answers1: Philia+sophia is love+wisdom as others have mentioned. I
think it is only born in a human heart that has a desire to "know the
case". You must want to know what is the case and not just what you
think might be fun, or a good idea, or what would suit you. It is an
approach to life that uses the same care you use when you check out
your finances. You don't imagine what it would be nice to have in the
bank, you figure it exactly. It is an exact figure despite what you
might wish it to be. <br>
The fact that philosophy has a history and that each philosopher does
not agree with another does not render the effort less noble or
important. There are critics of philosophy that think most of the
problems it tries to solve are artificial and a mistake. I would
point to those critics to show the coherence of philosophy's
understanding of "what is the case". The main problems are
epistemology (what is knowledge), ontology (what is being), ethics
(what is right, just, good). Learn the basics in a day and a well
spent lifetime in answering and asking "what is the case".
answers2: Metaphysics - What is the nature of the universe? Is it
knowable or unfathomable, benevolent and conducive to human habitation
or malevolent and inimical to humans, is it possible to achieve
happiness in life, or is our lot to suffer and die? <br>
Epistemology - How do you verify a fact? By a careful process of
reason, logic and reference to reality or blind faith, wishes, whims,
instincts and feelings. <br>
Ethics - What is valuable in life and how should I conduct myself in
its pursuit? <br>
Politics - How should I treat other people? <br>
Aesthetics - How do I interpret the meaning of art and beauty? <br>
Philosophy defines what you mean when you use the word "I" in a sentence.
answers3: what the philosophers are trying to understand is the world,
our world. each of them understands it in a different way. but the
main goal of philosophy is to question everything. Jostein Gaarder
explained in "Sophie's world": we are flees on a white rabbit. and the
magician plays a trick with the white rabbit.we all flees get born on
the tip of the hairs. but after a while, we, the flees, get
comfortable and crawl down to the root where it's warm. but a
philosopher, like children, questions everything, he stays on the tip
of the hair, so he can see the magician and perhaps learn his trick.
answers4: A bold question. <br>
Philosophy as a word and concept comes from ancient Greece. It
literally means "love of wisdom". <br>
Some people claim philosophy is the mother of all sciences. A
philosopher questions everything, discuss everything. To make their
entries in this discussion worthwhile philosophers have to know what
all dead philosophers, as well as their contemporaries, have said
about the same matter. It really takes a lot of loving wisdom to
become a philosopher. <br>
As to the central questions of philosophy, I found this site: <a
answers5: Many of the objectives philosophy was aimed at achieving by
the ancient Greeks have over time been assumed by science. Philosophy
is still relevant, however, the inquiry of Ethics and Aesthetics.
With regards to Epistemology; the greatest philosophical contribution
in this field came from John Dewey, who reasoned that knowledge
encompassed the bank of information and instruments a reasoning entity
utilizes to transform the environment.
answers6: To question the food u eat, the air u breath, the sun & the
moon and to doubt everything u see & hear form there on forth. <br>
answers7: Philosophy is the love of wisdom and the search for it,
hence the general knowledge of elements, powers, and explaining facts,
and existence of life and other fundamental aspects of the universe!
General questions are , why are we here, for what purpose, what is
good or bad, is there a higher power, what makes people tick, etc.etc.
etc.! In other words philosophy is the search for the meaning of
anything and everything!!! Philosophy is the basis , or foundation
for meaning and answers that one has no answers to at this time!! To
study philosophy is a good foundation for life's journey!
Monday, 30 September 2019
Sunday, 29 September 2019
Performing Arts School Audition?
answers1: Be confident and act like you WANT to be there. What I mean
by this is look like you are having fun.
answers2: The best advice I can give you is to just not be nervous,
stay confidant throughout the entire audition process, while
acting/reading your monologues and the cold reading, be big! The
theatre director at my school tells us this all the time, just be big
and she'll tell us if we're giving too much. Stay confidant and good
luck! You can make it in! =)
answers3: Be well prepared. Be in the moment. Be real.( Not over the top.)
by this is look like you are having fun.
answers2: The best advice I can give you is to just not be nervous,
stay confidant throughout the entire audition process, while
acting/reading your monologues and the cold reading, be big! The
theatre director at my school tells us this all the time, just be big
and she'll tell us if we're giving too much. Stay confidant and good
luck! You can make it in! =)
answers3: Be well prepared. Be in the moment. Be real.( Not over the top.)
Saturday, 28 September 2019
Are there any performing arts schools in Seattle or Tukwila , WA?
answers1: Cornish is the oldest performing arts school in Seattle, but
it is a college not a middle school: <a href=""
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> By contacting
them, they may have some suggestions.
answers2: The only place that I could think of is the Seattle Academy
of Arts & Sciences, also known as SAAS. I've heard that they have a
lot of cool classes available for students. When I was in middle
school, I had some friends who went there and loved it. Check out the
website <br>
answers3: 1
answers4: Performing Arts In Seattle
it is a college not a middle school: <a href=""
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> By contacting
them, they may have some suggestions.
answers2: The only place that I could think of is the Seattle Academy
of Arts & Sciences, also known as SAAS. I've heard that they have a
lot of cool classes available for students. When I was in middle
school, I had some friends who went there and loved it. Check out the
website <br>
answers3: 1
answers4: Performing Arts In Seattle
Friday, 27 September 2019
performing arts high school?
answers1: one in all my friends named Shelby is going to a appearing
Arts extreme college. She pronounced that it is relaxing and gets you
on the properly suited music to a specialist profession. Plus, Shelby
is going for unfastened! (So possibly you may additionally!) reliable
success this 12 months! [: She is going to a minimum of one in New
Jersey. I forget approximately the call of it although. i'm sorry. you
are able to seek for appearing paintings extreme colleges interior the
recent Jersey section. (She lives close to Ocean city if that
answers2: booker t. washington high school for the performing and
visual arts. it's the best.
answers3: Well this is a bit far from Missippi but University of North
Carolina School of the Arts is a great school. I live near there and
have been to two summer programs. <br>
I wish I could help more but thats all I can really tell you, If you
have any questions about the school, feel free to message me
Arts extreme college. She pronounced that it is relaxing and gets you
on the properly suited music to a specialist profession. Plus, Shelby
is going for unfastened! (So possibly you may additionally!) reliable
success this 12 months! [: She is going to a minimum of one in New
Jersey. I forget approximately the call of it although. i'm sorry. you
are able to seek for appearing paintings extreme colleges interior the
recent Jersey section. (She lives close to Ocean city if that
answers2: booker t. washington high school for the performing and
visual arts. it's the best.
answers3: Well this is a bit far from Missippi but University of North
Carolina School of the Arts is a great school. I live near there and
have been to two summer programs. <br>
I wish I could help more but thats all I can really tell you, If you
have any questions about the school, feel free to message me
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Schools In NY For Performing Arts?
answers1: The Juilliard School. This ultra-competitive New York City
conservatory is one of the best acting schools in America. Val Kilmer,
Kevin Kline, and William Hurt are all graduates. The Juilliard School,
60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023-6588. <br>
New York University. The university's Tisch School of the Arts has
launched the careers of many prominent actors, including Christopher
Guest and Barry Bostwick. NYU Tisch School of the Arts, 721 Broadway,
New York, NY 10003. <br>
And the Columbia University. The theatre program at Columbia is in a
class all its own. Its ultra-competitive MFA-granting division only
accepts about 6% of all applicants each year. School of the Arts,
Columbia University, 305 Dodge Hall, Mail Code 1808, 2960 Broadway,
New York, NY 10027.
answers2: Hmmm i'm a reliable musician, and it sounds like you're also
meaning to be one. I'm sorry that I don't know any performing arts
schools in New England ( I presume you mean on the HS level?) but
discover is to call the neighborhood Conservatory on your town -
probably the Boston Conservatory - Or try the new England Conservatory
- or how about Hart college of music in Hartford Conn- any person at
these institutions will likely be capable to direct you to the correct
place, or they will have what you need themselves.
conservatory is one of the best acting schools in America. Val Kilmer,
Kevin Kline, and William Hurt are all graduates. The Juilliard School,
60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023-6588. <br>
New York University. The university's Tisch School of the Arts has
launched the careers of many prominent actors, including Christopher
Guest and Barry Bostwick. NYU Tisch School of the Arts, 721 Broadway,
New York, NY 10003. <br>
And the Columbia University. The theatre program at Columbia is in a
class all its own. Its ultra-competitive MFA-granting division only
accepts about 6% of all applicants each year. School of the Arts,
Columbia University, 305 Dodge Hall, Mail Code 1808, 2960 Broadway,
New York, NY 10027.
answers2: Hmmm i'm a reliable musician, and it sounds like you're also
meaning to be one. I'm sorry that I don't know any performing arts
schools in New England ( I presume you mean on the HS level?) but
discover is to call the neighborhood Conservatory on your town -
probably the Boston Conservatory - Or try the new England Conservatory
- or how about Hart college of music in Hartford Conn- any person at
these institutions will likely be capable to direct you to the correct
place, or they will have what you need themselves.
