answers1: are you by extension masturbating by asking this question?
answers2: I think that is too sweeping. It can become that, but only
if the philosopher forgets humility.
answers3: There is a lot to be achieved by reading the masters of the
art the ancient Greeks , It makes you realise that they were wiser and
cleverer than us , and considering it was 3500 years ago , Makes you
wonder if we have gone forward or backwards , Others who have never
read or digested philosophy arbitrarily scorn it, Which shows their
ignorance and their loss , Quote A wise man listens before he scorns ,
a fool scorns before he listens, Sophocles 496 BC
answers4: It has opened my mind to the world. <br>
Before, I was sooooo sure that I was right. <br>
Now I am not so sure. <br>
I've never been more awake since I began my study of philosophy. <br>
"Believing is happiness-Doubting is wisdom." -Greek Probverb
answers5: Philosophy is a point of view. It is only meant to help
others trick their minds in denying facts or in expressing how they
feel. <br>
The only benefits it has given me is to express my feelings in a way
that others can relate to. It has helped me help others feel better
about life.
answers6: A study of the philosophy of science makes it easier to spot
con men and flannel.
answers7: as an example - do you think buddhists ( who base their
lives on a philosophy) are good people or mental wankaz? <br>
- i like the way they are. <br>
i personally have a moral metaphysics which engenders quality action
on my part and i was saved from insanity by an ontological search.
philosophy made me a functioning member of my society <br>
your flawed method of asking has brought the expected answers
clamouring for your 10 points by being a mirror to your ideas. You
make me think you should be more mindful perhaps some philosophy will
answers8: No it is nothing more then mental masturbation. <br>
Are you enjoying yourself?
answers9: Mathematics, logic, and science are born out of and linked
heavily with philosophy. So if nothing 'tangible' has come out of it
for you, I think maybe you just missed an episode. <br>
Unless you are referring to metaphysical, or what is sometimes
vulgarly (in the sense of 'common', the latin sense) referred to as
"existential problems", then yes, it is just mental masturbation. <br>
But when you say mental masturbation, do you even have a definition
for this term? Or are you just trying to sound edgy?
answers10: Philosophy could be a fruitless mental exercise, if that is
what you mean by masturbation. Philosophy could be a system of
beliefs. If a person followed such a system for the purpose of
impressing others, that might qualify as fruitless. Of course, if the
person succeeded in impressing the target of their efforts, I guess it
could not be called fruitless. If a person is practicing philosophy
in solitude, secretly, that could be like masturbation. <br>
Philosophy could be a personal way of looking at things, or a rational
framework for investigating questions of existence. My personal way
of looking at things has permitted me to be calm when others panic,
positive when they are negative, and gentle in the face of my own
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