Monday, 7 July 2014

The minimum keyboard download

The minimum keyboard

The minimum keyboard Description
This is a simple proof-of-concept which shows how to implement a custom minimalistic Keyboard and the according algorithms for selecting the right words.

This Project was inspired by the "minuum" project, which was not available at the time of writing this, so i implemented my own version.

A dirty implementation can be seen here:

I you think, there are Features misssing, just implement them yourself. It is easy. This Project is also an educational one.

For example: sloppy typing.
Just think what this means: the user presses a Little bit to the left or right, which means: the Position and value pairs of "en_hashes" must be adjusted +- 1. Thats all.

The same goes for missing words: just Import another book (basically any ASCII file, or Import your mail co nversations).

Or let the database learn from user Inputs. Just update the "en_context" score after the user selects a word.

Those examples Show you how easy it is :-)
The minimum keyboard Features

Download:Click Here

Sunday, 6 July 2014

StatusQuo download


StatusQuo Description
In an Organization, there are too many redundant communications, mainly the kind one relative to the reporting of the state of affairs. It's to reduce that kind of communication that this software is intended to.
The purpose of the StatusQuo may be defined as "an Instrument of Communication between the Operation and the Organization".
The communication is made trough horizontally change of status associated to objects at the operational layer, and vertically viewed at the organizational layer, where horizontally means non hierarchical, and vertically means hierarchical.

See Wiki for User Manual and Video Tutorials!

Web DEMO (User: 'alice' and Password: '1111'):
* http://metro.net78.net/status_quo/
StatusQuo Features
  • Organizational and Operational control
  • Easy Teams and Classes sele ction
  • Web Demo (alice:1111)

  • Download:Click Here

    Saturday, 5 July 2014

    Software Language Processing Suite download

    Software Language Processing Suite

    Software Language Processing Suite Description
    The project facilitates exposition and comparison of approaches and techniques on language processing in a way that is relevant for CS students, teachers, scientists, and practitioners.
    Software Language Processing Suite Features

    Download:Click Here

    Friday, 4 July 2014

    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool download

    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool

    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool Description
    This is a simple tool with a user interface to key in use case text and spell out PDF documentation. Each use case will have the following captured.

    1) Use Case Name
    2) Page over view.
    3) Pre conditions
    4) Wireframe (image)
    5) Business Rules
    6) Main Flow
    7) Alternate Flow
    8) Post Condition
    9) Error scenarios
    10) Technical details

    Usability Features:
    1) Open existing usecase for editing.
    2) Save copy of a use case with new use case name.
    3) Retain use case export order.
    4) Information messages are shown in notification bar with 'fade' effect.

    The tool has a simple special syntax in order to spell out ordered/ un ordered lists under each section of a use case.

    All such use cases can be saved in a work space and exported to PDF after arranging the usecases in your requried order (Images are resized to fit the pag e).

    This is a pure Java application using simple File I/O.
    Simple Use Case Documentation Tool Features

    Download:Click Here

    Thursday, 3 July 2014

    SafeJDBC download


    SafeJDBC Description
    SafeJDBC is a Java library that simplifies the use of JDBC. The main goal during development was, to provide a library wich prevents a user from coding resource leaks.

    SafeJDBC is fully documented and ready to run.
    SafeJDBC Features

    Download:Click Here

    Wednesday, 2 July 2014

    Researchers Ontology download

    Researchers Ontology

    Researchers Ontology Description
    This project is a search engine that gathers data from an ontology. We took as exemple an ontology of researchers. The search uses the properties and works with partial queries and substrings. The client searching doesn't have to use the DLQuery nor the Manchester OWL Syntax, the engine we made builds the query in these syntaxes.
    Researchers Ontology Features

    Download:Click Here

    Monday, 30 June 2014

    Pyggy Bank download

    Pyggy Bank

    Pyggy Bank Description
    With an educational purpose,Pyggy Bank shows how to use wxPython ,SQLite and Reportlab, with Python all togheter. It simulate a piggy bank, so you can add, edit or delete single 'transaction' in your piggy and it will calculate your wallet.
    Pyggy Bank Features
  • wxPython
  • SQLite
  • ReportLab
  • Python

  • Download:Click Here

    Sunday, 29 June 2014

    psgooglebase download


    psgooglebase Description
    At present the script is not a complete prestashop module. This script is not officially supported and comes with NO warranty as to how well it works or whether it might cause damages to your store. It is designed for shop owners to have a free option if they are unsure how useful Google Shopping will be for their store.
    If you use this script you should test it first!
    psgooglebase Features