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
answers1: The best performing arts schools in NYC are public schools,
so they're free. <br>
But you must be a resident of NYC to even apply. <br>
Yes, you must audition to get in. But you can't even do that without
living here first. <br>
Our schools are paid for by our tax dollars. <br>
EDIT: I just noticed from your other questions that you are already in
high school, and you don't sound like a freshman, either. <br>
The best public high schools in NYC (which includes the best arts high
schools - Laguardia, Professional Performing Arts, Talent Unlimited,
Frank Sinatra School of the Arts) do not take anyone after the start
of 10th grade. <br>
So you are probably to old to apply, even if you DID move here.
so they're free. <br>
But you must be a resident of NYC to even apply. <br>
Yes, you must audition to get in. But you can't even do that without
living here first. <br>
Our schools are paid for by our tax dollars. <br>
EDIT: I just noticed from your other questions that you are already in
high school, and you don't sound like a freshman, either. <br>
The best public high schools in NYC (which includes the best arts high
schools - Laguardia, Professional Performing Arts, Talent Unlimited,
Frank Sinatra School of the Arts) do not take anyone after the start
of 10th grade. <br>
So you are probably to old to apply, even if you DID move here.
Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Does law involve history?
answers1: Very minimally. You research the "history" of a rule or
doctrine from time to time, but the whole notion that history somehow
helps with law is pretty much myth. For the most part, there are a
handful of cases that set a rule, and then a myriad of other cases
that you hunt down to tie the rule in to the facts of your specific
situation. It's usually messy, but it's more about logic and finding
analogues than about history.
answers2: law is history. <br>
that is how law is made.
answers3: Because of history laws are made
doctrine from time to time, but the whole notion that history somehow
helps with law is pretty much myth. For the most part, there are a
handful of cases that set a rule, and then a myriad of other cases
that you hunt down to tie the rule in to the facts of your specific
situation. It's usually messy, but it's more about logic and finding
analogues than about history.
answers2: law is history. <br>
that is how law is made.
answers3: Because of history laws are made
Monday, 23 September 2019
is the History channel annoying anybody besides me?
answers1: Try your remote.
answers2: I'm with you. I've been really unhappy with their
programming for some time now. I, too, would like to see a few
history shows.
answers3: This is why I watch History International now, rather than
the regalur History Channel.
answers4: :) <br>
Okay good point <br>
Ice road truckers? Its about this life threatening road trip in Alaska
to deliver supplies <br>
Aliens? Who cares? It belongs with the Sci Fi channel <br>
Monsters? Interesting...but why bother when Discovery has it better <br>
Dooms day? Its a bunch of garbage, the world isn't ending yet
answers5: Oh yeah, and don't forget how they talk about <br>
Hitler <br>
Hitler <br>
Hitler <br>
Hitler <br>
all the time. Seriously, more happening in history aside from Hitler.
answers6: I do not even watch it, and I am annoyed by it, because I
hear it promotes the 2012 hoax that gullible people ask about many
times every day on here. I hear that it once had some good shows about
real history, rather than hoaxes that deceive only very gullible
people who are too lazy to do any real research and/or who want to
believe sensationalistic "ngao si".
answers7: If you get history from the history channel you know nothing
of history.
answers8: The ads annoy me so I don't watch it. It doesn't show much
history anyway. It should be renamed.
answers9: The Universe has always been a pretty good show they've had,
but I typically don't watch the History Channel for "history" anymore.
They seem more focused with shows regarding tough businesses and the
like these days, as well as hypothetical "what if" shows like Life
After People (which are all horribly boring if you've seen the first
hour and a half show they put out for it that started it all). <br>
I think the Military History Channel still runs all the WWII and
Hitler stuff, and the History Channel International still runs a lot
of history. Try to get those channels and watch them if you want
history, otherwise you'd be better off at finding your own
documentaries or just reading a book.
answers2: I'm with you. I've been really unhappy with their
programming for some time now. I, too, would like to see a few
history shows.
answers3: This is why I watch History International now, rather than
the regalur History Channel.
answers4: :) <br>
Okay good point <br>
Ice road truckers? Its about this life threatening road trip in Alaska
to deliver supplies <br>
Aliens? Who cares? It belongs with the Sci Fi channel <br>
Monsters? Interesting...but why bother when Discovery has it better <br>
Dooms day? Its a bunch of garbage, the world isn't ending yet
answers5: Oh yeah, and don't forget how they talk about <br>
Hitler <br>
Hitler <br>
Hitler <br>
Hitler <br>
all the time. Seriously, more happening in history aside from Hitler.
answers6: I do not even watch it, and I am annoyed by it, because I
hear it promotes the 2012 hoax that gullible people ask about many
times every day on here. I hear that it once had some good shows about
real history, rather than hoaxes that deceive only very gullible
people who are too lazy to do any real research and/or who want to
believe sensationalistic "ngao si".
answers7: If you get history from the history channel you know nothing
of history.
answers8: The ads annoy me so I don't watch it. It doesn't show much
history anyway. It should be renamed.
answers9: The Universe has always been a pretty good show they've had,
but I typically don't watch the History Channel for "history" anymore.
They seem more focused with shows regarding tough businesses and the
like these days, as well as hypothetical "what if" shows like Life
After People (which are all horribly boring if you've seen the first
hour and a half show they put out for it that started it all). <br>
I think the Military History Channel still runs all the WWII and
Hitler stuff, and the History Channel International still runs a lot
of history. Try to get those channels and watch them if you want
history, otherwise you'd be better off at finding your own
documentaries or just reading a book.
Sunday, 22 September 2019
How to delete history on Google Chrome?
answers1: haha press controll+h and it will be on top of the page. but
next time use incognito mode control+shift+n
answers2: Install History Eraser extension to clear your browsing
data, close all tabs, history backup, etc <br>
<a href=""
next time use incognito mode control+shift+n
answers2: Install History Eraser extension to clear your browsing
data, close all tabs, history backup, etc <br>
<a href=""
Saturday, 21 September 2019
difference between archeology and history?
answers1: Archeology is the study of artifacts, remains, things left
behind by people. Most of it is ancient, but there can be Urban
Archeologists and Anthropologists who can study recent places, even
cities to discover everyday life in earlier periods.(Such as during
the time of slavery, did the Underground Railroad use a part of your
area to help get slaves to freedom) <br>
Most of history means the politics, leaders, etc. of civilizations,
where archeologists can focus on those things, palaces, political
places; or everyday places, houses, how people lived, everyday people
not just the rulers. <br>
Anthropology is an often related field that is actually the study of
the people, their racial types,using bones and remains. Archeology
focuses more on the objects they used.
answers2: archeology is a study of thing found in the ground and
history is wot is wrote in a book
answers3: History is the study of the past, with special attention to
the written record of the activities of human beings over time. <br>
Archaeology,is the science that studies human cultures through the
recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material
remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts,
features, biofacts, and landscapes.
answers4: History means history but archeology means the study of history
answers5: History is studying and chronicaling the written <br>
Archeology is the digging up and catalogueing of the physical remnants
of humans or animals, bones, and artifacts(buildings,pottery,statues)
any thing of a physical nature. <br>
History is the study of humans <br>
Archeology the study of both Man and animals
answers6: archeology is things, history is events .
behind by people. Most of it is ancient, but there can be Urban
Archeologists and Anthropologists who can study recent places, even
cities to discover everyday life in earlier periods.(Such as during
the time of slavery, did the Underground Railroad use a part of your
area to help get slaves to freedom) <br>
Most of history means the politics, leaders, etc. of civilizations,
where archeologists can focus on those things, palaces, political
places; or everyday places, houses, how people lived, everyday people
not just the rulers. <br>
Anthropology is an often related field that is actually the study of
the people, their racial types,using bones and remains. Archeology
focuses more on the objects they used.
answers2: archeology is a study of thing found in the ground and
history is wot is wrote in a book
answers3: History is the study of the past, with special attention to
the written record of the activities of human beings over time. <br>
Archaeology,is the science that studies human cultures through the
recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material
remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts,
features, biofacts, and landscapes.
answers4: History means history but archeology means the study of history
answers5: History is studying and chronicaling the written <br>
Archeology is the digging up and catalogueing of the physical remnants
of humans or animals, bones, and artifacts(buildings,pottery,statues)
any thing of a physical nature. <br>
History is the study of humans <br>
Archeology the study of both Man and animals
answers6: archeology is things, history is events .
