Monday, 7 October 2019

Two questions about poetry.com ?

answers1: I have entered several poems on poetry.com and can vouch for
its safety. However, they will attempt to convince you to buy a
variety of different expensive items, from a book including your poem
to membership in a poets society. They attempt to play on your ego in
order to make money.
answers2: iam not sure about the stealing part but they send tons of
junk mail and things like books,or plagues with your poem on it they
want you to buy....
answers3: It is safe to enter your poetry on poetry.com. When you
register you have to provide them your personal information & for sure
you will get lots of junk mail. You either have to let some one give
feedback or you have to publish some where else. Your poetry is copy
righted so no one can steal.
answers4: challenging aspect. check out over the search engines. just
that could actually help!
answers5: hard point. look into with google or bing. just that might help!
answers6: I was wondering about your second question too.. <br>
You'd have to be pretty sad to steal someone's poem, someone's
personal feelings and emotions.. <br>
As for the rest, sorry I don't know.. <br>
Actually, I've not really answered anything here, sorry :P <br>
answers7: There is some awful rubbish on Poetry.com, but they would
not accept some of mine, which is infuriating. However if you don't
mind junk emails why not. <br>
You could always write poems for third grade kids homework like I
sometimes do. Perhaps you could try and help them, I just like to
take the rise, check some of my Answers! <br>
Why not put your poems on here and ask people to critique them, they
might be cruel but at least they can't throw shoes at you.

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