answers1: The original publisher of D&D was TSR, Inc., and their motto
was... <br>
"Products of your imagination." <br>
Books are merely one way in which imagination manifests itself in society.
answers2: god doesnt exist anywhere, he is written about in books.
Just like santa claus
answers3: God only exists in peoples minds. <br>
Not even in books.
answers4: No they also exist in video games and movies.
answers5: that what most your people don't understand. God has always
existed, in our hearts, in our souls and minds. Books are there to
educate people. However since modern athiests who claim to only follow
science need to know even the best and most famous scientists in the
world may not have had a religion but certainly belive in god for e.g.
answers6: Nope from print he crawled right into their unconscious
minds and set up shop! No gods or devils exist anywhere outside of
ones properly inculcated mind! A fact not a pretend belief like god!
answers7: Humans believed in gods before there were books (like in
Greece, for example, where you have evidence of Cycladean goddess
figurines long before any of the actual myths were ever written down),
and there still are illiterate communities who nevertheless have gods
which they believe in.
answers8: God exist in books ALSO.
answers9: No, here's street science evidence of God's existence. Click
and read this link. <a
Also, your premise is flawed because men like Homer, and Genghis Khan
only existed in books?
answers10: Songs.
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