Friday, 20 September 2019
Is there any place online that i can look up genealogy for my family?
answers1: My astonishing granmother was Cherokee, and permit me first
enable you be attentive to that the Cherokee united states of america
does now not have princesses. she could have been the daughter of a
pacesetter or shaman. I even have my relatives traced back to the
1700's whether its tough on the grounds that they only wrote down mens
identify back then. verify the Dawes Rolls. Please think of unfastened
to digital message me approximately this section. I even have archives
an inch thick. Its humorous how i will hint my dad's section back
almost 3 hundred years, whether at the instant are not waiting to come
again to 1800 on my mom's section. And so some distance because of the
fact the German ingredient is going, inspect Bavarian on your searches
and additionally Italian. I even have extra to share in this section
whether do not care to place up it publicly because of the fact it
does propose stating finished names of persons, and so on., for rather
a lot of privateness issues.
answers2: Best way to start is, of course, your immediate family.
Interview family members and TAKE NOTES! If you don't have a blank
pedigree chart, Google "pedigree chart""download". Print it, fill it
out the best you can with your family's help and then try inputting
some names and dates in is free and
it has a lot of online help files. Also, has LOTS of
links to help you get started. Free sites are getting harder to
find.... <br>
You can't do it all online. For good face to face help check for a
genealogy club in your area AND check for a Family History
Center...that, IMHO, is your best bet for getting started. The staff
there will help you quite a bit. No, you do not need to be a Mormon or
join the church to use their resources (I have come across these
misconceptions often).
answers3: There are over 400,000 free sites. <br>
They all require research skills. <br>
No one who spells as poorly as you would be able to use them. You'd
run out of patience far too soon. Giving you a list would be like
giving someone allergic to wheat a guide to bakeries; it wouldn't do
any good.
answers4: Get a No Cost Background Check Scan at <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> <br>
Its a sensible way to start. The site allows you to do a no cost scan
simply to find out if any sort of data is in existence. A smaller
analysis is done without cost. To get a detailed report its a modest
payment. <br>
You may not realize how many good reasons there are to try and find
out more about the people around you. After all, whether you're
talking about new friends, employees, doctors, caretakers for elderly
family members, or even significant others, you, as a citizen, have a
right to know whether the people you surround yourself with are who
they say they are. This goes double in any situation that involves
your children, which not only includes teachers and babysitters, but
also scout masters, little league coaches and others. Bottom line, if
you want to find out more about someone, you should perform a
background check.
answers5: My answer is lengthy and I apologize for that but I want to
warn you of the advantages and the pitfalls of genealogy on the
internet. We get your question many time a day. So I have cut and am
pasting an answer. <br>
Websites that only have family trees are not worth a tinker's curse
unless you are willing to verify the information with
documents/records. They are subscriber submitted, very seldom
documented and if they are they are poorly documented. You frequently
will see the different info on the same people from different
subscribers. Then you will see the absolute same info on the same
people from different subscribers but you would be very foolish if you
thought for one moment that that means it is correct. A lot of people
copy without verifying. The information can be useful as clues only as
to where to get the documentation. <br>
Right before Christmas of 2008, I found out I was dead. So was my
sister and my brother-in-law. We died in New Jersey. Since the only
time my sister and I were ever in New Jersey is when our family drove
through it coming from New York in 1957. It was the same year
Hurricane Audrey hit in our part of the world. Hey! we had been dead
for 51 years. It says so on the internet. It has to be right if it is
on the internet! <br>
I found out that family on both sides married and died in New Jersey.
Since my ancestry is mostly southern American colonial with some
exceptions and those exceptions came in through southern ports, I was
surprised. <br>
This tree would have been accepted by any genealogy website. You can
make up an entirely fictitious family tree and it will be accepted.
You disagree with something someone has on one of your family members,
the websites will tell you that it is between you and the other
subscriber. <br>
Now the best for the total amount of records online isn't free but
your public library might have a subscription to it. That is
Ancestry.Com. Still be careful about the information in their family
trees. <br>
Cyndi' is a website with links to many other websites, some
free and some not. Many people involved in genealogy find it helpful.
Not all records are online but the ones you will find will save you
time and money traveling to courthouses, libraries etc. <br>
However your first free source is your own family. Get information
from them. Tape your senior members if they will let you. People who
do this state they go back and listen to the tape again after doing
research and hear things they didn't hear the first time around. I am
not saying they won't be confused or wrong on some things. <br>
Find out if anybody in your family has any old family bibles. Ask to
see and make copies of birth, marriage and death certificates.
Depending on the religious faith, baptismal, first communion,
confirmation and marriage certificates from their church can be
helpful. <br>
A good free source is a Family History Center at a Latter Day
Saints(Mormon) Church. They have records on people all over the world,
not just Mormons. In Salt Lake City, they have the world's largest
genealogical collection. Their FHCs can order microfilm for you to
view at a nominal fee. <br>
They won't try to convert you, at least they haven't done so to me or
anyone else that I know. Just call the nearest Mormon Church or visit
their free website,, to get their hours for the
general public. <br>
Rootsweb and are 2 free sites but remember verify
information in family trees with documents/records. If you don't you
don't know whether it is accurate or not.
enable you be attentive to that the Cherokee united states of america
does now not have princesses. she could have been the daughter of a
pacesetter or shaman. I even have my relatives traced back to the
1700's whether its tough on the grounds that they only wrote down mens
identify back then. verify the Dawes Rolls. Please think of unfastened
to digital message me approximately this section. I even have archives
an inch thick. Its humorous how i will hint my dad's section back
almost 3 hundred years, whether at the instant are not waiting to come
again to 1800 on my mom's section. And so some distance because of the
fact the German ingredient is going, inspect Bavarian on your searches
and additionally Italian. I even have extra to share in this section
whether do not care to place up it publicly because of the fact it
does propose stating finished names of persons, and so on., for rather
a lot of privateness issues.
answers2: Best way to start is, of course, your immediate family.
Interview family members and TAKE NOTES! If you don't have a blank
pedigree chart, Google "pedigree chart""download". Print it, fill it
out the best you can with your family's help and then try inputting
some names and dates in is free and
it has a lot of online help files. Also, has LOTS of
links to help you get started. Free sites are getting harder to
find.... <br>
You can't do it all online. For good face to face help check for a
genealogy club in your area AND check for a Family History
Center...that, IMHO, is your best bet for getting started. The staff
there will help you quite a bit. No, you do not need to be a Mormon or
join the church to use their resources (I have come across these
misconceptions often).
answers3: There are over 400,000 free sites. <br>
They all require research skills. <br>
No one who spells as poorly as you would be able to use them. You'd
run out of patience far too soon. Giving you a list would be like
giving someone allergic to wheat a guide to bakeries; it wouldn't do
any good.
answers4: Get a No Cost Background Check Scan at <a
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b></a> <br>
Its a sensible way to start. The site allows you to do a no cost scan
simply to find out if any sort of data is in existence. A smaller
analysis is done without cost. To get a detailed report its a modest
payment. <br>
You may not realize how many good reasons there are to try and find
out more about the people around you. After all, whether you're
talking about new friends, employees, doctors, caretakers for elderly
family members, or even significant others, you, as a citizen, have a
right to know whether the people you surround yourself with are who
they say they are. This goes double in any situation that involves
your children, which not only includes teachers and babysitters, but
also scout masters, little league coaches and others. Bottom line, if
you want to find out more about someone, you should perform a
background check.
answers5: My answer is lengthy and I apologize for that but I want to
warn you of the advantages and the pitfalls of genealogy on the
internet. We get your question many time a day. So I have cut and am
pasting an answer. <br>
Websites that only have family trees are not worth a tinker's curse
unless you are willing to verify the information with
documents/records. They are subscriber submitted, very seldom
documented and if they are they are poorly documented. You frequently
will see the different info on the same people from different
subscribers. Then you will see the absolute same info on the same
people from different subscribers but you would be very foolish if you
thought for one moment that that means it is correct. A lot of people
copy without verifying. The information can be useful as clues only as
to where to get the documentation. <br>
Right before Christmas of 2008, I found out I was dead. So was my
sister and my brother-in-law. We died in New Jersey. Since the only
time my sister and I were ever in New Jersey is when our family drove
through it coming from New York in 1957. It was the same year
Hurricane Audrey hit in our part of the world. Hey! we had been dead
for 51 years. It says so on the internet. It has to be right if it is
on the internet! <br>
I found out that family on both sides married and died in New Jersey.
Since my ancestry is mostly southern American colonial with some
exceptions and those exceptions came in through southern ports, I was
surprised. <br>
This tree would have been accepted by any genealogy website. You can
make up an entirely fictitious family tree and it will be accepted.
You disagree with something someone has on one of your family members,
the websites will tell you that it is between you and the other
subscriber. <br>
Now the best for the total amount of records online isn't free but
your public library might have a subscription to it. That is
Ancestry.Com. Still be careful about the information in their family
trees. <br>
Cyndi' is a website with links to many other websites, some
free and some not. Many people involved in genealogy find it helpful.
