Sunday, 6 October 2019

Is rapping any different than poetry?

answers1: yeah there is a big diffrence. No beat, much diffren
rhyming patterns(it doesnt need to rhyme where rap does). Poetry is
much more complexed. But rappers like Canibus are on the same level
as poets. Poems are extremely deep, and so is rap. <br>
Just Remeber Rap is "Poetry of the streets"
answers2: there is really no difference between poetry and any kind of
music besides the beat and rap is sung most of the time. they can both
be about anything and they are both read in a rhythm.
answers3: Poetry usually takes talent.
answers4: What do you mean by "accent"? Rap originated from so many
different music genres and lifestyles that is impossible to accurately
list them all. It's kind of like asking were did Rock come from, or
Jazz, or Classical.....I think you understand where I'm going.
SIDEBAR: I think Rap INCORPORATES poetry, but i don't think Rap IS
answers5: rap is basically just poetry with a beat to it
answers6: Poetry is rather delightful and rap is a way to express
anger and emotions. Poetry is written in rhymes while some rap songs
don't have any rhyming in it at all. Usually those songs suck, but
it's done by people on the radio today with no talent. Rap songs also
have a beat to it, which poetry doesn't.
answers7: Technically, they're similar. Rapping seems like just
rhymically reading poetry with a background beat. You could share
answers8: they're the same, rapping is just a way of expressing the poetry
answers9: rap has a beat in the background and is sometimes full of
more crude words, but other than that, they are pretty much the same.
Full of emotion. Rhyming. And telling a story.
answers10: the art of rapping and the art of poetry are the same but
different styles you have poetry styles like haiku i think it is
spelled right and you have rap which is poetry in motion you
definitely can work together that depends on creativity and being open
minded to the different artistic styles some poetry don't rhyme at all
so it can be a beautiful thing i say do it!

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