile avec de la pratique. Il y a plusieurs caractéristiques que vous pouvez observer pour aider à identifier les mâles et les femelles, mais certaines nécessitent une vue plus étroite de l’oiseau que d’autres. De plus, il se peut que les jeunes hommes ne possèdent pas certaines des caractéristiques que possèdent les hommes adultes, ce qui peut prêter à confusion. Pour cette raison, c’est aussi une bonne idée de vieillir la dinde en essayant de la faire l’amour.

Examinez les plumes des seins. Les plumes inférieures de la poitrine d’un dindon mâle adulte auront des extrémités noires. Les dindes femelles ont des plumes de poitrine qui sont blanches, brunes ou bronzées.

Tenir compte de la coloration globale. Les dindons mâles ont des plumes aux couleur! s plus vives. Les femelles, par contre, ont une apparence plus terne et plus terne.

Comparez les tailles. Les dindons mâles sont plus gros que les dindes femelles. Si vous regardez un groupe de dindons, n’importe quel dindon mâle adulte devrait apparaître nettement plus grand que n’importe quelle femelle voisine.

Vérifiez les plumes de la queue. Déployez les plumes de la queue de la dinde ou attendez qu’il le fasse lui-même. Les plumes centrales de la queue d’un mâle immature sont plus longues que les autres, mais toutes les plumes de la queue arquent uniformément sur un mâle adulte.

Notez la présence d’éperons. Les pattes d’un dindon mâle auront des éperons ou de petites bosses en forme d’éperon qui devraient être visibles d’une distance modérée. Les dindes femelles ont des pattes lisses et sans éperons.

Vérifiez le haut de la tête. Les dindes femelles ont de petites plumes qui s’étendent au-dessus du dessus de! leur tête, mais la plupart des dindons mâles ont une tête ! complètement sans plumes.

Attention à la queue. Les dindons mâles lèvent souvent la queue en forme d’éventail. D’un autre côté, une dinde femelle gardera la queue baissée et ne l’étalera pas.

Écoutez l’appel. Seuls les dindons mâles font le bruit bien connu du « glouglou ». Les dindes femelles gloussent ou gémissent doucement, mais elles ne gloussent généralement pas.

Examinez tout éperon. Les dindons mâles juvéniles et adultes ont des éperons de patte, mais les éperons d’un jeune mâle ressembleront davantage à des mèches puisqu’ils sont encore en développement.

Regardez les plumes des seins. Tous les dindons juvéniles ont des plumes à extrémité chamoisée sur les deux tiers inférieurs de la poitrine, sans égard au sexe.

Mesurer la barbe. La barbe d’un mâle adulte est plus longue que celle d’un mâle immature. Typiquement, les dindons mâles immatures ont une barbe de 15 cm (6 pouces) ou moins.

Cherchez une barbe. Les dindons mâles adultes ont une barbe de plumes modifiées qui descend le long de la poitrine. Les dindes n’ont pas de barbe.

Mesurez les jambes. En plus d’être plus gros dans l’ensemble, les dindons mâles ont aussi des pattes plus longues que les dindes femelles.

Regarde les plumes des ailes. Plus précisément, regardez les extrémités des plumes des ailes. Les rayures blanches qui ornent le reste de chaque plume doivent s’étendre jusqu’à l’extrémité de la plume si la dinde est un mâle adulte, mais les extrémités des mâles juvéniles sont non décorées.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

what is the difference between a graphic card and a gaming card?

Georgia Dees: They're the same thing, but a 512MB card is probably very basic. You'd be better off buying an NVidia GTX460 1GB (avoid the 768MB version, it's slower) because this card is much faster than the HD5770, yet it doesn't cost a fortune. Alternatively there's the Radeon HD6870 - both of these cards are reasonably powerful without costing a fortune. Of course there are better cards available too if you want to spend a bit more cash. You will need to be sure that the power supply is strong enough to power a decent card - if not it will have to be replaced....Show more

Phil Kuarez: >There is no difference between the two things, they are the same. A "gaming" video card probably can be differentiated by it's ability to handle games, depending on the game requirements in question. An older gaming card cannot necessarily handle or qualify for newer game requirements. Since games are updated all the time, new graphics cards or gaming cards are designed to m! eet these increased demands. You have to check the hardware requirement for the game in question to know whether or not your video card will handle it or not. SIMS 3 is notorious for having a lot of hardware problems, and its not just video related either. I tend to dislike EA Games because they have a very snotty attitude when it comes to demanding things from people, instead of offering a game people can play, they make it difficult on people to play it due to hardware requirements among other things. I would pay strict attention to their hardware and software requirements and if you are not meeting them, then you won't be able to play SIMS 3. The big hangup in the past was Pixel Shader Version 2.0...but just about any card made in the last 3 or so years does Pixel Shader 2.0 or higher. The main problem was with people who have older hardware and were trying to play SIMS 3 with it and ran into this problem. The HD 5770 will be more than adequate to play that game..! ..Show more

Kenneth Queener: The 5770 would be more than! enough for your needs

Advice on safe lesbian sex?  

Advice on safe lesbian sex?  

answers 0:Ok, I'm really confused. I've always been pretty good about having protected sex with my male partners, but I recently wanted to try out other women. I decided to read up on safe sex with women, but there are a lot of discrepancies out there in what to do and when to do it.For example, all of the information I've seen about how to have safe sex with a woman emphasizes that you should use every protection, every time, from dental dams, to condoms over toys, to finger cots or gloves. But then, all of the information I've found about whether to do these things says that most women who have sex with women don't use much protection, if any.I'm feeling very confused about this and want to hear some advice from lesbians or bi girls.It doesn't help me when I see a site for protection, and it makes efforts to scare people into doing it and talks about how surprisingly common this ! disease or that is and how often lesbians transmit it to each other, and then I hear that most lesbians and bi girls don't use protection because it takes away from the experience or is a hassle....Show moreanswers 1:its good to use dental dams or serene wrap cause you can track warts or herpes on your mouth its true that most of us dont when we really should as for sex toys iv never found the need to use a condom on it i always wash before and after and use anti bacterial wipes on themanswers 2:It depends really. I can honestly say, I would use protection on toys, depending on the circumstances. But with toys, you could also clean them and dis-infect them to avoid any bacteria or germs.If you are somebody who is "active", then yes, I would definately reccomend using protection....answers 3:Their are Special condoms for you.If you can't find them thenuse a regular condom with a sex toy?Not really an expert...~Your Perfect enemy(I'm Not gay..)...answers 4:Dental dams and lat! ex gloves!answers 5:always use protection ya'll!answers 6:Alwa! ys practice safe sex. It doesn't matter if you are straight or gay.answers 7:im bi and i dont use protection....i didnt know we were supposed toanswers 8:iam a lesbian and i dont use any protection but im in a monogomous relationship. i married my girlfriend so we dont have that problem

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

What Board Game Did They Play On Avatar The Last Air Bender?

