answers1: pink blues hot neon bright colors
answers2: What exactly are you asking??? If you are looking for
'spring colors' (not springS color) it's the shades of colours that
you see in nature when spring rolls around. <br>
In other words::: grass is a brighter green; leaves on trees and
bushes are brighter; bark on trees and bushes is a different shade
than during winter. Spring colours have a 'warm' tone. Fall colours
have a 'warm' tone too. Winter colours are more vibrant (black-black;
bright white like snow); Summer colours are similar to winter
colours, but they are a bit more faded (because the sun bleaches out
the spring colours in nature). <br>
When Max Factor invented makeup for actors, he developed a concept for
the types of skin tones that people need. Those tones mirror the
tones in nature. The fashion industry followed right along with that,
and produced clothing that would match or complement those tones. <br>
But in reality, nature is the basis for all these things. Just check
out our local clothing store just now and you'll find the new clothing
has fresh, spring colours. Check out the summer clothing in another
month or two, and you'll see different shades of the spring shades.
Ditto for Fall and Winter. <br>
Hope that answers your question.
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