Omar Phipps: Hi there :) I think that the decision should be made by you & that any body else's opinions are just those; opinions. If you wish to do this for your own reasons then good luck to you! I was a vegetarian for many yrs & began at 11 or something? Basically I replaced meat with meat substitutes like Quorn [which can be yummy & is much needed protein!], Tofu [this is flavourless but takes the flavour of the sauce etc!], egg, cheese, hmm, I still ate some fish though! Lasagne became vegetable lasagne, or was made with quorn! You can even buy fake bacon & ham if you are a fan, as well as Lincolnshire sausages etc :) Now days I eat only chicken & fish &, although I can't enjoy certain meats, if I wish to eat a bit or have a cheese burger then I just go with it. Some say that the body knows what it needs! If you DO decide to continue eating some meat, but feel strongly about its history, then there are friendly options; free range & kindly treated animals are options! too!! Good luck hun, however you decide to do this! Miss Kitty xX
Faustino Mellerson: Since you've already cut out a few types of meat (beef, pork, and presumably seafood), you're halfway there. Now, I suggest simply cutting back the amount you eat. You can either cook less and take smaller portions at each meal (kind of a pain), or you can eat it fewer times a week. For example, if you eat it every day, stop eating it on days starting in T. Then, stop eating it on the weekends as well. Then stop eating it on Mondays. If you eat it more than once a day, start by cutting your consumption down to one serving a day. There's no right or wrong way to do it, so just do it your way!
Ivan Velazquez: as much as i love ice cream. no matter what kind of ice cream it is you shouldn't eat all of it. just eat healthy drink lots of water you know the usual. you'll be fine. not much to worry about because you dont do this EVERY day.
Mandy Mustaro: i love food.
Hope! Lundmark: o.OOf course you can get fat off vegan stuff! My c! herry-choc-chip actually has 190 calories per 1/2 c, as compared to 150 cal per 1/2 cup for my family's dairy-based vanilla.and calories= weight, no matter where those calories came from.
Tommy Durrenberger: vegan ice cream. yeh! RIGHT!LMFAO!
Gilberto Cratin: Guys, once again. THIS HAS NOT HAPPENED TO ME. I just want to know if it happens.Ashley: Whoa. What did the board say?
Rebeca Mckin: Any ideas? I have put it in the fridge but still watery, should I reboil?
Jackelyn Archut: I agree with the others. Vegan "ice cream" is high in fat and calories, which is one of the reasons why I don't eat it much. That, and it's expensive and we don't make it to Trader Joe's often enough to buy more. (I can buy other brands at the local grocery, but it's a dollar or two more, and it's not worth it.) For awhile, during my pregnancy, I did go on an ice cream kick, but I only filled a small Corningware dessert bowl, which was probably more than the one half cup ser! ving suggestion. I keep it in check like that because I don't need the unnecessary calories, pregnant or not, and, like I said, it lasts longer. As has been said, just because something is vegan or vegetarian, doesn't mean it's healthy. I could give you an example from my vegetarian sister-in-law's food choices, like her daily Frappuccinos, which I think she often gets fat free, or her muffins or coffee cake she often has with it, etc.the baked potato chips she often eats or the fatty dairy products and fried food.... But, they're vegetarian, is her thinking, so they must be healthier than eating meat. Yeah. She is six inches shorter than my six feet of height, but her belly is probably as big around as my 25-week pregnant one. Go figure. Yet, various aliments have kept me from being active this pregnancy, though. I digress....Show more
Nannie Kasee: What I always do with my tofu is put it on a plate, then put another plate on it & set something heavy on it. Let it si! t there & drag for about 10 minutes. This usually works with mine. Drai! n out the water when done. By the way, gelatin is NOT vegan. Hope this helps :)
Peter Lapoint: -Lost a job because of it-Lost friends because of it-Been turned down a job because of it-othersI don't know if this really happens. I'd just like to know.