Not all records are online but the ones you will find will save you
time and money traveling to courthouses, libraries etc. <br>
However your first free source is your own family. Get information
from them. Tape your senior members if they will let you. People who
do this state they go back and listen to the tape again after doing
research and hear things they didn't hear the first time around. I am
not saying they won't be confused or wrong on some things. <br>
Find out if anybody in your family has any old family bibles. Ask to
see and make copies of birth, marriage and death certificates.
Depending on the religious faith, baptismal, first communion,
confirmation and marriage certificates from their church can be
helpful. <br>
A good free source is a Family History Center at a Latter Day
Saints(Mormon) Church. They have records on people all over the world,
not just Mormons. In Salt Lake City, they have the world's largest
genealogical collection. Their FHCs can order microfilm for you to
view at a nominal fee. <br>
They won't try to convert you, at least they haven't done so to me or
anyone else that I know. Just call the nearest Mormon Church or visit
their free website,, to get their hours for the
general public. <br>
Rootsweb and are 2 free sites but remember verify
information in family trees with documents/records. If you don't you
don't know whether it is accurate or not.
Thursday, 19 September 2019
How accurate are the genetic genealogy tests?
answers1: Is there a genealogy test that does not have a perpetual,
royalty free, that if your dna is used for development or discovery of
medical or technical uses to were you receive no compensation for
those discoveries? In other words is there a company, organization
that does not use your dna for their gain?
answers2: DNA testing can tell you in which areas of the world your
ancestors have probably lived over periods of thousands of years. <br>
Your DNA results can also be used to connect you, if you are really
lucky, to other people who may have different surnames to you, but who
share the same DNA proving that you likely share a common ancestor. It
can also prove a more recent connection to someone of the same, or
even a different, surname in the event that you do not have a paper
trail to prove that link. <br>
The results of a DNA test are generally extremely accurate, <br>
it is a new science which is evolving all the time, but for the
purpose of genealogy it is really quite adequate. <br>
I have used Family Tree DNA and can thoroughly recommend them, they
are also the largest and most experienced company in the field, their
site will give you all the information you might need to make a
decision. <br>
Good luck ! <br>
answers3: I'm not certain on the exact information that they provide
to you (i'm sure you can find that out from their website), but as for
accuracy - 99.9%. <br>
Considering DNA tests are used as positive proof in court cases and in
paternty tests confirming a biological father, I'd say thats pretty
darn accurate.
answers4: What they can tell you is what regions of the world you have
genetic markers in common with; meaning that those are the regions
that your ancient ancestors most likely came from. What they do not
and cannot tell you is who those ancestors specifically were,
individually. They do not have DNA of specific people to be able to
tell you that your 20th great-grandfather was King so-and-so, or
anything like that.
royalty free, that if your dna is used for development or discovery of
medical or technical uses to were you receive no compensation for
those discoveries? In other words is there a company, organization
that does not use your dna for their gain?
answers2: DNA testing can tell you in which areas of the world your
ancestors have probably lived over periods of thousands of years. <br>
Your DNA results can also be used to connect you, if you are really
lucky, to other people who may have different surnames to you, but who
share the same DNA proving that you likely share a common ancestor. It
can also prove a more recent connection to someone of the same, or
even a different, surname in the event that you do not have a paper
trail to prove that link. <br>
The results of a DNA test are generally extremely accurate, <br>
it is a new science which is evolving all the time, but for the
purpose of genealogy it is really quite adequate. <br>
I have used Family Tree DNA and can thoroughly recommend them, they
are also the largest and most experienced company in the field, their
site will give you all the information you might need to make a
decision. <br>
Good luck ! <br>
answers3: I'm not certain on the exact information that they provide
to you (i'm sure you can find that out from their website), but as for
accuracy - 99.9%. <br>
Considering DNA tests are used as positive proof in court cases and in
paternty tests confirming a biological father, I'd say thats pretty
darn accurate.
answers4: What they can tell you is what regions of the world you have
genetic markers in common with; meaning that those are the regions
that your ancient ancestors most likely came from. What they do not
and cannot tell you is who those ancestors specifically were,
individually. They do not have DNA of specific people to be able to
tell you that your 20th great-grandfather was King so-and-so, or
anything like that.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
Is this the correct Genealogy of Jesus?
answers1: Salam Allah says in the Qur'an that Jesus(Isa Al Masih)was
the son of virgin Maryam who did not get married,but Jibril angel blew
the soul into her womb so she pregnanted Maryam was the daugh <br>
ter of Ali Imran as descendant of Jacoob the son of Ishaq prophet ,
the son of Ibrahim prophet
answers2: Well. <br>
The Quran does talk abt Abraham the father of both Ishmael and Isaac
the father of Jacob the father of Joseph. Also talks about David the
father of Solomon, and about Mary (Maryam) the mother of Jesus who was
called the messiah. And nothing inbetween about those that you
mentioned. <br>
This because. the Quran only touches on relevant and rational issues
related with 'Faith' and 'Truth'. <br>
There is no room for illogical, irrelevant, irrational issues in the Quran.
answers3: No. It doesnt. Maybe that part of the Bible was not edited
so, it could be accurate.
answers4: Only lies and irrationality are confirmed by it. So No.
answers5: You should have mentioned Mary's genealogy as well from her
father's side. <br>
@ David - Your quote = There is no room for illogical, irrelevant,
irrational issues in the Quran. INDEED. <br>
Only relevant verses which come right to save or create an
opportunity for the Prophet come up from nowhere . <br>
Only the illogical verses are abrogated. Only the irrational verses
which ask to fight are found in the Quran. To kill the disbelievers
by ambushing, etc. There is room only for sex and hate.
the son of virgin Maryam who did not get married,but Jibril angel blew
the soul into her womb so she pregnanted Maryam was the daugh <br>
ter of Ali Imran as descendant of Jacoob the son of Ishaq prophet ,
the son of Ibrahim prophet
answers2: Well. <br>
The Quran does talk abt Abraham the father of both Ishmael and Isaac
the father of Jacob the father of Joseph. Also talks about David the
father of Solomon, and about Mary (Maryam) the mother of Jesus who was
called the messiah. And nothing inbetween about those that you
mentioned. <br>
This because. the Quran only touches on relevant and rational issues
related with 'Faith' and 'Truth'. <br>
There is no room for illogical, irrelevant, irrational issues in the Quran.
answers3: No. It doesnt. Maybe that part of the Bible was not edited
so, it could be accurate.
answers4: Only lies and irrationality are confirmed by it. So No.
answers5: You should have mentioned Mary's genealogy as well from her
father's side. <br>
@ David - Your quote = There is no room for illogical, irrelevant,
irrational issues in the Quran. INDEED. <br>
Only relevant verses which come right to save or create an
opportunity for the Prophet come up from nowhere . <br>
Only the illogical verses are abrogated. Only the irrational verses
which ask to fight are found in the Quran. To kill the disbelievers
by ambushing, etc. There is room only for sex and hate.
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
How and where do you start researching your genealogy?
answers1: initiate asking contributors of your loved ones first to get
you began. Then from there yu can connect a relatives tree society on
your area and that they are in a position to furnish you come back
suggestion additionally on a thank you to commence. i desire this
permits you as im doing my relatives besides.
answers2: 'CeCe' has advised you where to start...with
yourself...these sites may also help with information and links for
futher help and advice <br>
<a href=""
<a href=""
<a href=""
<br> <br>
answers3: In genealogy, you start with yourself and work backward
proving the connection between every generation with documents. At
some point, you will need to spend some money but you may be able to
get at least until your Polish grandparents came to America without
spending any or very little. However, don't forget that you have 2
sets of grandparents, 4 sets of great grandparents, 8 sets of great,
great grandparents and with every generation you go back in time the
number doubles. Plus, all of your grandparents probably didn't come
from Poland.
answers4: First I became interested after reading a series of novels
by John Jake's that traced one families movement through the history
of the US from before 1776 to just after World War II. <br>
You need to gather all the information you can about you grandparents
after they arrived in the US and the family since then before you
attempt to jump across the Alanatic. I would suggest that you take a
few classes in how genealogy is researched. Some public libraries
offer classes. The Family History Center is very helpful and may
offer classes (the one near me does) and you can also contact the
History or Genealogy society where you life. Most are very helpful.
