Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Medieval and ancient theater?

answers1: i replaced into in actuality examining touching directly to
the classic Aztecs. they have been in all danger the main significant
psychopathic race of human beings ever. that's confusing to experience
sorry for them on a similar time as they have been conquered by the
Spaniards. They placed them out of their misery.
answers2: I think by ancient theater you must mean the Greek theaters
that were carved into the sides of mountains like ampitheaters.
Medieval theater could have been traveling actors who used their
wagons for the stage and travered from town to town.
answers3: When you mention 'ancient' do you mean Greece and Rome (B.C.)? <br>
If so, the theatre/plays in ancient Greece and Rome were based on
myths and old stories which included the gods. They told the stories
the ancient and Greeks and Romans knew- but threw in twists and turns.
Tragedies were popular- I recall the plays of Oedipus (Oedipus Rex,
Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone). <br>
The medieval plays were usually morality plays- teaching lessons based
on the Bible. They were for audiences who were for the most part,
illiterate. These stories/plays were based on familiar themes as
well. I can't recall any names of the plays offhand. <br>
I hope my answer helps.

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