answers1: Phenomenology is a philosophical method that begins in the
philosophy of Edmund Husserl. Husserl started off as a logician and
philosopher of mathematics. In its mature form, however, Husserl's
philosophy is mainly concerned with epistemology (theory of
knowledge). The goal of the phenomenology is to offer a pure
description of the forms of human experience, without presupposing any
metaphysical or scientific theory. <br>
While Husserl's phenomenology concerns itself mainly with knowledge,
post-Husserlian phenomenologists criticize their teacher for focusing
too exclusively on knowledge, and for neglecting other features of
human experience. Hence there occurred an "existentialist" turn in
Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty. Existentialist phenomenology
concerns itself mainly with how the subject's relationships with
itself and with the world are not primarily structured by
relationships of "knowing." To show this, such existentialist single
out certain moods (anxiety, despair, etc.) and show how they have an
impact on human existence that cannot be captured in acts of
knowledge. <br>
There is also what is called a "theological turn" in phenomenology led
by Levinas, Henry, and Marion (and partly Heidegger). Such thinkers
use the phenomenological method to describe ethical (Levinas) and
religious experiences. <br>
In any case, whenever you see the term "phenomenology", think of
Husserl and the idea of purely describing human experience without
presupposing metaphysical or scientific theories. <br>
answers2: the respond is metaphysics. Metaphysics includes interior
the fundamental concepts of the organic, i.e. actual international.
Epistemology includes the character and scope of awareness and
thought. Phenomenology can verify with 2 distinctive colleges or
approaches to philosophy. the 1st is that of Hegel, and is likewise
time-honored as "dialectical phenomenology." the 2d is that of
Husserl, and is the extra widespread college of phenomenology. it is
likewise reported as "transcendental phenomenology." Existentialism is
a school or stream which got here to popularity interior the twentieth
century. It includes the questions of human existence, distinctly
freedom. distinctive persons grouped below the existentialist banner
comprise Dostoevsky, Sartre, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Heidegger.
answers3: It is a branch of the feel good science.
answers4: juditial
answers5: metaphysics
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