Until you know where you Grandparents lived in Poland, there is no
reason to attempt a trip. Genealogical libraries are not like what
you see on the TV show (Who Do You Think You Are) it takes a lot more
planning and research that is shown in the 40 minute show. It is
possible that you might be able to learn all you need and never leave
your computer, but you would have to do most of the lead up research
yourself. Since Family Tree Research has become so popular again, and
because of the computer you might be able to locate information on a
Genealogy site that is in Poland. I recently accessed some in Warsaw,
I had to have them translated, but I found the correct records.
you began. Then from there yu can connect a relatives tree society on
your area and that they are in a position to furnish you come back
suggestion additionally on a thank you to commence. i desire this
permits you as im doing my relatives besides.
answers2: 'CeCe' has advised you where to start...with
yourself...these sites may also help with information and links for
futher help and advice <br>
<a href=""
<a href=""
<a href=""
<br> <br>
answers3: In genealogy, you start with yourself and work backward
proving the connection between every generation with documents. At
some point, you will need to spend some money but you may be able to
get at least until your Polish grandparents came to America without
spending any or very little. However, don't forget that you have 2
sets of grandparents, 4 sets of great grandparents, 8 sets of great,
great grandparents and with every generation you go back in time the
number doubles. Plus, all of your grandparents probably didn't come
from Poland.
answers4: First I became interested after reading a series of novels
by John Jake's that traced one families movement through the history
of the US from before 1776 to just after World War II. <br>
You need to gather all the information you can about you grandparents
after they arrived in the US and the family since then before you
attempt to jump across the Alanatic. I would suggest that you take a
few classes in how genealogy is researched. Some public libraries
offer classes. The Family History Center is very helpful and may
offer classes (the one near me does) and you can also contact the
History or Genealogy society where you life. Most are very helpful.
Until you know where you Grandparents lived in Poland, there is no
reason to attempt a trip. Genealogical libraries are not like what
you see on the TV show (Who Do You Think You Are) it takes a lot more
planning and research that is shown in the 40 minute show. It is
possible that you might be able to learn all you need and never leave
your computer, but you would have to do most of the lead up research
yourself. Since Family Tree Research has become so popular again, and
because of the computer you might be able to locate information on a
Genealogy site that is in Poland. I recently accessed some in Warsaw,
I had to have them translated, but I found the correct records.
Monday, 16 September 2019
Does anybody know anything about the "Fuh" family genealogy?
answers1: I can help with an explanation on genealogy, and how it works. <br>
YOUR genealogy starts with you, today, and using documents.. work back
from you to the past. 25 words or less. This is the opposite of what
most persons start thinking. Like most.. you expect to find the oldest
Fuh out there, assuming all Fuhs in the world are "his" descendents,
then find how you relate. <br>
Sorry. That is myth number 2. There might have been 10 guys named Fuh,
all unrelated. (no..everyone with the same last name(s) are NOT
related). <br>
Save yourself some running in circles. Pull out your birth cert, and
identify your parents by name. Mom has a different birth name. And
yes, even if you "know" the info, start right by knowing that you
always always use records. Memory is flimsy, at best. Take my word on
this one. Next, find records to confirm your 4 grandparents, with the
specific details on them. Example.. once you get the DOCUMENTS (maybe
census), you will be surprised that it might include the year of
immigration, and a birth town. Just illustrating the idea.. it might
not be the grandparents who immigrated. <br>
The records you need to start are not always online.. if persons are
living, they should not be. The records will not always be free. Look
for records.. not websites. When you identify WHAT record you need/
want, THEN you can tell google what you need more explicitly. <br>
Don't try to research a surname. Research your father, John Fuh and
mother, Jane Lee. Being exact is what tells you what record you need,
AND where it might be. It gives focus. <br>
The details start flowing when you understand the direction, and what is used.
YOUR genealogy starts with you, today, and using documents.. work back
from you to the past. 25 words or less. This is the opposite of what
most persons start thinking. Like most.. you expect to find the oldest
Fuh out there, assuming all Fuhs in the world are "his" descendents,
then find how you relate. <br>
Sorry. That is myth number 2. There might have been 10 guys named Fuh,
all unrelated. (no..everyone with the same last name(s) are NOT
related). <br>
Save yourself some running in circles. Pull out your birth cert, and
identify your parents by name. Mom has a different birth name. And
yes, even if you "know" the info, start right by knowing that you
always always use records. Memory is flimsy, at best. Take my word on
this one. Next, find records to confirm your 4 grandparents, with the
specific details on them. Example.. once you get the DOCUMENTS (maybe
census), you will be surprised that it might include the year of
immigration, and a birth town. Just illustrating the idea.. it might
not be the grandparents who immigrated. <br>
The records you need to start are not always online.. if persons are
living, they should not be. The records will not always be free. Look
for records.. not websites. When you identify WHAT record you need/
want, THEN you can tell google what you need more explicitly. <br>
Don't try to research a surname. Research your father, John Fuh and
mother, Jane Lee. Being exact is what tells you what record you need,
AND where it might be. It gives focus. <br>
The details start flowing when you understand the direction, and what is used.
Sunday, 15 September 2019
What was your favorite 6th grade dance song?
answers1: When Doves Cry <br>
She Bop <br>
Thriller <br>
Dancing in the Sheets
answers2: The Cheetah Girls Songs <br>
esp Cinderella <br>
When I was just a little girl, My mama used to tuck me in, she used to
read me a bed time story. <br>
Yes I know the lyrics, till this day
answers3: Well, the only song I remember from a 6th grade dance was
the Cha Cha Slide. <br>
But I didn't do much dancing at that dance, 'cause my leg was broken...
answers4: There's a SIXTH grade?
answers6: We don't have no dances in school here. <br>
She Bop <br>
Thriller <br>
Dancing in the Sheets
answers2: The Cheetah Girls Songs <br>
esp Cinderella <br>
When I was just a little girl, My mama used to tuck me in, she used to
read me a bed time story. <br>
Yes I know the lyrics, till this day
answers3: Well, the only song I remember from a 6th grade dance was
the Cha Cha Slide. <br>
But I didn't do much dancing at that dance, 'cause my leg was broken...
answers4: There's a SIXTH grade?
answers6: We don't have no dances in school here. <br>
Saturday, 14 September 2019
How to dance (im going to a dance soon) ?
answers1: Well personally i look at what everyone else is doing and
copy them x lol
answers2: Just dance with friends. Like sway side to side wiggling
your arms around lol <br>
Just have fun. Don't worry if people are dancing differently, just
dance like nobody's around, enjoy yourself and have a great night :)
answers3: Do not worry about what you look like and have fun! <br>
Happy Dancing!
copy them x lol
answers2: Just dance with friends. Like sway side to side wiggling
your arms around lol <br>
Just have fun. Don't worry if people are dancing differently, just
dance like nobody's around, enjoy yourself and have a great night :)
answers3: Do not worry about what you look like and have fun! <br>
Happy Dancing!
Friday, 13 September 2019
Dance movie suggestions...?
answers1: I like Center Stage. They do ballet to Michael Jackson and Jamiroquai.
answers2: Step Up 2 the streets
answers3: Well I like save the last dance #1 not the second one. I
love Center Stage and honey is really great. One last dance, Dance
with me.
answers4: Take the Lead <br>
Dance with Me <br>
Strictly Ballroom <br>
Mad Hot Ballroom <br>
Save the Last Dance <br>
Shall We Dance <br>
And anything with Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers!
answers5: ~Save The Last Dance
answers6: step up 1 nd 2 <br>
save the last dance 1 nd 2 <br>
take the lead <br>
honey <br>
u got served
answers7: step up 2? uh...take the lead, thats all i can think of right now...
answers8: Center Stage <br>
Dance With Me <br>
Dirty Dancing 2...Havana Nights (Just kidding) <br>
Stormy Weather <br>
Breakin 1 & 2 <br>
Beat Street
answers10: Strictly Ballroom was another good one. Its a little
cheesy but still good. Dirty Dancing is one of my favorites.
answers2: Step Up 2 the streets
answers3: Well I like save the last dance #1 not the second one. I
love Center Stage and honey is really great. One last dance, Dance
with me.
answers4: Take the Lead <br>
Dance with Me <br>
Strictly Ballroom <br>
Mad Hot Ballroom <br>
Save the Last Dance <br>
Shall We Dance <br>
And anything with Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers!
answers5: ~Save The Last Dance
answers6: step up 1 nd 2 <br>
save the last dance 1 nd 2 <br>
take the lead <br>
honey <br>
u got served
answers7: step up 2? uh...take the lead, thats all i can think of right now...
answers8: Center Stage <br>
Dance With Me <br>
Dirty Dancing 2...Havana Nights (Just kidding) <br>
Stormy Weather <br>
Breakin 1 & 2 <br>
Beat Street
answers10: Strictly Ballroom was another good one. Its a little
cheesy but still good. Dirty Dancing is one of my favorites.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
good dance songs?:)?