    Download:Click Here

    Saturday, 28 June 2014

    pkcs11-logger download


    pkcs11-logger Description
    This project provides stable releases of pkcs11-logger project hosted on github. Please visit project website for more information.
    pkcs11-logger Features

    Download:Click Here

    Friday, 27 June 2014

    Persistence Annotations 4 RDF download

    Persistence Annotations 4 RDF

    Persistence Annotations 4 RDF Description
    Persistence Annotation for RDF (PAR) is a set of annotations and an entity manager that provides JPA like functionality on top of an RDF store while accounting for and exploiting the fundamental differences between graph storage and relational storage. PAR introduces three (3) annotations that map a RDF triple (subject, predicate, object) to a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) using Java's dynamic proxy capabilities.
    Persistence Annotations 4 RDF Features
  • Read/Write Java POJO from RDF graph
  • No explicit synchronization necessary
  • 100% annotation driven

  • Download:Click Here

    Wednesday, 25 June 2014

    OpenPatientOS download


    OpenPatientOS Description
    It can support a small clinic or hospital in managing patient personal, medical, and billing records through an easy to use Swing user interface.

    How to install:
    i. Simply import the database dump from the database folder to create the necessary tables for the system to run. You can use either phpMyAdmin for localhost; Microsoft SQL Server; or simply Query Browser for MySQL. Other database environments have not been tested hence I don't guarantee their adaptability.
    ii. Run and Build the system in NetBeans IDE 7.0. Other IDEs have not been tested for this system. A more stable and installable version will be released soon.
    iii. Please rate the system and leave comments or reviews.
    iv. If you need any further clarification, post a question/query/doubt in the Wiki and I will reply ASAP.

    NB: Please use the "External Link" menus above to support this project in one way or another. PM me for other means. Any kind of support will be very much appreciated. Thanks a bunch.
    OpenPatientOS Features
  • Patient personal data entry and management.
  • Patient medical records management.
  • Patient billing management system.
  • Reports creation.
  • Data backup.
  • Users management system.
  • And other features.

  • Download:Click Here

    Tuesday, 24 June 2014

    oncrpc-ms download


    oncrpc-ms Description
    oncrpc-ms is yet another port of Suns ONC/RPC for Microsoft Windows. This port is based on the ACPLT implementation, but features public Subversion access and MinGW support.
    oncrpc-ms Features

    Download:Click Here

    Monday, 23 June 2014

    NAS Gallery download

    NAS Gallery

    NAS Gallery Description
    No description
    NAS Gallery Features

    Download:Click Here

    Sunday, 22 June 2014

    Mutabor download


    Mutabor Description
    Mutabor is a Program that allows performing and composing microtonal music using a normal MIDI keybord. But it's powerful description language is intended to allow permanent retunings and tuning logics in to describ, what's actually goes on.
    Mutabor Features
  • MIDI input (realtime MIDI as well as MIDI files)
  • Limited GUIDO input
  • Output to MIDI files and Devices
  • Realtime mutating tuning/dynamic tuning
  • Powerful musical tuning description language
  • Graphical user interface
  • Limited device patchbay
  • MIDI channel multiplexer

  • Download:Click Here< table width="250" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

    Friday, 20 June 2014

    misspell-check download


    misspell-check Description
    A program to check source code for mispelings...
    misspell-check Features

    Download:Click Here

    Thursday, 19 June 2014

    lite download


    lite Description
    Template for phplist
    lite Features

    Download:Click Here

    Tuesday, 17 June 2014

    LCARS Widget Toolkit download

    LCARS Widget Toolkit

    LCARS Widget Toolkit Description
    The LCARS widget toolkit supplies a pure Java API for programming graphical user interfaces in the Star Trek(TM) LCARS look and feel. It is based on the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and, partially, on the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT).
    LCARS Widget Toolkit Features

