Wednesday, 25 September 2019


answers1: The best performing arts schools in NYC are public schools,
so they're free. <br>
But you must be a resident of NYC to even apply. <br>
Yes, you must audition to get in. But you can't even do that without
living here first. <br>
Our schools are paid for by our tax dollars. <br>
EDIT: I just noticed from your other questions that you are already in
high school, and you don't sound like a freshman, either. <br>
The best public high schools in NYC (which includes the best arts high
schools - Laguardia, Professional Performing Arts, Talent Unlimited,
Frank Sinatra School of the Arts) do not take anyone after the start
of 10th grade. <br>
So you are probably to old to apply, even if you DID move here.

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