answers1: I love 70s Dance Music: Boogie Wonderland- Earth, Wind &
Fire and The Emotions <br>
Stomp- The Brothers Johnson <br>
Dance, Dance, Dance- Chic <br>
You Should Be Dancing- The BeeGees
answers2: 90's dance music is popular on the dance floor. <br>
Check it out on YouTube. <br>
Happy dancing ;-)
answers3: montell jordan- this is how we do it <br>
i wanna dance with somebody- whitney houston <br>
cali swag district- teach me how 2 dougie <br>
beyonce-single ladies <br>
mc hammer- you cant touch this <br>
house of pain- jump around <br>
ice ice baby-vanilla ice <br>
black eyed peas-my humps <br>
call me maybe- carly rae jepsen
answers4: YG - Who Do You Love / Ty Dolla $ign - Paranoid <br>
You should check out they update new Hip Hop, R&B &
EDM Music Daily <br>
Pandora & Soundcloud are also a great place to discover new music
Fire and The Emotions <br>
Stomp- The Brothers Johnson <br>
Dance, Dance, Dance- Chic <br>
You Should Be Dancing- The BeeGees
answers2: 90's dance music is popular on the dance floor. <br>
Check it out on YouTube. <br>
Happy dancing ;-)
answers3: montell jordan- this is how we do it <br>
i wanna dance with somebody- whitney houston <br>
cali swag district- teach me how 2 dougie <br>
beyonce-single ladies <br>
mc hammer- you cant touch this <br>
house of pain- jump around <br>
ice ice baby-vanilla ice <br>
black eyed peas-my humps <br>
call me maybe- carly rae jepsen
answers4: YG - Who Do You Love / Ty Dolla $ign - Paranoid <br>
You should check out they update new Hip Hop, R&B &
EDM Music Daily <br>
Pandora & Soundcloud are also a great place to discover new music
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Who is the author? (Bibliography help)?
answers1: Well I would not use a Wikipedia site because it is
unreliable. The material can easily be edited to say anything anyone
wants making it possible it is made up you are better off using the
links at the bottom of the Wikipedia page and finding information
there. But in general when using pages without an author just leave
that space blank in the bibliography and start off with the next piece
of information you can find. For in text citation use whatever is
listed first on your bibliography. This is so someone can scroll down
the page quickly and find the source.
unreliable. The material can easily be edited to say anything anyone
wants making it possible it is made up you are better off using the
links at the bottom of the Wikipedia page and finding information
there. But in general when using pages without an author just leave
that space blank in the bibliography and start off with the next piece
of information you can find. For in text citation use whatever is
listed first on your bibliography. This is so someone can scroll down
the page quickly and find the source.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
How much would it cost for an author to turn his book into a movie?
answers1: yeah, that's not how it works.
answers2: That's not how it usually works. A studio or a production
company buys the film rights to the book and then they put up the
money to make the movie. <br>
How much it costs depends what the film needs and whether you feel
like paying Hollywood rates. A film with an unknown cast and director,
set in the present day and with no exotic locations or special
effects, starts at about $10 million. I'm not sure if that includes
marketing. If you go independent, you can do it for a lot less, but
you then have problems getting distribution. (Cinemas won't show it,
because they think not enough people will watch it for them to make a
answers3: Close to nothing, really. I mean, all an author will spend
is his time, converting his book into a screenplay. Authors don't
usually pay money to make their book into a movie, unless he really
wanted it to become a movie but no one was interested in adapting it,
so he would have to pay Hollywood to make it into a movie. Actually,
it's quite the opposite. If an author writes a decent book, movie
producers will pay the author for rights to use his book for a movie.
answers4: Nothing
answers5: If you're talking about commercially-released movies (e.g.
the ones based on the Harry Potter books), the movie producer buys the
rights from the author and then the author has nothing further to do
with it. The author gets money; the producer pays for the production
of the movie.
answers2: That's not how it usually works. A studio or a production
company buys the film rights to the book and then they put up the
money to make the movie. <br>
How much it costs depends what the film needs and whether you feel
like paying Hollywood rates. A film with an unknown cast and director,
set in the present day and with no exotic locations or special
effects, starts at about $10 million. I'm not sure if that includes
marketing. If you go independent, you can do it for a lot less, but
you then have problems getting distribution. (Cinemas won't show it,
because they think not enough people will watch it for them to make a
answers3: Close to nothing, really. I mean, all an author will spend
is his time, converting his book into a screenplay. Authors don't
usually pay money to make their book into a movie, unless he really
wanted it to become a movie but no one was interested in adapting it,
so he would have to pay Hollywood to make it into a movie. Actually,
it's quite the opposite. If an author writes a decent book, movie
producers will pay the author for rights to use his book for a movie.
answers4: Nothing
answers5: If you're talking about commercially-released movies (e.g.
the ones based on the Harry Potter books), the movie producer buys the
rights from the author and then the author has nothing further to do
with it. The author gets money; the producer pays for the production
of the movie.
Monday, 9 September 2019
Why are your favorite authors your favorite authors?
answers1: Steinbeck <br>
Ayn Rand <br>
JD Salinger <br>
Aldous Huxley
answers2: I really like Anne Fadiman, she is funny yet professional at
the same time.
answers3: Meg Cabot, because even though her stories aren't realistic,
she makes you believe them. <br>
Chris Wooding, simply because his writing just grabs you... you will
never put his books down even if you hate them - which I do. But his
writing is just... captivating. Hard to explain.
answers4: I would not want to be caught naming anyone other than Mrs.
Agatha Christie.
answers5: My favorite authors are my favorite author because: <br>
-i like reading their books <br>
-their books are really good <br>
-the plan for the book is good <br>
-i like the genre <br>
-i like the plot <br>
-and lots more! <br>
authors: <br>
-J. K. Rowling <br>
-Stephanie Meyer <br>
-Christopher Paolini <br>
-Erin Hunter <br>
-Micheal Buckley <br>
answers6: One of mine is Henry James, because he's dry and
cerebral--almost too much so.
answers7: I like Meg Cabot (lame, I know) because I can relate to her books.
answers8: All of my favourite authors have such good story lines that
I can fall into and relax whilst reading. <br>
Meg Cabot <br>
Valerie Mendes <br>
Katie Fforde <br>
Louise Rennison <br>
Natsuki Takaya [Manga] <br>
Stella Chaplin <br>
Gemma Malley <br>
Sarah Dessin <br>
Cathy Hopkins <br>
Sue Limb <br>
Luisa Plaja <br>
Audrey Niffenegger <br>
They're all awesome, and lots more authors where they came from (My bookcase) :)
answers9: Stephen King <br>
All his stories have a connection.
Ayn Rand <br>
JD Salinger <br>
Aldous Huxley
answers2: I really like Anne Fadiman, she is funny yet professional at
the same time.
answers3: Meg Cabot, because even though her stories aren't realistic,
she makes you believe them. <br>
Chris Wooding, simply because his writing just grabs you... you will
never put his books down even if you hate them - which I do. But his
writing is just... captivating. Hard to explain.
answers4: I would not want to be caught naming anyone other than Mrs.
Agatha Christie.
answers5: My favorite authors are my favorite author because: <br>
-i like reading their books <br>
-their books are really good <br>
-the plan for the book is good <br>
-i like the genre <br>
-i like the plot <br>
-and lots more! <br>
authors: <br>
-J. K. Rowling <br>
-Stephanie Meyer <br>
-Christopher Paolini <br>
-Erin Hunter <br>
-Micheal Buckley <br>
answers6: One of mine is Henry James, because he's dry and
cerebral--almost too much so.
answers7: I like Meg Cabot (lame, I know) because I can relate to her books.
answers8: All of my favourite authors have such good story lines that
I can fall into and relax whilst reading. <br>
Meg Cabot <br>
Valerie Mendes <br>
Katie Fforde <br>
Louise Rennison <br>
Natsuki Takaya [Manga] <br>
Stella Chaplin <br>
Gemma Malley <br>
Sarah Dessin <br>
Cathy Hopkins <br>
Sue Limb <br>
Luisa Plaja <br>
Audrey Niffenegger <br>
They're all awesome, and lots more authors where they came from (My bookcase) :)
answers9: Stephen King <br>
All his stories have a connection.
Sunday, 8 September 2019
Where should I go to college to become an Author?
answers1: You will find that most authors have not become authors
through simply studying at college. <br>
They have often earned a degree in English language and literature,
but their life experiences have lead them down the path of writing.
Many times authors will have started out in careers in journalism,
communications, media and teaching and then started writing as an
aside to that.
answers2: go to an ivy league school and study literature or english
answers3: No you go to school to be a journalism major, then you
become an author.
answers4: Your alternatives comprise: a million. No degree, only
examine/write as much as humanly plausible. 2. AA in English (at an
area college) 3. BA in English (concentrating in Writing, Literature
or Rhetoric). 5. BA in any difficulty & MFA (grasp of high-quality
Arts) in imaginitive Writing for working adults who have already got a
small portfolio of written artwork. incredibly some outdoor retreats.
6. to be conscious of the 'enterprise' of writing (enhancing books,
journals and magazines, fundraising, provides, etc) some colleges
furnish "Publishing" under the English degree application. 7. BS in
Journalism. that's a various club of writers who get dogged via
different writers invariably because of the fact they're form of
writing is considered as careless, irresponsible and only not
contributive to present day-day literature. Their fulfillment as
'severe writers' is extra a recognition contest than the rest, yet in
all equity, they're very experienced in putting their innovations to
paper very straight away, with self belief, and undemanding to
examine. as quickly as you have written something that folk will savor
analyzing, no person will care the place you went to varsity or no
remember if or not you even went to varsity. yet, college is exciting,
and it delivers life reports which will impact your writing style.
desire this enables! :)
through simply studying at college. <br>
They have often earned a degree in English language and literature,
but their life experiences have lead them down the path of writing.