Tyrone Disanti: The game is called Pai Sho.Pai Sho seems like a game similar to the Chinese board game called Mah Jong. Mah Jong is played on a board with 144 tiles. Four of these are Flower tiles (similar to the white lotus tile). In addition, playing a Flower tile is conventionally considered to be aesthetic.

An Trebil: go to this web site for instructions on how to play Pai Sho http://www.wikihow.com/Play-the-Ancient-Game-of-Pa...

Monday, 20 July 2020

Out of production board games?

Moises Rupinski: Board Game Geek is the place for all things related to board games. They have a search function. You might start by searching on the words science or energy.A search on energy found both Energy Quest and Energy Systems.

Dee Depung: Try www.boardgamegeek.com.

Can i still get oral sex even.tho i have herpes type 2?  

Can i still get oral sex even.tho i have herpes type 2?  

answers 0:I have herpes type 2 I've been taken.the blue pill I dont remember the name as of right now but is ok for me to get eatn out ???answers 1:you can but your partner will have herpes. so i guess not. sorry:(answers 2:there is an hazard of transmitting HSV-2 (genital herpes) to somebody who performs oral intercourse on you with the aid of fact the virus DOES shed invisibly for the period of the year. appropriate decision: Dental dam/condom chop up in 0.5/some human beings hotel to plastic wrap. appropriate used with flavored lubricants first utilized to dermis. you won't be able to supply him genital herpes from appearing oral intercourse on him. in case you have oral herpes, whether, you are able to transmit HSV-a million (oral herpes) to his genitals for the time of oral intercourse.! appropriate decision: Condoms. great records on the source stated!...answers 3:2answers 4:My best friend has had genital herpes for about eight months now, and it's been really rough. She's had about 7 outbreaks. Everywhere I read it says it stops flaring up so much after time, but its not getting less frequent for her. She's been on Antiviral meds the whole time, too. She also has type 1 diabetes which she has had her whole life, which really weakens her immune system. Will it ever get better?But after a friend share this video everything has changed.Natural Safe Herpes Remedy?...answers 5:Your partner needs to know about your status, first off! It's cruel to expose someone to the virus when they're not making an informed decision. HSV2 isn't a big deal, but you should still let people make the decision for themselves.If he knows and doesn't mind-- go for it! I would recommend using a dental dam (or you can cut off the tip of a condom and then cut a slit in the side so it! lays flat) for extra protection. As I'm sure you know, the pi! lls you're taking reduce transmission, plus HSV2 really doesn't like the oral region and won't usually take hold there unless he's got a cut or open wound in his mouth (if it IT transmitted at all).However, if you have an active lesion, DON'T let him go down on you, even if he knows! The risk is much too high in that case, and you wouldn't want that on your conscience....answers 6:1

Sunday, 19 July 2020

Amusement Park Outfit?? HELPP!?

Derrick Smsith: Where your bathing suit and shorts, like soccer shorts, not jean shorts, if you want a top where a tank. I do it all the time. It rocks. Enjoy the park.

Alisa Kaleiwahea: Bring a bathing suit for sure!!!! You should wear a t-shirt and a short or some jeans that will dry off easily. wHAT AmOuSeMeNtpark are you going to? :)

Mayola Sylva: I am thinking a capsleeve pink top and khaki bermuda shorts and tennis shoes!

Marna Liddie: dont wear jeans they take 4 ever to dry a top with capris a hoodie a sruncie on your wrist 4 your hair .hope this helps

Caleb Chapman: i went to Six Flags on Thursday and i had soo much fun. i wore some shorts with a cute thin top (not white) and some cute sandals.


Toshia Metzker: wear a t-shirt that is not white (in case it gets wet) so that it isn't too thin or anything you'd be afraid to get wet.I would personally say like soccer shorts or running shorts so that when they get wet they dont show big wet spots as much (black would probably work best), but if you really want to look cute, wear a dark color cacki short i guess.

Connie Dickirson: BOARD SHORTS!!! If you know what they are. They a dry fast material that was meant to get wet. You can get them at any surfing type shop or places that sale bathing suits. Places like Pacsun, Macys, Roxy, Quiksiilver, etc. Then you can wear a t-shirt or tank of some kind. But definitely wear a bathing suit of course and sunscreen and flip flops. Don't forget a towel and if you think you might get cold later bring a change of clothes and a hoodie and store it in one of the lockers that they have there....Show m! ore

Oren Eskelsen: well i think whateva u do DONT wear a! white t shirt or trousers!! (they go see through on water rides!) i think the safest bet is to wear a t shirt which is coloured take a thin hoodie for if it gets cold and any trousers except jeans (they take ages to dry) also rememba a rain mac is good if u wanna stay as dry as possible! have a great time =]...Show more

Arnulfo Seegars: DONT placed on residences they could COME OFF on the RIDES until eventually u take them off at the same time as ur on the rides. purely placed on jeans and a t blouse and talk if its warm placed on jean shorts btw take a cardigan if its chilly

Jammie Taddei: Wear your swimmers under a t-shirt and board shorts, put on sunscreen and a hat. Also take a backpack with a bottle of water, a towel, sunsreen to reapply and a change of clothes if you want so you go home dry. Have FUN!

Delmy Varano: You should wear your bathing suit, sunglasses (if it's sunny), shorts on top of the bathing suit, and also a cute top, don't forget ab! out flipflops. E-mail me at anytime and I will give you more detailed information if you want! LOL

Kirk Coolbeth: You should wear a bathing suit, shorts (Bermuda, old PE shorts etc.) and either a spaghetti strapped shirt, or a tank top. You should also bring a short sleeved shirt and jacket just in case it gets cold.

Ron Keliipio: capri's and a t-shirt

Ruby Martis: wear comfortable shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, a hat or visor, dark pants or shorts (no jeans), and a comfortable non-white shirt.mid-70's is a little cool for water rides so you may want to carry a change of clothes and a jacket.Have fun!:o)...Show more

Maria Bengston: Make sure your shirt isn't white or something where the straps might fall off your shoulders.As for shorts you probley shouldn't wear khaki because that's a light color and when its wet you'll be abke to see your under garmets so maybe denium shorts or some lightweight pants.Wear tennis shoes not sandals becuse most rides r! equire tennies anyways.A bathing suit under your clothes would also be ! fine if your going to a water park.Have fun:D...Show more

Emeline Albracht: no white.nothing too hot, but bring a sweater or somethingshorts something simple and cool

Comment recycler les contenants de peinture

Comment recycler les contenants de peinture

p>Vous n’avez pas à vous sentir mal de jeter de vieilles boîtes de peinture. Au lieu de jeter vos contenants de peinture vides, vous pouvez les recycler ou les réutiliser dans votre maison ! Les boîtes de peinture sont très pratiques lors de l’artisanat et constituent d’excellents outils pour les tâches ménagères. Et, si vous ne pouvez pas trouver un moyen d’utiliser les canettes, vous pouvez toujours les donner à une organisation locale ou à un centre de recyclage.