James Langmyer: Oh if you don't have money, vegetarianism is great! Meat is usually more expensive than vegetables, fruits, tofu, beans, rice, ect... For books, I DEFINITELY recommend, "Okay, So Now You're A Vegetarian", by Lauren Butts. It was written by a 16 year old girl specifically for teenagers who want to be vegetarians. As for becoming a vegetarian gradually, the book recommends you eliminate one type of meat from your diet at a time. You could start with red meat, then poultry, then fish, then no meat! I eliminated it slowly too, but I just slowly cut meat out of my diet. I would go a day, a week, a month, ect... Also, you can check out my blog!
Claudio Dr! ullard: I never heard of boiling tofu. You drain the water and then press out as much remaining liquid as possible, depending on what you are going to do with it. For cold dishes like or for using it instead of ricotta in stuffed shells this method works.If you want to use it for a hot dish, with a sauce, like a barbecue sauce or a General Tso's Chicken sauce, then I would suggest the following: Drain the tofu and put it in a freezer safe bag or storage dish. Freeze it overnight. Then defrost. It will be porous like a sponge and absorb any sauce you put on it.
Ronald Moehr: Vegetarians and vegans are not necessarily healthier than meat-eaters. It's possible to be healthy and still eat meat, and it's possible to be unhealthy while not eating meat. I'm an overweight vegetarian who hasn't eaten meat for 2 years. I drink a lot of Coke and eat a lot of fried food (particularly chips and veggie sausages).
Kris Bozelle: See, that's exactly my problem when I buy vegan ice c! ream. It's just such a good treat that I can finish the entire thing by myself in one day. It's not possible to get fat off of ONE quart of ice cream, but it is entirely possible to gain weight by eating a large amount of this stuff on a regular basis, just like any other food that is high in sugar. I'd suggest saving vegan ice cream as an occasional treat.
Raymundo Kyser: Eat too much of anything, and yeah, you can get fat. But if this is a one-time or once-in-a-blue-moon thing, you probably shouldn't be too negatively affected by your binge.
Dawn Saha: Yes. But its ok to splurge every once in a while. Just don't do it every day.
August Hubbard: No. And I have a hard time believing that one would lose all of that just from having a different diet. Unless one eats babies of course...
Felipa Nosis: I still have my job.Maybe. The friendship is not completely lost. but when people laugh at my diet (which is a lifestyle/religion/super meaningful) and ar! e too closed minded to even care what I have to say about it, that is an extreme turn off and makes me wonder why I would want to be friends with someone so closed minded.
Tosha Tawney: I've discriminated against others. Not because of my diet, but my diet is one form of the application of my beliefs. I no longer associate with plenty of people who kill animals for fun. I've never lost a job or been turned down for a job for being vegetarian. If I were, I'd look into civil charges. As a vegetarian, there are plenty of times I've been unable to eat because all that's offered is animal carcass, but that's probably the closest I've come.
Bethanie Menden: Why would you want to become a vegetarian LOL!
Catheryn Small: yes (when I was a vegetarian, and especially when I was a pescetarian- eating seafood only and no land animals). Guys I was dating would constantly ask me if I felt fish didn't feel pain, since I was willing to eat them. The funniest thing is! , they always thought they were the "clever" first person to ask me tha! t question.I've never told anyone they couldn't eat meat in my presence though, during those times. People are people and they like to eat what they like to eat.
Morris Cuomo: If you want to become obese then you're going the right way about it.
Inez Relihan: vegan doesn't mean it doesn't have sugar! Being vegan doesn't mean you will automatically eat a balanced healthy diet. It is common for new vegans to eat a lot of candy because it's the quickest vegan option- ice cream is a dessert, vegan or not! So eat it like it's a dessert!
Joie Kemmis: If you eat whatever is around, just eat more fruit and veggies from around the house as a snack. I say stock up with hummus, quinoa, heirloom beans, tofu, tempeh, lentils, and TVP. Try making a big batch of lentil soup and freezing the leftovers so you can have a quick meal whenever you want. Also, tofurky sandwiches are good in a pinch. I also like falafel wraps with pita bread, hummus, spinach, tomatoes.
