Saturday, 31 May 2014

Bell Log File Reader download

Bell Log File Reader

Bell Log File Reader Description
This software like a Text Log File Reader.
Bell Log File Reader Features

Download:Click Here

Friday, 30 May 2014

BandwidthD-IPv6 download


BandwidthD-IPv6 Description
Based off of bandwidthd (http://sourceforge.net/projects/bandwidthd) but updated to support large networks (13,000+ devices). IPv6 support is in the works. Our thanks goes to the original authors of bandwidthd who made this possible.
BandwidthD-IPv6 Features

Download:Click Here

Thursday, 29 May 2014

android-python2.7.3 download


android-python2.7.3 Description
This is python2.7.3 which can be compiled using android-ndk

By using python ,Its is possible to run lot of great application in android phone. At the time of writing I could run IPython, Isympy, Django etc on my android phone. This project only considering command-line binary builds. Not any GUI apps.
android-python2.7.3 Features

Download:Click Here

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Agent IQ download

Agent IQ

Agent IQ Description
Agent IQ maintains a local database of device capabilities on your web server and, based on the incoming user agent header, returns an array of capabilities. These can be used in the logic of the site on the server side.

When a request is received, it looks at the User Agent String of the incoming header and matches it against the database. If there is a match, the device capabilities are stored as PHP and Javascript variables for you to use in shaping how your site is served out.

If there is no match, the request is re-directed to a javascript 'learning page' where the database is updated with the client capabilities and is redirected back. This happens in a flash.

The 'learning page' uses Javascript and Modernizr. There is a learning logic built in to avoid incorrect records. You can set a barrier which determines how many identical records need to be 'learned' from unique IP's before the record becomes 'official'. An 'official' record never diverts to the learning page.
Agent IQ Features
  • Installs on your website - runs with PHP
  • Intelligent resource for responsive website design
  • Reports all Modernizr properties and more
  • Learns new devices
  • No third party resources required

  • Download:Click Here

    Tuesday, 27 May 2014

    BitTS - BART it TimeSheet download

    BitTS - BART it TimeSheet

    BitTS - BART it TimeSheet Description
    BitTS is a web-based application for administering projects, customers, project roles, personnel, tariffs, activities, hours and expenses. BitTS can create reports for management information and billing purposes.
    BitTS - BART it TimeSheet Features

    Download:Click Here