Créez un abat-jour décoratif à partir de la boîte de peinture pour une pièce maîtresse artistique. Utilisez une pince coupante pour enlever la poignée de la boîte de peinture et enlevez le fond à l’aide d’un ouvre-boîte. Découper 1 petit et 1 grand disque dans un tissu de quincaillerie et les placer à l’intérieur de la boîte. Réglez l’abat-jour sur la douille et posi! tionnez-le de manière à ce qu’il repose sur les disques en tissu.

Communiquez avec un centre de traitement des déchets dangereux pour les contenants de peinture partiellement remplis. Si vos canettes sont partiellement remplies de peinture, il se peut que vous ne puissiez pas les recycler. Communiquez avec votre centre local de traitement des déchets dangereux pour déterminer la meilleure façon de vous débarrasser de vos contenants de peinture.

Fabriquez des échasses à partir de 2 boîtes de peinture pour une activité amusante pour les enfants. Percez des trous dans les deux côtés des boîtes de peinture et passez la ficelle à travers les trous. Coupez la longueur de ficelle à une longueur où vous pouvez saisir les deux côtés en vous tenant debout sur les boîtes de peinture, et nouez les extrémités pour les maintenir en place.

Utilisez vos contenants de peinture comme contenants-cadeaux si vous avez un événement spécial à venir. P! our donner à votre cadeau un cachet artisanal, placez-le dans! une boîte de peinture. Décorez la boîte de peinture avec du papier artisanal ou des marqueurs et remplissez-la de papier de soie, en attachant un ruban autour du centre pour un effet coloré.

Donnez vos contenants de peinture à un organisme local si vous ne pouvez pas les recycler. Les écoles, les théâtres et les organismes sans but lucratif peuvent souvent utiliser des boîtes de conserve vides ou à moitié vides. Visitez les entreprises et les organisations avoisinantes pour trouver une maison pour vos contenants de peinture si vous ne pouvez pas trouver une utilisation pour eux.

Visitez votre centre de recyclage si vos contenants de peinture sont vides. Chaque centre de recyclage de la ville a des critères différents pour ce qu’il accepte. Communiquez avec votre coordonnateur du recyclage et demandez-lui s’il peut prendre des contenants de peinture vides. Si c’est le cas, visitez votre centre de recyclage local et déclarez les articles que v! ous prévoyez recycler.

Faites un pot de fleurs avec vos pots de peinture. Les pots de peinture peuvent faire des pots de fleurs facilement transportables en perçant quelques trous dans le fond. Si vous avez une plante assez petite pour pousser dans un pot, remplissez votre pot de peinture de terre et transplantez la fleur dans son nouveau pot.

Transformez votre boîte de peinture en seau de stockage. Utilisez votre vieille boîte de peinture pour ranger des outils, des fournitures de bureau ou d’autres objets qui pourraient autrement se perdre. Si vous êtes un artiste, vous pouvez même garder de vieux pinceaux ou tubes dans le seau de rangement pendant que vous ne les utilisez pas.

Faites un casier à vin si vous avez plusieurs pots de peinture. Enlevez les couvercles et les fonds des boîtes de peinture à l’aide d’un ouvre-boîte. Collez les côtés des boîtes de peinture avec de la colle époxy et laissez-le sécher pendant 1 à 2 jours. Une ! fois le séchage terminé, placez votre nouveau casier dans une armoire! ou sur le dessus d’une table pour organiser votre vin.

Utilisez vos boîtes de peinture comme tirelires pour aider les enfants à économiser leur argent. Si vous essayez d’enseigner à vos enfants l’importance d’économiser de l’argent, transformez vos canettes en tirelires ! Laissez vos enfants décorer les boîtes de peinture avec de la peinture, du papier de bricolage, des marqueurs et des autocollants. Découpez une lamelle dans le haut du couvercle pour faire tomber les pièces de monnaie.

Utilisez votre boîte de peinture comme bétonnière. Pour éviter de salir vos autres bols ou bassins, mélangez du béton dans votre vieille boîte de peinture. La poignée de votre pot de peinture permettra de couler le béton rapidement et sa taille rendra le béton facile à transporter.

Communiquez avec un organisme de recyclage sans but lucratif si votre centre de recyclage refuse de prendre vos canettes. Certains organismes sans but lucratif recy! clent les contenants de peinture vides ou à moitié vides en toute sécurité. Recherchez les organismes locaux qui recyclent les matériaux de peinture dans votre région. Communiquez avec l’organisme pour trouver des points de dépôt dans votre région et apportez vos contenants de peinture dans le récipient le plus près.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

Do you drink to...?

Rosio Pasculli: A.unfortunately

Olin Hallin: I like to drink But I can't stand a drunk I like to drink, have funny conversations with my Husband or Friends, also drinking really motivates me and I can clean the house and have fun! So I guess my answer is B.

Angelyn Ducas: C. The first 1-3 drinks take stress off. AND, I like a moderate to mild buzz.

Shaquita Wernicki: B. Binging is just stupid. That's how guys end up in photos with something nasty in their mouths!

Charissa Riley: C

Coleman Coscia: Definitely C. Alcohol can be fun in moderation, but it's also the best legal way to get wasted, if that's what you want to do. Not for everyone, and yes it can cause problems, but I agree with Benjamin Franklin when he said the beer was God's way of showing that he loves us.

Kristina Brockwell: I would say B. I don't like to drink to get drunk and s*** faced! I love just chillin with a beer every now and then or at dinner at a restaurant ! getting a specialty drink.

Barrett Felicia: c...I hate being drunk, but I really enjoy my beer, and having a little buzzPlus, it makes housework much more enjoyable to throw a few back while cleaning.

Cómo organizar su computadora usando un fondo de pantalla personalizado

Cómo organizar su computadora usando un fondo de pantalla personalizado

Dibuje las cajas sobre la «capa» de papel tapiz, para que sean visibles y el papel tapiz no lo sea.

Una vez que esté en el programa, cree un nuevo archivo que coincida con la relación de píxeles del monitor de su computadora. Por ejemplo, un monitor de 1920×1080 tendría una relación de 16:9. Por lo tanto, debe elegir un tamaño de píxel que coincida con el del monitor. Podría ser una resolución más baja, pero eso se vería mal.

Dibujar más cajas en la parte superior de las otras cajas, pero esta vez mucho más cortas, pero igualando el ancho de la caja que dibujaste. (Esto será para el nombre de la categoría). También asegúrese de que esta caja sea un poco más oscura que el color de la que hizo en el último paso.

Que todas las cajas tengan un 50% de opacidad.

Instalar Photoshop, Paint.net o Gimp. Esto! s son programas esenciales para crear un buen documento.

Mueve el archivo de la captura de pantalla a tu programa de edición de fotos y hazlo un 50% más opaco que tus cajas.

Cree la cantidad de cajas que desee para las categorías de los iconos de su escritorio. Tal vez escoja 4 o menos, si puede.