Hob! ert Dula: I think your first step is getting more vegetables and fruits in your diet, nuts, legumes, beans, seeds, whole wheat and tofu. You can still have those other things, but you can slowly wean yourself off of a lot of things that are not healthy.
Michelle Sohre: Avoid company of non vegetarian//
Coleen Carignan: No but I do get teased about it sometimes by my boyfriend's parents.They say things like "poor almonds gave their life for you" (because i drink almond milk)and laugh at a bag i made some time ago that said "powered by tofu" lol.meano's! but they are just joking around.
Estrella Northway: Supermarkets discriminate against vegetarians the most. About 3.5% of sales go to vegetarians and most make very little effort to keep our buisness. BTW: the profit margin for supermarkets is about 3.5%. maybe they should start waking up. There would be no need for health food stores if the chains would get the message.
Karl Samiec: I left my old fri! ends, but found new ones.My parents were too heavy to me, but now they ! see I'm still alive after 15 years of being veg...I used to have a job in vegetarian restaurant.
Terresa Tsasie: Get the Vegetarian Starter Kit from - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine's Vegetarian Cookbook - Carole RaymondThe Starving Students' Vegetarian Cookbook - Dede Hall
Queenie Ruthers: Yes I had to drop out of culinary school because of it and take it up with the board of education and the college president.
Danica Timperman: Yes. Vegan is not necessarily equivalent to healthy.
Frederic Engellant: Yeah I hardly believe you lost all of that too. I was going to click on here and say maybe I wouldn't be so into a guy that was a vegan for example or I would judge a friend for being picky and it would be hard to do things I like with this person because you couldn't travel with them or go interesting places around town or experience festivals or fairs or other cultures and it would drive me! up a wall. But maybe your attitude your instance that you are right other people are wrong and your inability to accept other people (often an attitude that people with speacial diets have) caused you to lose these things and you are trying to convince yourself and us that it is solely because of your diet. I think honest self reflection on why you really lost these things is important. Like really how does your diet come up in a job interview??
Marvella Benward: Add some gelatine to it!
Raymundo Kyser: I have been considering becoming one for a while. The only thing is I am going to college and don't have any $$. I live at home (I'm 18) and I just eat whatever is around. I basically only eat chicken and turkey because they are low in fat. What steps should I take to become a vegetarian? Any books you could reccomend? (I still plan on eating eggs and drinking milk) I don't have any interest on becoming a vegan. I have tried boca and morningstar farms and I do l! ike them. Maybe my Mom will buy some more when she knows I am serious a! bout becoming a vegetarian.
Kim Gerbino: Yes. You can become obese by eating too much of anything and just because it's vegan doesn't mean it doesn't have fat or calories. If you don't want to gain weight you need to eat sensibly and exercise.
Jess Grizzel: Not really, my friends are cool with it, but tease me a little (friendly tease, nothing serious), when people find out, they ask me why, but never make fun or nothing. My sister says that I am going to get sick because of lack of protein and iron, but I have found ways to stay healthy.
Gabriel Realmuto: Throw it away and eat real food.
Jude Colbenson: Vegan ice cream is high in fat and sugar. Fat and sugar can cause obesity. Just because something is "vegan" doesn't mean its healthy. There are a lot of vegan junk foods. It just means it was made without using any animal by-products.
Nadia Crauswell: Yes, you can get fat by eating too much in general, no matter what it is. However, if you! only do it, say, once or twice a month, you won't get fat.
Madge Voice: You have to press it a little. Wrap it in a cheese cloth, or clean dish towel, and weigh is down gently with a wooden plank, a brick or some other flat surface, and tilt it slightly, so the water drains out overnight. In maing tofu it's often pressed in an actual tofu press. The aim is to slightly squeeze the excess water out- making soft, firm or extra firm. Don't squeeze too much. I've used two wooden cutting boards both lined with dish cloths, weighted down with a load of potatoes. Works fine, but you need to keep upping the tofu AND refine the edges so it stays box shape and doesn't start crumbling out the sides like a soft cheese.
Toby Women: eat meat