Saturday, 21 September 2019

difference between archeology and history?

answers1: Archeology is the study of artifacts, remains, things left
behind by people. Most of it is ancient, but there can be Urban
Archeologists and Anthropologists who can study recent places, even
cities to discover everyday life in earlier periods.(Such as during
the time of slavery, did the Underground Railroad use a part of your
area to help get slaves to freedom) <br>
Most of history means the politics, leaders, etc. of civilizations,
where archeologists can focus on those things, palaces, political
places; or everyday places, houses, how people lived, everyday people
not just the rulers. <br>
Anthropology is an often related field that is actually the study of
the people, their racial types,using bones and remains. Archeology
focuses more on the objects they used.
answers2: archeology is a study of thing found in the ground and
history is wot is wrote in a book
answers3: History is the study of the past, with special attention to
the written record of the activities of human beings over time. <br>
Archaeology,is the science that studies human cultures through the
recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material
remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts,
features, biofacts, and landscapes.
answers4: History means history but archeology means the study of history
answers5: History is studying and chronicaling the written <br>
Archeology is the digging up and catalogueing of the physical remnants
of humans or animals, bones, and artifacts(buildings,pottery,statues)
any thing of a physical nature. <br>
History is the study of humans <br>
Archeology the study of both Man and animals
answers6: archeology is things, history is events .

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