answers1: E-Book strain my eyes alot after sometime I prefer reading a
book holding in my hand .
answers2: I like the idea of being able to carry a lot of books in a
pad, but there is no replacing the pleasure of reading a real book.
There is also the fact that real books don't have a battery that can
die in the middle of a great chapter.
answers3: Book <br>
not sayin that I will never own one of those e-book things but so far
I'm still buying books <br>
and yes, they arra stacked in places all over my home. <br>
c'est la vie
answers4: I'm the same, there's nothing like holding a physical book
in your hand. Reading from a screen would only give me a migraine
answers5: Book!!
answers6: Book <br>
I like actually owning something rather than allowing Amazon or
whoever to lend me it. It's stupid how if you purchase an e-book on a
Kindle but wanted a Nook, you couldn't keep the e-book
answers7: Book <br>
Harry potter
answers8: I am very old school with books. I love to wander the
bookstore and discover something new, and hold a book in my hands as I
read it...although I will admit to just buying myself a nook, and I am
quite enjoying it.
answers9: Books. I feel the same as you. I love the feel of a book in my hands.
answers10: E-book
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