Many times authors will have started out in careers in journalism,
communications, media and teaching and then started writing as an
aside to that.
answers2: go to an ivy league school and study literature or english
answers3: No you go to school to be a journalism major, then you
become an author.
answers4: Your alternatives comprise: a million. No degree, only
examine/write as much as humanly plausible. 2. AA in English (at an
area college) 3. BA in English (concentrating in Writing, Literature
or Rhetoric). 5. BA in any difficulty & MFA (grasp of high-quality
Arts) in imaginitive Writing for working adults who have already got a
small portfolio of written artwork. incredibly some outdoor retreats.
6. to be conscious of the 'enterprise' of writing (enhancing books,
journals and magazines, fundraising, provides, etc) some colleges
furnish "Publishing" under the English degree application. 7. BS in
Journalism. that's a various club of writers who get dogged via
different writers invariably because of the fact they're form of
writing is considered as careless, irresponsible and only not
contributive to present day-day literature. Their fulfillment as
'severe writers' is extra a recognition contest than the rest, yet in
all equity, they're very experienced in putting their innovations to
paper very straight away, with self belief, and undemanding to
examine. as quickly as you have written something that folk will savor
analyzing, no person will care the place you went to varsity or no
remember if or not you even went to varsity. yet, college is exciting,
and it delivers life reports which will impact your writing style.
desire this enables! :)
Saturday, 7 September 2019
whats your favorite author?
answers1: Matthew Reilly and JK Rowling. The Best.
answers2: I have a few: <br>
Cassandra Clare (Mortal Instrument Series -- excellent book, I'd
recomend reading it if you haven't already) <br>
J.K Rowling (Harry Potter <3) <br>
J.R Ward (Black Dagger Brotherhood) <br>
All very gifted writers and I love each series ^_^
answers3: Ruskin Bond
answers4: Agatha Christie. Best mystery writer ever. Nobody else
can touch her.
answers5: Gabriel Garcia Marques
answers6: My favorite book series is the Love at Stake series by
Kerrelyn Sparks. <br>
Out of the all the books I have read since I was 4, this series' books
are the only ones who have captured my heart. I don't read books
twice, and that is the main reason my bookshelf is fairly empty. But
for the Love at Stake series, if I calculate all the times for all the
books that I have read, it would be 42 times in a month. There are 8
novels and 1 novella out currently. The series have not ended yet,
though (: <br>
Order of books : <br>
How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Vamps and The City [novel ; read 3 times] <br>
A Very Vampy Christmas [novella ; read 10 times] <br>
Be Still My Vampire Heart [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
The Undead Next Door [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
All I Want for Christmas is A Vampire [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Secret Life of a Vampire [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Forbidden Nights with A Vampire [novel ; read 5 times] <br>
The Vampire and The Virgin [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Eat Prey Love [novel ; published on 28 September 2010] <br>
Vampire Mine [novel ; published on 29 March 2011] <br>
I can't wait for those books to be out! <br>
I also don't know why I am so addicted to this book series, but I
guess it is because of the storyline the author has. Kerrelyn Sparks
is able to change from character to character, meaning that each
character has each of their own attitude and speech. The way they
talk, behave and etc. It is just very intriguing. <br>
Hope these helps :D <br>
It wouldn't hurt to try reading it (: You will not regret it.
answers7: I actually have way more than just ONE favorite author: <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Gail Carson Levine (i.e. Ella Enchanted, Fairest, The Two Princesses
of Bamarre) <br>
Shannon Hale (i.e. The Goose Girl, Enna Burning, River Secrets, Forest
Born, Princess Academy) <br>
John Flanagan (i.e. Ranger's Apprentice series) <br>
Jessica Day George (i.e. Princess of the Midnight Ball, Sun and Moon
Ice and Snow) <br>
Carolyn Keene (i.e. Nancy Drew series) <br>
C.S. Lewis (i.e. The Chronicles of Narnia) <br>
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit)
answers8: I like Jacqueline Wilson but I liked her more when I was a
bit younger. <br>
I also like Enid Blyton.
answers9: I have quite a few, but if I had to pick one it would be
Robin Hobb. <br>
Oh and Terry Pratchett.
answers10: Roddy Doyle <br>
Pramoedya Ananta Toer <br>
John Steinbeck <br>
Bram Stoker
answers2: I have a few: <br>
Cassandra Clare (Mortal Instrument Series -- excellent book, I'd
recomend reading it if you haven't already) <br>
J.K Rowling (Harry Potter <3) <br>
J.R Ward (Black Dagger Brotherhood) <br>
All very gifted writers and I love each series ^_^
answers3: Ruskin Bond
answers4: Agatha Christie. Best mystery writer ever. Nobody else
can touch her.
answers5: Gabriel Garcia Marques
answers6: My favorite book series is the Love at Stake series by
Kerrelyn Sparks. <br>
Out of the all the books I have read since I was 4, this series' books
are the only ones who have captured my heart. I don't read books
twice, and that is the main reason my bookshelf is fairly empty. But
for the Love at Stake series, if I calculate all the times for all the
books that I have read, it would be 42 times in a month. There are 8
novels and 1 novella out currently. The series have not ended yet,
though (: <br>
Order of books : <br>
How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Vamps and The City [novel ; read 3 times] <br>
A Very Vampy Christmas [novella ; read 10 times] <br>
Be Still My Vampire Heart [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
The Undead Next Door [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
All I Want for Christmas is A Vampire [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Secret Life of a Vampire [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Forbidden Nights with A Vampire [novel ; read 5 times] <br>
The Vampire and The Virgin [novel ; read 4 times] <br>
Eat Prey Love [novel ; published on 28 September 2010] <br>
Vampire Mine [novel ; published on 29 March 2011] <br>
I can't wait for those books to be out! <br>
I also don't know why I am so addicted to this book series, but I
guess it is because of the storyline the author has. Kerrelyn Sparks
is able to change from character to character, meaning that each
character has each of their own attitude and speech. The way they
talk, behave and etc. It is just very intriguing. <br>
Hope these helps :D <br>
It wouldn't hurt to try reading it (: You will not regret it.
answers7: I actually have way more than just ONE favorite author: <br>
--------------------------------------... <br>
Gail Carson Levine (i.e. Ella Enchanted, Fairest, The Two Princesses
of Bamarre) <br>
Shannon Hale (i.e. The Goose Girl, Enna Burning, River Secrets, Forest
Born, Princess Academy) <br>
John Flanagan (i.e. Ranger's Apprentice series) <br>
Jessica Day George (i.e. Princess of the Midnight Ball, Sun and Moon
Ice and Snow) <br>
Carolyn Keene (i.e. Nancy Drew series) <br>
C.S. Lewis (i.e. The Chronicles of Narnia) <br>
J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit)
answers8: I like Jacqueline Wilson but I liked her more when I was a
bit younger. <br>
I also like Enid Blyton.
answers9: I have quite a few, but if I had to pick one it would be
Robin Hobb. <br>
Oh and Terry Pratchett.
answers10: Roddy Doyle <br>
Pramoedya Ananta Toer <br>
John Steinbeck <br>
Bram Stoker
Friday, 6 September 2019
Do gods only exist in books?
answers1: The original publisher of D&D was TSR, Inc., and their motto
was... <br>
"Products of your imagination." <br>
Books are merely one way in which imagination manifests itself in society.
answers2: god doesnt exist anywhere, he is written about in books.
Just like santa claus
answers3: God only exists in peoples minds. <br>
Not even in books.
answers4: No they also exist in video games and movies.
answers5: that what most your people don't understand. God has always
existed, in our hearts, in our souls and minds. Books are there to
educate people. However since modern athiests who claim to only follow
science need to know even the best and most famous scientists in the
world may not have had a religion but certainly belive in god for e.g.
answers6: Nope from print he crawled right into their unconscious
minds and set up shop! No gods or devils exist anywhere outside of
ones properly inculcated mind! A fact not a pretend belief like god!
answers7: Humans believed in gods before there were books (like in
Greece, for example, where you have evidence of Cycladean goddess
figurines long before any of the actual myths were ever written down),
and there still are illiterate communities who nevertheless have gods
which they believe in.
answers8: God exist in books ALSO.
answers9: No, here's street science evidence of God's existence. Click
and read this link. <a
Also, your premise is flawed because men like Homer, and Genghis Khan
only existed in books?
answers10: Songs.
was... <br>
"Products of your imagination." <br>
Books are merely one way in which imagination manifests itself in society.
answers2: god doesnt exist anywhere, he is written about in books.