Haga una captura de pantalla de su escritorio. Si no sabe cómo hacerlo, haga clic aquí: https://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows. O bien, puedes descargar Lightshot buscándolo en Google.

Encuentre un fondo de papel tapiz en línea, o hágalo usted mismo. Puedes saltarte esto si no quieres un diseño elegante.

Elimine la captura de pantalla de su escritorio. Guarde el archivo como PNG o JPG.

Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en su nuevo archivo y haga clic en «Establecer fondo de pantalla». ¡Estás acabado!

Asegúrese de elegir la herramienta de texto y escriba el nombre de la categoría en los cuadros! de título recién creados (o en este caso, rectángulos anch! os).

Asegúrese de que las casillas coincidan con sus «iconos de escritorio». Si no lo son, los iconos se verán como si estuvieran entre dos de sus cajas.

Friday, 17 July 2020

how to caluculate food & Beverage cost & Food & Beverage budget?

Babette Deloe: if you need to ask this you shouldnt be responsible for this task...try going out and getting a basic culinary math book (The Culinary Institute of America has one that will really break it down and help you out)

Saran Stealy: above all given top list we should put cost of structure where wesell them. that inc; expenditure on interiors plus rate of interst over all.

Kizzy Hett: Food Cost Formula Beverage cost formula F&B Budget--- formula staff uniform expensive staff salary staff food laundry expensive medical expensive extra extra...Show more

Oscar Wieland: food and beverage takes 500 per week

can you drop charges the day of the court case?  

can you drop charges the day of the court case?  

answers 0:My aunt tried to call the cops on me and claim that I punched her in the stomach. what she didn't realize was that her daughter (who was sleeping downstairs) was actually awake and heard everything. she collaberated the truth with me, and my aunt was arrested for domestic harrasment and falsified charges. they asked me i wanted to press charges and i said yes, then she was arrested, i mean. or before, i don't know.she was on probation.I want to know if I can drop charges the day of or today. i don't know if i should drop charges, as as it is I am afforded some protection. if she gets off and goes manic she MIGHT try to hurt me. if not, if she is sane, she won't hurt me. i don't want my aunt to go to jail. she just got her life together: house, kids, car, work, money to get dental work. but nor do i want to not have any protection....Show moreanswers 1:You ! can't drop charges at this point.She will be prosecuted, with or without you.You fail to cooperate with the court, you could find yourself in jail for contemp.answers 2:You cannot have charges dropped at this point. Failure to comply with this could result in you being arrested for contempt.answers 3:This happened to me as quickly as and the law enforcement officials did no longer have faith her. There are females obtainable who do this, and that's to no longer cut back the actual issues that regrettably ensue all the time. the main ingredient is to stay faraway from her. do no longer touch her in any way and in case you notice her circulate interior the different course. whether she is going to the law enforcement officials, they comprehend what inquiries to ask her and that they're going to understand on the instant that she is an fool. to no longer scare you, yet once you're arrested, even even with the undeniable fact which you're harmless, do no longer make a assertion! or answer questions without criminal expert modern. no longer! something you assert gets the law enforcement officials to launch you as quickly as you're arrested and that they don't seem to be kidding whilst they say each little thing you assert would be used against you. yet surely, ninety 9% you're advantageous....

Thursday, 16 July 2020

solid foods?

Antonia Quinnett: Foods other than liquid type.Mashed ripe bananas for babies would be considered solid food. So would the cream of rice.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

I finished one quart of vegan ice cream in one day ?

Omar Phipps: Hi there :) I think that the decision should be made by you & that any body else's opinions are just those; opinions. If you wish to do this for your own reasons then good luck to you! I was a vegetarian for many yrs & began at 11 or something? Basically I replaced meat with meat substitutes like Quorn [which can be yummy & is much needed protein!], Tofu [this is flavourless but takes the flavour of the sauce etc!], egg, cheese, hmm, I still ate some fish though! Lasagne became vegetable lasagne, or was made with quorn! You can even buy fake bacon & ham if you are a fan, as well as Lincolnshire sausages etc :) Now days I eat only chicken & fish &, although I can't enjoy certain meats, if I wish to eat a bit or have a cheese burger then I just go with it. Some say that the body knows what it needs! If you DO decide to continue eating some meat, but feel strongly about its history, then there are friendly options; free range & kindly treated animals are options! too!! Good luck hun, however you decide to do this! Miss Kitty xX

Faustino Mellerson: Since you've already cut out a few types of meat (beef, pork, and presumably seafood), you're halfway there. Now, I suggest simply cutting back the amount you eat. You can either cook less and take smaller portions at each meal (kind of a pain), or you can eat it fewer times a week. For example, if you eat it every day, stop eating it on days starting in T. Then, stop eating it on the weekends as well. Then stop eating it on Mondays. If you eat it more than once a day, start by cutting your consumption down to one serving a day. There's no right or wrong way to do it, so just do it your way!

Ivan Velazquez: as much as i love ice cream. no matter what kind of ice cream it is you shouldn't eat all of it. just eat healthy drink lots of water you know the usual. you'll be fine. not much to worry about because you dont do this EVERY day.

Mandy Mustaro: i love food.

Hope! Lundmark: o.OOf course you can get fat off vegan stuff! My c! herry-choc-chip actually has 190 calories per 1/2 c, as compared to 150 cal per 1/2 cup for my family's dairy-based vanilla.and calories= weight, no matter where those calories came from.

Tommy Durrenberger: vegan ice cream. yeh! RIGHT!LMFAO!

Gilberto Cratin: Guys, once again. THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED TO ME. I just want to know if it happens.Ashley: Whoa. What did the board say?

Rebeca Mckin: Any ideas? I have put it in the fridge but still watery, should I reboil?

Jackelyn Archut: I agree with the others. Vegan "ice cream" is high in fat and calories, which is one of the reasons why I don't eat it much. That, and it's expensive and we don't make it to Trader Joe's often enough to buy more. (I can buy other brands at the local grocery, but it's a dollar or two more, and it's not worth it.) For awhile, during my pregnancy, I did go on an ice cream kick, but I only filled a small Corningware dessert bowl, which was probably more than the one half cup ser! ving suggestion. I keep it in check like that because I don't need the unnecessary calories, pregnant or not, and, like I said, it lasts longer. As has been said, just because something is vegan or vegetarian, doesn't mean it's healthy. I could give you an example from my vegetarian sister-in-law's food choices, like her daily Frappuccinos, which I think she often gets fat free, or her muffins or coffee cake she often has with it, etc.the baked potato chips she often eats or the fatty dairy products and fried food.... But, they're vegetarian, is her thinking, so they must be healthier than eating meat. Yeah. She is six inches shorter than my six feet of height, but her belly is probably as big around as my 25-week pregnant one. Go figure. Yet, various aliments have kept me from being active this pregnancy, though. I digress....Show more

Nannie Kasee: What I always do with my tofu is put it on a plate, then put another plate on it & set something heavy on it. Let it si! t there & drag for about 10 minutes. This usually works with mine. Drai! n out the water when done. By the way, gelatin is NOT vegan. Hope this helps :)

Peter Lapoint: -Lost a job because of it-Lost friends because of it-Been turned down a job because of it-othersI don't know if this really happens. I'd just like to know.