    Download:Click Here

    Monday, 16 June 2014

    KTNotes download


    KTNotes Description
    KTNotes is a fast, advanced note-taking tool built for the Kindle Touch. With an emphasis on mathematical formulas, fractions and subscripts; the greek alphabet; and other ?xtra ��pecial characters are available right on the main keyboard. Using prebuild binaries for the Kindle Touch of ffmpeg and mplayer, audio recording and playback of lectures are available right in the program. Finally, as KTNotes is built as a Kindlet, KTNotes is launchable right from the main page, with an easy installation sequence.
    KTNotes Features
  • Easy note taking of text and equations, with mathematical and greek formatting and symbols right on the main keyboard.
  • Freeform diagrams, along with linear and logarithmic graphing support included.
  • Support for recording and playback using the Kindle Touch mic, via calls to ffmpeg and mplayer (not provided).
  • Easy syn cing, exporting, and printing of notes, with the JNotesDock application.
  • Complete UTF-16 support for those special characters not (?) included (?) on the main keyboard.
  • Integration with the native Kindle environment for seemless program startup, saving, and loading.

  • Download:Click Here

    Saturday, 14 June 2014

    JMatIO - Matlab's MAT-file I-O in JAVA download

    JMatIO - Matlab's MAT-file I/O in JAVA

    JMatIO - Matlab's MAT-file I/O in JAVA Description
    Matlab's MAT-file I/O API in JAVA. Supports Matlab 5 MAT-flie format reading and writing. Written in pure JAVA.
    JMatIO - Matlab's MAT-file I/O in JAVA Features

    Download:Click Here

    JDFW download


    JDFW Description
    A framework for java desktop applications.
    update manager with ant support
    beans gui editor
    JDFW Features

    Download:Click Here

    Friday, 13 June 2014

    iPL-SQL Developer download

    iPL/SQL Developer

    iPL/SQL Developer Description
    iPL/SQL Developer is a reference PL/SQL Developer version of the WEB, according to the pattern all PL/SQL Developer format, can be achieved without the client's database development using JAVA to develop.
    iPL/SQL Developer Features

    Download:Click Here

    Wednesday, 11 June 2014

    Hiper WindowSkin Maker 2.0 download

    Hiper WindowSkin Maker 2.0

    Hiper WindowSkin Maker 2.0 Description
    Crie facilmente WindowSkin para seus jogos, para o RPG Maker XP e VX. Possui uma interface leve.
    Hiper WindowSkin Maker 2.0 Features
  • UPDATE 2013 - New Indonesian Language by Gus Nando
  • New Version Hiper WindowSkin Maker 2.0
  • Support for new languages!!!
  • Version 2011

  • Download:Click Here

    Gnujiko 10.1 download

    Gnujiko 10.1

    Gnujiko 10.1 Description
    Gnujiko �� un software gestionale open-source progettato per la piccola impresa, �� dotato degli strumenti principali per poter creare preventivi e fatture, gestire le anagrafiche clienti e fornitori, controllare le giacenze a magazzino e tanto altro.
    E�� integrata una gestione semplificata della contabilit�� per consultare il Registro IVA acquisti/vendite e le registrazioni di Prima Nota.

    E�� adatto a qualsiasi attivit��, dal commerciante al libero professionista ed �� facilmente integrabile su applicativi gi�� esistenti.
    Gnujiko 10.1 Features

    Download:Click Here

    Monday, 9 June 2014

    Geogit download


    Geogit Description
    Welcome to the GeoGit project, exploring the use of distributed management of spatial data. GeoGit draws inspiration from Git, but adapts its core concepts to handle versioning of geospatial data. Users are able to import raw geospatial data (currently from Shapefiles, PostGIS or SpatiaLite) in to a repository where every change to the data is tracked. These changes can be viewed in a history, reverted to older versions, branched in to sandboxed areas, merged back in, and pushed to remote repositories.
    Geogit Features

    Download:Click Here

    Sunday, 8 June 2014

    FlowDoh download


    FlowDoh Description
    FlowDoh is an NFSEN (nfsen.sourceforge.net) plugin that can...

    * Provide a real-time dashboard of the top-talkers on your network
    * Send email alerts based on network activity thresholds
    * Allow quick drill-down into detailed flow information
    * Record historical values so you can know if the network traffic is normal (Planned feature)

    FlowDoh can be used for multiple purposes:

    * Find hacked servers on your network
    * Identify users who are hogging bandwidth (such as peer-to-peer file-sharing)
    * Create a baseline of network statistics about your servers (planned feature)


    Q: Why is it called FlowDoh?
    A: Because "'Doh!" is what you will say after installing FlowDoh and finding that some of your servers are already hacked.

    Another possible answer is this acronym: Flow-Dashboard-Of-Hogs.
    FlowDoh Features

    Download:Click Here