Monday, 7 July 2014

The minimum keyboard download

The minimum keyboard

The minimum keyboard Description
This is a simple proof-of-concept which shows how to implement a custom minimalistic Keyboard and the according algorithms for selecting the right words.

This Project was inspired by the "minuum" project, which was not available at the time of writing this, so i implemented my own version.

A dirty implementation can be seen here:

I you think, there are Features misssing, just implement them yourself. It is easy. This Project is also an educational one.

For example: sloppy typing.
Just think what this means: the user presses a Little bit to the left or right, which means: the Position and value pairs of "en_hashes" must be adjusted +- 1. Thats all.

The same goes for missing words: just Import another book (basically any ASCII file, or Import your mail co nversations).

Or let the database learn from user Inputs. Just update the "en_context" score after the user selects a word.

Those examples Show you how easy it is :-)
The minimum keyboard Features

Download:Click Here

Sunday, 6 July 2014

StatusQuo download


StatusQuo Description
In an Organization, there are too many redundant communications, mainly the kind one relative to the reporting of the state of affairs. It's to reduce that kind of communication that this software is intended to.
The purpose of the StatusQuo may be defined as "an Instrument of Communication between the Operation and the Organization".
The communication is made trough horizontally change of status associated to objects at the operational layer, and vertically viewed at the organizational layer, where horizontally means non hierarchical, and vertically means hierarchical.

See Wiki for User Manual and Video Tutorials!

Web DEMO (User: 'alice' and Password: '1111'):
* http://metro.net78.net/status_quo/
StatusQuo Features
  • Organizational and Operational control
  • Easy Teams and Classes sele ction
  • Web Demo (alice:1111)

  • Download:Click Here

    Saturday, 5 July 2014

    Software Language Processing Suite download

    Software Language Processing Suite

    Software Language Processing Suite Description
    The project facilitates exposition and comparison of approaches and techniques on language processing in a way that is relevant for CS students, teachers, scientists, and practitioners.
    Software Language Processing Suite Features

    Download:Click Here

    Friday, 4 July 2014

    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool download

    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool

    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool Description
    This is a simple tool with a user interface to key in use case text and spell out PDF documentation. Each use case will have the following captured.

    1) Use Case Name
    2) Page over view.
    3) Pre conditions
    4) Wireframe (image)
    5) Business Rules
    6) Main Flow
    7) Alternate Flow
    8) Post Condition
    9) Error scenarios
    10) Technical details

    Usability Features:
    1) Open existing usecase for editing.
    2) Save copy of a use case with new use case name.
    3) Retain use case export order.
    4) Information messages are shown in notification bar with 'fade' effect.

    The tool has a simple special syntax in order to spell out ordered/ un ordered lists under each section of a use case.

    All such use cases can be saved in a work space and exported to PDF after arranging the usecases in your requried order (Images are resized to fit the pag e).

    This is a pure Java application using simple File I/O.
    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool Features

    Download:Click Here

    Thursday, 3 July 2014

    SafeJDBC download


    SafeJDBC Description
    SafeJDBC is a Java library that simplifies the use of JDBC. The main goal during development was, to provide a library wich prevents a user from coding resource leaks.

    SafeJDBC is fully documented and ready to run.
    SafeJDBC Features

    Download:Click Here

    Wednesday, 2 July 2014

    Researchers Ontology download

    Researchers Ontology

    Researchers Ontology Description
    This project is a search engine that gathers data from an ontology. We took as exemple an ontology of researchers. The search uses the properties and works with partial queries and substrings. The client searching doesn't have to use the DLQuery nor the Manchester OWL Syntax, the engine we made builds the query in these syntaxes.
    Researchers Ontology Features

    Download:Click Here