Just like santa claus
answers3: God only exists in peoples minds. <br>
Not even in books.
answers4: No they also exist in video games and movies.
answers5: that what most your people don't understand. God has always
existed, in our hearts, in our souls and minds. Books are there to
educate people. However since modern athiests who claim to only follow
science need to know even the best and most famous scientists in the
world may not have had a religion but certainly belive in god for e.g.
answers6: Nope from print he crawled right into their unconscious
minds and set up shop! No gods or devils exist anywhere outside of
ones properly inculcated mind! A fact not a pretend belief like god!
answers7: Humans believed in gods before there were books (like in
Greece, for example, where you have evidence of Cycladean goddess
figurines long before any of the actual myths were ever written down),
and there still are illiterate communities who nevertheless have gods
which they believe in.
answers8: God exist in books ALSO.
answers9: No, here's street science evidence of God's existence. Click
and read this link. <a
Also, your premise is flawed because men like Homer, and Genghis Khan
only existed in books?
answers10: Songs.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Ladies and gays; do you prefer shy, book nerd type of guys or the opposite?
answers1: I like the shy, book nerds as well:) More like me, I'm shy;).
answers2: Book worm, aka the nerd!
answers2: Book worm, aka the nerd!
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Pinterest, Inc. [NYSE: PINS] shares fell -1.18% or -0.41 points from their previous closing price of $34.42. The stock reached $34.01 during the last trading session. Over the last 5 trading days of the week, the PINS share price rose for 2 out of 5 days, increasing by +0.59% over the last 7 days.
PINS had two major price moves with the last trading session as the price rose to a high of $34.67 and reached $33.72 at one point. The most recent high is set lower than the 52-week high of $34.67. The most recent high is the $34.67 high. The 52-week high is currently at $36.83 from the current stock price, marking a rally from the recent low of $23.05. The 52-week high is now at $36.83 from the current stock price.
Pinterest, Inc. (NYSE:PINS): Analyst Valuation and Results of Operations
Stock traders often keep abreast of what leading stock market analysts are saying about a possible stock purchase. When it comes to Pinterest, Inc. PINS], the most recent average analyst rating available, comes from the quarter ending in December. On average, stock market experts give PINS a hold rating. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. This is compared to the last closing price of $34.42.
Wall Street analysts give their ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 and the current average for Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] sits at 2:58 a.m.. This is compared to 1 month earlier when the average rating was 2.58.
For the quarter ending March 19, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] generated revenues of $0.2 billion. That's 0.65% more than the average estimate of $0.2 billion presented by Wall Street analysts. The three above indicators suggest that the stock as a whole has a mixed mix of positive appeal and some drawbacks, making it a somewhat risky investment that also has the potential to generate a high ROI over the long term.
Keep an eye out for the next planned quarterly results that this company is expected to publish on Do 7 November (65 days).
Fundamental analysis from Pinterest, Inc. (PINS)
Let us now turn to profitability: with a current operating margin for Pinterest, Inc. PINS] was -9.88 and its gross margin was +68.04.
The return on total capital of this company is -7.70, the return on invested capital 12.60%. The return on equity is -7.04 and the return on assets is -5.23. These figures indicate that Pinterest, Inc. is poorly managing its assets and is unlikely to be able to deliver successful short-term results to its investors.
In order to investigate the capital structure of this company, Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has generated a total debt to total equity ratio of 17.39. Similarly, the total debt to total assets ratio is 12.69.
What about the valuation? The enterprise value to EBITDA of this company is -337.97. The enterprise value to sales for this company is now 24 August.
Shifting the focus to employee efficiency, Pinterest, Inc. PINS] earns $420,663 for each employee as part of their payroll. Also of interest are the liquidity data of this listed organization: its quick ratio is 8.20 and its current ratio is 8.20. Taking these ratios into account, this company has a healthy ratio between its short-term cash and cash equivalents and its short-term liabilities, making it a less risky investment.
Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] has 548.07 million shares outstanding, representing a total market capitalization of $18.86 billion. The share price ranged from 23.05 to 36.83. At its current price, it has fallen -7.65% from its 52-week high and 47.57% from its 52-week low.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) of this stock is 55.87. This RSI value is good, indicating that this stock is neither overbought nor oversold.
Conclusion: Is Pinterest, Inc. [PINS] is a reliable buy?
Shares of Pinterest, Inc. PINS] provide investors with both positive and negative signals. Wall Street analysts have mixed valuations when it comes to the 12-month price outlook, and this company's financial figures show a combination of strengths and weaknesses. Based on the price performance, this investment is somewhat risky and at the same time has a reasonable potential for ROI.
Translated with
Book vs. E-book.........?
answers1: E-Book strain my eyes alot after sometime I prefer reading a
book holding in my hand .
answers2: I like the idea of being able to carry a lot of books in a
pad, but there is no replacing the pleasure of reading a real book.
There is also the fact that real books don't have a battery that can
die in the middle of a great chapter.
answers3: Book <br>
not sayin that I will never own one of those e-book things but so far
I'm still buying books <br>
and yes, they arra stacked in places all over my home. <br>
c'est la vie
answers4: I'm the same, there's nothing like holding a physical book
in your hand. Reading from a screen would only give me a migraine
answers5: Book!!
answers6: Book <br>
I like actually owning something rather than allowing Amazon or
whoever to lend me it. It's stupid how if you purchase an e-book on a
Kindle but wanted a Nook, you couldn't keep the e-book
answers7: Book <br>
Harry potter
answers8: I am very old school with books. I love to wander the
bookstore and discover something new, and hold a book in my hands as I
read it...although I will admit to just buying myself a nook, and I am
quite enjoying it.
answers9: Books. I feel the same as you. I love the feel of a book in my hands.
answers10: E-book
book holding in my hand .
answers2: I like the idea of being able to carry a lot of books in a
pad, but there is no replacing the pleasure of reading a real book.
There is also the fact that real books don't have a battery that can
die in the middle of a great chapter.
answers3: Book <br>
not sayin that I will never own one of those e-book things but so far
I'm still buying books <br>
and yes, they arra stacked in places all over my home. <br>
c'est la vie
answers4: I'm the same, there's nothing like holding a physical book
in your hand. Reading from a screen would only give me a migraine
answers5: Book!!
answers6: Book <br>
I like actually owning something rather than allowing Amazon or
whoever to lend me it. It's stupid how if you purchase an e-book on a
Kindle but wanted a Nook, you couldn't keep the e-book
answers7: Book <br>
Harry potter
answers8: I am very old school with books. I love to wander the
bookstore and discover something new, and hold a book in my hands as I
read it...although I will admit to just buying myself a nook, and I am
quite enjoying it.
answers9: Books. I feel the same as you. I love the feel of a book in my hands.
answers10: E-book
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Is Holes a classic book?
answers1: Classics are books that have stood the test of
time--sometimes because of how good they are and sometimes because
school systems force kids to read them. <br>
Some classics include: <br>
Jane Austen's novels <br>
William Shakespeare's plays <br>
"Flowers for Algernon" (Keyes) <br>
"1984" (Orwell) <br>
"Lord of the Flies" (Golding) <br>
"The Princess Bride" (Goldman)
answers2: nah it isnt classical its recent/modern <br>
its a good book though <br>
answers3: Yes Holes is a good book <br>
But classics are usually determined by the writers such as: <br>
Shakespear <br>
Wordsworth <br>
Roald Dahl <br>
Enid Blyton <br>
Hope that helps
answers4: In some sense, yes. It is an excellent book that most people
have heard of/read. Classics are generally older books that have been
around for a while and are read by multiple generations. Examples are
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens,
and Moby Dick by Herman Mellville. I would say that Holes will become
a classic book over the years.
time--sometimes because of how good they are and sometimes because
school systems force kids to read them. <br>
Some classics include: <br>
Jane Austen's novels <br>
William Shakespeare's plays <br>
"Flowers for Algernon" (Keyes) <br>
"1984" (Orwell) <br>
"Lord of the Flies" (Golding) <br>
"The Princess Bride" (Goldman)
answers2: nah it isnt classical its recent/modern <br>
its a good book though <br>
answers3: Yes Holes is a good book <br>
But classics are usually determined by the writers such as: <br>
Shakespear <br>
Wordsworth <br>
Roald Dahl <br>
Enid Blyton <br>
Hope that helps
answers4: In some sense, yes. It is an excellent book that most people
have heard of/read. Classics are generally older books that have been
around for a while and are read by multiple generations. Examples are
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens,
and Moby Dick by Herman Mellville. I would say that Holes will become
a classic book over the years.
Monday, 2 September 2019
audio books?
answers1: you can buy them any where! <br>
EX: borders, barnes and noble, walmart... <br>
if you want to listen to them in your ipod there's iTunes (i do that)
answers2: I download unabridged books at <br>
Love to listen to books as I drive.
EX: borders, barnes and noble, walmart... <br>
if you want to listen to them in your ipod there's iTunes (i do that)
answers2: I download unabridged books at <br>
Love to listen to books as I drive.
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