James Langmyer: Oh if you don't have money, vegetarianism is great! Meat is usually more expensive than vegetables, fruits, tofu, beans, rice, ect... For books, I DEFINITELY recommend, "Okay, So Now You're A Vegetarian", by Lauren Butts. It was written by a 16 year old girl specifically for teenagers who want to be vegetarians. As for becoming a vegetarian gradually, the book recommends you eliminate one type of meat from your diet at a time. You could start with red meat, then poultry, then fish, then no meat! I eliminated it slowly too, but I just slowly cut meat out of my diet. I would go a day, a week, a month, ect... Also, you can check out my blog! http://teenvegetarianism.blogspot.com/

Claudio Dr! ullard: I never heard of boiling tofu. You drain the water and then press out as much remaining liquid as possible, depending on what you are going to do with it. For cold dishes like http://www.squidoo.com/best-tofu-salad-ever-super-... or for using it instead of ricotta in stuffed shells this method works.If you want to use it for a hot dish, with a sauce, like a barbecue sauce or a General Tso's Chicken sauce, then I would suggest the following: Drain the tofu and put it in a freezer safe bag or storage dish. Freeze it overnight. Then defrost. It will be porous like a sponge and absorb any sauce you put on it.

Ronald Moehr: Vegetarians and vegans are not necessarily healthier than meat-eaters. It's possible to be healthy and still eat meat, and it's possible to be unhealthy while not eating meat. I'm an overweight vegetarian who hasn't eaten meat for 2 years. I drink a lot of Coke and eat a lot of fried food (particularly chips and veggie sausages).

Kris Bozelle: See, that's exactly my problem when I buy vegan ice c! ream. It's just such a good treat that I can finish the entire thing by myself in one day. It's not possible to get fat off of ONE quart of ice cream, but it is entirely possible to gain weight by eating a large amount of this stuff on a regular basis, just like any other food that is high in sugar. I'd suggest saving vegan ice cream as an occasional treat.

Raymundo Kyser: Eat too much of anything, and yeah, you can get fat. But if this is a one-time or once-in-a-blue-moon thing, you probably shouldn't be too negatively affected by your binge.

Dawn Saha: Yes. But its ok to splurge every once in a while. Just don't do it every day.

August Hubbard: No. And I have a hard time believing that one would lose all of that just from having a different diet. Unless one eats babies of course...

Felipa Nosis: I still have my job.Maybe. The friendship is not completely lost. but when people laugh at my diet (which is a lifestyle/religion/super meaningful) and ar! e too closed minded to even care what I have to say about it, that is an extreme turn off and makes me wonder why I would want to be friends with someone so closed minded.

Tosha Tawney: I've discriminated against others. Not because of my diet, but my diet is one form of the application of my beliefs. I no longer associate with plenty of people who kill animals for fun. I've never lost a job or been turned down for a job for being vegetarian. If I were, I'd look into civil charges. As a vegetarian, there are plenty of times I've been unable to eat because all that's offered is animal carcass, but that's probably the closest I've come.

Bethanie Menden: Why would you want to become a vegetarian LOL!

Catheryn Small: yes (when I was a vegetarian, and especially when I was a pescetarian- eating seafood only and no land animals). Guys I was dating would constantly ask me if I felt fish didn't feel pain, since I was willing to eat them. The funniest thing is! , they always thought they were the "clever" first person to ask me tha! t question.I've never told anyone they couldn't eat meat in my presence though, during those times. People are people and they like to eat what they like to eat.

Morris Cuomo: If you want to become obese then you're going the right way about it.

Inez Relihan: vegan doesn't mean it doesn't have sugar! Being vegan doesn't mean you will automatically eat a balanced healthy diet. It is common for new vegans to eat a lot of candy because it's the quickest vegan option- ice cream is a dessert, vegan or not! So eat it like it's a dessert!

Joie Kemmis: If you eat whatever is around, just eat more fruit and veggies from around the house as a snack. I say stock up with hummus, quinoa, heirloom beans, tofu, tempeh, lentils, and TVP. Try making a big batch of lentil soup and freezing the leftovers so you can have a quick meal whenever you want. Also, tofurky sandwiches are good in a pinch. I also like falafel wraps with pita bread, hummus, spinach, tomatoes.

Hob! ert Dula: I think your first step is getting more vegetables and fruits in your diet, nuts, legumes, beans, seeds, whole wheat and tofu. You can still have those other things, but you can slowly wean yourself off of a lot of things that are not healthy.

Michelle Sohre: Avoid company of non vegetarian//

Coleen Carignan: No but I do get teased about it sometimes by my boyfriend's parents.They say things like "poor almonds gave their life for you" (because i drink almond milk)and laugh at a bag i made some time ago that said "powered by tofu" lol.meano's! but they are just joking around.

Estrella Northway: Supermarkets discriminate against vegetarians the most. About 3.5% of sales go to vegetarians and most make very little effort to keep our buisness. BTW: the profit margin for supermarkets is about 3.5%. maybe they should start waking up. There would be no need for health food stores if the chains would get the message.

Karl Samiec: I left my old fri! ends, but found new ones.My parents were too heavy to me, but now they ! see I'm still alive after 15 years of being veg...I used to have a job in vegetarian restaurant.

Terresa Tsasie: Get the Vegetarian Starter Kit from - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicinehttp://www.pcrm.org/health/veginfo/vskStudent's Vegetarian Cookbook - Carole RaymondThe Starving Students' Vegetarian Cookbook - Dede Hall

Queenie Ruthers: Yes I had to drop out of culinary school because of it and take it up with the board of education and the college president.

Danica Timperman: Yes. Vegan is not necessarily equivalent to healthy.

Frederic Engellant: Yeah I hardly believe you lost all of that too. I was going to click on here and say maybe I wouldn't be so into a guy that was a vegan for example or I would judge a friend for being picky and it would be hard to do things I like with this person because you couldn't travel with them or go interesting places around town or experience festivals or fairs or other cultures and it would drive me! up a wall. But maybe your attitude your instance that you are right other people are wrong and your inability to accept other people (often an attitude that people with speacial diets have) caused you to lose these things and you are trying to convince yourself and us that it is solely because of your diet. I think honest self reflection on why you really lost these things is important. Like really how does your diet come up in a job interview??

Marvella Benward: Add some gelatine to it!

Raymundo Kyser: I have been considering becoming one for a while. The only thing is I am going to college and don't have any $$. I live at home (I'm 18) and I just eat whatever is around. I basically only eat chicken and turkey because they are low in fat. What steps should I take to become a vegetarian? Any books you could reccomend? (I still plan on eating eggs and drinking milk) I don't have any interest on becoming a vegan. I have tried boca and morningstar farms and I do l! ike them. Maybe my Mom will buy some more when she knows I am serious a! bout becoming a vegetarian.

Kim Gerbino: Yes. You can become obese by eating too much of anything and just because it's vegan doesn't mean it doesn't have fat or calories. If you don't want to gain weight you need to eat sensibly and exercise.

Jess Grizzel: Not really, my friends are cool with it, but tease me a little (friendly tease, nothing serious), when people find out, they ask me why, but never make fun or nothing. My sister says that I am going to get sick because of lack of protein and iron, but I have found ways to stay healthy.

Gabriel Realmuto: Throw it away and eat real food.

Jude Colbenson: Vegan ice cream is high in fat and sugar. Fat and sugar can cause obesity. Just because something is "vegan" doesn't mean its healthy. There are a lot of vegan junk foods. It just means it was made without using any animal by-products.

Nadia Crauswell: Yes, you can get fat by eating too much in general, no matter what it is. However, if you! only do it, say, once or twice a month, you won't get fat.

Madge Voice: You have to press it a little. Wrap it in a cheese cloth, or clean dish towel, and weigh is down gently with a wooden plank, a brick or some other flat surface, and tilt it slightly, so the water drains out overnight. In maing tofu it's often pressed in an actual tofu press. The aim is to slightly squeeze the excess water out- making soft, firm or extra firm. Don't squeeze too much. I've used two wooden cutting boards both lined with dish cloths, weighted down with a load of potatoes. Works fine, but you need to keep upping the tofu AND refine the edges so it stays box shape and doesn't start crumbling out the sides like a soft cheese.

Toby Women: eat meat

Comment régler le zoom de l’affichage sur un iPhone

Comment régler le zoom de l’affichage sur un iPhone

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Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Is cheese suitable for vegetarians?

Codi Manchel: Some cheese is made from rennet which is the inside of a cows stomach =[ Many cheeses are veggie friendly though just check the ingredients =D

Donnie Bolio: I like Cabot cheese. There's no animal rennet in it. Very tasty. I think I'll go have some cheese and cracker now.

Tijuana Tatsak: A lot of cheese is made with rennet, which is derived from dead animals' stomachs. Microbial enzyme is the vegetarian equivalent. Additionally, they might have been referring to cheese-like soya products intended for vegans to eat.

Sabra Roers: Vegetarian Cheese, which uses non-animal rennet, is freely available in the UK and used in restaurants such as Pizza Hut..

Bethany Blocker: It depends what kind of vegetarian you are. Most vegetarians eat regular cheese. Some who call themselves vegans don't eat any animal products. There are other classifications of vegetarianism, but I don't remember what they are.

Chadwick Schmelz: Vegetarians ea! t cheese, vegans do not eat cheese/dairy as they do not want ANY animal products. Vegetarians simply avoid the meat to avoid the killing of animals, but see that animal milk is okay.

Tillie Wynott: no longer lifeless calves as commented diplomatically via somebody above. however the tummy lining of butchered youthful unweaned calves is the source of animal rennet. be particular to envision the label, and if manufacturers do no longer somewhat point out that vegetable or option rennet is used (there seems no policies for them to jot down explicitly) then animal rennet could have been used. Sorry vegetarians (incl. me) yet those tasty Goudas and Emmantal are not any-no....Show more

Enriqueta Steffen: NO vegetarians eat meat. Fish and chicken are meat.Lacto vegetarians eat dairy but no eggs.Ovo vegetarians eat eggs but no dairy.Lacto-Ovo vegetarians eat eggs and dairy.Strict vegetarians do not eat any animal products (including honey). This is sometimes called a pl! ant-based diet or a vegan DIET.Vegan is a lifestyle not a diet! . They follow a strict vegetarian diet (no eggs, no dairy, no honey), and they avoid animal products in their consumables (i.e. shampoo, cleansers, make up, etc) No leather, no fur, no wool, no silk, no beeswax, no carmine or cochineal, and so on....Show more

Lynn Melbourne: The person who explaned Lacto, Ovo and regular vegetarian has it right.But I don't think the reason vegetarians are vegetarians is always because they want to keep animals from being killed. Sometimes it's because they don't like meat...period

Comment connecter un haut-parleur à votre iPhone avec Bluetooth

Comment connecter un haut-parleur à votre iPhone avec Bluetooth

p>Ce wiki vous apprend comment connecter un haut-parleur Bluetooth externe à votre iPhone pour que vous puissiez jouer de la musique ou d’autres sons via le haut-parleur.

Appuyez sur Bluetooth. C’est en haut de la page « Paramètres ».

Redémarrez votre iPhone. Vous risquez ainsi de réinitialiser les paramètres Bluetooth de votre téléphone et de pouvoir vous reconnecter. Pour redémarrer votre téléphone :

Assurez-vous que votre iPhone est à jour. Si votre iPhone n’est pas mis à jour vers la dernière version d’iOS, vous pouvez rencontrer des problèmes Bluetooth sur les nouveaux haut-parleurs Bluetooth.

Assurez-vous que votre iPhone n’est pas trop vieux. iPhone 4S et plus récents sont équipés de la technologie Bluetooth ; si vous avez un iPhone 4 (ou plus vi! eux), il peut ne pas fonctionner.

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Monday, 13 July 2020

Buying Arnold Palmer Drink question?

Caleb Chapman: a coffe shop. most resturant's they now put them in cans

Asley Quickle: It was named after pro golfer Arnold Palmer who was big in the 1960's. It's been served ever sinse.

Ardath Templer: Costco they have it in 12 packs 4.99 in ohio

Troy Staton: it depends where you live, but most sports bar/ grills have Arnold Palmers. or, you can just make your own...it's lemonade mixed with iced tea :) answer my question please... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArVcc...

Elissa Curlin: You can definitley get one at Ralphs.

Cómo derrotar a Margomill en The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Cómo derrotar a Margomill en The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Ve a la arena de los jefes para empezar la batalla.

Después de unos pocos golpes, ganará más capas. Use la espada, el martillo o el arco para deshacerse de estas capas adicionales. Después de hacer esto, usa la Barra Tornado para ponerte encima del jefe y cortarle el ojo.

Repite esto hasta que sea derrotado.

Usa la Barra Tornado para subirte encima del jefe y cortarle el ojo. Evite ser golpeado por sus capas inferiores, ya que tratará de golpearle en el pozo sin fondo que rodea la arena.

Después de más golpes, ahora tendrá cuatro capas. Use la espada, el martillo o el arco para deshacerse de estas capas adicionales. Después de hacer esto, usa la Barra Tornado para ponerte encima del jefe y cortarle el ojo.

Sunday, 12 July 2020

is it chicken curry or curry chicken?

Oren Eskelsen: Pretty sure it's curry chicken.

Torri Tippey: It can go either way, but most people say curry chicken. In ethnic cuisine, such as indian, chicken curry is more commonly used.

Debora Rinderer: its either chicken curry or curried chicken!

Esteban Lyson: curry chicken. its like beef roast or roast beef?

Sheldon Lally: Curry chicken

Saturday, 11 July 2020

What is your favorite ethnic cuisine?

Mark Hovanes: mexican and american

Malcom Fenoff: french

Edmund Rappley: Italian, Thai and Japanese.

Rosann Mccomb: Italian food, in general.Although, my best friend's dad make really good Chicken Curry..

Peter Lapoint: Either Mexican or Indian, both are great.

Matt Tiry: Chinese.

Adrian Paraz: carribean and african

Darwin Ecton: italian or chinese

Carli Watterson: Chinese. Can't get enough.

Rubi Romo: Chinese Food!

Cornelius Thornborrow: Thai food.

Inge Mclaurine: India

Friday, 10 July 2020

Comment rouler du texte en Flash

Comment rouler du texte en Flash

Allez dans le panneau des propriétés qui se trouve en bas de l’écran et changez la couleur du texte en fonction de vos besoins.

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How did you entertain your 3 month old?

Lawanna Livsey: I would just do tummy time but not for long bc my son hated it. Not too much my son really didnt need entertaining at 3 months old he was happy being held fed and changed. Good luck

Lyndon Mattas: I remember asking the exact same question. I felt like I was boring my baby, or not engaging her enough. Besides the obvious: read bookssing songscarry your baby in a sling facing out and go about your day describing everything you do. Go see art. You will be amazed how easily babies learn.You already said go for walks.buy the "your baby can read" (dvds only not the whole expensive set) (see link below) They recommend beginning at 3 months. My 14 month old has a 30 word vocabulary. The average is 1 to 4 words at this age. I'm an educator, so I'm very verbal and descriptive, but these videos have done wonders.I would avoid other t.v. for a while.And last but not least, because you are asking this question, it's obvious you're a great mom. You'll be ! amazed how in a matter of months you will be playing with each other and you won't wonder for a second how to entertain him. Enjoy the ride :)...Show more

Micah Schwarcz: When my daughter was 3 months... (oh I know Ima hear about this one) I let her watch TV for a while. Whether it was Nick, Disney, or even music videos... she liked the colors and she likes when we sang the song together. Clap his hands to the beat... bounce him a bit for some rhythm. I also found she liked toys that made lots of noise. Keys, rattles, and one of those things you blow and they move (windmill).Not really too too much to entertain them at that age.Good luck :)...Show more

Thursday, 9 July 2020

Does anyone know of a good sachertorte recipe?

Ruthe Real: Very sweet but very good. Have fun!http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Sachertorte/Detail.as...

Jen Maday: SACHERTORTE 1 c. butter, softened4 1/2 oz. pkg. instant chocolate pudding & pie filling mix2 c. flour1 egg3 tbsp. sugar1/2 c. apricot or cherry preserves1/2 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips3 tbsp. butter, meltedHeat oven to 325 degrees. In large bowl cream butter and pudding mix until light and fluffy. Beat in egg. Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup. Gradually add flour at low speed until well mixed and dough forms. Shape into 1 inch balls. Roll in sugar. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. With thumb, make imprint in center of each cookie.Bake at 325 degrees for 15-18 minutes or until firm to touch. Remove from sheets immediately. Cool. Fill each imprint with 1/2 teaspoon preserves.In small pan, blend chocolate chips and butter over low heat until chocolate melts, stirring constantly. Drizzle 1/2 teaspoon over each cookie. 48 cookies. ORSA! CHERTORTE (This is the original from the Sacher Hotel in Vienna, Austria.)CAKE:8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate1/2 lb. plus 2 tsp. butter1 c. sugar8 egg yolks10 egg whitesPinch of salt1 c. plus 2 tsp. flour1/4 c. apricot jamGLAZE:8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate4 tbsp. white corn syrup4 tbsp. water1/4 lb. butter1 c. heavy cream, whippedPreheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 2 (9 inch) cake pans with wax paper, then coat with butter and flour. Melt the chocolate in microwave or double boiler over hot not boiling water.In a large bowl beat the half pound butter with 3/4 cup of the sugar. Add the egg yolks and beat until light and creamy. Mix in chocolate.In a separate bowl beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form soft peaks. Add remaining 1/4 cup of sugar, a tablespoon at a time, beating until stiff. Alternately fold the egg whites and flour, shaking it through a strainer, into the chocolate mixture, adding a quart of each at a time. Mix well.Divide batter between cake pans. Bak! e 25 minutes for a moist fudgy cake. About 35 minutes firmer, ! drier cake. Let rest in the pans for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a cake rack and let cool completely.When cool, trim layers with serrated bread knife, evening sides and layers. Spread top of one layer with apricot jam and place second layer on top. Brush off any loose crumbs. Place cake with place or tray underneath and pour glaze over top. Rotate cake as you do this. Do not try to spread glaze. Let spread over top and down sides. Refrigerate cake for at least 2 hours. Remove from refrigerator 1/2 hour before serving.GLAZE: Chop chocolate coarsely in food processor. Bring rest of ingredients to a boil in a heavy saucepan. Remove from heat and add chopped chocolate, mix well and cool 5 minutes. Place pan in a bowl of ice water and whisk mixture until it reaches consistency of heavy cream. Pour over cake. Serve with unsweetened whipped cream. JM...Show more

Filiberto Ranalli: your choice of 2 recipes for this goodie:http://www.recipezaar.com/recipes.php?s_type=%2Fre.! ..

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Comment transférer des messages Wechat sur un iPhone ou un iPad

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Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Cook or Arculeta?

Jade Ohno: I wanted David Archuleta to win but ohh well i guess. David Cook won;:D


Autumn Vacio: David Cook!! He was a better singer & better performer over all. So glad he won!!~~~

Troy Monsivais: I honestly love both...I wanted David A to win but I'm not disappointed at all David C won =)

Neely Youngblut: both

Randal Deyarmond: I thought they were both good... but I am happy that David Cook won!

Morris Olexy: David Cook

Lonnie Jehle: David Cook all the way. So sexy, versitle and talented, plus he is a fellow Missourian!!

Terrell Lawman: DAVID COOK ALL THE WAY BABYYYY!!!Although I stopped watching AI after Danny Noriega got voted off. I loved him.RIP Danny-you will always live in my heart xx♥♥Anyway, David Cook was a definitely better performer than Archuleta was. I'm happy he won.xxoo...Show more

Arnoldo Budzynski: i love them both, but archuleta is just a little young. i was always for david cook.

Comment faire de la publicité pour être un tuteur

Comment faire de la publicité pour être un tuteur

Faites une brochure. Les brochures peuvent fournir plus d’informations sur vos services et peuvent être particulièrement utiles si votre communauté a beaucoup de tuteurs qui travaillent au même endroit. Vous pouvez montrer à vos clients que vous êtes le tuteur le plus professionnel et le plus qualifié en fournissant des détails supplémentaires sur vos services de tutorat. Avoir une brochure vous donne l’air poli.

Fixez vos tarifs. Consultez les tarifs en vigueur pour les autres tuteurs de votre région. Fixez vos tarifs en fonction du nombre de personnes ayant des compétences similaires aux vôtres.

Faire des cartes de visite. Les cartes d’affaires sont idéales lorsque vous rencontrez des clients potentiels en passant. Lorsque vous entendez quelqu’un se plaindre d’un mauvais rende! ment à l’école ou de la façon dont il a besoin d’aide pour un test à venir, vous pouvez lui remettre votre carte. Vous pourriez rater des clients si vous n’avez pas un moyen de les faire se souvenir de vous. Vous pouvez également laisser les cartes dans les cafés locaux ou à la bibliothèque.

Choisir un endroit pour donner des cours particuliers. Vous pouvez donner des cours particuliers chez vos clients, chez vous ou à un autre endroit, par exemple dans un café ou à la bibliothèque. Décidez si vous avez une préférence d’emplacement ou si vous êtes prêt à travailler avec le client. Décrivez cette information dans votre annonce.

Affichez dans des groupes de médias sociaux. Joignez-vous à des groupes locaux sur les médias sociaux et affichez de l’information sur vos services. Vous pouvez rechercher des groupes de parents, des groupes d’étude et des groupes dédiés aux écoles locales. Votre ville peut aussi avoir un groupe de mé! dias sociaux qui permet aux gens de la région de faire de la ! publicité pour les services, alors recherchez-les aussi.

Affichez vos dépliants. Accrochez vos circulaires dans les bibliothèques locales, près de l’école locale et dans les établissements populaires fréquentés par les adolescents et les familles, comme les pizzerias, les glaciers et les cafés-restaurants.

Publiez votre annonce sur vos petites annonces locales en ligne. Déposez votre petite annonce sur plusieurs sites publicitaires locaux. De nombreux sites en ligne offrent des annonces gratuites, mais vous devrez probablement payer pour les publier dans le journal local.

Choisissez un sujet à enseigner. Le sujet que vous enseignez devrait être un sujet dans lequel vous êtes fort, alors pensez aux classes dans lesquelles vous faites des A. Si vous faites des A dans plusieurs sujets, réduisez-le à votre sujet préféré ou deux.

Distribuez vos cartes d’affaires et vos brochures. Emportez vos cartes d’affaires avec vous afin de pou! voir les remettre à des clients potentiels. En plus de distribuer les cartes d’affaires, laissez vos cartes d’affaires et vos brochures dans les bureaux de consultation des écoles, dans les bibliothèques, les cafés et autres endroits qui permettent aux gens de laisser ou d’afficher des cartes d’affaires.

Créez un curriculum vitae pour vous-même. Incluez toute expérience de tutorat que vous avez eue, y compris le tutorat de vos amis et des membres de votre famille. Essayez de penser aux fois où vous avez aussi aidé vos camarades de classe. Cela vous aidera à rédiger une meilleure publicité et à expliquer aux parents pourquoi ils devraient vous embaucher.

Faites des dépliants. Les dépliants sont une excellente façon de faire de la publicité parce que vous pouvez créer un dépliant accrocheur qui contient beaucoup d’information. Donnez à votre dépliant le titre du type de services que vous offrez, puis faites quelques phrases au sujet ! de vos qualifications. Utilisez votre curriculum vitae pour décider qu! oi écrire. Assurez-vous d’indiquer vos tarifs et de fournir vos coordonnées.

Réduisez votre niveau scolaire. La plupart des tuteurs se concentrent sur un niveau scolaire ou un niveau de matière particulier, comme la 2e à la 3e année, le niveau secondaire ou simplement la géométrie. Décidez quel niveau correspond le mieux à vos compétences.

Rédiger une petite annonce. Préparez une annonce pour votre journal ou vos petites annonces locales en ligne. Vous devrez rédiger votre manchette, résumer vos qualifications, énoncer vos tarifs et fournir vos coordonnées.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

which beer is the best beer ?

Ricky Frazer: my basement its kind of old but i need a way to decorate it cool, such as blacklights posters and christmas lights i like anything like that. I also think decorating with liqour bottles is nice too if you have any ideas please tell me

Janean Guz: the best beer is HINEKEN

Luis Farlow: I like German and Mexican beers, it is hard to make a choice because I certianly have not experienced the best beer ever made and likely will never.

Jammie Taddei: Why? Who looks at the decorations? I've heard "only dead fish swin with the river". Just do what you want

Claudio Drullard: Free.

Stevie Goldey: I'd tell you that the best beer is my own home-brew but I am way too modest to do that. However, if you root for the Jets and Pats and drink Corona, you would never be able to appreciate the nuances of fine beer that doesn't have to be iced to kill the taste. ;-)

Maynard Phoubandith: Hi, best answer by the way is 10 points.

Armanda He! rtel: Top Ten Beer Brands1) Budweiser2) Corona Extra3) Heineken4) Guinness5) Coors Light6) San Miguel Pale Pilsen7) Miller Lite9) Sam Adams10) Sarajevsko Pivo...Show more

Vickie Sterbenz: With normal proof vodka use 4 cups to one of pucker. If that comes up too dry for you add a bit more pucker till the taste is right. Remember don't make too much at a time; keep it cold as possible (vodka in the freezer and pucker in the fridge). If you must use ice make a brick sized berg by freezing your water in an old ice-cream container; that way it melts much more slowly and doesn't dilute that lovely alcohol.Have a good one!...Show more

Vida Miss: just use equal amounts. if you like it stronger then use 2 parts vodka to one part pucker. whatever you like.

Soraya Coodey: well i would dim the lights or use some flouresence lights and have some glow sticks.....some band posters and baloons wont hurt...

Russel Gajate: HELLO HOT LUCY,MY BEER OF CHOICE IS THE KI! NG OF BEERS BUDWEISER.However whomever watches football with y! ou would be happy to drink what you like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caterina Yeargan: Probably Kokanee which is a beer we get here in Canada.

Pearlie Medora: Ikea my friend. It will answer the question for you..

Ricky Frazer: I prefer Pacifico or Negra Modelo among Mexican beers I can get in the US, and am actually a Redskins fan.

Collin Barter: For a highschool party just get a good stereo and lots of beer!

Bud Espenshade: I looking for measurements. Like how many cups Vodka and Pucker so it will be even and taste good.

Dallas Bartolini: I hear they are bad for you because the alcohol is a depressant and the red bull is an upper, but I've had plenty in one night and had no problems.

Rosio Pasculli: and if so why dont people have heart attacks from drinks such as sparks tilt etc.

Brock Anwar: bud light wheat

Doreatha Kjellsen: Guinness is my top StoutThen I love HarpNewcastle BrownDouble Diamondand worst cas! e bc the places suck here and don't serve decent beer I'll have a Stella...Show more

Alonso Crehan: New Castle has a really good taste...GO Chargers!!!